HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 724, September 17, 1921NO.— 1r h: Commissioners' Proceedings', Cit of Paducah 192-- w g y Commissioner Williams offereA the following motion: I move that an orAinanoe 4 entitleA, "All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIM CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDE"IAL.3 CURBS )11D GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES,. ILiwms, SEDERS AIiD CATCH BASINS OIt TI?E VEST SIDE nance pro- }£ :vlAing'for OF BROAD STREET.,'FROM THE INTERSECTION OF 'FOURTH AIID,BROAD STREETS, TO THE DIVIDING { concrete s1Ae- st walks, etc. :LIRE BETWEEN THE PROPERTY OF LOUIS PETTER AND FRANY. PETTF.R, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH; on W. s1Ae of Y I f Broa• St, from KBIITUCKY, AT THE COST OF T1ir..ABUTTING PROPERTY Ot7NERS, AIiD PROVID13IG THAT SAR13 MAY BE Sntoraeotion { i- :.of 4th & BroaA PAID FOR UPON TT-7,TEN YFA.4 PAYL�.IIT PLAN," be introeuoeA anA lay over. AAopteA upon ¢'j r, to Pettor pro- r�r 'party., First call of.tho roll by the following,,vote:Yeas,Eaton,Eaker, Tully anA Williams, -4; itays ri ReVing. r E . .�o Katterjohn.-?.' ti.i... Mayor Kattorjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the communication _A J:W.Agnew h x oommunloat ion. of Sept. -.12th of J.'17. Agnew be reoelveA anA fileA, anA referreA to Commissioner of relative to , ,+arrest of Jae:. Public Safety. AAopteA upon oall.of the roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Dagley by 4.-? .Walter EnglanA.:Eaker. Tully, i71111ams anA Katterjohn,-.6. c,',policeman. ' On motion the BoarA aAjourneA upon 'call of the roll by b yeas. E�YROTTnD ,fir � `', _ • , .- C:y C4.4 � _ � }:. _ , hi ATO:[, ' ? SEPTEMBER 14th, 1921. t'6 01 6A Meeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in the Commissioners' I^; Chamoer'in the -City Hall, Pa'uoah, Kentucky, on September 14th; 1921; at 10 o'clock A Lt.l i, f Upon call of the roll..tho Tollowing anewereA to tneir names: Commissioners Eaton,Eaker.;j 3' anA Tully,=3..' Mayor Yatzerjohn being absent, Mayor Ire Tem 17.V.Eaton,'presi,1eA. i� Mayor Pro.Tem Eaton stateA reasons sor call', to -wit: To allow an account Aue ' Yanoy & Johnson,.Contrectors, for work'performe-I on Weer BroaAway. Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion:.I move that the report, o= the ' City Engineer with reference to tho•aocount of Yanoy & Jonson, Contraotore, for extra Report City Enginoer rola- work for gutter anA Ariveway in front, of #6 Fire Station y. on Hest BroaAwa be reoeive'A �. � a Live to.-account�. Yanoy & Yohnson �'an' rile A. •AAopteA upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,.Eakor anA extra work on , 11.BIway. Tully, -3• f }: }e Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion: It appearing that there le Ave. t i Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, the Bum of $60.70 for mutter an Arivewny work in Yanoy & Johnson . r t� nlloneA $50.70 front 'f Vo. -5 Fire Station on ;7ect'BroaAway, the dame being extra work anA not in- 1 extra work on �r Y W. B'way �oluAeA in the original contract for the 1 •' g improvement Of concrete Ariveway on HroaAway,.{:'. sf between 17th anA 25th Streets, Imove that the sun of $60.70. be allo anA or AereA S ,r pa1A Yanoy & John,:on anA the -money be appropriateA from the General FunA to pay,enme out of anyfume not other4i3a appropriateA. - AAopteA upon call of the roll by the fol=' 3 F ' lowing vote:•Yeac, Eaton, Eaker anA Tully, -3. t s i A , On motion the BoarA aA ourneA. 1. j upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. `�•• C . { �, r, SEPTI 17TH. 1921. �� I At .a CalloA Meeting A A � � g :of the Boar of OomIDissionore,-hol, in the 0ommissionors Chamber 'In the City Han.',Pa"uoah,. Kentucky, on Septembor,17th,' 19A1; at.10:30 o'clock •I M. Upon call of .the roll.tho:following answoro' to.'thoir namo' Oommisslonors ` 71 A of Eaton,'.Tully. anA`7lillinmo; '3. .iia or YAtter ohn being aboont Mao : ' o ' C1' ti �. } Y g y r lr Tom .V.Laton, i •pree0 Y: to Mayor Pro Torti'Enton,atate,4,'reasoneor can niL To %allow pay rolls, an' 6uoh 1 other bucinoas that might come before.the BoarA.. ! f >• r Y. . o {i-..'3r��i,9�. � .':'- - _ -o' �c+,+;ali�"Y''..�ni ''t•i� 9r `'�i''n`I'�'` �i `i4 iL Y i'�•! T �' '�+�[�*�1, e •I 7-j°f lei S�n",,11'�l'•1'1'4.yr, rF :r ,y, ! > �t,rTrl +'y--�'�ii'! - �: `".�? =�, R -.k y .,�.. Pr. Ali_-.�y� ..:...,t w.,:�....�.w« wr...s�1.i.w'.A,..r.u.w......l..i.•�.c..U.:;�..s..4kLWnl..lw........i=..,a.,- i .l:a... k...:i..4....,�i .• ^clv,•,••q+^?F,!..`^•e^;+,�. f Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah p' O.ommiesioner Eaton offeree the following motion: I move that the Bust of Y66.00' Be Saneere' nurse bill, $66.00 allow- for extra nurse.hire for attention to patrolman EA Saneere, who was injures while. .e4 pale. . in the performanoo of his euty; be allowee one ohargeA to account of Polios ^apart- �' ment. AAoptee upon call of the toll by the following vote: Yana. Eaton,. Tully ane f Ai111ame,-3: - . Oommissioner Tully offoroe the following motion: I move that the accounts, Report Com1r.Finanoe aoom.:nta for first p• amounting to $61:00:81 as per roport of the Oommiasionor.of Public Finanoe fileshare - , half* Soptelibor', :inn. with be allowee an' oreeree pai' ane the money appropriate" from the 0eneral Fungi to '' 'c" pay.eame. Aeoptoe upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully ane lill1ame,-3. Commiseioner-Tully offeroe the following.motion: I movo-that-tho Pay Ro]l for Payrol).Rivorsiee Fospital for !leek : the. meek oneing Sept. '17th-- DEi1.R1R.=T OP PUBLIC PROPi'M. Riverelee ]!capital, h eneing Sopt.17, 1921. $111.25, be allowee an' or'eroe pais an' the money appropriate! from the Oeneral Fane to pay same. A!optee upon call of the roll by the. following. vote: Yeac, Eaton. Tully an' Williams, -3. On notion the Boars nejournee upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. C Ad•'I i / 919 APY(DVFiIl) - av a:n - WA 'ZVOIt. . 3FTMIMER 19TII. 3921. ' At a Rogular Meoting of:the Boars of Commiosionoro, hele in the Commisnioners' 0hambor in tho City Hall, Pa'uoah, Kentucky, on Sojutombor 19th, 1921: Up'o.n call of the roll the follo-.7ing' answeroe to their names: Oommioeioners :,aton, Eakor,'Tully, 1 Williams ane.L:ayor Katterlohn,-5. On,mo.tion of Commlaeioner'Tully the minutes of.tho prnvious:moetings worn? I a6 aeoptoe no roaA upon call of tho roll. by the following vote: Yono, Eaton, Enkor,Ttu).]y, " Williams an' Y.atterl.ohn,-5, .1%yor Y.ntterjohn-offeroe,tho following motion: I movo that the communication'. ,. T. B.Eonnegy commu- 'from '.7. B. YonneAy regareing'error in payment of.taxos for the year 1920, bo.rooeivee- nication rorar.eing� filer ane roforr.oe to the City 4olioitor_,..71th instruotl.one to roport, in writing, on orror in tuxes for 1920. on .the facts an' ].aw re^nrelnF the morits of'oaie claim. A'opto' upon cal] of the roll ' tobacco. ji by the following vote: Yuan, ,?n ton, 3akor, Till 3y.71Illlams an" Y.attnrjohn,'-5. N Mayor Kattorjohn offeree tho. folloiting'motion: I movo that the-affi"avit of Affi'avlt }:.B. ;, g.' Johnnon, of Yanoy £: Johnnon, Oontraotors, rolntivo to the work porformee by Jolincon, of Yanoy 1C Johnoon; them, uneor contract., for the construct lon nn" r000notrvotlon of. Driveways within the in ro:Inner•?ire. Limits.:. Inror-11.1r'o Limt.ts; bo r000ivee an' fi).oe. Aeoptoe upon call of the roll by the follow ing vote: Yeas, 'Eaton'' �:aker, Tully;''."illihmenn' Yattorjohn,-5: u } Ilayor Yatterjohn offeree the following motion:.I move that the report of the :'r;., . �.. Roport'City 2rgr, 01ty :7nrineer'.of tho amount of cement uaee by Yanoy k Johnnon,. in the oonatruot.ion of of oer-.ent uooe by ' Ynn e L Johnson concrete eriveways on the Inner -Piro Zone Stroote. be re.00ivee ane files. In re:Inror-.•1. e .Aeoptoe 's Limits. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ycae, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, 111liamo ons`.,• _ �''•i Yattorjohn,-5. 9 Cornlssioner Tully-offore" the folloatn:; motion: I movo that Aho. City. Solloltor ; Olty Solicitor to be inotruoto" to write !:itoholl. & ^wml-an at Olay. Ky. with roforonoo to, thn• balance ' writo Vitohell G Dunagan, Clay, Yy.' Ills tho City of Faeuoah in coal on thn contract bot---rnon thom ane the City- 'Of' Pa'noah, relative to coal for City pur!)oeon. for furniehing coal. Aeoptoe upon call of the roll buy the fo].'lorring voto: Yeas.., , Eaton; Lrkar, Tully, 'Jilliamn an' Y.attorjohn,- 5. Rol art Oori'r. of Oommiealoner.Tully offoroe thn fo]]owinr- motion: I movo'that the report of Firimioo ahowing 3 apportlohmont, the Oomm:nstorer of Publio Finance showing the npporttonmer.t, the amount expon"ee ane i f o:To.^#I! tiroo ar.e t bnlr-noe3 various. the balances to the oro''it of the various accounts unser the 'elfforent''epartmonts at 4 eopta.