HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 721, September 10, 1921�:��' _ 'w:,w'rY'A^y1 +•ter-..�1 s�,ti'�" , "!• "'Ciyt;`J:L;�'}'.T,. ash FRryz•. hwrp,4a.�!
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Commissioners'. Proceedings, City. of . Paducah 192-?
SEPTF7.03FJh 8TH, 1921.
At a CalleA lieeting of the BoarA of Oommiseloners; helA in the Oommieeionere
Chamber in the City Hall, PaAuoah, Kentucky, on ThureAey, September 8th, 1921, at
E':30 o'clock F. M. Upon call of the roll the following anewereA to their names: .
Oommiesionere Eaker, Tully anA Mayor Katterjohn,-3.
Mayor Katterjohn stateA reasons for call, to -wit: To.instruot Oommiesioner
of Public Finance to Aeliver Street Improvement BonAs for West BroaAway•Improvement -,
to.Yanoy anA Johnson.
c; .
Oommiesioner Tully offereA the follo,vina motion; the Commissioner of
Public Finance be instruoteA to Aeliver to Yanoy & Johnson BonAs unser the Ten Year
Payment Plan for the improvement on "teat BroaAway of Oonorote'Triveway,-from 17th
to 26th Streets inclusive, so 'follows:
BonA #1 Series 0 AUG 110V. 1, 1921........$864.88 "' :.;
BonAe for Ten Year
" 2 " " " " 1 1922 064.88
Payment Plan for
" 3 n " n n 1 1923 054.88
driveway on W.
n 4 n n n n 1 1924 664.87
BroaAway, from -"
b n n n n• 1 1926 864.07
17th to 26th Ste.
a 6 " " " " 1 1926 864.87.
AelivereA to
" 7 " " " " 1 1927 864.87.
Yanoy &,Johnson.
1 1928 864.87
1 1929 664.87
10 n n'`. n n 1 1930 864.87. .
Total of........ $6646.73 .
AAapteA upon call of the roll by the.following vote: Yeaa, Eaker; Tully anA
Katterlohn.-3. .
On motion the Board aAjourneA upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.
AOeple4'�� ILL
WTTE]-TER 10th. 1921.
At a Oa11eA Meeting of the BoarA of Oommiselonere, helA in the Commissioners$
GChamber in the City 'Ila 11, PoAuoah;-Kentucky. on September 10th, 30 19E1, at 11: 010100
A. M. Upon Coll of the roll the following anewereA to their names; Commissioners
Eaton, Eaker, Tully AnA 'Villiamo,-4'. Payor Katterjopn being aboont, Mayor Pro Tem
P1. V. Eaton preeiAed.
Mayor Pro Tem Eaton etateA reasons for call, to -wit; To allow Pay -Roll anA
accounts for weeking`September 10th, ,1921.
a Commissioner Tully offeree the followlnp, motion; .It appearing that o poll '
Fannie Baugh re-
r tax bill for $1.50 was aaaeaeoA to Fannie Baugh on tax bill $194 for the year '
r funAeA $1:50 Poll
,j Tax for 1921 pa1A
^ anA. she having palA same anA not at the time of aseo8ament,a resi4ent of Pa"uoah, I
on tax bill 1194.
move that the sum of $1.60 bo rofunAeA to Fannie Baugh. AAoptoA upon call of the
.:roll by the following vote; Yoaa,.Eaton, Enkor, Tully anA Williams, -4.
Oommiseionor Tully offereA the following motion'; It appearing Ghat n po1T.".:'.•.
Alice Grogan re4-
tax was aeceeaeA to Alice Grogan,anA oollooteA on tax.bill $1240 for the year 1921 .
funAeA $1.60 Poll
Tax for 1921 paiA
r ane she not having been a roolAent of the city at that time anA not entitle A'to pay
on tax bill #1240.
a poll tax, I move that the amof $1.60 be refunAeA to.hes. AAoptej upon call of.'
the roll by the following vote: Youa., Eaton, Eaker, Tully anA .i1illinme,-4.
Oommisalonor Tully offoreA the following motion: It appearing that A. Y.
A.Y.Martin refunA-
CA'taxes paSA for
Martin has been wrongfully aaeesso,A for the ,year 1920 with the following pieces of
1920 on two places
s of property,
pp� property: -
wrongfully access-,
Block Map 1 Page 99...708 South Oth Stroet:....... °440.00.
�. GA.
q Block Vap 2 Page 9..'.10th & MoAison Ste........... ,�3Gb;00, this being a
Rouble aseeesment, he having Aisi)osoA of the property 700 S. 0th St, to Artie Tlannors
anA sa1A Tanner having pa1A tales on Game for the year 1920 on tax bill $4099 anA
6- E�� r+y a -n..,Y tea k �. n_ i �;. ..iii: 2 �:.i. �• ^7 .y .d .} :�[ yir: r..�-, ,k. {
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- ter• ' it
N, �Yi ea
Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192-' t
the property.at 10th &.MaAison Streets having been eolA to John & Beatrice RuAAer anA
they.having paiA the taxes for 1920 on.tax bill #4873, I move that the sum of $19.66
be refunAeA to A. Y. Martin being the amount of the taxes with 10% penaltq as pa1A by,
him'. AAopteA,.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae; 'Eaton, .Eaker, Tully
anA 171111ame,.-4.
Oomini'es oner Tull offereA the followin motion: It a
i Y B appearing.that a Rouble
W.O.Riokman re-,`
assessment has been maAe.on tax bill #2860 where W. C. Rickman was aseeaseA.with pro-
funAeA $11.26
Aouble aeeeee-.. '.party
on Flora Ave.. anA Benton Roa" at4600.00 anA he.having paiA taxes'on.eame for the
ment` Tax Bill .
year 1921 anA he.not,owning this property .but Eviller k Pace being the owners anA it,
having been aeeoee94'to them anA the taxes paiA by them on tax bill #2304, 1 move that:
the. sum of $11.25. -the amount paiA by 171. C. Riokman on this property, be.refunAeA to
him. AAoptoA upon call of -,the roll by the following vote: Yeas,'Eaton. Ecker, Tully
an• Williams m4.
,'.. `.
Cormiseioner .Tully offereA the followingmotion: 'It appearing.that an error 'in
.. Y
assessment having been.maAe on.Lai bill,43763 whore John A. Williams wns aaseeseA with
.. ,j.
John A.Williame
`refunAeA $2.47,
a lot 80_x 126 at Cox anA CeAar Streets 4110.00, anA there being no such property but-
' ebror'in:aeeoea=
one 'lot 6- x 126 on Cleveland Avenue on tho samo.tax bill anA taxes on both aeeeee-'.
monts having been paiA by him, I.move that the sum of $9.47 be refunAeA to sa1A John A.'..•>"
Williams,- AAopteA upon call or the roll by the followingvote-.Yeas. Eaton; Eaker.
Tully anA Williams; -4.
Commissioner Tully offereA the following. motion: I move that the accounts -
Report.'0om'r.of .,
for the weak:onAing Soptomber 10th,. amounting to $2E91.22. as per the report of the
: Finance of. .. •;
Oormniesionor of Public Finanoe fileA herewith, be alloweA anA orAoreA palA•.anA the
: week ening"
soot. 10,
�Mohey appropriateA from the General FnnA to.pay some. AAopteA upon call of the roll
by, the following vote: Yeas. Eaton;'Eakoi, Tully.anA. Williams, -4.
I ;
On motion the.BoOa�rA aAjourneA upon, ball, of the .roll by 4 yeas.
} f ` Y 1
Ad 'lel
cri Ul b
+` tr
SEPTEMBER 127H: 1921s
At.a Regular Meeting of the BoarA of Commiaoioners, helA in the Commissioners.'
Chamber 1n.the.Oity Nall, PaAuoah, Kentucky, on September lEth, 1921. Upon call of the
roll 'the' following answereA,to their names: Commissioners Eaton; Ecker; Tully; Williams
anA Mayor Katterjohn,-b. •+a.
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were
sAopteA as reaA upon wall of the.roll by the following'vote:.Yoae,.b-,ton, Faker, Tully,
Williams anA Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor Y_atterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the oorresponAenoe.
;V ;
inoluAing lettere anA telegrams between F. W..Katteijohn. Moor, anA A1vorA & BurAioi;
`Engineers of Chicago. AateA_as follows: September 12th, 1921; September 6th. 1921. "
relative toa
Sewer Dia.
September 2nA; 1921; August 31st, 1921; Au' et.E9th, 1921; August. 26th,, 1921 anA Auguet
triot #3 Survey,
'` '
24th 1921 w A A
,' which constitute the contract between the City of Pa uoah in .A1vorA & .
!` contract betn..
City of PnAuoe
ur.Riok,"for the survey of Sub -Divisions B. anA C. in Sewer District #3, be.reoelveA
anA Alvor+l &, :::'
fileA anA reoorleA in the Contract Book.., AAopteA .upon 'call of the. roll by the
'.'.following vote Yeae, Eaton, Eaker. Tu11q, Williams an+' Katterjohn,-b:
Mayor.Katterjohn,offereA the following motion,: I move that the petition from
.."Trimbla Street'
"oitisons:r-abiAing on the wdet of,'e of Trimble•Stroet, between 16th.snA 16th Streets..'.'
betn. 16th
16th, citizens
'relative to oonAition of gutters, be reoeiveA an' fileA anA referreA to J: W. Ecker;
petition rola-..
tive to conAi.
0ommieeloner of Public Works,'for. attention;' AAopteA upon oall of the loll by the
tion gutters.
ollowing vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eaker; Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6.
- --
r N.f•a .4�x.:VriNf ;..71
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