HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 718, September 6, 1921:•,::"'•h•y ::.1..• -•�; .t prismC EaCiit a � I/ t j!� I' •N 'S Rl.� M -fes yPl . \ t y; YMS- W r�. tRR'.r Y_r„AW VR•F M'y 5 1� P2>' YL•\,^- , p �?S Commissionera.' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-- r 1 � =FCommissioner Tully.offere4 the following Reynolds Bros: ll!ng motion: Itpappenring that City of ..'. al]owoA. Padnoah is'lnAeb to Reynold Bros: Oontraot)ra. for. intersections on the contract for 9119.67 for �4 ' work porformeA the oonotruotion of concrete ourbe, under oontrnot gutters and on'lOth, 13th'enA 14th streets n 4 4• on 10th, 13th' between•BroaAway and Jefferson streets......' anA 14th Sts. Estimate #13 .... ....... $119:67, same being or. alley on 10th street ...........:....$46.16 1 .1 .:.13th Street .......'......... 68..96 1 �i Intereeotlon.14th &Jefferson Street........... 16.67 „a total of $119.67, I move that { ! Reynold Bros..0ontreotors; be all the. enm of $119.67 and the money appropriated /K ;.. :.:'. from the General FunA'to.p'ay.eame out of 9� money not.other.wlee a' ... ppropriated. Adopted b upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tu11y, and Kntterjohn}4,. Commissioner fully.offere•+ the following motion: It a ppeoring .that the City +' Eaker m 'torri3 of Paducah Is indebted to Eaker tE'storriel=!Contraotore; on the contract for the' allowed 60.30• can - , 5r ' for work per- .etrnoti formed on on of Concrete sidewalks, curbs anA gutters on Bernheim Avenue, between lath and r Bernheim due:, 13th Streeto, ln.the sum of $60.� -� r .30. Eetlmato. .,114, for alle;! in Block. 34, I move that Eaker and storrie, be allowed- 'the sued ofi.g60.30, and. the mono y, appropriated from the General- Fund,.to prq same out of j 1 1 any money not otherwise appropriateA. Adopted upon call of,the roll by the following ` rote= Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4., I On motion the Board aAjourned,upon can. of the by 4 roll yeas. I it1tL A E �'�iO v'g7b F i . � � sEPTE14B]'lt 5th, .1921*. - t At a Regular Meting of the BoarA of Commipsioners, hold in tho Commissioners' 4, r i b Chamer n the City Hall, PaAuoah, Kentuok } y, 'on September 6th, 1921. Upon call of the. roll the following ane* wereA to their 'names: Commissioners. Eaker,. V4.33pt, Williams and.. t f :? Mayor Katterjohn,-O:. ni Commissioner Williams offereA the followin mot io` ' 6 h.�; 1 4ount of today belag 1 11 a..Legal _HollAny, I move that the Regular.lteeting of the'Bopri of�or..miseioners be aA-: t journed,ai_11 2'0'o'look P. 1J. on Tuesday, September 6th92opted upon call of 1 the roll by the followinR vote:,Yeas, Eaker..Williams anA Katterjohn,-S. I A PPROV:EjT s� 4' r ....'cur cru • . , 4 SEPTEMER 6th. 1921: t�T� At an AAjourned Regular )fleeting of the• Board of. Commissioners, held as the sf' y S�. j.- 06mmieoionere' Ohambor in the City Hall,. PaAuoah, Kentuoky, on, September 6th,. 1921, ' +: at 2, o'clock, P. k: on Tuesday. Upon call .of the- roll -the folloviing answered to their .I nataee:.Commiesionere,Eaton, 'Eaker, Tully, Williams and Mayor. Katterjohn,-6. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of'.the previous meetings were a J t y adopted as read upon call; of..the.roll, b$ tha following: vote:.Yeoe, Eaton, Eaker; Tally, 111 (.'i.'i � .: ,.. , �• . ... _ Williams anA Ketterjohn,-6.. . Oommunioation'.Mayor katterjohn offereA the..following motion:. I move that .the oommunlaaLion of brlAgo.Street votore In re Bri++ge Street voters be reoeive� and,filed. AAop.teii upon oall of,the roll by the Street Light.' . , d following vote: Yeae„ Eaton, Eaker,..Tully, Williams mad Katterjohn,-b: ' .,..: '.•. }` Oommunioatione Dra.Aeam.e anA Mayor Katterjohn,'offereA'.the following motion:rI move that -the ooeunhnioationeoL .. {: Isbell in re; City, Patients AAatne and IRS. Isbell, and Report of Paupers .admitted to Riverside Hospital be. re- r RivereLAe Hospit- as Too7 nae,•fi3eA. ^Adopted upon.(oall of the roll by the following vase: Yese, Baton. ; - K .0 w.Iwti.'.": ..t..y ,1.�:.. < ' I .. ?.L a.l" 4..3 :4..:' .. ..- 1 +--••-.• 7. ''•t i ..V' .ibYAi4lM�.PrK•if a 4t1V<.'.:.:: 4:�^'✓i-� ,f:lr..,_ ^u:R .. t" n. •� • Y r.,•-'• �'..i k y. •p f+ - Fiw ,�., H„�..,,_,,7 +, N��• f SL 7. y " - .\ I � � Ap a•vytx �rPE i 1:`t"'Y"-1rr2 ; r/� .+�t m�'s•t"'ry ': t e 1 'S - a .Cr "y.".1, 'n. +r c.. s. �.x ._ i •t;,,. .,.,r ., • t .. ;. .. � .. ��`. �. ,;:. ln,�....p�:'fvp�;tit;�+5r, �>.;n:,r.��. ;•cr.U. r 'I Commissionere' Proceedinge,'City of Paducah Faker, Tully. Williams. and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn offereA-the following motion: I move that the monthly.eeti- Improvement Warrant" ReynolAo Eros. for d� mote furnished by.W. M.' Mitchell, City Engineer, for work performed by RsynolAe Bros.;.. rti , work performed on ? BroaA Street, bean. on BroaA Street, between Fourth anA Sixth Street, be reoelveA end filed, anA the Com- ' 4th anA 6th. Ste.. for $499.46. mlisloner of Public Finanoe be inetruoteA•to issue Improvement Warrant for $499.46, •: .being 65%r of the.work performeA. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following votes. . Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-5. " p p Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the monthly esti-, Improvement Warrant mate, fuirnlsheA by W, M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work performeA by HeynolAe Bros.. . !, Reynolds Bros. for'on work performeA on Fourth Street; between Elizabeth anA BroaA Streets, be reoeiveA anA file A,, anA the 4th St., betn. i Elizabeth anA Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to issue Improvement Warrant for $827,63, { BroaA Ste., for. .$627.63. being 65%.of.the work performeA. AAopteA upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6., .: Mayor.Katter.john offereA the following motion:I move that the monthly esti- -. ^ mate furnieheA b .7; L1. Lfitoholl,.Oit En neer Yor work y y si performeA by Yanoy & }` Imprevsinent Warrant �. .John- +"��r'..,•. .:' Yanoy & Johnson. for work on Monroe � son.,Oontraotors. on Monroe Street, between.SeoonA anA Fourth Streets, anA on Third ' 9t., Detn. 2nd & Street between Jefferson anA Monroe Streets. be reoelveA anA fileA, anA the Commie-" 4th Ste. Inner -Fire^ Limit e.,'for .$5469.36. •.stoner of Yublio Finance be LnetruoteA.to issue Improvement. Wa,.rant for $6469.36, being 65%,of th-) work performeA. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao; Anton, Halter, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6. ; Mayor Atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the monthly esti- Improvement Warrant. ' .. C.'"..'e►t ter john. & . 'mate furnieheA by'performeA or 'Kat p r Engineer. W. M. Mitchell, City Enginr, fowk fA by G. W.ter- ' . Son for :pork per - formeA on 7th St.., .. John &.Son, Contractors, on Seventh Street, between Jackson anA Jones Streets, be both. Jaokoonk Jones'Streete•for reoelveA anA fileA. anA the Commissioner of Public Finance be instruoteA to issue $1484.57. + Improvement ;!arrant for $1484.57, being 66% of the work performeA. AAopteA upon oal1 ' of the Dy '.the following vote.: Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully,Williame anA Katterjohn,-6. - ,' Report Com r. of Commissioner Tull offereA the follows 9 ng motion: I move that the report, of Finance for month. Of August 1921. the Oommiseloner of Public Finance for the month of August be reoelveA anA fileA anA _ orAereA publleheA in the official newspaper. AAopteA upon'oall of the roll by the `- following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6..'•` Commissioner Tully offoreA the following motion: The sum of $37.50 having ++:r`'.•; - ' Cemetery AeeA T. M.L!iller. been pall Into the Treaenry, as evidenooA by the receipt filed herewith, I move that::';!" AeeA be exeouteA to T. Lt. Miller for Lot in Block on the north e1Ae of Ford Street, botwoen Baker & Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemotory.' Adopted upon call of z.,+•'' " the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6: Commiealoner Tully offereA the following motion: The am of $37.50 having i Cemetery Ned been'paiA into the Treasury, ae'evidenooA by the receipt fileA herewith, I move that J. F. Tright. AeeA be exeouteA'to J. F. Wright for Lot 129 in Block #2 on the south eiAe of Hannan i, Street, between Baker & Miller Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the following,vota; Yoas, Eaton. Raker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-5. Oommissionor Eaton offoreA the following motion; .I move that the repor.E of Report Chief of Police for August the Chief of Polido for the month of Auaust.1921 be reooiveA anA fileA, ,AAopteA ' 1921. upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams ani.. ' Katterjohn.-6. Report, Chief of Commissioner Eaton offereA the following.motion: I -move that the report of Fire Dapartnent ;• for August 1921. `• the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of August 1921 be reoelveA anA filed. ' } AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Eaton, Faker, Tully., " Williams anA Katterjo6,-6. - - i �'>',.:: ,�,�c¢,,ti ,F,✓,'',f«� .rf. _ ..;n!"@'uS`fgym',r'i:;!:. ., �`"�-`��7�.'` ;'.H!4. �as:::i�! �`.'r,.•tt :,,, rrrf{. s^n Fu+f'+�,.. 'at���rrr -, w z S. S. Williams an Guy Harris be appointeA'firemen;to fill two'waoanolee osuseA by'resignatione in the. Uuy Harris . employeA as firomen in Fire.. Fire Department, said S. S.,Williams anA Gny Harria.having euooeesfully passeA exami- -•,' �� Dopartme.nt. nation as requireA'by orAinanoe. AAopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: ;•-;,. '... . 7 + Yeas, ,Eaton,' Eaker,•Tull anA Katterjohn -5. y. .. �..c:-__...._,.._.=.m..�...V. .....Wr _....., -..... twat _r...:.e.<.:. . ' ,; .Oommiesioner Eaton offereA the following.motion: I move that J. .M. Slaughter. J.IV:Slauxhter Chief of Fire Ohio f:at the Fire Department'. be authorizeA to attenA the Fire Chiefs' Convention to Commissioners Proceedings;'City_ of Padti a� Commissioner Eaton offerej .the following motion:; iqove thaV% 3; -William, snA w z S. S. Williams an Guy Harris be appointeA'firemen;to fill two'waoanolee osuseA by'resignatione in the. Uuy Harris . employeA as firomen in Fire.. Fire Department, said S. S.,Williams anA Gny Harria.having euooeesfully passeA exami- -•,' �� Dopartme.nt. nation as requireA'by orAinanoe. AAopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: ;•-;,. '... . Williams f Yeas, ,Eaton,' Eaker,•Tull anA Katterjohn -5. y. .. u;r ' ,; .Oommiesioner Eaton offereA the following.motion: I move that J. .M. Slaughter. J.IV:Slauxhter Chief of Fire Ohio f:at the Fire Department'. be authorizeA to attenA the Fire Chiefs' Convention to ° j!• ,•' .�; Dopatt mFto ttonA r attonAFire be holA at. Louisville, Kentuoky, on the 13th; 14th anA 15th of September; 1921, onA }', , Chiefs' Oomvan- tion in Louie- ' trip be charged to the,a000unt of the Fire. Depart- 7. Vi11e,(y..Sept .. 13th, 14th & 16L 'went. .Ari teA on oall of. the roll b the following vote: Yese Eaton. Eaker,.Tully; op � y g � ' Williame'anA Katterjohn.-6. Commissioner Williams offereA the following motion: I move that.the Report of Report FroA.' : FreA English Sexton„Oak Grove Cemeter of intermente for the month of AusL 1921 y.u.' R , .t .'.`:: • .v Fngltuh, Saxton Oa): Grove Oeme- `be reoeiveA anA file A. AAopteA upon pall of the roll by the following vote:'Yeas, tory for' August 1921 of'Intor- Eaton, Eaker,_Tully. Williams anA Katter.john;-5. s �•• • ments. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that a resolution. on- Reeo]utlon'''' titleA,'!'A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO FITTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ALVORD AHD p. authori.zing the '• Mayor to anter BURDIOK, ENGINHIMS..,TO.WE A.'SURVSY AND TO FURNISH SUCH DRAWINGS, .EXHIBITS, MAPS AND r;:^",, �• into oontraat with A1vorA A.' REPORTS A9 MAY BE NECESSARY FOR -THE PRELIMINARY WORK IN COITLETINO THE, THIRD DISTRICT t' eok, eFn T in rSewe.' re: Sewer SEWER AND APPROPRIATING MONEY TO PAY .THEREFOR." btedAAo teA ' e ado P . p upon Dell of the .in Die.triot ¢S. roll by the following vote': Yeas; Eaton, 'Williams anA Katterjohn,-3; Vaye, Eaker anA `= :( Tully, -E. ., . Commissioner Williams offereA the follosing,motion::`I move that an Ordinance d OrAinanoo pro Aotitle;, "AN'.08�tNANCE PRO17I!!II1G FOR THE FLEOTION BY TIT& ,QUALIPIEn ELECTORS OF THE i viA ing foralso' . �.• tion on River- d OITY OF PADUOAH, KENTJOKY,. TO. BE HELD ON THE REGULAR FIr.OTtON !`AY, NO1rZ)JBFR.6th, 1921. Hospital anA $0nA Issue foi'' .. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TO DETERMIIIE THE QUESTION t-WTHi•R TIIE CITY OF PADU- 060,000.00. r OAH SHALL ISSUE AND SELL 'BONDS OF:SAIT) OLTP,, TO ,'aff. EXTENT,OF SI:” THOUSAND (.160,000) r?• r ' c n qv DOLLARS, FOR THS PURPOSE OF MAKING CERTAIN II.-TROV]•2,i7. TS AND TFNSIOIIS TO �. l RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL,, INCLUDING THE PURCHASING AND INSTALLING THF I;EOFSSA.R.Y EQUrrIMIT 1 �" �' ;":; ;•. FOR A CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY; All X-RAY LABORATORY, A LAUNDRY, AND FOR Tff.0 ` ' ,! .INO,AND, : PURPOSE OF IITROVINO AND EQUIPPING THE CONTAGIOUS WARD, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF I3UI1.D- ERECTING SUN PARLORS, AND.FbR THE PURPOSE OF FINISHING AND EQUIPPING THE NEW 1 ¢t ;r. ADDITION TO 11IVzMSIDE HOSPITAL AND. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING /1 1lEW BOILER AND Eli- r :hAAGING AND EXTFI;DI-NG.THFl,BOILER ROOM.,AT"SAID .HOSPITAL,'AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYS 1 ' TIENT OF INTEREST' 011 .SAID, BONDS, AND, TO. CREA- A SINKING. FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF 9AIM." � { ' be ,aAo teA. AAo te'A p p upon. 'the toll vote: Yeae. Eaton. Eaker, } Tully anA Williams 4; Ijaye. Katter John" 1. On motion the'BosrA aAjourn6 upon oall.of the roll by 5 yeas. a? Adeepte4�yy� 19�. '9Pl?ROVni7 n. y. uer cr.i ;, b MAYOR. Cll,.:r•.wfl,.i./�.�,��.�n.l',I L.•...T+.>M R, IIH. �. . .. .f_::l ..hA'). , ai _.. .•e. .. J r .V .. .., — _ r:J� .a.�. . � '� dx: .t�.+.ld.:.cY . tilkv ' _ y, ' .• •rapt., L J...e..a m' v: ate. w„ ar tt. a .• ;b.r.0-Z-777 y, a 777 , i h: