HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 717, September 3, 1921+ s•+�'RyoA Pii,ta. lh,. tA;yf y�"Yt K:' f��:w-�P�l �M•?.7F`•'�,,yj tai rj+a;t .�. • U " ';"' ` "'��'1'� � Qf?'c.Y -2"CI'".. fit Lrr ' Yfl •4•�^wS'm. +:•+t r�..,,hra p` � r z.'ST�.-�rii )j1•e �.: . H-c`ti 2 t 'Rt -s_i ro, - ' .. .' i^�,•.,.r,•iii'70„7�9MFY�4'^;7•'✓,1..IAmS`:N`Y�T.•?z,?:7'7't�Ts'�SL';+'•:1, � .I No. Commissioners' Pr .' Proceedings', City o4 Paducah 192-_ Commissioner,rUll1ams offereA the following motion: I move that Gus Lockwood, contractor. be.alloweA $7,000 „ ae per certificate of WO E; Oore;;Arhhiteot; Gus Lockwood, alloweA $7,000 AoteA August 6th, 1921, for work. Acne anA performaA ano_materialo furnleheA by.asiA—l— for work Aone and performed ati Lockwood, in the oonutruotion of tha extension of RiveralAe Hospital; same beinR the River'aire Hosp. . same being End seoonA payment unAer the teres of his contract anA being oertifioate #2. anAjaalA Payment. certificate be received end filed..Adoptod upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yoga. Eaton; Eaker,.Tully, Wi111amo'anA Katterjohn;-8. On motion the BoarA'aAjourne6 upon call of the roll by'5 yens, Yt as cF.A MAXUkt. v' SEPTEMBER 3rA. 1921. At a called meeting of the Board of Oommiesioner:j, held in the Oomoise•lonera'. t ' Chamber, in the City Hall; PaAuoah, Kentucky, on septtember 3rA,"1921. at 11 o'clock." A. U. Upon call of.the roll the following answered to their named Yoas, OommiBsi'onerp ' Eaton;. Faker, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. ' Unyor Katterjohn stated reason far call of.the meeting, as follows, to-wits" ' For the purpose of allowing the Ttonthly accounts and payroll and such other Dueinese " as might.00mo before the Board. : Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the.?Aayor and City Borrow from Commissioner of Publto r'inanoe be authorieeA to borrow from the City Natlonnl Bnnk, ' City National Bank $20;000; for the use anA benefit of the City of FnAUeah, the oum of $20,000, payable Dotober ' payable October : 31st, 1921. 310t, 1921, pleAging therefor as security the gooA faith and oredit.of the City of PsAuoah anA the taxes to be..00lleoteA Auring the month of October,. AAopted upon call _ r of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully anA Katterjohn,-4. ' Commieaioner.Tully offereA the following motion: "I move that the a000unts Report Com'r..of for the last half of the month of August, amounting:to $22,339.94, as per the report. p„ Finance of eo-. ' counts for the. of the Oor^1nlueloner of. Publio Finance filed herewith, be allowed anA ordered paid and last half of august; 1921. the money appropriateA from the.General Fund to pay same. AAopteA upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas; %atop, Eaker, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. . Commissioner :'ally offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll Payroll and and account for the week ending September 3rd for the following Aop'ortmonts - ? accounts for the F enA,irg Sep Department. of Public Pr oP ertweek allowed. RivorstAe Hospital.y....... .......$113.823rd; Dopartment ofPuD 1o Finance... Interest on note of $20,000 Aue City National Bank October 31st, 1921 .......$193.33. aa.total of $306.66, be allowed anA ordoroA paid anA the money appropriated from the. General FunA. to pay same. AAopteA upon.oull of the roll by the following vote: Yens, °i Forton, Faker, Tully anA Katter john,-4. f It appearing that the City of PnAuoah is inAebtoA to L'nker & Storrie, Oon .Baker k Storrie; Contractors, t-actors, on the oontract .for concrete driveways on 10th, 11th, 12th,. 13th, 14th and allowoA $603.62, work performed 1Gth Streets between.BroaAway anA Jefferson 9troets for alley interoeottono.as follows: on 10th, 11th, i 12th,, 13, 14th anA Eat. # 4 .... 10th Streot ."................$67.62 " 16th Ste. a " 12' .... 11th " .................217.69 " 18 .... 12th " .................101.26 • , " le .... 12th ................. 63.04 . :... " 21 .... 13th ° ................. 63.91, a total of $503.6 2 I •• t 1;ove`thnt Esker a Storrle, 0ontractors, be allow eA"the Stun of $603.62 anA the mopey. ; appropriateA to pay same from the General Fund out of any money not otherwise appro- s priateA. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, i Tully and Katterjohn,-4.%''. - vy,w+t;.r- a _ "' .'eYF"-a,;r„"."'�. •.el':.;.'ry' F ,.,z.•�•_ tri, �, - •..' ' 4 �.. ,,r ..'d+' ' �. ' •r , r . t,. u. ,. � 4 r.�.. %tri^ r *+nv EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA " from she Oenera].Pun7 to ,pay. same out of any money not.otherwlee approprlateA. AAopteA. ' ~ 'p. Ir+, Y 'K""" R q , MM nal Yt ✓, WF Y ,i". ^.'1 W Kf.. •l:, P 1� t� ~ h"+ 7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•, any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin Cotmniesioner Tully.offere^ the following motion: It appearing .that the City votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4.. •S f_1 t•H �t�t1l On motion tho,Board aA corned. j upon oall.of the roll by 4 9. r yvrr ✓ V yeas. Faker & $'torri n11o,.weA $60.30' of PaAuoah ie inAebted to Eaker .& Storrier Contractors; on the contract for' the'oon-' for work per- ..struotion forme? on of Oonorete a CommissionersProceedings, City 'of Paducah 192-- ` Z Y t F 0111 Cl -b • , $ MAYO Reyno]Ae.Bros. "•a;Commissioner.Tullq.offers,, the following motion: It -appearing that.the City of $119.67, $119.67 for " pn7nosh is inAet,ted to ReynolA Broe: Contract;re, for. intersections on the contract for At a Regular Ifeeting of the BoarA'of Commi0sioners, holA in the Commissioners'' ` r3 'Ohainbor in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,:on September 6th, 1921. Upon cell of the.i work porformeA unAer contract _the construction of concrete curbs, gutters anA.Ariveways on 10th, 13th anA.'14th`etreeLe, . ..• ; .f ;+ on 10th; 13th'' between -Broadway anA Jefferson Streets:'.....' - Is -' ;.Commiesioner Williams offereA the following mot.oc i yunt of toAay being � J s i an A 14th Ste. A$ q -Legal Holiy, I move that the Regular.Meeting of Lhe:Bopr,T ofor..mieelonere be s: .''.. t' Estimate #13 ... .......` $119:67, same n s' t . "I being for alley on 10th Street ... . ' A PPROV:H]D ............$46.18 13th Street ................ 68..96 h#A i Intersecti.on.l4th &Jefferson Streot...........'16.67 „a total of $119.67,'I move that .. ..At an'AAjourned Regular Meeting of the,BocrA of Commissioners', helA.in the {� Oommieoionere'.Ohambor in the Oity Hall,•Paduoah,.Ken:tuoky, on,September 6th',. 1921,. 1 at 2.a clock, P.: b. on TueeAay. Upon oall.of the roll the follogiing anewereA to their l 1 Reyn01A Bros..0ontraotore; be alloweA the sum of $119.67 anA the money aprropriate7 L Bernheim.Avo:,• 13th Streeto, in the ovm of $60.30. EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA " from she Oenera].Pun7 to ,pay. same out of any money not.otherwlee approprlateA. AAopteA. ' ~ upon.oall of the roll by the following votei Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully. eM Kntterjohn�4! 7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•, any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin Cotmniesioner Tully.offere^ the following motion: It appearing .that the City votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4.. On motion tho,Board aA corned. j upon oall.of the roll by 4 9. r yeas. Faker & $'torri n11o,.weA $60.30' of PaAuoah ie inAebted to Eaker .& Storrier Contractors; on the contract for' the'oon-' for work per- ..struotion forme? on of Oonorete sidewalks, curbs anA gutters on Bernheim Avenue, between 18th anA Z Y t F Bernheim.Avo:,• 13th Streeto, in the ovm of $60.30. EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA " the eurd of:t60.W, anA. the moneq appropriated from the General ~ FunA ,to pry same. out of 7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•, any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4.. On motion tho,Board aA corned. j upon oall.of the roll by 4 9. r yeas. , P�L0 vlilD Z Y t F 0111 Cl -b • , $ MAYO SEPTE1nBYa 5th, .1921. Ir At a Regular Ifeeting of the BoarA'of Commi0sioners, holA in the Commissioners'' ' 'Ohainbor in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,:on September 6th, 1921. Upon cell of the.i ° roll the following anowereA to'their 'names: Commieelonera Eaker,.TA.30M Williams anA.. .f .Magor Kattor john,:. ' 1 - Is -' ;.Commiesioner Williams offereA the following mot.oc i yunt of toAay being � J s A$ q -Legal Holiy, I move that the Regular.Meeting of Lhe:Bopr,T ofor..mieelonere be s: journoA.'.ti_]1 2 O'o'lock P. M. on'TuosAay, September 6•th,�1921. 11/4iopteA upon call of t' > .. the'roll'by the following vote:Yens,`Eaker,32�m00Williams end Kntterjohn,-S. t . - A PPROV:H]D h#A . SEPTEI.SBER . 6th' 1921: t' ..At an'AAjourned Regular Meeting of the,BocrA of Commissioners', helA.in the {� Oommieoionere'.Ohambor in the Oity Hall,•Paduoah,.Ken:tuoky, on,September 6th',. 1921,. at 2.a clock, P.: b. on TueeAay. Upon oall.of the roll the follogiing anewereA to their l 1 L nataee:.Oommiesioner6 Faton; Eaker, Tully, Williams anA Mayor Katter�ohn 1 ;s y``v' On motion or Commissioner Tilly the minutes of .the previous meetings were J j r 1., .'a�opteA is reaA upon oall: of..the. roll. by the following: vote:. Yese, Eaton, `Faker, Tully, ` Williams anA' Katterjohn,-6.. . A. Oommunication •.:�?:'• Magor Katterjohn'offereR the..following motion:.I move that .the communication of t. 9troeL 7 ..bri7go. voters in re -• BriAge,Street voters be reoeiveA anA,fileA. AAopteA upon call of.the roll by the Street Light.' ' following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,..Tu11y, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6. • Oommunioatione i Ihe.AAa7oe anA Moroi Katterjohn, .the offered following motion:, I move that the .00imnunioaLioreoL (' : .Ioball in re: City Patients ”1 �� AAame anA Dr. Iebell, anA Report of Paupers aAmltteA.to Riverei7e Hospital be.re- RiverelAe Hoepi - r `i nl oeiveA gnA,illeA '.AAopteA upon call of .the -roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, f � f '>,:J+is,."IJ'w'.w J-•..y..,.'.�,Y'. a."'• l,w}. e1 .. •'.y ..L 4...J .if.. . .. 5 -:L.•.. .�it.a•a. .. .. .. � .... ...'f �.. T. r