HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 717, September 3, 1921+
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Commissioners' Pr .'
Proceedings', City o4 Paducah 192-_
Commissioner,rUll1ams offereA the following motion: I move that Gus
Lockwood, contractor. be.alloweA $7,000 „ ae per certificate of WO E; Oore;;Arhhiteot;
Gus Lockwood,
alloweA $7,000
AoteA August 6th, 1921, for work. Acne anA performaA ano_materialo furnleheA by.asiA—l—
for work Aone
and performed ati
Lockwood, in the oonutruotion of tha extension of RiveralAe Hospital; same beinR the
River'aire Hosp.
same being End
seoonA payment unAer the teres of his contract anA being oertifioate #2. anAjaalA
certificate be received end filed..Adoptod upon call of the roll by, the following
vote: Yoga. Eaton; Eaker,.Tully, Wi111amo'anA Katterjohn;-8.
On motion the BoarA'aAjourne6 upon call of the roll by'5 yens,
as cF.A MAXUkt.
SEPTEMBER 3rA. 1921.
At a called meeting of the Board of Oommiesioner:j, held in the Oomoise•lonera'.
Chamber, in the City Hall; PaAuoah, Kentucky, on septtember 3rA,"1921. at 11 o'clock."
A. U. Upon call of.the roll the following answered to their named Yoas, OommiBsi'onerp
Eaton;. Faker, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. '
Unyor Katterjohn stated reason far call of.the meeting, as follows, to-wits"
For the purpose of allowing the Ttonthly accounts and payroll and such other Dueinese
as might.00mo before the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the.?Aayor and
City Borrow from
Commissioner of Publto r'inanoe be authorieeA to borrow from the City Natlonnl Bnnk, '
City National
Bank $20;000;
for the use anA benefit of the City of FnAUeah, the oum of $20,000, payable Dotober
payable October
: 31st, 1921.
310t, 1921, pleAging therefor as security the gooA faith and oredit.of the City of
PsAuoah anA the taxes to be..00lleoteA Auring the month of October,. AAopted upon call
of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully anA Katterjohn,-4.
Commieaioner.Tully offereA the following motion: "I move that the a000unts
Report Com'r..of
for the last half of the month of August, amounting:to $22,339.94, as per the report.
Finance of eo-.
counts for the.
of the Oor^1nlueloner of. Publio Finance filed herewith, be allowed anA ordered paid and
last half of
august; 1921.
the money appropriateA from the.General Fund to pay same. AAopteA upon call of tho
roll by the following vote: Yeas; %atop, Eaker, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. .
Commissioner :'ally offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll
Payroll and
and account for the week ending September 3rd for the following Aop'ortmonts -
? accounts for the
enA,irg Sep
Department. of Public Pr oP
RivorstAe Hospital.y.......
Dopartment ofPuD 1o Finance...
Interest on note of $20,000 Aue City National Bank October 31st, 1921 .......$193.33.
of $306.66, be allowed anA ordoroA paid anA the money appropriated from the.
General FunA. to pay same. AAopteA upon.oull of the roll by the following vote: Yens,
Forton, Faker, Tully anA Katter john,-4.
It appearing that the City of PnAuoah is inAebtoA to L'nker & Storrie, Oon
.Baker k Storrie;
t-actors, on the oontract .for concrete driveways on 10th, 11th, 12th,. 13th, 14th and
allowoA $603.62,
work performed
1Gth Streets between.BroaAway anA Jefferson 9troets for alley interoeottono.as follows:
on 10th, 11th,
12th,, 13, 14th anA
Eat. # 4 .... 10th Streot ."................$67.62
" 16th Ste.
a " 12' .... 11th " .................217.69
" 18 .... 12th " .................101.26
" le .... 12th ................. 63.04 .
" 21 .... 13th ° ................. 63.91, a total of $503.6 2 I ••
1;ove`thnt Esker a Storrle, 0ontractors, be allow eA"the Stun of $603.62 anA the mopey.
appropriateA to pay same from the General Fund out of any money not otherwise appro-
priateA. AAopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,
Tully and Katterjohn,-4.%''.
- vy,w+t;.r- a _ "' .'eYF"-a,;r„"."'�. •.el':.;.'ry' F ,.,z.•�•_ tri, �, - •..' ' 4 �..
,,r ..'d+' ' �. ' •r , r . t,. u. ,. � 4 r.�..
%tri^ r *+nv
EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA
from she Oenera].Pun7
to ,pay. same out of any money not.otherwlee approprlateA. AAopteA.
Ir+, Y 'K""" R q , MM nal Yt ✓, WF Y ,i". ^.'1 W Kf.. •l:, P 1� t� ~ h"+
7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•,
any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g
y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin
Tully.offere^ the following motion: It appearing .that the City
votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4..
•S f_1 t•H
On motion tho,Board aA corned.
j upon oall.of the roll by 4
yvrr ✓ V
Faker & $'torri
n11o,.weA $60.30'
of PaAuoah ie inAebted to Eaker .& Storrier Contractors; on the contract for' the'oon-'
for work per- ..struotion
forme? on
of Oonorete
a CommissionersProceedings, City 'of Paducah 192--
Z Y t F
0111 Cl -b •
"•a;Commissioner.Tullq.offers,, the following motion: It -appearing that.the City of
$119.67 for "
pn7nosh is inAet,ted to ReynolA Broe: Contract;re, for. intersections on the contract for
At a Regular Ifeeting of the BoarA'of Commi0sioners, holA in the Commissioners''
'Ohainbor in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,:on September 6th, 1921. Upon cell of the.i
work porformeA
unAer contract
_the construction of concrete curbs, gutters anA.Ariveways on 10th, 13th anA.'14th`etreeLe,
;+ on 10th; 13th''
between -Broadway anA Jefferson Streets:'.....'
-' ;.Commiesioner Williams offereA the following mot.oc i yunt of toAay being
J s
i an A 14th Ste.
q -Legal Holiy, I move that the Regular.Meeting of Lhe:Bopr,T ofor..mieelonere be
Estimate #13 ... .......` $119:67, same
t .
being for alley on 10th Street ... .
13th Street ................ 68..96
Intersecti.on.l4th &Jefferson Streot...........'16.67 „a total of $119.67,'I move that
..At an'AAjourned Regular Meeting of the,BocrA of Commissioners', helA.in the
Oommieoionere'.Ohambor in the Oity Hall,•Paduoah,.Ken:tuoky, on,September 6th',. 1921,.
at 2.a clock, P.: b. on TueeAay. Upon oall.of the roll the follogiing anewereA to their
l 1
Reyn01A Bros..0ontraotore; be alloweA the sum of $119.67 anA the money aprropriate7
13th Streeto, in the ovm of $60.30.
EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA
from she Oenera].Pun7
to ,pay. same out of any money not.otherwlee approprlateA. AAopteA.
upon.oall of the roll
by the following votei Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully. eM Kntterjohn�4!
7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•,
any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g
y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin
Tully.offere^ the following motion: It appearing .that the City
votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4..
On motion tho,Board aA corned.
j upon oall.of the roll by 4
Faker & $'torri
n11o,.weA $60.30'
of PaAuoah ie inAebted to Eaker .& Storrier Contractors; on the contract for' the'oon-'
for work per- ..struotion
forme? on
of Oonorete
sidewalks, curbs anA gutters on Bernheim Avenue, between 18th anA
Z Y t F
13th Streeto, in the ovm of $60.30.
EoLimaio, X14, for alley In Block 34, I move that Faker and 9torr e, be alloweA
the eurd of:t60.W, anA. the moneq appropriated from the General
FunA ,to pry same. out of
7` tr ,� s; ,'*� '„•,
any incus not'.othePwiee'n Y g
y ppropriateA. AAopteA upon call of,the'roll b the follovin
votei•Yeae, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully.anA Katterjohn,-4..
On motion tho,Board aA corned.
j upon oall.of the roll by 4
P�L0 vlilD
Z Y t F
0111 Cl -b •
SEPTE1nBYa 5th, .1921.
At a Regular Ifeeting of the BoarA'of Commi0sioners, holA in the Commissioners''
'Ohainbor in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,:on September 6th, 1921. Upon cell of the.i
roll the following anowereA to'their 'names: Commieelonera Eaker,.TA.30M Williams anA..
.Magor Kattor john,:. '
-' ;.Commiesioner Williams offereA the following mot.oc i yunt of toAay being
J s
q -Legal Holiy, I move that the Regular.Meeting of Lhe:Bopr,T ofor..mieelonere be
journoA.'.ti_]1 2 O'o'lock P. M. on'TuosAay, September 6•th,�1921. 11/4iopteA upon call of
> ..
the'roll'by the following vote:Yens,`Eaker,32�m00Williams end Kntterjohn,-S.
t .
SEPTEI.SBER . 6th' 1921:
..At an'AAjourned Regular Meeting of the,BocrA of Commissioners', helA.in the
Oommieoionere'.Ohambor in the Oity Hall,•Paduoah,.Ken:tuoky, on,September 6th',. 1921,.
at 2.a clock, P.: b. on TueeAay. Upon oall.of the roll the follogiing anewereA to their
l 1
nataee:.Oommiesioner6 Faton; Eaker, Tully, Williams anA Mayor Katter�ohn
;s y``v'
On motion or Commissioner Tilly the minutes of .the previous meetings were
r 1.,
.'a�opteA is reaA upon oall: of..the. roll. by the following: vote:. Yese, Eaton, `Faker, Tully,
Williams anA' Katterjohn,-6.. .
A. Oommunication
•.:�?:'• Magor Katterjohn'offereR the..following motion:.I move that .the communication of
t. 9troeL
voters in re -•
BriAge,Street voters be reoeiveA anA,fileA. AAopteA upon call of.the roll by the
Street Light.' '
following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,..Tu11y, Williams anA Katterjohn,-6.
• Oommunioatione
i Ihe.AAa7oe anA
Moroi Katterjohn, .the
offered following motion:, I move that the .00imnunioaLioreoL
(' :
.Ioball in re:
City Patients
�� AAame anA Dr. Iebell, anA Report of Paupers aAmltteA.to Riverei7e Hospital be.re-
RiverelAe Hoepi
`i nl
oeiveA gnA,illeA '.AAopteA upon call of .the -roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,
f '>,:J+is,."IJ'w'.w J-•..y..,.'.�,Y'.
l,w}. e1 .. •'.y ..L 4...J .if.. . .. 5 -:L.•.. .�it.a•a. .. .. .. � .... ...'f �.. T.