HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 716, August 31, 1921; 7R{ 7 P Lt rc Ar a+ ♦V ......------yyyy' •�._ _ 7+.��u.L�+.,�,w.w--+.�1. I+...},'*'",1^:'i��`rt[�r7.M�•"r'N-6Ty'{. .• '-illi - .. Na Commissioners Proceedings, .City. of Paducah 192_- 4 AUGUST. 3let, 1921. At a Callea Meeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in th Commissioners ;r Chamber, ,in the City Hall, PaAuoah;'d%e*tuoky, August. 3lst; 1921;•..at 11 ocolook A: M. Upon oall of the roll the following aneorsA.to their naives: Commissioners. Eaton, Baker, I ;.� Tully, anis Williams, .and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. s liayor Katterjolm stated reason for call of'.the.meeting, ne follows, to -wit � For the � .•.�. ','-;.,, >,•,t;,�., purpose of.reoeiving work on Bernheim Avenue, between twelfth and. Thirteenth Ste •°'t and suoh other business an might .00me before the Board'. , May or Kattorjohn offereA the, following motion: Eaker'b Storrie, Con traotore•,,having.finieheA the. oonetruotion of oonorete alAewalke, ourb anA gutters, and. -' ., all. neekois> ,q manholes, intakes, sewers, anA oatoh basins, on both sines of Bernheim' .cork on Bernheim Ave.', Avenue, from ,the Jost eine of North 'Twelfth Street to the'Eadt aide of Thirteenth Street•.'.,• v from 12th to 13th St.; per -';at the-Interaeotion.of Burnett Street, inoluAing all intoreeotlone, in the City of for.msA, by Baker 000 S pted and prrie, Oont,Pnduonh Kent oky. anA having oomplisA in all reopeots with eoo�the Ordinanoe ado taw and I . ' approveA. authorizing sa1A Lmproveeants an' having oomplloA in all respeote with the Lerma of the 7 �1,•y. oontraot entereA Lnto.by.anA between ouiA Contraotore anA the City of PaRUdah, end having t .. a ;rr oomvl­pleteA eame'a000rAing to the plane anA speoifioatione eAopteA for;saIA work anA. no <r 7 oomx-lainte having boon fileA protesting against saLP'work. I now move that saiA.improve- �. meats be.aaoepteA and approved. AAopteA.upon 'oall.of the roll by the following vote:Yeae, t�• atom. Enker, Tully, i9111iame and Katterjohn,-b. Mayor.Katterjohn offereA the following.motion: I move that the estimates r Eotiv:atea furnished by -W. M. Baker anA Mitchell, City Engineer, for work Anne anA per:ormeA Dy i.furnIshoA.bq I ; '•` "Otty Engineer .'Storrle,.Contraotore, by constructing oonorete ciAewalks, ourbs anA,quttere, and all `^1 for work on �..: .. , Bornholm Ave,; neoesnary manholec, intakes; sewers and oatoh basins, on both side of.Bernheim Avenue .) rirom.the West aide of North .Twelfth Street to the East alAo of Thirteenth Street, at the :�• •i: .. 41 intereeotion.of Burnett Street inoluAin all interseotione, be•reooived, filed anA 1` ' g son- {' firmeA. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. En ton..Eakor,.T##lly, 4 Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 'i•'. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: S move that the Final Estimate ,nl a ',`c`'•. furnished by, W. M Mitohell, City Engineer. for work Anne anA porformeA by Baker k Stoarie., ,. , Finch Estizuste :,. for. work on Oontruatora; for the oonetruotion of •oonorete aidewnika, ourbe anA gutters. and all.neo- I. ` Bernheim.Ave.,. 7, 0000ary munholen, intakes, sewers anA ootoh basins, on both aides of Bornhe}n1 Avenue, from r. Ehe .lent aide :of North Twelfth Street to ,the East siAs. of Thirteenth', Street, at the Inter`- q Fsnotion of Burnett Street, inoluAing-all intovaeotione, be reoeiveA; filed anA confirmed. r1 ' :•A"t;;,.;<'.,,,,,, yAoptoA upon _onll of the roll by the following vote: Yeau, Ento , Eakmf,Tully, ;fillieme C1nA Kut' f Mayor Kat ter john offereA the following.motion: I move than an OrAinanoe "Ali 01;M1LiNCS ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 'ON BOTH SIDES OF:BFR17} Ill AYEtIUE, is Aaoosnmont OrA.lb'ROM"THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREFT TO THE FAST SIDE OF THIRTEENTH STREET, AT -THE � for proportyv {' on Hornhoim AvoI4TERSEOTI014 OF BURNETT STRF.3T, INOLUI)ING All INTERSFOTIONS, IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH, from leth to. ' 13th. boing , .NTUOY.Y, THE ,;UM OF $2.026 PER ABU*ING FOOT FOR TILE COST OF CONSTRUCTING 001ICRETF ' 1 �2.OE6 par .x abuttirng foot.,' SIDEWALKS, OURBS AND GUTTERSVi ANI? ALL NF:OESSA.Ry. 1,L'.11HOjm, I11TAY.ES, SFWF:S, OATCH BASINS t k ND DRIYEIVAYS THFZIEON, hS.SHOWII BY THE Ei1GINF:ERS ESTIE.}.;TF,.EXOF.PT TWT.PORTTON TO BY TAID `r ; r , •: r.FOR: BY THE OITY OF PADUOAH; A14D PROVIDINb 14a' T- SAID ASSESSIZNT MADE BE P ;ID IN TBII ?(.'UAL CNSTALI,MF:IITS,.BEING,OIIF. zAOH YF.AR,FOR A,PERIOD OF TEN YEARS."-beaAopteA.'.AAopted upon �nli.of the roll bq the following go.te:;Yeaai,8aton, Eager, Tnlly'•Wi111ama.anA Katter John, -6. �. • q i a' J i i. :Y �'.• i,i bi a w, C4- .c '• '.,. , t t �. a ajrt�t +, , `ti=2:J.�sp.r.':::yskr,�i: :.i •Ss.,-i.,:�.i.s. _ .. s .. ... �.r.:.•:_a n2f<.•::-u � . y..• - ud.-, ��r, e- . , . ti•' -RTMI�.." _ - - - - r�+:RN', .'A AX. ?: i'�titn}:'J•..•.,•'�.. q +� rd� !,�,� KP;'•,A.�.f�.,.. 71 �+1. ''a:.�.�.d.i��'233,,: •_«.�. r� . F'.st-iV�':,�'� t.�•:•Y .rf� ]'�h�.�l„ l.wnl 1,`a,^ N?'. K'S.w,a�Yyl i Hl 1 •^1: ?'t .. . Yy^ " �[- i � �'� 'r .. .. ,. �n.:•'�i'.�. ���''f:"'a?'JN.•P'h'+Ct^}I iFJ �'?'?F.:TC.-�^S%:^"•). r .I Commissioners' .Proceedings;' City of Paducah 192__ 'Commiasioner,Dilliams offereA the following motion: I move that Gus LookwooA, oontraotor.'be.alloweA $7,000 „ as per oortifioate of Wo E; Gore, Arbhiteot� r r" Qua LookwooA, alloweA $7,000 AnteA August 6th, 1981, for work. Aone anA performeA ano,.materialo furnisheA by.osiA , for work Aone anA performeA at, LookwooA, in the oonatruotion ot. the extension of !?iveroiAe Hospital; same be1nR the " RlverniAo Hoop.. y same being RnA seoonA payment unAer the Larne of his oontraol anA being oertifioate #R. anA;,saiA payment. ,• oertifioate be rooeiveA snA filen.. AnoptoA upon oall of the roll by, the following vote: Yeae, Eaton; Eaker, Tully, Williamo'anA Katterjohn;-6. On motion the-BoarA'aejourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yetis. �"t.:a1 .ry lY aQ -4.1;p IM R, c ) V fi; .�� as ts.h MAYOR. SEPTEZER 3rA,'1921. ` At a oalleA meeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in the Oommisoloners'. . ' P Chamber, in the City Hall; PaAuoah, Kentuoky, on September 3rA, 1921, at 11 O'olook: A; U. Upon oall of.the roll the following ennwereA to their names& Yoas, Commigsionera ' Eaton;. Eaker, Tully anA Mayor Katterjohn,=4. �. ., Mayor Katterjohn stateA reason for oall of.the meeting, as follows, to -wit;' For the purpose of allowing the Ltonthly a000unte anA payroll anA suoh other business ` as might.00mo before the Boar A. ' Commiesion6f Tully offereA the following motion-, I move that the.ldayor anA Oity Borrow from Commissioner of Publio rinanoo be aiithorieeA to borrow from the City Nationnl Bnnk, City National Bank $20.000; PPP for the use anA benefit of the City of Panuoah, the num of $20,000, payable Dotober " payable Ootobor 31st, 1921. 31st, 1921, pleAging theref?r as aeourity the goon faith anA oreAit,of the City of i PaAuoah anA the taxes to be.. During the month of Ootober.. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the following.vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully anA Y.atterjohn,-4.' A Commisaioner.'Tully offereA the following motion: 'I move that the a000unte :.' Report Oom'r..of for the last half of the month of August, amounting.to $22,339.94, as per the report. Finanoe of ao-. t oounts for the of the Cor^.miusioner of.Publio Flnanoe filen herewith, be alloweA anA orAereA pain anA last half of August; 1921. the money appropriateA from the -General FunA to pay same. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by 'tho following vote: Yeae*'Saton, Faker, Tully anA Katteirjohn.-4. " r. Commissioner offereA the following motion: I move that the pay -roll c Payroll anA anA n000unt for the week engin September 3rA for the following Ae ortmonts - g. P B P - ' ' a000unte for the F week enAir,g Sept:1 Department. of Publio Proporty.....' ; 3rD ; alloweA. RivoreiAo Hospitalital..............$11362 ' Department of Publio Finanoo . Interest on note of $20,000 nue City National Bank Ootober 31st, 1921 .......$193.33. gggg g a,to,tal of $306.86y'be alloweA anA ordoroA paiA anA the money appropriateA from the. p 4 General FunA, to pay same. AAopteA upon.oall of the roll by the followinR vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully nnA Y.atterjohn,-4. } It appearing that the City of PnAuoah to inAebtoA to canker. & Storrie, Con ;n Eakor h Storrie; Contraotore, traotors, on the oontraot.for oonorete. Arivewaye on 10th, 11th, 12th,. 13th, 14th anA allowoa $603.62, work performeA lG.tb Streets between.BroaAway anA Jefferson Streets for alley interoeottono.as follows: on 10th', 11th, q 12th,. 13, 14th anA Est. # 4 .... 10th Street .............„,,$b7.82 1Gth Ste. y ” 12 .... 11th " .................217.b9 " 16 .... 12th " ..............'...101.26 "10 .... 12th t ...........:.....63.04:,. . • ". .•............... • " E1 .... 13th ' '" 63.81, a total o.f.$603.68, I ,. } dove that Eaker k Storrie, Oontraotors, be alloweA the stun of $603.62 anA the money. appropriateA to pay oame from the General FunA. out of any money not otherwise appro- 'i• printeA. AAopteA upon oall of the roll by the following vatei Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully anA Katt j -4. er ohn, E. 4� n • ' Ir