HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 708, August 20, 1921• '•,; Commissioners' Proceedings' City of Paduoah : After the City has installed neoessary equipment.I agree to take Charge of laboratory and do all laboratory technical work requlreA on the following basis: All work required by physiotano in charge of the city patients in the hospital '. to bo done without'oharge, my remuneration to coma only from private patierta referred ! �.by physioiana. In addition to laboratory'equipment the oity is to furnish chemicals for ,city cases only, mA"to furnieh all chemicals used in private work for which charge is made. I would suggest that it wbCIA be impossible to carry separate stooks of ' chemicals and an arrangement -should be,made covering this point that would be mutually satisfactory. Respectfully submitted; ' . Hazel Meloan,. i Clinical laboratory Technician. On motion the Board adjourned upon.nall Ef the roll byB yeas'.d 1 y , IN r av Ch"A201ti r AUGUST 20th. 19E1.. At a 0a11d1 Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commission Chamber, at the City.Hall, Padaoah �" ,'Ky., at.tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. Upon.ball of'. the roll the following nnsworeA to their names: .Commissioners Eaton; Eaker, Tully,. l Williams and Mn yor latter john. -6. �.•: t �of-allowing Mayor Katterjohn stated reason for call of the .mebting to -wit: For "the purpoeA weekly pay -roll and such other business asmlFht"pome•before the BoarA, Oommieeloner"Tully'OffereA the following motion: "I ;move that the .Pay,rol,l". f'.. mPay-roll for for the.week,ending Auguat ECth, for the•Dopartment.of Pnblio Frorerty, Riverside week ending. Hospital.'smounting.to $104:00 be allowed and orders1 paid ardl the money appropriated" Aug..20, 19E L-. from the General Fund to pay same.' AAo ted p „ upon call of the. roll by the following Votei� �Yeee, `'`` . Eaton, Bak er,,'Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B.. On.Motion the BoarA eAjoianed`upon call of .the roll by 5 yeas. :,. AdeG,FPTLOv city C%w% . AUGUST E2nA,"1921. At a Regular Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners �f Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on August 22nA, 1921, Upon call.of the.roll they following answered to their names: Commissioners EAton',.Eaker, Tully, Williams and. Mayor Katterjohn. I ;�,' �'"• On Motion of Commissioner Tully, the minutes of:.the previous meetings were i•,. adopted as rend upon call of the roll by the following vote.t Yens, Eaton,..Eaker. Tully.; Mayor Katter#ohn offered the following motion: I move that the affidavits of i O.. E. Jennings and Harry Katterjohn, two members of the Board of Supervisors. Acted • "_ 0 "August 22nA, 1921, S relative to the assessment of property belonging to John G Rehkopi be reaelved and filed, and.that'the assessment made`by the Board of Equali2ation. assessing the.propert, of John 0. Rehkopf, located at 20th and Jefferson Streets for. +a...c.� ji the•eum of $15,526. ns' shown by the returns bf the Board of Equalization; when in'truth ani in faoteniA Boar'of Enualisatlon intended to and,AiA assess said propert??.for thea sum of $1.5626.ae is ;i shown by their memorandum on the Block Map of the City of Fadnoah 1 and for the reasons above stated.and on account of, the affidavits filed. herewith, I , Move that Oornissioner.-of x" the Public Finance be instructed to correct said aoeeeemenL •' :� ; ', : so that said property will be, aeseseeA for the sum of $15;525 �.}r', , y y ;r1 as shown on Black Map, anVoolleot Lazes based upon the 'tax rate and on asid.amount 'whiah motion was Auly�. !..•i' eeoonAeA. Thereupon Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: ,I move that , the consideration •'of -the penAing,motion be postponed.until the next "regular mesting p ' and that said pending .motion be referred'.;to the.01ty,3o11aitcr end thsL he make hie ,i r .. . ,i !' . "• 1.]}..y:.ir 1.�4�L1.. ., ..H-...♦ J '........ ,.. -a..v, 1.Y. 4 . �....:...,4 _., l > 4 .. _ �,., ?.:w _...... 1t,4�wa::✓,'Ow,+.i,'a±d.�ti `.+!'A3 - .x .: u. .n.•. ...:+4.�.N,....ys.