HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 707, August 19, 1921I ✓t .rC�:It,-rc� br r!'�•ywKr`� tT-., t t� ct `R J' � 4 �t-(n zti• '+J'1 t `zYs 4 a 1'' L' , •> >: ; • y, ... . - . - A.� twi. . J.R.' ` �' ..-....��... -.�.• .. �"."�••.': '- - _ .. . .... _ _. .. ... ..'. .isr;".^!.�t;;3r,.z..v,,.-„-•R.y.�,w�w,..4 �r..;.,._�r:...�r-�.;-y„^4 r No.- Commissioners'. Proceedin .Commissioners .Proceedin s City of.Paducah AUGUST 19TH, ,19,21. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the 00i6tesionere : Chamber, at the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on August 19th,,1921, at the hour of 11 010100 r A. M. Upon call of the roll the follows _ ng answered to their ncwee, Oommieelonare Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams anti Mayor KatterJohn. Mayor Yatterjohn stated, reason far oa71 of'the'me6ting..to-wit: for the purpose of allowing the pay-rolls for the first-,•half of the month of August, and such other business as might oome.before the Board. M Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rolls Report of for the first half of the month of.August amounting to $6647.24, as per the report Com' of Finano„e for pay.rolle for? . qq of the Commissioner' of Public Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid • -' first half of and the mono a monthnof August. �• Y PProprinteA from the,CeneraI Fund to pay same. Adoptad upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker. Tully. 7171iamo nnA Katter'ohn,-8. Oommieoioner Tully offeroA tho following motion: The following pertf•es having paid the estimates against their property on West Broadway for the oonstruotion,'of d Batt-nates paid i concrete driveway from the East property line of Fountain Avenue, to the Fleet pro on driveway of E. party West Broadway..... 8888. line of 26th street -----. Esta E B. B. Hook. .....................$33.34 5 Katterjohn & BraAehaw ....... } 962.49 6 Dr. J. N. Be Lley...........:.. 714.37 ° r9 Huston McClure ................ 286.7b ” 0e.9.............. 8. 1 .�. r,, ., •. ” A,....... 238.1E 11 Alice B. Linn 12 Hardy and Lula tar 2 18 Mrs. Lizzie Shelton,........... 238.12 E3 F. B. Golightly............... 357.18 :; ., t•t t ” 46 J. Dorsett......... :....... 1190.61 " 47 Thar4y B. Doosett.......... . 238.12 " 66 J. -Harper. ..................... 225.83 " 60 J. P. Year eon................. 238.12, a tatal of $®48.1 , I move that Contractors, Yanoy & Johnson, be allowed the sum of•$4948.17, and the Comniesioner of Public Finance be inatruoted to draw a check against the Special r. Street Fund'to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ,• Eaton; Baker, Tully, 9illiams and Katterjohn,-6. Commiesioner Williams offered the following motiorkT. I move that the Itemised list of chemicals to itemized list of ohemioals to be uaeA in the Clinionl Laboratory at RiverelAe Hospital .' -be used 1n Olin. lab. at Rivoreidebe.reoeiveA, filed and approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following ;y. JRoepital. vote: Yeae, Eaton, Faker,'Tully, Nilliama anA Katterjohn,-6. ' Commissioner Tilliams offered the fallowing motiori:'I move that the eats. Estimates of and Gus Lockwood, Ed D. Hannan, Ilitohell Machine & Eleotrio Co. anti the PaAuOah . y Gus LookwooA, EA a Electric Co., for installing the Clinical Laboratory at Riverside Hoopital,.be reoelve Hannan Litohell Else. 6o and Fadu and fileA and that the Commissioner of Fublio Property be:authorized to onuee the Onh Else. Oo. fOa inuin311nr 071n. h inutallating of uniA laboratory in a000rAnnoo with said propoolt.lon. Adopted upon fab. at R. Hoop. i call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and 8 Katterjohn,-6. Qommiesionor Williams oifored the following motion: I move that the communication and proposition from Hazel Leloan, Clinical Laboratory Technician, be Communioation & proposition from 'received, filed, approved and spread upon the minute book anA.that the l.Lnyor be Hazel I/eloati in re Clinical Lab. empowered and instructed to enter into a oontraot'with the said Hazel ?•.' � authorized.. Technician. i{ i 9 Leloan, in accordance with the sake proposition: AAopteA.upon , all of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterlohn,-8. Paduoah, Y.y. Aurust tenth 1921. : t To the Honorable Layor dt' and BoarA of City Col.,Mlealonare. +' ,.Paduoah, Xentuaky. ( Gentlemen: - { Complying with your request I am *ubmi.tting horewith.n proposition. for operating a clinical laboratory at RiverslAe Hospital.• .tr• i •1.;. � .._ :. ,.... rsr.mt!�'�'�t`.'�eM•'+.t•»•.M.:,'s+•+4�.a#�t•n±rM:m.:w,xr.!?i�.�c}.E!�•r+•!•^.Ff?!�"t7Na'.Ltsv�n.e�rihr�iyyeM.�r,..t;v„•:.tr,«s�c�.1ar9^r�r+w.:6;rdirog;+�,�•'in:�ati'r�t:: • :i y:t.......,• '•; Commissioners' Proceedings; City ofadu g P oh. ,After the City has installed neoessary equipment .I agree to take charge of � •+" laboratory and Ao all laboratory teohnioal work requlreA on the following basis: All work required by physioiano in charge of the city patients in the hospital ' i :, to bo done without charge, my remuneration to come only from private patlertn referred.t �'• by physicians. In eAAition to laboratory'equipment the oity is to furnish chemical: for .city oases only, and to furnish all chemicals used in private work for which oharge is maAe. I would suggest that it wbalA be impossible to carry separate etooke of ' ahemioal.e and an arrangement should be,maAe covering this point that would be mutually satisfactory. Respeotfally submitteA; Hazol itoloan, t Clinical Laboratory Technician.`:' On motion the Board adjourned upon.call Sf the roll byl 6 yens. Ad.• . ZGMT C3.h AVOLti !' AUGUST 20th. 1921., ' s At a Calla. Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionetes Chamber, at the Oity.H611, Padaaah, 1(y:, st:tho hour of 11 o'clock A. M. Upon .hall of . ith.o roll the following answered to their names: .Commissioners Eaton; Eaker, Tully,.- ally,. Williams i7111iams and Mayor Td tier John, 4. t4 Mayor Katterjohn stated resson for call of the .meeting to -wit For the purpoed ' of.allowin g weekly pay. -roll and such other business ae•miahL.game •before the BoarA. ,µ Commieeloner Tully'bifered the following motiont-I,move that the.Pay-roll :, F.. mPay-roll icor for the.week.enAing August 20th for the'Dopartment.of Public Property,'Rivereide tr. . week enAing. Hospital, :mounting to $104.00 be allowed and order:,} paid and the money appropriated '.' Ang..20. 1921. �Yede, from Lha General FuhA'to psy,same.' Adopted upon call of the. roll by the following cotes ' Eaton, Eaker.•Tully, Williatne and Kat ter john, -B. t? r:a ,i' On. Motion the Board Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. d GFPtLO v r' Ad, ;. t KATOAL city C4fh ,' •F . 1' y AUGUST 22nA. 19210 At a Regular Meeting of, the BoarA of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners Chamber, in the City Hall, Pnduoah, Ky. on August 22nd, 1921. Upon oall,of the.roll the xr --following answered to their mmest Commissioners Enton, Raker, Tully, Willtame and, Mayor Katterjohn. a: On Motion of Commissioner Tully, the minutes.of..the-previoan meetings were ',,•,. •, adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following voted Yeas', Eaton,..Enker. Tnllyj' ;, , Mayor-Katterjdohn offered the following motion: I move that the affidavits of „ C.. E. Jennings and Harry Katterjohn, txo members of the Board of Supervisors. Rated ' 9` August 22nd 1991 relative to the assessment of property belonging � � � p p ging to John G: Rehkopi `S be reoeiveA'and filed. and that the assessment made`by the BoarA of Equalization, nsl.. aeseeeing the,propert:.• of John 0. Rehkopi, loosteA at 20th and Jefferson Streets for. -, the•eum of $18,626. as' shown by the returns' bf the Boars of Equalization; when in truth ani in fact said 'BoarA-of Equalisation intended to anA.AlA assess 6aiA property,for, the. sum of $16.696. as to shown by their memorandum on the Block Map of the City of Paducah. '. end for the reasons above stated.and on account of the affiAavtta filed herewith. I , 1, that the Conmieolonef. of Public Finance be inetruoteA to correct said aseessment . so 'that' said property will be. assessed for the $16;628,; •. bs' b a sum of as shown on Bleak may, anA.00lleot foxes based upon the tax rate and on adIA.smount, whioh motion was Auly 5 !': •t" eeoonAeA. Thereupon Commissioner Eaton'oitereA the following motion: I move that; y !. the,00nsideration ;cf_the'p6ntling.motlon be postponed until the next regular meeting l j s . r y. and that. 'onia pending ,motion be referred to the'.Oity 8oliaitbr'anA'thst'he' make hie =r j +.V, -1 I.V.i • •:1k`.,}.fi• ] .-s`q. U-. ...- • ._ ,-J-- .. .n..« .) ..tA: .. r. _ y , _-.✓ .. ,. .,..e ,.. .. 4.� !'. .j • M:' D:/.J . 1.1�+.5.•R'. Jit` • Mj— •x, W .:... w!...A. t i „j Cn' ., .. }.