HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 700, August 6, 1921�'•s' . .t:q'a-. 'r.� Sy'.*A ':Y1+4 , .e ':i+-. •-�" •.7'i'T .A,{f j. .a `'�' .Cl r.'.4 ,W �:,V ..a,.., d y�'Si _•r' '•'Y+t+..
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Cnmmissloners Proceedings, City' .of Paducah
Commissioner Tully -offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor
borrow money and Gomm
iesioner of Public Finance by..authoriseA to borrow, in anticipation of the tax r
from City
Nnt'1 Baai...,.collection, from the Oity National Bank for the use and benefit of the City of PDauceh.
x336 000.00
the eu* of $36,000.00 payable October 26th, pledging as 'security the good faith and , k,
',} ••';• `! ''h " credit of the City of Paducah and the taxes to De-oolleoted Auring the month of October.,.., -
i t Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese. Eaton, Tully, Williams and , f
Cn.motion the Board adjourned upon call dt the -roll by 4 yeas..
Aep e�'`
d� lf eppFi,OVWD '
'Augnet.bth, ,921. r..
At Called Meeting of the Board .of Commiseioneie.;hasld.in the Comicieeloners. r
Chamber;,in the City Rall, Paducah. Ky. on August 6th, 1921,, at 11;30 A. M. Jipon can
3 ' of the. roll the following answered to their names-. Yeas, Eatoa, Baker, Tully. Williams ' f
and Katterjohn,-B: J,
Mayor Katterjohn stated region for oall of the Markting, to accept the
American Lafranas Fire Engine Pumper, and euah other business as might acme before .tds.'.'•',' c
Board. s
Oommleoloner Eaton oirered,the following motions I move that the Contract
for the �urohase of One Tape RO Triple Combination P u
umping, Chemi'oal Engine and Hose
Contract for f
pnrohnea of. Motor Oar, between the American LaFranoa Fire Engine Company and the Bity :of Paducah,'' -
Amorionn La=
exeauied on the 28tn da of March 192I be received and tiled, and that Sala oontraot`
France .Pumper y s+ .
be recorded.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton-; Baker.'
Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance
Ord. apppropri-, �!
' t0 the Ool. i•
Fair,Raoing and OF THF CITY OF PADUCAN KENTUCKY" be.ado ted. Adopted lr�
Athletic Aeso.I H. P p upon cell of lire ro11 by the
following vote, Yeae..Eaton. Baker; Tully, Williams and Katteriohn.-6. �{
Oommiseloner Eaton offered the following motions I move that the Re-
T-. 4�
oommendation of the Fire..Chief au to the services of the nen One Type 10 Triple Com-
,. r;; ...
! bfination Pumpor be reoelved. filed and oonourred.in. Adopted upon ball of the roll
by•:the.following rote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully,*Williame and Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner laton offered the following motion: I move that the One
Com'r of Finan6eType.Triple Combination Pumping Chemical and Roee Motor Car. which has been delivered
°, instruoted to l'
?' iooue check t to tha'Oity of PnAaoah. by the Amerloan larranoe Fire Engine Oomper�y,,•unAer its k•,�
for $1760.00 1 S•�-
Payable to the Contraot With the City; Dearing date of March 28th, 1921, be received and accepted aha l
American la -pi ;!.
�-: Fire Engine Oo3 that the Commieeloner of Public Finance be inetruoted to issue oheok, payable to the
r' American LaFranoe Fire. Engine Company, for $1750.00 in a000raenoe.With esid Contract J+
and that the Mayor execute the City's note for $96o0.00, payable within.six (6) months
i ^.;,.from date .hereof, without .interest, for .the balance of the said purchase price of said
i contract to De charged to the Fire Department Account. Ad 4;
cell of the roll .i,
4•,:• by'the following vote - jean. Eaton; Ecker, Tully; Williams and Katterjohn,-6.. iY
dommisetoncr Tully offered the following motion: '.1 move that the accounts
Roport of Oom' '
Finance for amounting to'$E3E9:00 ae.per the report of the Oommioeioner of Publla.Finanos filed
herewith be allowed and ordered paid and'the'poney appropriated from the General Fund '
to pay Dame. I' i
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-�
G' Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton., Baker, Tully, WiliiaMa'
y and Katterlohn;-6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the.roll by 6, yeas:
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... Gq Cha -_
AUGUST 8th, 1921...
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere.held in the Oommissioners
Ohamber at the Olty hall, on August 8th, Uponfoall of the roll the following answered
to their names. Oommieoioner.e Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williame.and Kntterjohn,-D.
On motiod of Commissioner of Tully, the Minutes of the previous meetings. were
adopted as reaA upon call of the roll.by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully
' Williams and Katterjohn,-5.
Unyor Katterjohn offered the following Motion, I'move that the report of
Report of ti
MoOraoken County MoOraoken County Public Health Nursing Service for the Honth of July, 1921, be receive
I'ubllc Health
Nursing 3ervioe. and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Rakes
Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5.
7• E Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Statement of
Statement. the Oommiseloner of Public Finance showing thea apportionment for' ear. 'the amount
of Com'r PinanoeY pp Y •.
shoving apportion-expended with the balances to the credit of the various accounts under the different'
ment for year.
F departments at the and of. July 31st, be received and filed. ''Adopted upon oall.of the
roll by the following vote, Yeas.* Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;.5.'';
9 gommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of.$50.00 bliving
Dead to been paid into the Treasury,. as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that.''
Mary B.Merri- deed be executed to clary B. Merriweather, for Lot $76, Block $3 on the North side of
• weather for
lot in Oak Ford Street, between Miller and Hank Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. AAopted upon,',
Grove Cemetery
call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and
a Katterjohn,-5.
i & Commissioner Eaton offered the following Motion: I move that the report of
;. Report of. the Chief of Police for the month of July, be received and filed. Adopted upon,oall
Chief of Polios of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker. Tully,Williams and Katterjohn,-
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report:of
Report of. ; the Chief of Fire Department for the month of July be received and filed. 'Adopted
. Chief of Fire
Department f upon oall of the roll by the following lots: Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully,Williams and
Commissioner .Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report,-,,'
Report of ..of W. E. Gore, Architect, dated Aug 6th, 1921, recommending certain changes in the
WYE. Gore ae toy
-wiring at River. eleotrio.wiring at Riverside Hospital and the aAAit.ion thereto be reoeived.anA filed
aide Hoop. p
and that the electric wiring as recommended by the Arohiteot and set.out in his report
of August Gth, be approved and that the Commissioner of Public Property bp authorized
to cause said.addit5.onal wiring to be done at the prides inAioated therein and that
same be charge a..to the Riverside Hospital Account. Afopted upon call of the roll by
following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5.
j Oommisioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the deed
T. H. Poore of ?l. H. Poore and his wife, Nora Poore, dated August 8th. 1921, for lot lying in
-deed to Mrs. L'ery`
t.• Renz. for lot On � Oak Grove Cemetery ahiob is as follows:
Oak Grove Cemetery "Front 20 ft. of South one-half
�y c Lot 452, in Section #4,"' be received, filed and ratified,