HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 70, July 12, 1915Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah, Jn1y it 191
a: -Af a regular.meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Council
Ohamber of the Oity Hall, Oity of Paducah, 8y., on July 1E" 1916, upon call of thei'
j., roll the following answered their names : Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
' .,
Washington m.b.:�
On motion the ainutce of the previous meeting were adopted as read upon.
call of the roll by,tbe following votes Yeas, Burne, Haselip. Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6/',•;.
On motion by Member Marton, that the matter of Bawer District +l be
L referred to the Oommiesioner of Works in regard to the extension of some,,oarrled
upon call of the roll by the following votesYeas,.Burne, Haselip, Marton.'
Wallace and Washington - 6..
that the Board oonanr in the sat of Lbs �"
On motion by Member Burne,'
C%! Committee of.the Whole in regard to a motion passed to extend Thurman street in
Meoheniosburg and that the Commissioner of Worke be requested to survey.the right-'
of -way at once, a that th�,0lty olioitcr may start oondemaation proceedings is
sit the County
' time for trial s^OourL, carried upon oall oY the by the following'.
voter' Yeae, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the 'above 'a trariefor was granted to, F. S. Burton saloon
license from 310 Kentucky Ave. to 1.84 S. 4 Street,'upon call of the roll by the
following vote: Yeae,,Burne; Hnselip. Marton Wallace and Washington 6. ?:
On motion by Member Washington,.transfer.of 'a saloon license from J• L. ( i
Potter to Will T. Miller, action was deferred until the next meeting, ,carried upon;'
call of the roll by the following vote's'. Yeas, Berne, Haselip., Mnrton,.Wnlleoe (•'
and Washington 6. I•'' ,
� pp
On motion by Member Marton, that Street Donde number 64 and 66, issued
August let, 1914, and due August let,.1934, be deetroyed.before thio.Board at this!
meeting - these bonds were"purchased at,95jV from the James Willson Company of
Louisville, Ky.._ the above were burned before.the Board of Oommieaionere at this
.meeting by the City Olerk; carried upon call of ,the roll by the following vote t
Yeso,Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Weehington - 6:
On motion by Member Wallace, That Lot 4E in-Blook.Ho. 44 is Oak Grove l ^t4
Cemetery be transferred to A. Butler and R. 0. Jones. as per written request of
G'! W'. R. Jones the resent owner - carried 'upon call of the roll b the following
. Py
i vote: iYese. Burne,Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
�/�w�ccca On motion by Member Marton, 4260.00 was allowed to the Paduoah.Conoert
Band out of the General Contingent Pund,in monthly installments, -for free concerts,
w non call of the roll by the follows vote: Tess Burne Haselip, Marton
Wallace and Washington 6. •
(., �j9fHto-.f On motion by Member Washington, that a nuisance complained of by Jae., !'
McLaughlin on the property of J..W. Little be referred to the•.Board of Health, 1'..
with instructions to have the auisanoe abated, carried upon oall of the roll by the 1
following vote: Yeae, Burne, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington --6. �•
{ On motion by:Lhe above -the pay roll of. the. Street Department for the week
c' ends Sat. Jul 10th 1916' amounting
,. ng y . .'to $1E3.80, not .covered by ordinance and paid
' by cash ordinance -.also the payroll for the repairing of bitulitbio streets far the
week ends Sat. Jul 10 1916' amounts to 118.40 - were received and filed upon.
�'• �• ng Y .. . amounting i . p
` oall ofthe roil by the. following Totes Yeae, Baine, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and '
Washington - 6. sr.
On motion the Hoard adjourned.upon call of the roll D th'e following votes. ><,
( ;,�{ C�q, Burne, Haselip, Merlon, Wallace and Washington • 6��> Y. r
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