HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 7, January 11, 1915I' +rte 5�� �3v, t?'{"''°J+ _ ..� �.�y ��.zi �t�Y4' ,i : r1 � � y. c „�};y.,f, ,� �.•t ,- y� "3,. . •
Commissioner's Proceedings City of Paducah 191
j, AL an adjourned mooting of the Hourd'of Commiasionors, held in the Ocunoll
!!Chamber, in the'.Counoll Chamber. 1n the Cit}:.Hall, in the City of Baduoah Ky.,
14anuary lith 1916, Upon Gall of the roll tho:following anewerod to their numoe;
I, Mayor Hazelip. Burns. Marton. •C'allice and Ylushington. 46)•
On motion.by Mayor. Hazelip, the City Solloitor *us inetruoted to draw an
� J
Iamendmant to the ordinanoe providing for tuberculin Leet osoh your so that-0attleV
�Inow tested w111 not be aubjeot to -further teat and that all"Oattle in the Herd
fare hereafter "added to any dairy herd shall be teetod before being admitted to
herd,upon Gall of the roll by the following voto;-Yeae IEuyor. Burns,' binrtoon,
IlWallsoo. and Washington. (6)
i . On motion by member Burne, instruments for the Milk & Heat Inepeotor was
lLs•l sus
referred to the Commieolonor of Publio Afairs, with inatruotion to goL.the
: I
1�ne0ee3ary inatruments, upon oull of the -roll by the following voto;-Yeoe Mayor
Burne, Marton, Wallaoo and Washington.. (6)
On motion by Mayor Hazelip. the Purohaeing Committee-. was instruoted to "
u Store Room for supplies, upon oull of the roll by the: following vote=.
-Yeue Mayor. Burne, Barton, C'allaoo and Washington.•(5)
On motion by member Wullaoe, a request for a refund of John Sheehan for over
, ..` JI
,iaeseeement. omounting.�2.36 same was granted, upon onll of the roil Dy the follow.
ling vote;.Yeae'Mayor. Burne. L'arton, T'ullsoo and Euehington. (6)
On motion by Mayor-Hazelip, the Equitable Surety Company of St Lodis Me$, wue
roleaaod off of the bond of Ed Sandore ezpatrolmun. upon 0611 of tho;roll.by the
"following voto;-Yeas Mayor, Burne, Marton. Walluoo. and rashington. (8)
On motion by the above, the bid of W.B.Owen-on the romodoling of the
and third floors of •the City Hullal,:ounting to 0618.00 be a000pted as the
a •'
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!lowest and beet bid, and acro Do to be oompletod us Boon as poceible, oarried,"upon:"
oall of the roll by the following'vote;-Yeae Mayor. Burne, Marton, Walluoo and
,,-1 r�v +�
On motion by member T'allaoc. thut Mr D.H.Jamoson be employed vs Ins eotor of.
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Otho above work, "at.;`
2% per sent of ooeL, sura oarriad.•npon ocll ofvtho roll by'the'
ifoll%7ing voto;-Yeue Mayor, Burne; Liorton. T'allooe and Washington; (6} - "•
h On motion by Mayor 'Hazelip, tho .Board adjourned. upon Gall of tho roll' by the.f
ifollowing vote;-Yeue Muyor; Burne; Marton, Ualluoe.and T•aoh.ington. (6)
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