HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 7, January 11, 1915I' +rte 5�� �3v, t?'{"''°J+ _ ..� �.�y ��.zi �t�Y4' ,i : r1 � � y. c „�};y.,f, ,� �.•t ,- y� "3,. . • NO.r ♦5 Commissioner's Proceedings City of Paducah 191 j, AL an adjourned mooting of the Hourd'of Commiasionors, held in the Ocunoll !!Chamber, in the'.Counoll Chamber. 1n the Cit}:.Hall, in the City of Baduoah Ky., 14anuary lith 1916, Upon Gall of the roll tho:following anewerod to their numoe; I, Mayor Hazelip. Burns. Marton. •C'allice and Ylushington. 46)• On motion.by Mayor. Hazelip, the City Solloitor *us inetruoted to draw an � J Iamendmant to the ordinanoe providing for tuberculin Leet osoh your so that-0attleV =� ' �Inow tested w111 not be aubjeot to -further teat and that all"Oattle in the Herd + fare hereafter "added to any dairy herd shall be teetod before being admitted to I.the herd,upon Gall of the roll by the following voto;-Yeae IEuyor. Burns,' binrtoon, IlWallsoo. and Washington. (6) i . On motion by member Burne, instruments for the Milk & Heat Inepeotor was lLs•l sus referred to the Commieolonor of Publio Afairs, with inatruotion to goL.the 111111 : I ,me 1�ne0ee3ary inatruments, upon oull of the -roll by the following voto;-Yeoe Mayor . Burne, Marton, Wallaoo and Washington.. (6) yti, On motion by Mayor Hazelip. the Purohaeing Committee-. was instruoted to " u Store Room for supplies, upon oull of the roll by the: following vote=. •provide -Yeue Mayor. Burne, Barton, C'allaoo and Washington.•(5) On motion by member Wullaoe, a request for a refund of John Sheehan for over , ..` JI (/r ,iaeseeement. omounting.�2.36 same was granted, upon onll of the roil Dy the follow. _ ling vote;.Yeae'Mayor. Burne. L'arton, T'ullsoo and Euehington. (6) j�/ On motion by Mayor-Hazelip, the Equitable Surety Company of St Lodis Me$, wue roleaaod off of the bond of Ed Sandore ezpatrolmun. upon 0611 of tho;roll.by the "following voto;-Yeas Mayor, Burne, Marton. Walluoo. and rashington. (8) On motion by the above, the bid of W.B.Owen-on the romodoling of the .. f`B000nd and third floors of •the City Hullal,:ounting to 0618.00 be a000pted as the a •' 1 �.�a�sG�K !lowest and beet bid, and acro Do to be oompletod us Boon as poceible, oarried,"upon:" oall of the roll by the following'vote;-Yeae Mayor. Burne, Marton, Walluoo and T'aehington. ,,-1 r�v +� On motion by member T'allaoc. thut Mr D.H.Jamoson be employed vs Ins eotor of. y' ± ' �y Otho above work, "at.;` 2% per sent of ooeL, sura oarriad.•npon ocll ofvtho roll by'the' ! ifoll%7ing voto;-Yeue Mayor, Burne; Liorton. T'allooe and Washington; (6} - "• " h On motion by Mayor 'Hazelip, tho .Board adjourned. upon Gall of tho roll' by the.f ifollowing vote;-Yeue Muyor; Burne; Marton, Ualluoe.and T•aoh.ington. (6) v 0000 Uiry lilafd• i f r ... i t I•• �,j� :,ti= i + �a-:..Ji.C,;a.. 1.:!,•„vA.�,.. a.�t`A, v x - ...._.�_ .. ..r-..,-. ..�. ....,t., ,a '.,+..mow,.c......-.....,.�...�.r...._a.._r._....._..:a.-..... •.. ..._ ..__..•�.....,.._. .,.. ._ ...