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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 699, August 4, 1921��U r „ -- -' - - 'y¢t•4`9iYt7la'V.u"'r`i , t%�T�'�7� .i� Sa t„�l1^�e 'c+rS •t+�`r�'�7r f�:Y1". Y+a '�, , .. sibP'�A� j � ro� '�' `Y �Y° `s7 sc"�-` a ;`F!G. l•'� 'Ft�� J ...f!Iws„ l ,y.G ,gr.:J.��sty� '„•.tt r �, � ���1 .. .r..:, ♦,.a..Jnt..♦ �.• � J•r: !•,y.,t•-.._ �� lt. ..a�.w..tu..,.r.: :�1t ^�.. :,h+ - �t(w_.S.•1>-d...:_._n.j:. •rte • , . :.. .. + _1r +•f��t7' f �%�7 ;"i" Yr'/,�r,y-rcamn�ny .o,,.y-r,/'.cF!� CommIasionere' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192 • Oo mmiesioner Williams offered the following Motioni.I move that the deed R !;from Adolph Went Jesse Weil, Lee Well and Mr e. Barnard..Weil, only heirs of Jaoob,,;;'" Cemetery V Henry and Barnard Well, to Mrs; for Laura Weille and Mrs. Ruth Hart, ftf Deed from Adolph Jease and deeoribed lots looatad and lying in Oak Grovo Cemetery ln'the' City of Paducah, Ky. Lee Wall and lire., `l Barnard Well to Yo -wits "South 16 X 30 Ft. of lot #66, pro. Laura Wellle Seotion D. and and Mrs Ruth Hart' North lb X 30 Ft. of Lot #67 a 9eotion D. Oak Grove Cemetery.• .be reoeived, filed and _, ratified. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following votes Yeaa, Eaton, Eaker, �•S "Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: The Garden Club of ;iPaduoah, a Oivio Organization, having for its purpose, beautifying and rendering Resolution adopting offioialmore attraotive the'City of Paduooh; having adopted a resolution Aesignating oertain flowers of Paduoah• 1ilcwere ae. the ofiioial !lowers of Paducah, and having tendered to the City of Paducah 10a copy of said reeolntion. I now move that saiA,Reeolution be reoeived, filed and "j preoorded in the minutes and that said flowers, to -wit: the Daffodil, Iris (flag) i Pasony,'Dorothy, Perkine Roses, and Chrysanthemum be declared the. of I'Paduosh. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, PTully, Williomd and. Katterjohn,-6. Report of Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the re- M1 ' Intermente in port of Interments in Oak Grove Cemetery.from July lot to August'lat. be reoeived and Oak Grove. j kfiled, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, a Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following Motion; I move that,en Osdingnoe Ordlnanoe. rag-' entitled ' AN ORDINANCE FURTHER REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES OF EVERY. KIND WITH- . ulating parking or vehiaiee in pIN THE INNER FIRE LIMITS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIITUOKY AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY lire zone. uFOR :VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDIIhiHOE," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, F.aton,.Eaker, Tully, Williame and. Katterjohn,-b; On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas.. AggIM l� 1v:. APPRM"i - AUGUST 4th, 1921. At a Called Meeting of the Board ,of Oommi6sionere, held 1n the Com- •misaionere Obamber at the City Hall, Paduoah, Ky. on July 4th, 1921,.at S, o'olook �. a. P. M. upongall of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiselonere, t i. Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.. Mayor Katterjohn stated reason for oall of the meeting, to.allcw ;,;•...t, Pay Rolle and suoh other business ad mignt oome before the Board. *' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move A000uts for ,y last half of a000':,nte for.;the last half of the month of July, amounting to $26316.70; ad per the ~` July ordered paid. report of the Commissioner of Publio.Ftnanoe filed herewith, be alloweA.and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterlohn,-4.. q. Commissionat Tully offered the following motion: I.move that the re Report of port of the Oommlesioner of Publio Finanoe, for the month of July;'be rsoeive4 and j Cam. -of Finanoe for the month filed and orderep.published in the offioial newspaper. Adopted upon oall of the roll by of July the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully. Wtiliama and Katterjohn,-4. a _ '� .... ...v ... .,...• ....... .. ., :r'�"J�"T',c,'►S3 �J.ti.!. ..+�s..74."."L"x^.'t��m'R.. k'�' ' •� p' �'r�: £' 1 'Y`' y !-� •.l. 4. :P: 7•4}" ^Lii;^, :�4 I•rV'.'.•.�, - Il M1 I - � 'I .. .y 4 - f K `\`iW M' , t -Y� � {•moi •i TI ' c.3..-�.i I..5....J. - l ..u..�-ti..•1ti..�+�r-++ri.i�.�: .y]i�.r1 r Commissioners' Proceedingsof Paducah '. 192__ j ,. _ r t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor'ty to borrow money Commissioner of Public Finano• by..authorised to borrow, in anticipation of the tax .and from Ottq hs Nat'l Bank.., .collection, from the City Rational Bank for the use and benefit of the City of Paducah, " -1 -435.000.00: .. ,. .. .. the.eud of $35,000.00 payable October Ebth, pledging as 'security the good faith and 4,1credit of the City of PaAuoah and.the.taxee to be,00lleoted Auring the month of Octobers i Adopted upon as 11 of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeea. Eaton, Tully, 4illisms and Satterjohn:-4.. On motion the Board adjourned upon oell df the .roll by 4 yeses. �� a r ' r- krl Aa•i •i `1f ?.l eP�ROV3i1D ` k� + ` AugnsL,bth, ,9E1. ` r Ata Called Meeting of the Board.of Commiseloneie,; the OomTgiesioners. `• . Chamber; .in the City Hall, Paducah, Ky. on August 6th, 1921,. at 11:30 A. M. Epon on 11 :} .. Of tbe.roll the following answered to their names: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker:, Tully. Williams w. `..' and Katterjohn.-B: )' -^ Mayor Katterjohn stared recon for 'call .of the Matting, to accept the American Lafrance Fire Engine Pumper, and such other business as might came before tne:I Board. Oommleatoner Eaton oiTered,the following motions I move that the Contract ' ' fbr the purchase of One Type 20 Triple Combination Pumping, Chemical Engine and Hose Contract for t { .• purchase of. Motor Oar, between the American LaFranoe Fire Engine Company and the Bity : of Pnduonh, American La= France.Pumper ezeonted on the EBtn day of March, 1921,.be reoeived and filed. and that said contract` be recorded. Adopted upon cell of the roll by thevote: Yeas, Eaton, Ecker, .following S Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanoe f , Oras a ppropri- d entitled."AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $100.00 TO THE COLORED FAIR, RAGING AND ATHLETIC t� sting 100.00 to the Col. ASSOCIATION, FOR ADVERTISING TRADE, COMMERCE, MANUF1.CTURING AND C01RfERCIAL RESOURCES, ,t Fair Racing and .aoped. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY". bedt j Athletic Aseo. K fi r` y following vote, Yeas, .Eaton. Baker, Tully, Williame and Katterjohn.-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:. I move that the Re- s commendation of the Fire..Ohief as' to the services of the new One Type 10 Triple Com-'.� bfination Pumper be received. filed and Adopted upon ball Of the rol l ;A Dyhe.following rote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5. ' yy•' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the One z, Com'r'of Fina n6eType.Triple Combination Pumping Chemical and Hose Motor Car, which has been'dellvereA inatruoteA to isuue check to tho'City of Paducah, by the American IaFranoe Fire Engine Oompany,.'unAer Ate a. for $1760.00 - S: l-.• payable to .the 'Contract with the City; bearing onto of March 28th, 1921, be received and aooeptea abs American La -F.; 4: .; Fire Engine Cob that the Oormniesioner of Public Finance be inetruoted to issue check. paynble to the American LaFrence Fire. Engine Oompany, for $1750.00. in a000rAanoe.with said Contract `..�r• - P' 13. and that the Mayor exeouts the City's note for $9600.00, payable within.eix (6) months '• �"1 a. ;.from date -hereof., without interest. for -the balance pf the said purchase price of said c; i ;.' oontraoL' to be charged to the Fire Department Accounts Adppted. upon can of the roll r, . : by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eater, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6., ' dommisetonor Tully offereA`the following motion: 'I move that the accounts Report of Com' �. Finance for ` amounting to -0E 99.00 is per the report'of the Commissioner of Pnblio.Finanoe filed 4.f - '" �" a000unte. .•' 1 I - herewith be allowed and ordered paid and the pioney appropriated from the General Fuse «, a to pay same. ' r 'ir)`• � ( ... a.y �,L.•,-i( r ..c..,•l.:i:...1<. .S..r.1..L�.- J..1.+....1' - utl. +.`" + y i— ,� ) %a.b � � � 1 '1. t+ - .aV%?:6� la n{h+ h. -i -... 3- . ♦ ....� N.i�+L,.y ...,- J .v+ !L l'� :./ a. fi. .w.� . r - ..Y: '\...r. .. ... .,.. ♦ 4.i.d 5. I I .�, .i0:e1C;1.'edf;� ' .>:;Iw?y,:r+x�'IAh:' - i3..ld. .. ,�Y ., .n w:w•„r.W - . .