HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 697, August 1, 1921.I pfd y a.v`fr ' £.�+K:+.. v-w.��y. ,;+r .; h ltihT+1.* -Wti`�'• �°-S,!"' ,�'i."7�; Y.�.. M nt}'"•.,°rak- .. .• i� _ �c�s•.°rR%,Cc . s-•.:t?tS:i�TC;osv,Y.rr�tir:.x}'.�,�.. I Na Commissioners' Proceeding®, City of Paducah' . "" '192 Commissioner Eaton.offere0the following motions' I move that Mrs. Mattie Herndon, Vacation for. Official Stenographer, be granted a vacation of two weeks, oommenoing July 17th,1921 , Stenographer, allowed and ending July 310t, 1921, inolusive. and that Mrs. John Balthaear be employed as extra stenographer to work during the vacation of Mrs. Herndon. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote,Yeae, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn, 5. Commissioner Raton offered the following motion: I move that the bill of Yancey m Johnson Yancey and Johnson. Contractors, for extra work between street oar tracks on Went Cont. allowed ( Broadway amounting to $166.96.be allowed and ordered paid. Adopted upon call of the paid for work N between street '� roll by the following vote, Yene,.Eston, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. oar tracks 9 Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that Gus Lockwood . Gus Lockwood, Contraotor.' be aYlowed $4000.00 as per oartifioate of'W. E. Gore, Architect, of work.. Cont. allowed and period of work and materials furnished in the construction of the extension of $4000.00 on work at Rivereife Riverside Hospital, name being the first payment on said contract. Adopted upon *all " Hospital. of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully,Williame, and Katterjohn, 6. On Motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. •- t: Adopt 4 Ugt, APPR.OV]7D MAYGIt : n' AUGUST let. 1921. i At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oomniesioners, held in the.'Oommiesion- are Chamber in the City Hall, on August let, 1921, Upon call of the roll the follow- iag answered to their names: 0ommienionare, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williams and Mayor 4• Katterjohn.-6. q On motion of Commieeioner Tully, the minutes of the pretioue meetings wore adopted as corrected upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton,, Raker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.• Y_syor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Blue ~' BSta es Pre of 'Prints of the Seven States Produot and the communication dated July 'T States Products Co., J y 29th, signed' Co. and Communion- i tion of H.J.Hodge by H. J. Hodge, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following saooivod-tiled, vote; Yeae , Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Kdtterjohn.-6. Mayor Katter john offered the following motions I move that the report Report of City of tha Oity Engineer of the work performed by.Eaker and Storrie, Contractors, on Engineer for work", Tenth Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets between Broadway and Jefferson Street be performed by Raker. • .. Y o :,Terri$ Con. eooiv*d and filed. Adopted on call .of Lha roll b the following votes Yeas, Baton on Tonth,�'hirteanthr P upon Y , ,. - 14mh std. betwooefferun Raker. Tully, ''91111ame and Kotterjohn 6. .. n nay and Jatferaon . . �• ,. ,. Mayor Katter john offered the fallowing motion; I move that the 0ommiee-`' loner of iublio Finance be authorized and instructed to issue an Improvement Warrant, Improvement ' Warrant 13sued to Ito Raker and Storrie,. Contractors, for work done and performed on Tenth, Thirteenth Raker & Storrie for and Fourteenth between Broadway and Jefferson Streets, under oonteaot dated May 10th . t work ,done on 10th. • Y y 13tn and 14th Stet bet:ceen Byway and : 1921, for the aum of $3653.06, being 66% of the work performed, as per the report of Jefferson. the City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williamo and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Fatterjohn offered the folloxing motion: I move that the report Report or'Oity of City Engineer of the work performed by Yanoy and Johnson, 0ontrnotore, within the Engineer for work Fire Zone be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following done by Yanoy. and f . P P B Johnson, within Vote: Yeas Eaton Esker Tully, Williams and Katterjohn 6. Fire Zone. . .. •• Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Oommie- 77 - - ' - - - _ - n�}r,�}�tiJ...'i'�•y'�.� w. L_`I:iti•t.:.Lh".'i. r'niS .';"hY N,r. '� c __'{ r �.: y. {:ie„ N • �,au..=.,. � 1a.= ...._+:,_s.-..:-m:•.:_w r ...Le.«...,....a�..:.:.y...._.:....<.:.... ......,-.� ...�.;i:.a.r[� Yui_ ' �,� ��. I.mss"s'fTTli}r�''t•- .,._ , l �... 1 > Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ ` b Finance nance e authorised and instructed to lesue an Improvement Warrant Improvement eioner of Public � � .::,i,,.• Warrant issued 4 to.Yanoy and Johnson, 0ontraotors, for work done and performed on the Streets within .to Taney & John- .' " eon for work done within the Fire 7one, }amounting the Fire Zone .Hader contract dated Lis 28th, 1921, for the eam of 12991.06 bei 65% y $. ng work w f f the operformed, as per the 'report of City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted � :r P, to $12991.08.. � _ y,•. `✓• upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeae; Eaton, Baker, Tully;_ Williams and . Katterjohn.-6. dap Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Report of the Report City Engineer for City Engineer of.ihe.work performed by ReynolAe,Bros. Oontraotors, on Tenth', Thirteenth r work on 10th ;.13th, 14th; Atst and Fourteenth Streets between Jefferson and Broadway, and on Ninth Street between e� ' between Jefferoon ` and B.'w2y--Ninth Madison and Trimble Streets, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by ' St. between p f Madison m Trithe following vote: Yeas. Eaton. Baker, Tully..Williams, and Katterjohn;-6.. f; mble. I by Reynold Bros:!' 11 N Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move. that the Commissioner S , } I' Improvement of Publia.Finame be authorised and instructed to Issue an Improvement .Warrant, to arrapt, iosuod. to.Reynolds Broe,- }ti .Ooritraotors. on Tenth, Thirteenth, and Yourteenth Streete between ` Reyno]A Bros.. for $1b9G.7bdon; .' for work .76' oh:*Jefferson and Broadway and on Ninth Street between Madison and Trimble Streets. under V bOtweenJ 14th . contract dated May 11th, 1921, for the eum of $1696.76 being 66%r.of the work performed between Jefferoon . and B'way -Ninth ' bet`roon Madison as per the report of the City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted on call of the nP 4;. and Trimble. roll by the following vote: Yeae,, Eaton, Baker; Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. "•?' Mayor Katterjohn offered'the following motion: I move that the report of'ri Report of Oita. Engineer of.,- City Engineer, relative to the amount of Cement used by Yancey and Johnson. Contract- . .cement need by:, Yanoy & Johnson •'or'e,•'in the driveway on lest Broadway,'betweon Fountain Avenue and 26th Street; be on W. B' way. ; .. reoe'ived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,' y;. Laker, Tally, WS111gme.,anA Satter john, -B: �"`•i The sum of y Commissioner Tully -offered the following motion: 'I move that.the ..00m- 3 $100.00 allowed munioatlon from the Colored Fair, Reoing and .Athletic Association be received and h! ,' the Qolored'.filed ' Fair, Racing and and the City Solioitor'be instructed to bran in an ordinance a g appropriating `^ Athletic Aeso. � .$10OX0 for the purpose. of advertising in connection with the Fair and 'Raoee to be given Auguat-9th, 10th, 11th and 12th,'1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo.11owin�.vote: Taco, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Wi171nms.and Katterjohn.-6. Deed executed Oommissioner. Tull offered the following motion: The sum of 37.60 having Y g $ B to 811 BanAere for lot in been palA intoAho Treasury, no evidenced by the reoelpt fiIad 'herewith. that < ;. Oak Grove Gem=•. ,story.' r: deed be eaeouted to:Eli Sanders, for Lot #E1. Blook.j2''on.the West side of Hannan Street ; - between'Baker and Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery.. Adopted upon call of the roll i *: by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Eaker. Tully;.Williame and Katterjohn.-6. _'' �rj.� Commissioner Tully offered.the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having ( •.;' Licence to, r been paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith together with - sell Malt or. . Cereal Boveragee. application for Malt or Cereal Beverage License I move that license to sell Malt or . g , issued t0 ,. 'O.L.,Diokerson 'Cereal Beverages or'any admixtures thereof, be granted to C. L. Dickerson at.#109-North t•i. �f .';109 N. 4th St.' 4th Street. - from July let to .December Blot inclusive.' Adopted upon call of the roil .' - rj by the following Tote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker, Tully; Williams and Katterlohn.-B. .Oommieeloner Eaton offered.the following motion:. Orville Haverty having r., Old Indian ' offered to pay $36.00 for the old Ind inn Motoroyole, and it appearing that thio !e a Motorcycle sold r; to Orville Raysrlya.ir price for•ekme•, I move that the Commiosioner.of Public Safety be authorised to: for $36.00 make as le of _old Indian Motoroyole for $36.00, Adopted upon call of the roll by the r ' 3vote: vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tull WS li y. 1 ams and Satter�ohn,-6. Y` Commissioner Baton offered the.following motion: I move that W.0. f, W. 0.'Riokman. .Rickman,. be 'appointed as patrolman, effective July loth, 1921. Adopted upon call of :' '' }{•'. appointed patrol, man. the roll by the following vote:'Yeas; Eaton'.- and Katterjohiap-6. r: t 1 ,- i ,• f `4.. J..3 .,tl""�.v.F of l;r i..w.t.. .. '. !1..r•.. .... .... .na _v.... i,,.v .t. ..> .. . ... r. (.l, .;,r .1•�.S_�w/,.-,: vi :�? WTZ '` b. M YJ:.J-:.:a: :i',4j' .✓di. h', L'i. i:3i.'d.b.-",..�. '•�.: 1 t',�-!-uji yi �Si r t t -,i t' 4jt 9.,'or 7J { "p�Yn."�r w. • . ui•.i - - - �hti�ir.°,f..u"'"�ir.,itS..r,Y .r. . a. .t,{g:s, .z , t , • �.. :. .. :.":. + ri�r'st�m� 4 `MCis�N!.g. �„ .rp `by.i-.r.� m-. i y 1rt"v R`. x1 j1 ts�• Kryw.r ''r �,�. �+ � V�,nna!,,,t"�ai. Ns.� e�5 �, .. .. '!,1'y§�fyne�w .f}. �= p,Y.''1"`x474,i1.•w'(T�'�^LF!ty^F^'M,1,^,+N:/';� 'I No.� Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah G :. ;4 commissioner Williams offered the following ilotioni . I move that the .deed ,, , ,•, from Adolph Well, Jesse Weil, Lee Well and Mrs. Barnard_Weil only heirs of Jacob, } Cemetery Henry and Barnard Weil, to Mrs* Laura Weill' and Mrs. Ruth Hart for the follow' Deed from ' �. ^ "Adolph Jeose and described lots located and lying in Oak Grove Cemetery In, the, City of Paducah, Lea 17011 and Mre. Barnard Weil to to -wit:" "South 16 Z 80 Ft. of -Lot $68. Mr e. Laura Weille Section D. and and 're Ruth Hart' North lb X 30 Ft. of Lot ¢67 ; '• a Section D. Oak Grove Cemetery." .be received, filed and tiratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:"Yoae, Eaton, Baker," ' Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: The Garden Club of Paducah, a Oivio Organization, having for Ito purpose, beautifying and rendering Resolution adopting officialmore attraotive .' the'City of Paducah 'haviag adopted a resolution designating certainflowers of ,.'•, Paducah. . flcwera' as" the official flowers of Paducah, and having tendered to. the City of Paducah Y ii �a copy of said resolution. I now move that said Resolution be received, filed and recorded in the minutes and that said flowers. to -wit: the Daffodil. Iris (flag) ! `? :!Paeony, Dorothy Perkins Roses. and Chrysanthemum be declared the.oftioial.flowere of ':Paducah. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker. rTully,"Williamd and. Katterjohn.-6. Commissioner Williams offered the following_ mo tion: I move that the re- t Report of Intermente in (port of Interments in Oak Grove Cemetery.from July let to August 'let, be received and Oak Grove. j ., ., filed, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Baker, Tully,' " bWilliams and Katterjohn.-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following Motion: I move that,an Ordinance Ordinance. reg-' entitled " AN ORDINANCE FURTHER REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES OF EVERY.KIND WITH - ulating parking of vehicles in IN. THE INNER FIRE LI11ITS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIiTUCKY AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY fire zone. FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and. 1 Katterjohn,". On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.of the roll by 6 yeas.. Aah1,r if �.:. APP2Zor�'� 1 ."� err CYA •'• ' - AUGUST 4th. 1981. At a Called Meeting of the Board of 'Oommi6sionere, held in the Com- missioners Ohamber at the City Hall. Paducah. Ky. on July 4th, 1981,.at 3, o'clock P. M. upon -call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners, i... Eaton. Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-4.. Mayor Katterjohn stated reason for call of the meeting, to.allor i Pay Rolla and such other busineee.ae mignt come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that.:.'the- Aacouts"for �s last heli of aoco,.mts for.;the !set half of the month of July, amounting to $86316.70, as per the July ordered . paid. report of the Oommieoioner of Publio,Finanoe fileA"herewith. be elloweA..and ordered Paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Ketterjohn,-4., I, �. Commieeionet Tully offered the following motion: I,move that the re Report of port of the Commissioner of Publlo Finanoe. for tno month of July; -be received and Com. "of Finance for the month filed and orderep.publiehed in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by of July the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully,.Wtlliams and Katterjohn.-4.