HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 691, July 18, 1921V A .. . ' . ,+rt 'kc`YiY"'4;j 7iti.. i�' � ptit+'y.: Y a.st .i {'i,i'v'i', i'?5 } 4.C'•'x' wu,.,' .,..� r � � ( �i �.aX � RM _ !fin 1 . f .1` ', " ' _ �i.++�':,•i..=,r.i:•�K:ci:.:.,..ti. t-'\�-y---. �.1+. ._ ,t,j�.t .Y. -5.::,3:1d `u.�=..�:• ��..-,_`. r� ' .. , . --'--`'.'' •rte. - : • 1. Na,, h Commissioners' Proceedings, Oity. of. Paducah 192- n oaf o t roll - - e following vote; Yeas, Baton, Bakes, Tully Adopted ups i t >y it by th f ii t and Williams. -49 Commissioner Raton. offered the following motion: I move that the CityEngineerof tl communication 'from the Ott Engineer, in w0joh he.etates the amount ena vein! of work done Dy of the oonorete.flooring work done by Oontrootore Raker and Storri! at #4 Piro Eaker & Storrie et $4 Fire Station, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of ,the tall by the following ' Station.' i' vote: Yeas, Eaton, Raker, Tully and Williame.-4. I't Commissioner Eaton pffered the following motion: I move that it ii S' appearing from the report of the City Engineer this day filed with the Board Eaker m Storri! of Commissioners that Baker and Storrie have made the ooncrete floor and driveway' . l alowed I 4333.73 for work and door ledges and Steps at f4 Fire Station oontaining 2224:842 squats feet at done at #4 16 oents per square foot amounting to $333.73 and said work having been inspeoted i Hire Station. T' l k ' by the Board of Commissioners. I move that said work be aooepted and that Baker.• S b and Startle be allowed $333.73 in full settlement thereof, same to be oharged to the-a000unt of Repairs to Buildings. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas,.Eston, Baker, Tully and Williams, -4. ` Commissioner Faker offered the following motion; I move that the Report of report of the Street Department for the Month of June be reoeived and filed. ! Street Dept. , Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas.- Eaker.Eaton. Tully and Williams, -4• On motion the Board adjournedn by 4 yeas. jt .P: I 91Z LB i:,n V MAYd2t:� . UGLY loth, 1921 At a Regular meeting of the Board of Oommiaelone;e', held in the Oommiasionere' Chamber in the Olty Hall, Paduoah, Keutuoky, on July 18th, 1921.. ' Upon sell of.the roll the following answered to their names; Oommiselonere Raton, Raker, Tully and 171111ams,-4. Mayor Pro Tem, W. V. Eaton presiding. t On Motion of Oommiesionpr Tully the minutes of the previous meetingel s �. were adopted as read upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williame,-4. Ooimaieaioner Eaton offered the following Motion: I move that the i., petition requesting the oonstruotion of ourbe and gutters on.14th street from ;.1fF Jefferson to Monroe be reoeived and filed and cotton thoroon deferred. Adopted' -" upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eakeb, Tully and Williams.. -4• ` Oommiesloner Tully offered the following motion: I mous that the Street Light to Ds'6,. Commissioner of Publio Works be authorised and inetruoted to have n street light• pissed on Horth St planed at the Oity limits on North Eighth Street and at the intarseotion of street an! at Into nd 25n of BlwaStreet. ' Broadway and 26th Street. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; and 26th Streot. Yeae._Eston. Eaker. Tully and Williame,-4. Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the Statement of ;finenoial statement of Riverside Hospital for June 1921 be reoeived and filed. Hlverai6a Hospital. t id Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Raton, Baker., Tully r and Rilliame,-4• f. .y; 1.- Z. J ���'�.. '�ia�l` � � .. r .t� yp'r�,�^-'f.�il1,,! �i',�•'j 1 y��. .�.. !.-.A ("'T�•�I`�'r�- .. 4 'L rh y+,N .. .:� ti , ., u, r # hear objections to reoeiving new street work on West Broadway from 17th Street to • .� � ��� � trot K v � / + 7 r !' R -, K .r �'4. r✓ ;lC ,.:•�f Jer` WkaTG'.'}fr.h lra /.L •. ;�•• ..a Commissioner Eaton offered.the following motion, I move that the ' -L� - �-F .rwyY..+..iicNr�1LS�w�..r: �.++'r.:.E4V:r4.��.- .�-+...r�..:.at✓b +H4.ia. �GL.ii.�K1-LM..u.�r .,V�"`I ' ". Estimates estimates furnisbed-by W. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work`done and performed �J.-a.. City. Engineer- -for work by , by Yancey and. Johnson,- Contraotore,,on Broadway, from the Be at property sins of 17th Yancey & John- eon on B'Wa Y t' Na ''`"' .E; between' 17th •,,and 26th..Ste.. filed and oonfirmed..Ad4pted upon call of the roll by. the following ..vote. Yeae. Seton, Commissioners' Proceedings; City of: Paducah' ''' 192_- taker; Tully .- said Williams, -4. r, r r, r Repport Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that. the Patients t' Patients, Report for the month of June 1921 be received and filed., Adopted.upon call of the ,Rivorelde ' Moopital roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, taker, Tully and Williams,-4. for June , '1922' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. 1• t ? co, r3.r. MAXOVL JULY 19t'h. 1921. " r WJ+ At a Oalled 'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' aChamber in the.Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on July 19th, 1921; ,at S o'clock P.M. Upon call of'the roll, the. following.anewered to. their names: Commissioners Beaton, ' Baker, Tully and Williams, -4. Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton preeiding. Mayor Pro Tem stated reason for oe11 of the meeting, To -Wit: For the purpose �: <• .1.;,' of allowing 8emi-monthly pay-rolls,.and such other business as might dome before the . Board. Report Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: '.I move that the Pay-rolle Oom'r. Finance '.for the first halt oi,the.month of July, amounting to. $10962.61, as per the report of accounts . 'y first half of` of the Oommiseloner of Public Finance file herewith, be allowed and ordered paid, July . and the money appropriated from'the general Fund to pay -same. AdopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Teas, Eaton, Faker, Tally and Williams, -4. ..•3 ., .', : Oommieeioner Tully Offered the following motion: I move'that.the.sum of ' License to' : ". i60.00.having been paid into the Treasury, as per the receipt filed herewith, together.I `j sellDeverageeNi f malt or oereal� with application to sell malt or.oereal beverage or any admixtures.thereof duly 1 ' be issued -to signed,ae required by Ordinance,. I move that license to.sell malt or cereal beverage West or any admixtures thereof, from the let'of July to December 819t, be granted to O.B. het at X138 Hoath SeoonA.Strset• 'Adopted upon cell of the'roll by the Yol]owing .ri3k vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully and '.villiame,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall'of the roll. by 4 yeap. Ad .p 4 � togve JULY. 2PUD. 1921. > r t Y iY� J At a called meeting of the Board of Commissionere, held in the Commissioners'- ? 1 , Ohomber '1n the City Hall,.raduoah, Kentucky, on July 22nd, 1921, at it o'olook'A.M. upon call of the roll.the following.anawered to.their names Oommieeionere, Eaton,. Tulla nA Williams -4 Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton presiding.' i rensona.for the call of the eeting to -wit: To ![ayor Pro Tem Eaton stated m ti , ., u, r # hear objections to reoeiving new street work on West Broadway from 17th Street to 26th street, and such other business as might come before the Board. •. ;�•• ..a Commissioner Eaton offered.the following motion, I move that the ' ". Estimates estimates furnisbed-by W. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work`done and performed City. Engineer- -for work by , by Yancey and. Johnson,- Contraotore,,on Broadway, from the Be at property sins of 17th Yancey & John- eon on B'Wa Y ... Street or Fonntain..Avenu0 .to the West Property line -of 26th Street, be received P ''`"' .E; between' 17th •,,and 26th..Ste.. filed and oonfirmed..Ad4pted upon call of the roll by. the following ..vote. Yeae. Seton, i taker; Tully .- said Williams, -4. r, r, . .. .. .4, r�' . .. 3 '',.+3 �2. ir:`.+J.Fj�c.:•�IP:�& '4 _ . o ..:cs.w:3. at .. �.w .c:.,r.. ,.. .:.c:, .a., :'; -, :,.c.._'r., !:�..sn :3.•. ..�� \