HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 689, July 11, 1921. _ ..a< ra'�li ,.r= a.,..yyy_, yn.2.;'- 7FmE.. _ `.rrT•1!1* !,v'�*"'4 {;.Li � � �i tYr }i*"2�A`�7 }'� ,�^". a !•�:•: � ,, I``�-�:;.:t'w.rrfir�_ cs r�ti"f+"" ,�• r ry\e .��.a� ,. ftu Commissioners Proceedings',.City of Paducah t' July ll.th• 19^3. :,t a P.ogular 1`ootinr, of the Board of Commissioriera, ;hold in the Oommirnlonors C Chamber in the City Hall. Yarlucah, Yontuohy; on July 1'lth,,1921• Upon a!1] of the r roll, the follov:lnr arowored to their names: Coc:missionera Baton, Bak an Tully.,3- , layer Fro lOr1, W. Y. Ll^ton, pro:ridlno,. On motion of Cow.iio3l6n r. Tully thn.minutos of the previous mootinge were udontod au road upon call of the roll by tho followlne veto: Yong ..aton, Eaker and Tully, -3. i E•'r,;: r, •'' "' ,, til �k Coamiusionor_'::ton offerad.tho foll.owin3 motion The. Pad,uoah Dead tCompar,.y he.vinr tendor'od to tho City of Patlueuh its dead, to Lots lhrmbors 1 an.l 1Q i o Lots Hoe. 3 and18, Block u in Blook Urzmbor ? Fountain PLr%,addition to the. City o' 1Tcdicah I move thct.unidt: y #E. Fountain Parks, 'i Addition filed. k 4 dood,be received, file(I; aooentod and approved :and thc.t eamo be o1d)red r000rdod. , Ado1 \ted upon ccalof the roll. by the follo•:iin,t vote; Yeaa En Fal:or and Til] Y1•.3 ? ' .. Commissioner Tull.y offero.d the following motion:. (1;i111ams enters) The Kf ' License to sell :,sum of ;;50.op such hnvinr, boon paid into .the Tron:airy, nn ovidonood by, tho,r000lpto y r Beverages malt n filed hnro--rrith torrether with epplioationn to sell malt'or ooroal bovoraroei or nny ' Y and cereal leoueQG''. R to: edmlxturos thereof, duly sI pod as requirod by Orta inanoo,, I move .tl!ut l.loonuo i to a;11 malt or ooronl bovor+.,gon or any :dmi:aumou thoroof be gr:rntod to the Dan Galvin, an44 followin Redmon. ; p::rtlos at tha uddrr,;:uo:!'set cit opposite their names=---- 6. L. „ t ;S d p• H Yell', 737 Porth 8th 5tront. D:n Gravin, 933 ;;oith' 3d "trent. ?almon,.3UO ;south 9t1 :A., for a porlod of nix months from, fi July lot. to Docombor Slut, 1921.-dol,tod +mon oall of the roll by the following vote•Ye!10, "et On, !;`n}:Cr;,. Tully and ::illiams. i- Commissioner -Tully ofto"nd the follo•rri.ng motion; W. T_. Barry havtnr NN �. rofucod to puy tho October hstlf of his t x bill for 1(',EO,,tho origlnal amount of �Mc id 192N'er ti which :^•as x.:..7.08', bill Number r^.48, I move that .this bill be •vivon to the Clty a t. �olloitor with instructions to, tnho. auoh.aotion L. is nocoarary for tho collection of ua:po. I.dopted upon call of the rel.l *by tl:o foll.orring vote': Yon ,, L''aton, ,t?: •"ahor,. Tully and 731.11omo.4-. Commi.rsloner .111110ma• offered. the following notion: I move that tho' Oemetery. : transfer from tr!.uutfor n•um.Rtt1?;' aoe11.111 to ?tib;; Connadn to the l'uut: Ona -IIIA! of Lot. 1ltunbtilo Q i Ruby Boalin to + '' in Coati on, AA. Oak Grovu Comotory,. Vo .rutifiod. ,.ldbptod upon still. Of Ole rola ,: Ruby Oanada. _ , by Via followirr,.vote-.Yon:;, 4aton, _1u1cor,; Tully and'Williano, [:., .; On -notion the Bor-rtl adjourned_ upon 'call of the roll. by %..ynon. jkI• tqd OU i .. l r . .'. r t