HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 684, July 5, 1921r ,Aq�, y a jS++n. , ,r�rr ran:,... ,- n•�.az•r.;'^.r�r-t ...,,x_..� _ tirr c+...,Y;.'�. y ... `Y ,� L 7^ ' I A Nab 6 ��1 .. .. '• •` 4 'Commissioners' Proceedings, City oY Paducah 192 t, from V. B. Ilor .to biro. S. T. Randle, to the Bnst portion of Lot #37 in Section 0; F Cemetery Trane:. .,., for from V.B.' being 16 feot.on Oyproeo Street ,and. running book 21 feet, in Oak Grove Comotory, be Ilor to Ura. S. T. } Randle.. ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker; r Tully and 37illiams,-4.' Report Oak. Oommiooionor Williame offered the following,motion: I move that ,the report Grove Oometory for June.19E1. :of _Prod English,.Soxton.Oak Grove Cemetery, for' the month of Juno be received and !f { fil]ed. Adopted uponcallof•the roll .by the :following vote: Yeas, Eaton.; Baker. + Tully -and Williamo,-4. rr y ' On �mo�tio_n.�the board adjourned upon call,of the roll by 4 yoas. ' Adepi AL ,.. +Sfr y •r _ i7O &W JULY 4TH. 1921.. ' i r At o Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiaelonors, hold in the Oommisolonoro' ti�b'• r Chamber' in the Oity Ha11,.Paduoah. Kentuo hy; on July 4th, 1921. :Upon call of the roll' I; the following answered to their namoo: Oommieoionere Eaton, Baker. and.. Williame,-3. }�(` } Mayor Pro Tom, W.. V. Eaton, Providing. Oommisslonor Williams offored tho following motion: On a000unt of to8py being a ++1. Regular Moot- Legal holiday, I move that the Regular Montin of the. Board of Commiaoionere be, ad- Ing ad jour nod g ; .-. t111 Jul 8 ' yy \1921 of E 0;. journod,till E o',alook P.. on.TuosdnY. July 5th 1921. A4o ted uponon onTl of the roll '1clock P._-M.he follo�ing vote: Yensbq : .,'t;';• ; Eaton,' Faker and.Williame,-3. r K + e ' Adeple4 ApPRO * > AV( JULY 5th. loil t 1T� At an Adjourned Mooting of .tho'Board o: CormlloFlimmra, bald in tho'Oommi.aoton- +' �,. r�,l, + r• ora' Chamber in. the Oi.ty Bull, Faduoah. Kontilo3:y, on July .5th, 19^1. at P. o'clock P.M. ' �ty,r :Upon oall_ot thn roll. the following annwerod to thodr namos:..0ommlooiorora Eaton, Tully. and ",i131amo,-3. Mayor Pro. Tom; V. Eaton, Prooldln ` g• Y'` On motion of Comm,ieoionor Tully the minuteo of thn.rrnviono mootini�o Toro' ., !>ri 'adopted tie roar] aral corrected upon call of -the roll by: the following vote:. Yone, ' si !1; i Eaton, Tully and'17illiams,=3. Of Oommiaolongr Eaton offor.oll the followLng.motion I mo -o that the ;trout Impr,ovo Acceptance of.. { J Contract and ' mont Contract and.tho.Oonotruo�ion Bond�botnoon the City of Paducah and.FakerL•. "' Bond of Faker. & ;�: . Storrio for Storrio, for the oonctruotiori ofoonoroto oidomal.ke. oiu•bs,and' gutters, and a.11,woo-' eidowa]ko .oto. ooaary manholoa, intakoo; oerrora an cuteh.basino on both sides. of Bernheim Avenue, fi ' ' ..on Bornholm L'. X •.'Ave and 1I.12th Fit. :from the ''.70 at of liorth.Tti7elfth Strout to the I'ct a'Ido.of Thlrtonnth Street at ..,;.the. intorceotlon of Buxnott.Streef, inoloding all intorseotiono, dated Juno 27th, +` ' s �.. 1921; bo',r000ivoci;'filod;.approvod or. recorded. Adopted upon'.call of the roll ,by the vote:. Yoas, Eaton, Tully and Williams ., -3. ` A000ptanco of ; Oocaolooionor Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the. Street Im- is Oontroot and `. Sond.of l:nkor b >''proyoment Oontroot:and the Construction Bond botWeon'the City -of Paducah and Poker & Mi +..Storrie'for ;•' ' ' .. .. r 'uidowalke on 8torrio, for.,tho oonatruotlon of oonoroto.aidn�alka; oiaba and �nrttore, and all noose -I S. lith St. botn ' > h, Huobande St. eery manlsolos; 4n9a7* eo'aora anri'oatoh basins on both.nidos of South Eighth Stroot-, and. Bachman St. .f •,' from the 8nuth'proper'ty line of Husbands Street to tho'Ilorth curb, lin 1` a of Bachman Street, datod June 27th, 1921, be'reooived filed . approved end.recorded. Adopted' upon call of the roll by'Ae-foliowin,g'vote: Yoaa; Eaton, Tully nnd'l7illiuno,-3. 4e i 4 C v 1 T •.• w .. �f r1'r; f � F�•�e'�"rlc'�F�'er4i (tics M �'''.3F r"�., 4`r v.1 iF t� i""',yr"' y �`� ,, •ii- n. +1? i.4h S - R. ,fit ' T r� ", 41 '-?.�_ ' ' , ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192-= } Oommiasioner Eaton,offore3 the following motion: I move that the report of the `-� Report Chief of17. . ��. Fire Dept. in ro; Chief of the Fire Department, as to hie disposal of certain junk and old .tires, be X; certain jimk and old tiroo, die reoolvod and filed, and that .the $36.63 realised thorefor be paid over to .the 0ommis- F,osod of for sionor'of Public Finnnoo, to be,crodltorl to the account of.tho Piro Department.' Adopt }, ed upon call of tho. roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton; Tully and flllliame,-3. ),r� Commissioner Eaton offered the follo:vIn, motion; I move that the report-of,the Ro! ort - Tub 110 Health NurolnR Public 11oalth lhu•ae for the month of Jnno 1981, be received and filed. Adopted upon'' ; "ervioo for J4mo 1421. oall of the roll by the fol'lo!.-ting veto: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and -.Wil ? Commisetonor Eaton offered the following motion: I. move that the* Report of the Roport. Chiof of Chief of Polido for the month of Juno 1921, be received and filed. Adopted upon call Iolloo for June s, 19£1. of the roll by the following vote: .Yoau, Eaton,. Tully and 1.7llliamo,-3. V, OouvnissioFior Tully offered the following motion: The uiun of t37.60. having been paid into the Troaoury, as evidonood by the r000ipt filod horowlth, I:movo that.Aood Oor.:otorr Deed to be executed to 0. E. Childoro for Lot 104 in Block 18 on the North side of Bal:or .' . •r( 0. C Chlldoru for Lot T84 in St act. bot.rroon Ford and Hannon Street in 0ak Grove Oomotery. ,Adopted upon 'oull.of Blool: V8: tho roll by the following veto: Yens, Eaton,• Tully and ',7111lamo,-3. Commissioner Tully offered .the following. motion: The oiun of p37. 50 having boon t. paid into the Treaunry, au ovidonooA by the r000l.pt filed horor+itli; I mm o that dead Cemetery Dead to `s L. 11. Muller. bo osoontoA to Z. R. Millor for Lot yn•88 in Dlook 12 on the 17out silo of Hannan Street, or lot 5E8 in Bloul: $^. Batrioon Bahor 1. IM-lor :;tracts In Oak Grove -Cemetery., Adoptod upon, call of tho .roll :I 4A b; the following vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully and 71111amo,-3. h 0911nlaslonor Tally,offoraA the follo-ain motion: I move that the.00mmunlootton Communication. from J. :.. Gardnor rolativo to the auuoannont on ht•o prupoety r.t 333-Sout1i 0th .Street, J.A.Gard nor rola- 1 t1vo to aoueo4- be received unA filed. Adopted upon oull of the roll by the following Vote: Yoon, v' nv4nt on Me pro- puny.- .L.'aton, .Tully and i Oommieuionor Tully offered the following motion;.I move that .the application of ' Dr.V.".Yat0o Dr. V. '•7. Ynton,. for .ponition.of City Moat.' Lti1k and Live took In:q�cotor, be r000t.ve ap•plloatl.on for poet tloil. of City• ,:nA filed. Adopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas, Iiaton,,Tnl]y'. Lout,:_t.lk and . . .' Live ;took In- and' 1711].inma,.3. unuotor. . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:'Tho oum of 160.00 'each flavins " been paid into the Troaoury, an evidenced by tho reoe.lptu Mad herewith, togothor. Liounoo Ao soli f hovoragon,. =It.' witl: applioationu to poll milt or ooraal Aovoragoo or any admixtures thereof, ' or ooraal lsauod to. pined an required by Ordinanoe,'I move that license to soll..mcilt or cereal bevoraaee �4 r. Rohkopf Dint.06, or.any aAmixturoo thereof be erantod to the following partlee at the ad Aroasee fiat t Lixio Crocory Co. ;7 Jako Biedor::,an out, opponito their namou. ' 'Gro. Co, `�t °to nhauur Rohkopf Dist, Co.; 105 South 9.nd Street, "1} its, Dixie Grocory Co. 1000 ]forth Oth Street. Jako Biodormun Gro.., Co., 306-307 South 7th Street, Jack. 3id!lo; Stoinhaur & ';Cilie 119 North 4th Stroot. !:l T::cl:.Iowa,'south 9th 1. i. I1a11, 1006 Jtroot. " ;t 'ra;cr B 0Cor, Jack Riddle 119 BL•oadway ' A. T.Be), nran and Tuok lone, 0 South 7th Street, �. It. Iovoll. Potar Bolger, 1617 South 4th Stroot.` "i A. T. B.oheiman 111 South 3d Gtroot. 11. Powoll, 116�Yy. Ave. ' Adopted. upon call of the roll by the follo:71ng .voto:. loan, Eaton, Tully and. . . *: Comnissionor :Iaton offered the following motion: I move that tho report'of..the' ;S Report City 1;7tgS-A .City Zneinear.of tho r.,ork performed br 2akor L: Storrlo, Contractors, on E].evcnth.• i. r.eor of viork dons - :.t by Eal:or L Stor- Street, bot:reon Broadway and Jefferson :;treat, be received and filed. Adopted upon 'r rio on S:Ivcnth :;t:, :batn.E'aay, call of the roll -by the following3 vote: Yeas, Eaton,. Tully and Villiame,-3. and croon 't.41 ;.'t. . trt��, r•, ,.,nr.,Ree.Ta�r.,r-- z n -; t r r - .. xr a•r n;... +.•ry t•,x >:�v r- .�:�-x•pc-� � { 1 . " Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah dommiecionor Eaton offered the following motion. I move that the Commissioner N Improvoment.War - c. ?u rant iur..niod.to 'of Public Finance be authorized and instructod to issue an Improvement WArrant.to Baker �i.;' �Eal:or L' Storrio fer c'cori: dorso on -& 8torrie, Oontraotors,�for work done'and'performed on'Eleventh Street, _betwoen'Broad- Floventh St. ,bat . ;(+Blvtur and Joffprll nay and.Jofforcon Street, under contract dated 11•ny,11th, 1921, for the stun of $1626.34,' uon St. for ,,$162G.34: boing 66% of tlte'work p.orformod,.as per the report of the City Engineer Mod on.thls > ":> -date. Adopted upon 'call of tae roll by the following vote.: Yoae, Eaton, Tully and _ „'• y,� ,17111inms,-3.' ,- ' (�: � Oommissionor Eaton'oPPored the following motion: I move that the.report of ,the r}. Report City Lngi Gia 5 near of wort: don Olt Engineer of the work } q' performed by Baker & 8torrie, Contractors, on: by Eukor & L'tor- frio'on Sixtonnth Street; botcvoon Broadway and Jefferson. Street. be received and filed. Adoptod upon oall 8t. Botn.D'way 1:ian6 Jofforuon of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton. Tully and`rlilliamo,-3. r� Commissioner. Eaton offered the following motion:.I move that the Commissioner Improvement War- , Of PvDlio'Finanoo bo authorized and instructed to Icons. an I'rovemont't7arrant to ' rant ioonod to•4 '•'Faker & ;ltorrIs 'Faker & Storrie' Oontraotoro, for work done and performed on Sixteonth Strent; between 5` for %vork done on Sixtoenth St. .:• .Broadway anA.Jefforeon Streot, under contract. dated J�ay.�llth, 1'021, for the sum of ix betn.B I way and y' h�is efforoon St. fo ;:$866.68,..bging 660 of the work performod,.as.por the report of the City Engineer-filed ct;= `on this, date. ,Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas Eaton Tull and 171111ams,-3. Commisnionor,Baton offered the'.following motion:'.I move that the report.of the Report Oity Engi _ lill noor of work don :' 01tyBngineor of the stork porfo.�9d.by Reynolds Brothers, Contractors, on Thirteenth by Roynolds Drou b on. Thirteenth, Strout, 'botwoon'Brogdriny.and Jefferson Streote; be r000ived and filed. Adopted upon 'r >, St. Botn.B'wuy &... P p Py .Joffor son'.$ t. tz call 'the roll by the foll.owing..vote:. Yoae, rnton,. Tully and ':7111iams,-3. I'::; •• 'Commiosionor Eaton offered the-following.motion: I move that the Commissioner „.F. linproveiront lar- ''of Pnblio.Finanoo be authorized and instruoted.to..issue an Improvement i7arrant to a' sant luuiiod to f< ' Ro;mol.d�Brou. RoyInold'e'Brothard' Contractors, for* work done .and performeA-on.Th vtoonth S+ root, be- for work done on 13th St. botn.! .twoon Broadway and .Jofforaon Streot, nNor contract Mato t Lay ,llth; ,1921,_ for, the ouri th , Noy and Joffor :,. eon St. and do of $421.69; being 66% of the work' performod, no per the report of.tho. Cityi Englneor. f t :.11rorod:to Er- ear Hoot 'Lnoi:oy, filed on thio.,Into'; said.Improvement Warrant to,bo.Aelivorel to Erneot Lackey, ao Trustee.' Trustoo. Adopted upon call of the roll by:the following *Qts:. Yoae, Eaton, Tully and. 1illiome.4. Oommiusioner'Eaton offordd the following motion: oport City zliel I move that the report of the. neer of work Aonci O1ty.!3nginoor of the work performed by Roynolcie'Brothors; Contractors, on Fourtoonth Ro,,molAn Brod. a on 14th St,;botn. gtroet, botivocn Broadway. and Joi' Mison.Stroot.;;bo received and filed.' Adoptod-upon call day !' B way and Joffor eon St of the-ro71 b7' the following. veto: Yoae, :atop, Tully and Williamo,-3., . x' Oommicsionor Eaton .off orod the following motion; I.movq that the Commise:onar ' Y, ' ImproveoSont I7ar� of Public Finanoo be outhoriaed and-instructed t,o.issue. "nn+Improvement Warrant to rant iqu+ted to ".. oynoldu Brou. - RoynolAs Dr•othoro, Oontraotors, for work $ono and porfor meA oii To:nrtonnti, Lt.reot, ' for work done on lith At. botn:: hotcronn Droa+l;ttr no and Joffor•coit Litroot iintlor oontirt d^t:od'1�• 11th 1921• for the oum }: f-B'may & Joffor-. J' non. 5t. and do-' i of $402.10, boing Udp of the ;work performod, ac per the roport of the City Englnoor •'. livnrod to. } TrUatut lackey,' filed on this date, and-eaid Improvement Warrant be dcliverod to rncy. .ot Lackey. Trustee. coo }ti Adopted upon call o.'. the roll by the following voto: Yeao, cdton, T.illy'and. Wil 11amo;-3. it On motion the 'Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yens. GRA 1 r s . u.�.-.1,9c. ,..... . . . s - .... �... _ .. .. - l .� 'i.t4%�ns+CiJ:'n +w.'xF, •.i1 a.:r, .. i .•.. .a, }v�. l i•+�vKw :.t3 r•✓4 f ✓ � 1?' .• • .. }