HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 684, July 5, 1921r ,Aq�, y a jS++n. , ,r�rr ran:,... ,- n•�.az•r.;'^.r�r-t ...,,x_..� _ tirr c+...,Y;.'�. y ... `Y ,� L 7^ '
A Nab 6 ��1 .. .. '• •`
'Commissioners' Proceedings, City oY Paducah 192
t, from V. B. Ilor .to biro. S. T. Randle, to the Bnst portion of Lot #37 in Section 0;
F Cemetery Trane:. .,.,
for from V.B.' being 16 feot.on Oyproeo Street ,and. running book 21 feet, in Oak Grove Comotory, be
Ilor to Ura. S. T.
} Randle.. ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker;
r Tully and 37illiams,-4.'
Report Oak. Oommiooionor Williame offered the following,motion: I move that ,the report
Grove Oometory
for June.19E1. :of _Prod English,.Soxton.Oak Grove Cemetery, for' the month of Juno be received and
!f { fil]ed. Adopted uponcallof•the roll .by the :following vote: Yeas, Eaton.; Baker. +
Tully -and Williamo,-4. rr
y ' On �mo�tio_n.�the board adjourned upon call,of the roll by 4 yoas. '
Adepi AL
+Sfr y •r _ i7O &W
JULY 4TH. 1921..
' i r At o Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiaelonors, hold in the Oommisolonoro' ti�b'•
Chamber' in the Oity Ha11,.Paduoah. Kentuo
hy; on July 4th, 1921. :Upon call of the roll'
I; the following answered to their namoo: Oommieoionere Eaton, Baker. and.. Williame,-3. }�(`
} Mayor Pro Tom, W.. V. Eaton, Providing.
Oommisslonor Williams offored tho following motion: On a000unt of to8py being a ++1.
Regular Moot- Legal holiday, I move that the Regular Montin of the. Board of Commiaoionere be, ad-
Ing ad jour nod g ;
.-. t111 Jul 8
' yy \1921 of E 0;. journod,till E o',alook P.. on.TuosdnY. July 5th 1921. A4o ted uponon onTl of the roll
'1clock P._-M.he follo�ing vote: Yensbq : .,'t;';•
Eaton,' Faker and.Williame,-3.
r K + e ' Adeple4 ApPRO
* > AV(
JULY 5th. loil
At an Adjourned Mooting of .tho'Board o: CormlloFlimmra, bald in tho'Oommi.aoton- +'
r�,l, + r• ora' Chamber in. the Oi.ty Bull, Faduoah. Kontilo3:y, on July .5th, 19^1. at P. o'clock P.M. '
�ty,r :Upon oall_ot thn roll. the following annwerod to thodr namos:..0ommlooiorora Eaton,
Tully. and ",i131amo,-3. Mayor Pro. Tom; V. Eaton, Prooldln `
Y'` On motion of Comm,ieoionor Tully the minuteo of thn.rrnviono mootini�o Toro'
!>ri 'adopted tie roar] aral corrected upon call of -the roll by: the following vote:. Yone, '
!1; i Eaton, Tully and'17illiams,=3. Of
Oommiaolongr Eaton offor.oll the followLng.motion I mo -o that the ;trout Impr,ovo
Acceptance of.. {
Contract and ' mont Contract and.tho.Oonotruo�ion Bond�botnoon the City of Paducah and.FakerL•. "'
Bond of Faker. & ;�: .
Storrio for Storrio, for the oonctruotiori ofoonoroto oidomal.ke. oiu•bs,and' gutters, and a.11,woo-'
eidowa]ko .oto. ooaary manholoa, intakoo; oerrora an cuteh.basino on both sides. of Bernheim Avenue, fi '
' ..on Bornholm L'.
X •.'Ave and 1I.12th
:from the ''.70 at of liorth.Tti7elfth Strout to the I'ct a'Ido.of Thlrtonnth Street at
..,;.the. intorceotlon of Buxnott.Streef, inoloding all intorseotiono, dated Juno 27th, +`
' s �..
1921; bo',r000ivoci;'filod;.approvod or. recorded. Adopted upon'.call of the roll ,by the
vote:. Yoas, Eaton, Tully and Williams ., -3. `
A000ptanco of ; Oocaolooionor Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the. Street Im- is
Oontroot and
`. Sond.of l:nkor b >''proyoment Oontroot:and the Construction Bond botWeon'the City -of Paducah and Poker & Mi
+..Storrie'for ;•' ' ' .. .. r
'uidowalke on 8torrio, for.,tho oonatruotlon of oonoroto.aidn�alka; oiaba and �nrttore, and all noose -I
S. lith St. botn ' > h,
Huobande St. eery manlsolos; 4n9a7* eo'aora anri'oatoh basins on both.nidos of South Eighth Stroot-,
and. Bachman St. .f •,'
from the 8nuth'proper'ty line of Husbands Street to tho'Ilorth curb, lin
1` a of Bachman
Street, datod June 27th, 1921, be'reooived filed
. approved end.recorded. Adopted'
upon call of the roll by'Ae-foliowin,g'vote: Yoaa; Eaton, Tully nnd'l7illiuno,-3.
i 4 C v 1 T
•.• w .. �f r1'r; f � F�•�e'�"rlc'�F�'er4i (tics M �'''.3F r"�., 4`r v.1 iF t� i""',yr"' y �`� ,, •ii- n. +1? i.4h S - R. ,fit ' T r� ", 41 '-?.�_ ' ' , '
Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192-=
} Oommiasioner Eaton,offore3 the following motion: I move that the report of the
`-� Report Chief of17. .
Fire Dept. in ro; Chief of the Fire Department, as to hie disposal of certain junk and old .tires, be
X; certain jimk and
old tiroo, die reoolvod and filed, and that .the $36.63 realised thorefor be paid over to .the 0ommis-
F,osod of for
sionor'of Public Finnnoo, to be,crodltorl to the account of.tho Piro Department.' Adopt },
ed upon call of tho. roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton; Tully and flllliame,-3. ),r�
Commissioner Eaton offered the follo:vIn, motion; I move that the report-of,the
Ro! ort - Tub 110
Health NurolnR Public 11oalth lhu•ae for the month of Jnno 1981, be received and filed. Adopted upon'' ;
"ervioo for J4mo
1421. oall of the roll by the fol'lo!.-ting veto: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and -.Wil
? Commisetonor Eaton offered the following motion: I. move that the* Report of the
Roport. Chiof of Chief of Polido for the month of Juno 1921, be received and filed. Adopted upon call
Iolloo for June
s, 19£1. of the roll by the following vote: .Yoau, Eaton,. Tully and 1.7llliamo,-3.
OouvnissioFior Tully offered the following motion: The uiun of t37.60. having been
paid into the Troaoury, as evidonood by the r000ipt filod horowlth, I:movo that.Aood
Oor.:otorr Deed to be executed to 0. E. Childoro for Lot 104 in Block 18 on the North side of Bal:or .' .
•r( 0. C Chlldoru
for Lot T84 in St act. bot.rroon Ford and Hannon Street in 0ak Grove Oomotery. ,Adopted upon 'oull.of
Blool: V8:
tho roll by the following veto: Yens, Eaton,• Tully and ',7111lamo,-3.
Commissioner Tully offered .the following. motion: The oiun of
p37. 50 having boon
t. paid into the Treaunry, au ovidonooA by the r000l.pt filed horor+itli; I mm o that dead
Cemetery Dead to
L. 11. Muller. bo osoontoA to Z. R. Millor for Lot yn•88 in Dlook 12 on the 17out silo of Hannan Street,
or lot 5E8 in
Bloul: $^. Batrioon Bahor 1. IM-lor :;tracts In Oak Grove -Cemetery., Adoptod upon, call of tho .roll
:I 4A b; the following vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully and 71111amo,-3.
0911nlaslonor Tally,offoraA the follo-ain motion: I move that the.00mmunlootton
Communication. from J. :.. Gardnor rolativo to the auuoannont on ht•o prupoety r.t 333-Sout1i 0th .Street,
J.A.Gard nor rola-
1 t1vo to aoueo4- be received unA filed. Adopted upon oull of the roll by the following Vote: Yoon,
v' nv4nt on Me pro-
puny.- .L.'aton, .Tully and
i Oommieuionor Tully offered the following motion;.I move that .the application of
' Dr.V.".Yat0o Dr. V. '•7. Ynton,. for .ponition.of City Moat.' Lti1k and Live took In:q�cotor, be r000t.ve
ap•plloatl.on for
poet tloil. of City• ,:nA filed. Adopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas, Iiaton,,Tnl]y'.
Lout,:_t.lk and
. . .'
Live ;took In- and' 1711].inma,.3.
unuotor. .
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:'Tho oum of 160.00 'each flavins
" been paid into the Troaoury, an evidenced by tho reoe.lptu Mad herewith, togothor.
Liounoo Ao soli
f hovoragon,. =It.' witl: applioationu to poll milt or ooraal Aovoragoo or any admixtures thereof, '
or ooraal lsauod
to. pined an required by Ordinanoe,'I move that license to soll..mcilt or cereal bevoraaee
r. Rohkopf Dint.06, or.any aAmixturoo thereof be erantod to the following partlee at the ad Aroasee fiat
t Lixio Crocory Co.
;7 Jako Biedor::,an out, opponito their namou. '
'Gro. Co,
`�t °to nhauur Rohkopf Dist, Co.; 105 South 9.nd Street,
"1} its, Dixie Grocory Co. 1000 ]forth Oth Street.
Jako Biodormun Gro.., Co., 306-307 South 7th Street,
Jack. 3id!lo; Stoinhaur & ';Cilie 119 North 4th Stroot.
!:l T::cl:.Iowa,'south 9th 1. i. I1a11, 1006 Jtroot. " ;t
'ra;cr B 0Cor, Jack Riddle 119 BL•oadway
' A. T.Be), nran and Tuok lone, 0 South 7th Street,
�. It. Iovoll. Potar Bolger, 1617 South 4th Stroot.`
"i A. T. B.oheiman 111 South 3d Gtroot.
11. Powoll, 116�Yy. Ave. '
Adopted. upon call of the roll by the follo:71ng .voto:. loan, Eaton, Tully and. . .
*: Comnissionor :Iaton offered the following motion: I move that tho report'of..the'
;S Report City 1;7tgS-A .City Zneinear.of tho r.,ork performed br 2akor L: Storrlo, Contractors, on E].evcnth.•
i. r.eor of viork dons -
:.t by Eal:or L Stor- Street, bot:reon Broadway and Jefferson :;treat, be received and filed. Adopted upon
'r rio on S:Ivcnth
:;t:, :batn.E'aay, call of the roll -by the following3 vote: Yeas, Eaton,. Tully and Villiame,-3.
and croon 't.41
. trt��, r•, ,.,nr.,Ree.Ta�r.,r-- z n -; t r r - .. xr
a•r n;... +.•ry t•,x >:�v r- .�:�-x•pc-� � { 1 . "
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
dommiecionor Eaton offered the following motion. I move that the Commissioner
Improvoment.War - c. ?u
rant iur..niod.to 'of Public Finance be authorized and instructod to issue an Improvement WArrant.to Baker �i.;'
�Eal:or L' Storrio
fer c'cori: dorso on -& 8torrie, Oontraotors,�for work done'and'performed on'Eleventh Street, _betwoen'Broad-
Floventh St. ,bat .
;(+Blvtur and Joffprll nay and.Jofforcon Street, under contract dated 11•ny,11th, 1921, for the stun of $1626.34,'
uon St. for
,,$162G.34: boing 66% of tlte'work p.orformod,.as per the report of the City Engineer Mod on.thls
> ":> -date. Adopted upon 'call of tae roll by the following vote.: Yoae, Eaton, Tully and
_ „'• y,� ,17111inms,-3.' ,- ' (�: �
Oommissionor Eaton'oPPored the following motion: I move that the.report of ,the r}.
Report City Lngi Gia
5 near of wort: don Olt Engineer of the work }
q' performed by Baker & 8torrie, Contractors, on:
by Eukor & L'tor-
frio'on Sixtonnth Street; botcvoon Broadway and Jefferson. Street. be received and filed. Adoptod upon oall
8t. Botn.D'way
1:ian6 Jofforuon of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton. Tully and`rlilliamo,-3.
r� Commissioner. Eaton offered the following motion:.I move that the Commissioner
Improvement War-
, Of PvDlio'Finanoo bo authorized and instructed to Icons. an I'rovemont't7arrant to '
rant ioonod to•4
'•'Faker & ;ltorrIs 'Faker & Storrie' Oontraotoro, for work done and performed on Sixteonth Strent; between
5` for %vork done on
Sixtoenth St.
.:• .Broadway anA.Jefforeon Streot, under contract. dated J�ay.�llth, 1'021, for the sum of
ix betn.B I way and y' h�is
efforoon St. fo ;:$866.68,..bging 660 of the work performod,.as.por the report of the City Engineer-filed
ct;= `on this, date. ,Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas Eaton Tull
and 171111ams,-3.
Commisnionor,Baton offered the'.following motion:'.I move that the report.of the
Report Oity Engi _ lill
noor of work don :'
01tyBngineor of the stork porfo.�9d.by Reynolds Brothers, Contractors, on Thirteenth
by Roynolds Drou
b on. Thirteenth, Strout, 'botwoon'Brogdriny.and Jefferson Streote; be r000ived and filed. Adopted upon 'r
>, St. Botn.B'wuy &... P p Py
.Joffor son'.$ t.
tz call 'the roll by the foll.owing..vote:. Yoae, rnton,. Tully and ':7111iams,-3. I'::; ••
'Commiosionor Eaton offered the-following.motion: I move that the Commissioner
linproveiront lar- ''of Pnblio.Finanoo be authorized and instruoted.to..issue an Improvement i7arrant to a'
sant luuiiod to f< '
Ro;mol.d�Brou. RoyInold'e'Brothard' Contractors, for* work done .and performeA-on.Th vtoonth S+
root, be-
for work done on
13th St. botn.!
.twoon Broadway and .Jofforaon Streot, nNor contract Mato t Lay ,llth; ,1921,_ for, the ouri th ,
Noy and Joffor
:,. eon St. and do of $421.69; being 66% of the work' performod, no per the report of.tho. Cityi Englneor. f t
:.11rorod:to Er- ear
Hoot 'Lnoi:oy, filed on thio.,Into'; said.Improvement Warrant to,bo.Aelivorel to Erneot Lackey, ao
Trustoo. Adopted upon call of the roll by:the following *Qts:. Yoae, Eaton, Tully and.
Oommiusioner'Eaton offordd the following motion:
oport City zliel I move that the report of the.
neer of work Aonci O1ty.!3nginoor of the work performed by Roynolcie'Brothors; Contractors, on Fourtoonth
Ro,,molAn Brod.
on 14th St,;botn. gtroet, botivocn Broadway. and Joi' Mison.Stroot.;;bo received and filed.' Adoptod-upon call day
!' B way and Joffor
eon St of the-ro71 b7' the following. veto: Yoae, :atop, Tully and Williamo,-3., .
x' Oommicsionor Eaton .off orod the following motion; I.movq that the Commise:onar ' Y,
' ImproveoSont I7ar� of Public Finanoo be outhoriaed and-instructed t,o.issue. "nn+Improvement Warrant to
rant iqu+ted to
".. oynoldu Brou. - RoynolAs Dr•othoro, Oontraotors, for work $ono and porfor meA oii To:nrtonnti, Lt.reot, '
for work done on
lith At. botn:: hotcronn Droa+l;ttr no
and Joffor•coit Litroot iintlor oontirt d^t:od'1�• 11th 1921• for the oum }:
f-B'may & Joffor-. J'
non. 5t. and do-' i of $402.10, boing Udp of the ;work performod, ac per the roport of the City Englnoor
•'. livnrod to.
TrUatut lackey,' filed on this date, and-eaid Improvement Warrant be dcliverod to rncy. .ot Lackey. Trustee.
}ti Adopted upon call o.'. the roll by the following voto: Yeao, cdton, T.illy'and. Wil 11amo;-3.
it On motion the 'Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yens.
1 r s
. u.�.-.1,9c. ,..... . . . s - .... �... _ .. .. -
l .� 'i.t4%�ns+CiJ:'n +w.'xF, •.i1 a.:r, .. i .•.. .a, }v�. l i•+�vKw :.t3 r•✓4 f ✓ � 1?' .• • .. }