HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 684, July 4, 1921�,!•, " ?�' � .,..•i v'-" y�.� +. .rl;,. Oro. �. iU! -J. .".7 vary. rtirr��-.
J �rJ. '.(Yl;e+vs a. .q1; t-'x.•+r.,.n..:^ fi'3, .•.�.qx wcr.r^Y-w:.-.,r - yr _ .s .;J:" :f}!,Ns'
�,�...a.-..-:'s-.•t.�.'.',a..c.,;...w .... 1.__,��.a-_+L: ".w.w ,.+..._ .. y .r,.�w.._,�s ki..iLtJ "'''�.1
Commisaiottera Proceedings, City of . Padudah 192_ 4
2rom.V. B. Ilor .to Ura. S. T: Randle, to the East portion of lot #37 in Section 0;
Cemetery Trane
for from V.D. being 16 foot, on 0 proal street and running back El foot, in Oak Grove Cemetery,
Ilor to hlrs.S.T.
Handle. ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followingveto: Yeae, Eaton. raker;
Tully and i71111nma,-4.' +Qi
Report Oak. Oommiss(onor Williams offered the following
.motion: I mood thnt.the report
Grove Oomotory
-II for June.1921., of .Prod EnGlish,.Soxton. Oak Grove Cemetery, for.' the month of June be received and
( 4' ` filled. Adopted upon. call of the roll .by the ;folloning vote: Yens, Eaton., Esker, ,� t
Tully and Williamo.-4.
On motion the, Board adjourned upon' call of the roll by 4 yoas.
!:•.. ` � � • ' . ' .APER o'� '. . �� .,;
JULY 4TH. 1921.
a At a Regular Meetin
h gu g of the Board of Commiseionore, hold in the Oommiout onors' '•
r Ohamber'in the Oity Hall '.Paduoah; Xentu
OL7. on July 4th, 1921. '.Upon call of the roll
the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton. •- Baker and.Williame 3.•'a''
_ .•. ..
Mayor Pro Tom, W.. V. Eaton, Presiding. �•. ir" •
Oommivalonor Williams offered the following motion: On a000unt of tgay being
Regular Moot- Legal holida I move tbat the Regular Mootin of the. Board of Commisoionere bend-.'
ing adjournod Y' B
1921 at I-01- Jouinod.till E o'_olook P.k'.�on.TuoodnYy. . July St
h 1921. Adopted u.on* call of the roil
clock P. M.
Y .
• .
by the following veto: Yeae, Eaton.'Eaker and.Williame,-3.
J.", Adopted
i t n11A VI'�R� I}I
JULY 6th. 1021. ... .
�y1 I At. an .tdJous+nod Mooting, of _the Boar of Cormloninnoro, hold in tho'Oommitoton-
T y . ora' Ohambor in. the OI.ty Hull, 1'¢Auoah, Kontiiol:y, on July .6th, :10,^1. at P, o'clock P.M. ts:
s ; -call of the roll. the followlrC annworod to their namoa:..0ommlosiornrs Linton
Tully anA 7,illiamc.-3.'11ayor Pro. Tom; „. V. Baton, Iroolding. ,V
On mot(on'o£ Comm,ieuionor Tully
tho.minntoo of thn.rreviono moottnrc aero }'
�> j adoptod as road aril. corrected upon call of the roll by. the following vote:. Yens. ;
`t •':,.. {• Eaton, Tully anA'Williams,=3. �...
Oommissiongr Eaton offor.a(l tho'.following.motion: I move that the ;boot Impr.ovo
Aodoptnnoo Of .. .. !
Oontrnot and inonOontraot nn(1.the Oonot'ri,ation Bond`botwoon the City oi'Pnduoah and .Laker Z. : U::
Bond of Bak or. & >>:-S
Storri'o for 8torrio, for the oonctruotion of oonorotn oido.Walka, onrbs.and guttors, and n.11. noo-
t7ldoao]ko .eta. ';annary mauholoo, intakoo, cowers nnl cateh.bnsina on both sides of Bernheim Avenue,
on Bornh0 m ('.
a . Ave and li.l2th
from the ':lost .title of 11orth Twelfth Street to the Eact -Ldo: Of Tlitrtonnth' Stroot at .,•.
k ahs intoraeotton'Of Biu•nett. Street , including'all intorsootiono, datod'Juno 27th.
filed y.
..' ,. pProvod ant recorded. Adopted upon.oall of the roll .by tho�.
s. �' 7 follorrinr, vote:. Yeas; Eaton, Tully and 71111ams..-3..`
A000ptanoo of ; Oommiscionor Eaton offerod t)io following motion; I move that the S1reA.t Ira-
�J 'Contrnot and .'provemont Oontraot:'and the Construction* Bond botaeon the Oity of Paducah and Baker &
Bond,of Laker &
atorrie'for 4. ,
j,'uidowalke on.8.torrio, for.,tho.00notruotioii of concrete.sidn:7alko, ourbe ant getters, and all neoes-) y "
11 0th St. boLn "ear man}ioloe in a�4cos sowore and catch basins on both.nidoe of South Eighth Stroot, i
Hatbands at. Y
r and Buchman St. r from -the South'property line of HuOan o Street to the'Aorth ourb, line of Bach
mon fi .
8trost, dated .June'E7th; 1921. be received, iiiled, approved and recorded. Adopted'
.,, pen pall of Lhoiroll-by'i following vote: Yong; Eaton, Tully'and'Williune,-3.
4['V,h%�•�{G17,:ae+4!/�. ,7PlV"�1.�. -. L`- ...,,. Y+.4,nK:ji... .'41. ::1 �f••,'J .s ..