HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 683, July 2, 1921r RIr - -- --,.>;.:w•a•;K ✓."•CT-.rh,,;±-::"'ri;jr•:,it:�:, .aFt;. -..lr t "ti`{i*i.9;';'��"�^:� r y'�t„tsn ,it.'�+:ic
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_
from Emma J. lienley to Lot jIGE in Section 11, Oak Grove Cemetery, toLillie '.YrIght, ..
j be ratified. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yons, Eaton, Tully
t and:.17illiame,-3.
sOn motion the Board adjourned upon call of tho roll by 3 yeao.
At a Called'Iloetin; of the Board of Commissioners, hold in.tho Commicatonore'
Chamber in the City Hall, Taduoah, Y_entuoky. on July,gnd, 1921, at SO o'clock A. V.
Upon.call of tho roll the following answorod to their ITamoc: C0%,ni si.oncre'Eaton.
Baker, Tully and lilliams,-4. L'-ayor Pro Tem 1. Maton providing.
Layor Pro Tom Eaton stated reasons for call to-%tilt: For tho purpose of
receiving and filing bids for the oonotruotion of an addition to Riveroicle Hoopital,
and such other busir.003 that mi.Cht come before tlio Board.
Oommisolonor Williams offered tho follorrinr motion: I move that the bids
for the oondtruotion, creation and oomplotion of an.addl.tion and extension to River-
Bide for addition'
to Riveroide Soo- aide Hoopital; submitted b,the fo].lo-ling bidders, to-crit:
+ pital aubmLttod by
G.as Lockwood and Guo Lockwood and Coo. W. Eattorjohn, ,
received and each bidder having submitted with his bid a certified shook equal to 5,S of hie mini..,
1 filed.'
mrm bid, be received and filed, and said checks delivered to the Cormnic.oionor of Pub
lio Finance. Adopted upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yoao, Eaton,`Ea1;er,
Tully and 7,71171amo,-4.
Report Oom'r. of
Ooimnicsi.onor Tully offorod the following motion: I movo Ahat the a000unte
Finance of accounts amounting to ,^40,063.00, as per the report of the Commissioner of Tiiblio Pi.nanoo filed
for :rook ending
July 2nd. 1921..... herewith, be allowed and ordoroA paid and the money appropriated from the General
Fund .to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll-by the following voto:.Yeao, Eatcn,
Baker. Tully and 17illiamo,-4.
Oowleolonor Eaton offered the following motion: 17. F. Orion having tondornd
i' Bid of 1. F. Owen.
•s for conotruation a bid for the oonutruotion and creation of. the addition and extension to Riverside
of add l ::'. on to + '
Rivoruldo Loupital Locpital, far which bide rioro advortinod to be received on this data, and hnvina fail-.
1 refected. on
;q acoount.of not ad to.00mply :vith the requirements of the opoolfloatione.and the advertisement, by not
?r or.clooln; certified
ohool: crith bid, enclosing certified chock, I movo.ttat caid.proposod bid be not received no a bid, ` .t
but that oa.t¢ paper, purporting to be said bid, be filed. Adopted upon call of the
?i. roll by tho fol.lo•.vine veto: Yeas. Eaton, Eakor, Tully and 171711ama,4.
Commiouloner Eaton offorod the following motion: It appearing-fr.om the bide '?.;•
Bid of Guo Look- thio day received for the oreotion of the ertonnion and addition to Riverside llospital �`�•
w^ wood .for oonotuo-
;• tion of addition that tho.bld of Gun Loeln;ood, amounting to 610,099.00 to complete-said additton' Y
to 3lvoraidc Los-
pital a000ptod, aocordinn to tho amended plane, io the lorioot and bort bid, and that the next low
and "yor: authoria- od to enter into bid is that of G. W..I:attarjohn G Son, 'amounting to YEO,500.00,- I movethat nnid
contract r11th,
Contractor. bid of Gus Lockwood.be a000pted,and that the Mayor be instructed and authorinod to '.
enter into contract with aald biddor,'iri.all roapoots as require,! by ,law; and in .
e000r.danoo with the roquirarenta of said bid. .Adopted upon call .of the roll uy the
foll.ocrinZ voto: Yoau, Eaton, 3:akor, Tully and'i71111nma.-4.
( Certified chock of. 0oimioulonor Baton offered tho following motion:•.'I move that. oerttfiod
i G.".:attor John &
,F. Son, unD1160033ful. chock uubmittod by C. 'ii. Latter John b Bon for. yl,0Eb.00, be rritiunod to. said un-
biddors for Rivur-
;• 31do Hospital addi- successful bidders. . Adopted .upon call of. tho, roll by the fo3lo•,71ng veto: Y000, Eaton,
tion, returned..'
Laker, Tully, and Willi amu.-4. r
Commiaoioner 11111iame offorod the following motion: I move that the transfer r
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•.+ •-rrrner�n.•t<._ -_ ��. � iA... 4" ,...� :. I. � -r- rt �. y r, , .,,, ,. Y;' ,s..
+ ��y ,Ctj4Jv_r• , fr.•. r i:-Sar+r. Ha f^AY.i:.. ,.1,.�,a. Y. .,,,..:yn ...i..+.:': � -i.: -.fj 1A•r-r!r:. ••,r1n24T'r •:+r�•-• h ,..,�q.;Fy,,,..
.r w ..
,�lw/•�•' •...r�lfjtiw..:'. .._:4 .- •L --el.. �.h..ww ..ua�. a
— .Y.-. r..: a..{S�'S:C'.tit�W.L.,i.
Commissioners Proceedings, City'of Padudah
from V. B. Ilor'.to Wo. S. T. Rane, to e Fast porion of lot $37 in Section 0,
Cemetery Trans-'.
i for from V.
,being l6 foot.on Oyproso Stroet-.and running back 21 foot, in Oak Grove Comotory. De
Ilor.to Mro.S.T;
Randle. .
ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker;
Tully ¢r:d Williams,
Report Oak.
Oommiosionor Williams offored the following motion: I move that the report;.i;
Grove Oometory
for June.19E1.
of Fred English..Soxton Oak Grove Cemetery, for the 'month of Juno be received and
filled. 'Adopted upon call of .the. roll .by the :following vote: 'Yeao, Eaton., Baker, ,•
"{t ,
Tully and Williamo,-4.
On Board adjourned upon: call .of the roll by 4 yoas.
4j +i.
nmotion �the
Adopt ---
111 vvv
r R`'
PI_ 010 --
JULY 4TH. 1921,
At a Regular Ylooting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Qommieel onoro'
Chamber`in'tho City Ha11,.Padu6ah; Kentuoky; on July 4th, 1921. .Upon call of the roll.;z
the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baton. Baker. and. Williams, -3.
i• _ •4;,, ,
Mayor Pro Tom, W.. V. Eaton, Providing.
Oommiselonor Williams offers! the following motion: On a000nnt of today being'a
Regular Afoot-
r ... f ng adjourned
Legal holiday, I move that the Regular Looting of the. Board of. De•ad-
B d-
'-. till.
.-.till.Jul 8
atyy oI ,-
.till E 'o. )!clock P.. A, i., on .TvoodaY•!. July 6th 1921. A do ted uocaoroll
•:. l+:
clock P.: M.'
'the following veto: Yeas, Baton. and Williams.-3.sd•:
' i',s .
r o t
JULY 6th. 1921
At an Adjournnd Mooting of`.tho Board o^ Corminntonoro, hold in the 'Oommiaoton-
f ' y,r
jt7 d
ors' Ohumbor in the City hull, I•¢duoah, kontuoky, on July at T. o'clock P.M.
f ,
Upon' call of tho roll the following annrr'orod to their namoo:..0ommiooiororo lsnton.
Tally and "il]inma,-3. llayor Pro. Tem; .. V. Laton, Prooiding.
• `On motion of Commicuionor_Tully the.minuteu of tho.Proviono moetinrn acro
radoptod as road aril, oorreotod'u on call o�"tho roll b.: the following vote:. Yeas
P. q
r s,:
{ Eaton, Tully anrt Williama,-3.
Oommiootonar Laton.offor.ort the.follow Lng.motion; I mo -,o that the Ctrcot Impr,ovo
Acooptanoe of
. - Qontrnat and
mont 0ontraot and.tho Oonotructlon Bond botwoon the Cit of Paducah an' Eaker.'80.
Bond of Enkor.
Storrio for
Stgrrlo,"for the oonotruotlon of oonoroto airlo.walko. olu•be,anh gutters, and al
df dowalka otc.is
on Bernheim
osaary manholori, intakoei, oewora nnrl cutoh.buain.a-on both eidos.of Bernheim Avenue,
Av6 and V.l?th
from the 170st.31Qe,of North .Twolfth Street to the Eact nldo of Tiiirtoonth Stroot at
the intoracotlon of Burnett Streot,'inol»ding all internootions, datod Juno 27th.
1921; bo,r000iv0. filod..approvod and recorded. Adopted upon-.oall of the roll the..
fol]orrinr, vote':. Yore; Eaton, Tully and Williams.. -3.
Acooptanoo of .'.
Oormoloelonor Eton offered the following motion; I move'thnt the 8Ireet Im-
(�f Controot and
Bond of Baker b
°' prcvernent Oontrdot:and tho-Oonstruotion Bond botaoon the City of Paduoah and Eaker de
s sidowalks on
Storrlo, for„ the,conatruotlon of concrete.3idowalks; ourbe and �mttora, and all noses-
S. 1Mi St. beta
- Huobando Qt..;
• .' r
nry mnn]foloe; inQC613 , oo•aere and catch basins on•both.nidoe of South Eighth Street:,
} and Baohman St.
r a,,
from .the 8nuth`propor'ty line of Husbands Street to the IJorth aiub., line of Bachman.
Streit, dated June 27th, 1921. -be reoeived'. filed, approved and recorded. Adopted
I s.,
h ' t,i+41f' Cydupon
call Of the rull•by`te'following
vote: Yeao; Eaton, Tully and'Willi vno 3.
iiwR4 ';+C4fi.✓ 'dR'dtiG?.l•. 5.i' ._.. 1`. - +1i.o).fc:(i ?'Va. .At4.•1!; ): a.Ww1•?}:c. , n