HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 678, June 27, 1921•-7'\ 'L .^ .:.5..:, . �.-, n��.. , t�:F: 071:r
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192
:' �,•,{ :y Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that in advertising
:.;• .., for bids for tho oonstruotion of an'eddition to Riverside Hospital, and in awarding. oon,
treat under suoh'advertisement; that the Contraotor or suooeeeful badder be required to.
furnish bond,.gunranteoing..Lhe faithful performanoe of .the oontraot and payment of all
.• obligations arising thereunder, in a sum equal.to•60% of the amount of the oontraot,;t
< Addition to whioh bond shall be eeoured by a surety to be approved by the Mayor, and that the suooess
Hospital...,.t ful bidder be required to exooute hie oontraot and bond within ten days from the sward
{ :;r ing of.eaid oontraot, and that .his shook deposited with hie.bid be held by the City un-?
itI 4
til said oontraot and bond have been duly executed and reooived and aaoeptod by the Oity` �M
and that all ohooko deposited with Aho Dido of the unsuooeseful bidders be returned to
the reepeative bidders upon the awarding of oontraot, or rejeotion of bids, and that the
xti oheok of the euooeeeful bidder be.forfeited to the Oity if .said bidder,ehould fail or aTz
"refuse to oxooute his.00ntroot and bond within ten days aftor the awarding of onoh oon
treat. Adopted Von -oall of the roll by thefollowing vote: Yoao, Eaton; Baker, Tully
1 and Wi'lliaRe.-4.
On motion the Board ad"journed.upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas..
y id./ 4� ! i1 . SL AFp:r
JUVE 26th. 1921. } i
At.n Celled Lieeting of the Board. of Commiseioners; hold in the Commiseionero"
5 Chnmber,im the City Hall, Paduoah, gentnoiW., on June Efith, 1921, at 11 o'olook A. U. {'
C, ;Upon call of the.roll the following answered to their names:.Commissioners Eaton
Eaker, Tully and Williame,-4. `Mayor Pro Tem, W. Y. Eaton, Presiding. Vis;¢f
Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for as 11, to-wit:.Por. the purpose of allow- .'
Ing Pay Rolla for the week ending June 26th, and suoh other business that might dome'
3 'before .the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion .I move that the.n000unte.for
Report Oomlr.
yL Finanoe of . the week.ending June EGth amounting to $20170.66.ae.per the report of the Commissioner
aaoounte for.
,wook ending of Publio Finanoe filed herewith -be allowed•end ordered:paid.and.the money appropriated`
June 26th,19E1.
from the general Fund "to pay same. ..Adopted upon oall of the roll by .the following vote
� ,•': Yeae,'Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williame,=4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of .the roll by 4 yeas.. �
yrj - .. a+... � Dui.► � .' r,i " .
P RLA70'R , r;
tie ,
r j+c JUifE 27th. 19E1. Ar
a At aCalled i!eeting_Of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' !..
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, %entuoky, on June 27th, 1921, at 11 ololook A. U.
I Upon.oall of the roll the following anewered to their names: Cormnisetoneralraton,Eaker, �p
Tully and Williams, -4: Mayor Pro Tem w. v. ratanpre6iding..
Mayor Pro T.om.Eaton stated reasons for.oall, to -wit: For. -the purpose of reoeiv
4l ing and filing bide on oonstruotion work on South Eighth Strect.%and Bernheim Avenae'.
. 31 .
�'•.' and such other bneinoos that might.•oomo before the Board.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the bide forthe - "`•"
.00nstruotlon of oonorete side:valks, ourbo and gutters, and all neoeseary manholes, in ?t'
•takes, drivowaye- soworo and.oatoh basins on both sidesof Bernheim Avenue, from the.
1 k.,
West side. of North Twelfth Streot'to the East eide of ,Thirteenth.Streot at the inter- I
seotion of Burnett Street, inoluding all intereeotione. in the Cit of a n . `r
., y P d oaf, %entnoty
r •, t
v et,
Commissioners' Proceedings, City ,of.Paducah A92 -
submitted by the following bidders, to-crit;
Bids on sidewalks
oto. on Bornholm
Baker & Storri
Ave. botwoon 12th
Yanoy & Rohneon
13th Sts., by
Faker & Storrio, be resolved and filed a nd aotionon oame.deferreA until the Regular }Seating at g
Yanoy & Johnson.
o'clock P. 11. on Monday. Juno e7th, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
following vote:. Yeas. Eaton, Eal,-.or. Tully and Wtiliama--4.
Commteoloner Eaton.offoroA the following notion.' I movo that the bids for
the construction of concrete sidewalks. ourbo.and Cuttoro, and all necessary man.
Bids. on eldewulke
on 3. M.3t. from holes, intakes, dri*arayo, sevioru and catch baoina on both sides of With Birbth
Husbands St. to
Bachman St.. by Street, from the South- property lino of Husbands 2troot to the Horth curb . line of
Eal.:cr & .'.torrio
and Yanoy. & Ba.ohman Str,eot, In the City of Paducah, Yentuoky, submitted by the following bidder
t.0 -wit;
4 Eaker L. Morrie,
Yanoy &. Johnson
be received and filed and. action on same doforrod until the Refftilar tle:eting' at 2
o'clock P. U. on Uonday, Juno 27th, 1921. Adopted upon still of the ro11'bq'tho.fol
lowing vote
Yoaa,.Eaton, Bakori,Tplly and 'Jilliame,-4.
On motion tho Board adjourn ad upon call of the'r'0'13 by 4 yeas.
*A 06-0-s"Gle 00
JUL B 27th. 19Rl*
Ata Regular Vooting.of the Botird of Oommioutonore, hold in.tho Oomminotbr 81.*
Ohambor In.the City ?call,I
-aduouh. Kentucky, on Jima 27t h,. lorl. Upon onll of the roll
the answered to:thoir names: Commies ionoro Eaton,Tldly and Willtamej-3.
1% yor 'Fro Tom:71. 7. Eaton I
On motion of CommiaoJ6
nor. Tully the minutes of the :previous meetings war6
adopted as road .
upon call of the roll by thofollo,
p %7!nF,vote: 'Yana, Zaton,Tvlly and
Williams; -3'.
Com..is6tonor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that tho communication
Oommuntoation of
Geo.Bornhard and from -George Bernhard and oth action thoreon deferred till
ore be rooeived.ond filed and
others In ro open-.
Ing. of beta.
Ky. the next Regular 'Sooting of the Board. Adopted upon call of.tho roll by the fo I I ow ing
Vii'. Ave.. and
_r Proporty. vote: Yoao. Eaton, Tully
and Williams, -3.
Commissionor.Zaton offorod the following motion; I move that the petitioh from
Patition rroperty property ownora'on Washington Street. Fact of Seventeenth Stroet.' for the -tonolon
o%moro in re 6x -
of* wittor . of '7ator Vaffia.- be resolved, filed and roforrod to the City I.ol.iottor to invoBtirato
matne on Washing-',
ton St. East of and report %y1tti i000lution, as provided In Section 4 of the Paducah' Water Company's
17th t.
Prnnoblao Orilinanoo. Adopted upon,oall of the roll by the foll.oviinC vote: Yoao, Eaton,
Tully and '31111amn,-3.
Corimloolonor Eaton offored the following motion; The Cit y'Enrine,
er having pro -
Report City Enol- pared report on the bids of the vartoiiq
noor.. on bitio for
puroone biA(line. on the oonatruotton of.con-
Esido-.m Ik construe- oreto aidewnlkq, ourbo and rtittere,- and all nocoonary manholes, intakes, sewers and.
tion on Bbrnhoim.
Avonue. botn. 13th catch basins on both sides of Bernheim Avonuo. Prsxn tho West aide of north Twelfth
and 12th.:2
Stroot to the East side of Tbirtoonth Stroot at the iriteronotion.of Burnett Street,
including alI intersections, as shown by his roport. I move that his report on :said
bids be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.following vote:
Yeae, Eaton.. Tully and 11111ams,-5.
Cornissioner Eaton offerod the folloi�ing.mot ton: It appear In
from the bids
this day.rocelvcd for tho construction of concrete' oidoiTnV:n, curbs and
gutters, and
A000ptanoo.of bid all n0000nary manholoo, intakoo. drivo-mys, so%yori3 and catch baolno wboth sides of."
ofraker 5i 3torrie
for sidewalk son- Bornholm Avenue'. from the '.lost side of North Twelfth Str'oot to the East Bide 0f.,
struotion on Bernh-
atm AVE
'.Y'. I x`.0 II,'
— C�i/'.. 4! 9 t.:; r•. .-i-' ,,,,. 4�'n.J'r::+i^'i'y'IS:?
°C. •S�Srf�r. r r`:I i('✓•' Yr,N rM1YI; :'7"Ci, t )��..., .,.....
�•.�•�* �r�.•w..,�:.��t.,r'1-• w; .�:raxS.w.....r.: j...:i.i.-1 .ay:.i.....�u..�;
C 4
Commissioners' Proceedings', City. of. Paducah
Thirteenth Streot at.tho interseotion of Burnett Street, including all intorsootions; in.
the City. of Paducah, Kontuoky,'to bo oonotruoted with concrete; and it further appoar-
ing that U is more desirable that the curbs ohall be constructed, in all reopoots; ae
is providedin Section 11 of the. Specifications for the construction of. the.gutLcr and1}.
requiring, the use of gravel instead of orushed stone in ouch Did, and. that the bid of
Baker,&,Storrie for the construction of said 37ork beingthe lowest and •best'Did,'S move
that. the:bid of.Eakor & Storrie for the construction of said work, as per plans and
upootfloationo accompanying said bid, and providing.that gravel .shall be .used In' .the
i f
construction of the concrete ourbo,.be.n roved and.a000 ted,: and that the IIa
PP. p yor De in-
t �r
straoted:to enter into a contraot with said ContractorsYn all reopeots, as required by
ordinance and according t,o law. Adolitod.npon call of the rel: by the following vote:...'
` .'.t.:' '
Yeas, I'bton;Tully and 17illiame,-3.
•;1'' ''
Commissioner Eaton offorod the followirsg motion: The City Engineer hnving
'!Report city:
Prepared report on the bide of the various parsons bidding on the construction of con-'
y, Fngtneer on '
r, bids for side-
orete,oldowalko ourbe and gutto.8,'and 'all necessary manholes, intakes, sewore and
`'.walk oonstruotio
on S. 8th 6t.
oatoh baoine on both at des, of South Eighth Street, from the South
• . 8h property, lino . of
�. tDetweon HuebnnAe
If and .Bachman St.
Husbands Street to .the Horth curb line of Bachman Street, in, the City of Paducah, Ken-
tuo?,:y, as shown by hio report, I -move that his report on said bide be reoeivod and.
filed. Adopted upon call of.the roll by the following veto. Yeas, Eaton, Tully and
Oommiasionor`'Eaton offered the following motion:'It appearing from the bids
this day received for the construction of concrete eidowalk'd,..ourbs and mittere; and all
neoeoeary mnnholee; intakoo, dri4eways,. sowers and catch.basino on both sides of South
„: Acceptance of
Eighth Strout from the South property line of.Huobande Stroe.o e North curb line of
< Storrie for side
?' walk oonetruotio:lBaohman
Street, in_tho City -of Paducah, Kontuoky, to be oonetructod with *concrete; and
on S. 6th St.,
',.from Huobande'
it f rthor appearing. that it to more deoirnble that the curbs eha11 be oonetracted, in
to Boohman.O.'
all ronpooto, as is provided in Section 11 -Of the. Specifications for. the construction
of the. gutter. and requiring.'the :use of Gravel inotead of oruohod.otono in such bid,
nnil :that the bid of EaLcir. & Storrio for, the oonotruotion of paid.work being the'lowcot
I move that tho bid of Esker &. Storrio for the oonotrgatlon of said work,
as pox plane and speoificatione accompanying oaid'bid, and.providinr gravel shall be
ood in the oonatruction of the concrete curba, be approved and aooeptod, and that *the
yor:'be inutruotod to enter Sato a contraot'.with.said Contraotors, in ali.reapeota,:aa
by ordinance and according to'.law. Adopted 'upon call`of tho'rQl.1 by the.follow-�
{.. ' .
ing veto; Yeas, Zaton, Tully and 171111aine.,-3..
r. " • '', '-•
- Oomroleeloner Eaton. offered the following motion; I.movo that. the
der' chocks
Yanoy & Johnson
checks of Yano &
Y Johnson, onolosod.wlth.thoir bids for. the construction of concrete
sidowalko, curbs and gutters, on Dernliolm Avenue and South Eichth Street. 'they'boinr'the
unsu000aaful biddere;,bo returned 'to them.' Adoptod upon'oall of,tho roll.by the fol-
Towing vote: Yens, Eaton,' Tully and 71111aros,
Oommiesionor Eaton.offered'the followinq,motion: I move that oho 8treeL
Improvement Contract. and the Construofion 'Bond between the Caty of'I'ndu*cah'cnd Reynolds
and Con-
Brothoro', for the con*ctruoti*cn.of
oonoroto curbs 'and':gutters. and, all nooeccary'man- .
k•�or 3idosvalk '.
holoo', lntnkes,.sovrors and outoh.bae'ine -both *cides:o' heeoh'Avonue.froro'the property
ocb Avonua•
lino on•the South side of.1}orth.TonLh Streot to'tho gutter line on fint_�ovld
be the
Horth oido'of Blevonth Stroot; when improved; also both titles of Elevanth Street from '.
gutter line of. the intersection Lon on .what would be she 3eet. gide of'I,eeoh Avernie; if. "
improved, .to the East Mttor:line on Burnett Street. including all dnterseotione'on enidj
etreeLe, dated June 13th, 1921;,be reoeived; filed; approved and recorded. Adopts
.... �..
iw' uN' ate. _ i- .✓ . _ a M. .0 .;w..a.ra6N.. , r .. +.T ;ut...:✓.q ..:+
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padueah 192__ N, L�/
call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae,Baton, .Tully and Williams, -3.
Oommleeioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Street
AeospLonoe of Con -
Improvement Contract and the Constraotion Bond between the City of Paducah and Rey -
tract and Construo nolds Brothers, for the construction of concrete eldewalke, ourbs and putters, and all
tion bond of Reynolds
Bros. for side- necessary manholee, Intakes. drivewnye, oe;roro and catch booing on the South aide of
walk construction
on Clay St. from Olay Street, from the property line on the hest aide of Seventeenth Street to the
17th to 19th Ste. r
Aaoertanoe of Con-
tract and Con-
struction Bond of
Reynolds Bros. for
sidewalk aonstruo-
tion on B. Sfth
St. from Jefferson
to Trimble St.
Acceptance of Can -
trust and Con-
atruation Bond of
Helmsl.hl Brun, for.
S. 9th St. 21n
Buobunds to Eliza -
both, m,d on 7th
St..to 9th St.
putter line on the East side of Uinoteonth Street, in the Olty of Paducah, Kentucky,
dated June 13th, 1971, be received, filed approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of
the roll by the fallowing vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully end Cillinme.-3, �.
Commissioner Enton offered the following notion; I move that the Street Im.
provement Contract and the construction bond between the City of padnoah and Reynolds
Brothers, for the construction of concrete sidewalks, ourbo and gutters, and all
nocoaenry. manholes, Sntakeo, driveways, eswurs and catch basins on Borth Sixteenth
Street, from the North gutter line of Jefferson Street to the South gutter line of
Trimble Ctroet, dated June 13th, 1921, be received, filed, approved and recorded.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeso,Enton, Tully and gilllams,mS�
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Street
Improvement Contract and the Oonstruution Bond between the City of paduoeh and Rey -
aside Brothers, for the construction of concrete aidewalks, curbs and gutters, and all
necessary manholes, intakes, drivewaye, sewers and retch basins on both sides of
South Ninth Street, from the South Putter line of Huubande Stroot to the Iforth Proper.
ty line of Blicnboth Street, if extended, and on the 7011th nide of HunbanAn Street
from the 'Deet property line of 2-evouth Street to the Beet property line of Ninth
Street, in the City of Ieduosh, Kentuaky. dated June 13th, 1921, be received, filed,
apl.rovod and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlnp, roto; Yeas,
Baton, Tully and 71111amo,-3.
Commissioner Tully offorod the following motion; That the communIaatf on from
HW..olds Bros,
deeignating EarnestReynolds Bros. with reference to Barnoot IA01:ey, Trustee, be received and filed.
Lackey. Trustor,
in re sidewalk Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully and B113imm,.
construction work.
On motion the Board RAjournod to meet Juno 29th, 1921, at 3 o'clock I. Y.,
upon sell of the �roll by 3 yea@. AP t --o �l
44.0Aii Zia
�-��'Y NAT
JUNE 20th. 1921.
At an Adjournod !'eating of the Board of Co,mntselonere, held in the Oommis-
stonare' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on June Both, 1921, at 3
o'clock P. L. Upon call of the roll the following onewerod to their names;
Commissioners Baton, Tully and T111iame,-3. rAyor Iro Tem J. V. Eaton Prosiding,
Report City Eng1- Oomniuoloner Baton offered the following motion; I move that the report of
boor of work done
r- by Yana' S, Jahn- the City Engineer of the .cork performed by Yomy & Johnson, Contractors, on West
eon. on Tout Brond-
way. Broadway, be resolved and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the foliosIrv.
vote; Yoas, Eat m, Tully and Cillinma,-3, -
Oommleatonnr Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Conwiastoner
Taney 1: Johnson of Iublia Finance be authorized and instructed to tunue an Improvement Tarrant to
issued Imirovor..ont
7arrtnt for work. Yenoy A Johnson, Oontruotors, for work done and performed on goat Broadway, under
done nn "'eat Broad-
way for $18,966.13. contract dated March let, 1921, for the sum of �U8,086.13, being 65% of the work
• performed, as per the report of the City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted upon
call of the roll by the following vote; Yoee, Paton. Tully end 'Jillisme,-S.
'' .. wm.—...--..,+..A•�iw.-.m.-r........—�..�..,iw+e->.n.rnr..r-aavyw*aMim►isii..