HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 676, June 20, 1921S': ,s7ii; .a p•;r`" ,..r cm ..{:1•r. ..ii 31'.W �A'L':.'L;, :5�: ..�,r,«.., 6.—:•�,.. - - '�....•.,� -
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah —.192.—
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for
. Report Com'r. the first half of the month of June, amounting to y8063.90„ as per the report of the
of Finance of
a000unte for Commissioner of Public.Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid anA the mono
first half of
Juno 1921.. appropriated irom..the General Fund to pay came. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
fol'lowing.vote: Yeae. Eaton, Tully and'VTilllama, -3.
:;- - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that,the Pay --rolls for
the week ending Jame 16th,. for the following dopartmente---
Weeklq pay- Department of Publio Property
roll s, River -
Riverside F.ocpital............ $'93.E6..
t: sidohospital ;. ,,. ,. Department of PublicWorks
y .and Street Repairs to Bithulitto Sheets 30.00, a total of
' �123.2b,,,be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Pram the General Fundto
pay. soma. Adopted upon call of.tho roll by the following voto: Yeas; Eat m, Tully.and
Williams, -3.
Ooamnieeionor Williams offered .the following motion: I move that the 'emend mant'
Amended plane to the; plane and speoifioations.for the construction of an addition to Riverside Hospit-.•";"
and trpooifi-.' al, which has boon prepared by U: E. Gore, Architect, be received, filed;, aAoptod and
oations; In re
Rivorelde Hoa- made a art. of the' ori inal lane and:
pital Add!.tion P g P specifications for said_ addition to said Hospital,
- x
sf•. Proparod by and that s .00 of said.. g print be filed and
:F py Plane , apeoifioations,' drawin s and blue
made a part of the records of the proceedings of the Board of Oommissioner.s. Adopted'
•; •.
.:. ..
upon oall of the roll Dy tho following vote: Yeas Eaton Tully and Aillinme $:
Commiesloner Williams offor:od the following motion: I move that the. Mayor. to
instructed to immediatoly advertise. for bide for the construction and completion of the
[z addition to Riverside. Hospital, in accordance with Plano. spoolftaations and drawings
j' Hager to ad- heretofore by
adopted' the Board of Oommisoionore and_that.bido,be called for accord-.
vortlee for
} ;Dide.on add i- ing to the original plane, drawings and specifications and separate bide according to
tion River-
,to ..
Dido Hospital, the Plano and. bpocifiootiona', ao amended by tho smonded plans this day adopted, and that
on plan and
-, spaoifiontiOno each and evory btddoi be required. to submit w,ith.his bids a.'oertifted check in a sum
as amondod,'.an
as original.. p specifications. and
�f equal to itva:(6�i) Por cent of hie bid on the amended lane and
+ n whore the bid to submitted on the original .plans andepoci'f.todtiono,only, the oertified'j
chock, shall bo.in a Gum'equal.to Five (6,0)per oont-of.cold bid.. Adopted upon an1T of
the roll by the, .following vote:'Yoos, Eaton. Tully and 171111ama,-3.'`-:`
On'motion the Board adjourned upon call ,of the roll by 3 yoas.
•s' if.9�
20th. 1921: :
At a Regular Yeeting of tho_Boord of. Commissioners. held in the Commieeionere''
. Chamber in the City Hall.`Faduoah, Rontuaky,.'on June 20th, 1921. Upon call of the roll
the following anonored to, their names:, Co,mmissionoro.Eaton, Zak or Tully and'Allliams.4''.
Mayor,Pro Tom, W. V.-Eaton.-prosidi'ng.
St. On motion of Commieaionor Tull tho minuteo,of :the
is y. previous meotinRs.wore adopted.`•'
<< so road upon can of tha:roll'by the follo.ing,vote: Yoas; Eaton, Eaker, Tully'and:... '•
- Rihiama,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offorod'the following motion: I.move'.that the proposal of
h 8, ., , for e construct 'of , a 'culvert at the inteiseotion.of
. Baker .A Storrio Eakor 9torrie Contrnotorathttn
to construct
culvert at 3ovonth and Fusbande,Stroets,,'in s000rdanoe'with plans and. specifications .submitted Dy
7th k Husbands° the City Enginoor, at the price of 104.00 .co lets be received filed and accepted.F'
S mP , .
and that said Contractors be'authorised to proceed immediately to
• i
conotruottng said..
culvert. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following; vote: Yens Eaton BakerTully
r and d11111ame.-4. , •
- Ir .. \
' � ^,nLrY it �:�1l�`�^a';t .f �'�'�nw '�.,. :` wt itis y r i?° i .. v a r -- .•� r:=r�. '
No. GpT
Commissioners', Proceedings, .City of Paducah
a '
' Batterjohn, Myor,,
Court Coate of
Court of Appeals.
.. in re: Sewer Die- I
Triet 13. !
Commisoionor Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Court Coot
Report City'Engi-
of $39.16, due the Clark of the Court of Appeals of Kentuaky in the case of Goo., Kelly
near relative to
vs. F. W. Yatterjohn, iiayor, be approved, and .the Commissioner of Public Finance to
new Tranoit'In-
hereby ordered and directed to draw a check in favor of Roy B. Speok, Olork, for.said
strumant, purchased+
sum, and.that same be charged to the account of Coate and Suits. Adopted upon call
of l.A.Washington.
of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and 1lilliams,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the 'oommunica-
tion from W. U. Mitoholl.. City Engineer, recommending the purchase of a new Transit
Instrument from I.. A. t:anhington, be received and filed, and it appeartnR that the
Bnginooring Department.is in noed of oaid Transit Instrument,- I now move that the
South !lith St.
Commissioner of Public Affairs be authorized*to purch000 said now-Tranatt Instrument
Driveway Estimates
from 1. A. 17ashini7ton at the price of Three Hundred Dollars, and that name be charged
paid by Trustees'
to the account of New Construction and Engineering. Adoptod.upon call of the roll by
German Evnneolioal
the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and Williams, -4.
Church. .'Colin
Commissioner Tully offorod tho following motion: .The following parties hav-
EnRlert, Cora E.
ing paid thn outimatos ounonied''aRninut thotr property for the improvemnnt on Vifth
Hubbard and H.A.
Streot. between Kentucky Avenue and Clark Street.....'
Pettor, check for
y". Estimate ?..Trustees German Zrangelioa] Ohuroh...0611.70
ll..Celia Englert........................ 338:09
Yanoy & Johnson,
y " F. Hubbard ..................... £59.76
" 14..H.A.Petter ...................:........ 259.76,
a total of ...............................:......................$ 1469.£9, I move that
Yanoy & Johnson be allowod the sum of $1469.29 and the Commissioner of Public Finance
be authorized to draw a check agninot the Special 9troot Fund to pay same. Adopted
South Fifth St.'
Driveway estimates
upon call of the roll ty the following vote: Yana, Enton,Eoker,Tully and Williams m4..
on Ton Year lay -
Qormniesioner Tully offered the follo':iing motion: The,following parties hav-
Mont plan by
ing signified their intention of paying for the improvement on.Fifth Street abutting'
i ary E.: Yeisor, "
their property.bot:7oon Kentucky Avenue and Clark Street on the Ten Year Payment Plan..
)Are 0. K. Who -) l er ,
Estimate. 4.., Vary E. Yeiaur.................$ 627.36
Chris., Haralambo an
" b... Mrs. C. K..Tlhoeler.....:....:.. 779.25
Job A. Gardner.
" 6... Chrie. Haralnmbo............. 167.54
Statement of ao-.'
R a total of.......:..... ...... ........:..........:..........,.$1733.90, I movo that .the
't• '_ '
count. with Yanoy &
City Soliot'tor be'inetruotod to furnish the Oonmi'saionar of Publio Finance copy of the
Johnson for con-
otruotion.of drive-
bonds to be issued for this improvement.Adopted upon call of tho.roll by the follo m
way on South Fifth
in vote-, Yana, Eaton, Bak or, Tully, and "1113.iams,-4.'
Oommiseionor Tully gfforod the following motion: I move that the statement
of account with'Yanoy & Johnson for'the construction of 'the•drivovm y on Fifth Street
Street lamp on N.
between Kentuoky Avenue and Clark Streets, be received and filod. Adopted upon call of
9th Street moved
near lintorcootion
the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton, Balzer. Tully and 17illiams,-4.
of crossing from
Commissioner: Tully offered the following motion; I move that.the last street
8th to 10th St.
lamp on North Eighth Street be moved farthor Horth and placed near the:intor000tion of
the road crossing from Eighth to Tenth Street. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the
Financial State -
following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williame,-4.
Mont of Rivoruide'
Commissionor Williame offered the following motion: I'move that the Binanoiel";
HoopAtal for May '
Statement of the .41vorsido 11dopital for the month of May 1921 be rooeived and filed.
Patient's Report'
Adopted upon call of the roll by tho.followin, vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker. Tully and
Riverside Hospital
Williams, -4.
for May 19£1..
Commissioner Williame offered the following motion-. I move that the Patient's
Report of the Riverside Hospital for the month of May 1921. be rooeived and filed.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yana. Eaton', Baker, Tully and
Commisoionor Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Court Coot
of $39.16, due the Clark of the Court of Appeals of Kentuaky in the case of Goo., Kelly
vs. F. W. Yatterjohn, iiayor, be approved, and .the Commissioner of Public Finance to
hereby ordered and directed to draw a check in favor of Roy B. Speok, Olork, for.said
sum, and.that same be charged to the account of Coate and Suits. Adopted upon call
of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and 1lilliams,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the 'oommunica-
tion from W. U. Mitoholl.. City Engineer, recommending the purchase of a new Transit
Instrument from I.. A. t:anhington, be received and filed, and it appeartnR that the
Bnginooring Department.is in noed of oaid Transit Instrument,- I now move that the
Commissioner of Public Affairs be authorized*to purch000 said now-Tranatt Instrument
from 1. A. 17ashini7ton at the price of Three Hundred Dollars, and that name be charged
to the account of New Construction and Engineering. Adoptod.upon call of the roll by
the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and Williams, -4.
Commissioner Tully offorod tho following motion: .The following parties hav-
ing paid thn outimatos ounonied''aRninut thotr property for the improvemnnt on Vifth
Streot. between Kentucky Avenue and Clark Street.....'
y". Estimate ?..Trustees German Zrangelioa] Ohuroh...0611.70
ll..Celia Englert........................ 338:09
y " F. Hubbard ..................... £59.76
" 14..H.A.Petter ...................:........ 259.76,
a total of ...............................:......................$ 1469.£9, I move that
Yanoy & Johnson be allowod the sum of $1469.29 and the Commissioner of Public Finance
be authorized to draw a check agninot the Special 9troot Fund to pay same. Adopted
upon call of the roll ty the following vote: Yana, Enton,Eoker,Tully and Williams m4..
Qormniesioner Tully offered the follo':iing motion: The,following parties hav-
ing signified their intention of paying for the improvement on.Fifth Street abutting'
their property.bot:7oon Kentucky Avenue and Clark Street on the Ten Year Payment Plan..
Estimate. 4.., Vary E. Yeiaur.................$ 627.36
" b... Mrs. C. K..Tlhoeler.....:....:.. 779.25
" 6... Chrie. Haralnmbo............. 167.54
Joe A. Gardner ................... 259.76,
R a total of.......:..... ...... ........:..........:..........,.$1733.90, I movo that .the
't• '_ '
City Soliot'tor be'inetruotod to furnish the Oonmi'saionar of Publio Finance copy of the
bonds to be issued for this improvement.Adopted upon call of tho.roll by the follo m
in vote-, Yana, Eaton, Bak or, Tully, and "1113.iams,-4.'
Oommiseionor Tully gfforod the following motion: I move that the statement
of account with'Yanoy & Johnson for'the construction of 'the•drivovm y on Fifth Street
between Kentuoky Avenue and Clark Streets, be received and filod. Adopted upon call of
the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton, Balzer. Tully and 17illiams,-4.
Commissioner: Tully offered the following motion; I move that.the last street
lamp on North Eighth Street be moved farthor Horth and placed near the:intor000tion of
the road crossing from Eighth to Tenth Street. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the
following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williame,-4.
Commissionor Williame offered the following motion: I'move that the Binanoiel";
Statement of the .41vorsido 11dopital for the month of May 1921 be rooeived and filed.
Adopted upon call of the roll by tho.followin, vote: Yens, Eaton, Baker. Tully and
Williams, -4.
Commissioner Williame offered the following motion-. I move that the Patient's
Report of the Riverside Hospital for the month of May 1921. be rooeived and filed.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yana. Eaton', Baker, Tully and
• r
r..-- u•+ cs,.=_i�•-.=�--ST,�"—'di'.it:.:rF.i:.sfti:7"it,:hr�'_'.i::yl+PL�JF�,i+r!k4."„v„e4:•:[,^'i`!i'-,.+�'i�,�=af 1-:7r.Y-�r"'.;Y ?m. •�i �`• T `.G'r2W1R2�r'—.at -.....-
�s Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ ws
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move .that in advertising
3t4%•';:5, for bide for the construction of an addition to Riverside Hospital. and in awarding. con" r_
treat under suoh advertisement'.that the Contractor or successful bidder be required to
furnish bond,.guaranteoing the faithful performance of.the contract and payment of all r trt
obligations arising thereunder, in a sum equal.to`60% of the amount of the contract, t F
Addition to wbiob'bond shall be secured bsuccess-
y e surety to be approved by the Mayor,. and.thnL the snocesa- '
�.... a
� Rospital.ful'bidder be required to execute his contract and bond within ten days from the 'award -
Ing of.ssid contract* and that.hin check deposited with his.bid be held by the Oity.un-
til said contract and bond have been duly executed and received and accepted by the City`
i' and that all chocks deposited with:tho bids of the unsuccessful bidders'be returned to
the respective bidders upon the awarding of contract, or rejection of bids, and that the w!?
�, flet oheok of the successful bidder be:forfeited to the City if .eaid bidder.ehould fail or far
refuse to execute his.00ntraot and bond. within' ten days after the awarding of ouch oon- Yt
treat. Adopted Von-oall of the roll by the. following vote: Yoas, Eaton; Eaker, Tully +
and Williams -4.
t ,t
On motion the Board adjourned.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.. Air
. rIj wdf ASE its
JUITE 26th. 1921.
At 'a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioner&
< Chamber An the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 95th, 1921. at 11 o'olook A. M. ,
Upon call of the..roll the following answered to their names:.Commissioners Eaton,
Eaker, Tully and Williams, -4. Mayor Pro Tem, W. Y. Eaton, Presiding. r
Mayor Pro Tem Eaton statedreasons for 'osll, to -wit: Per. the purpose of allow-
ing Pay Rollo for the week ending June 26th, and such other business that might Come
y before the Board. y
�!, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:'.I move that the nocounte.for
., ;' Report Com'r.
Lh Finches. of . the week. ending June 26th amounting to '$20170.65. se.por the report of the Coraniseioner
-. accounts for.
cook ondinngg 'of Public Finance filed herewith -be allowed'end ordered:paid.and.the money appropriated y
ti 4 June 26th,1921. ( 1�
the 'general Fund to pay same. ..Adopted upon call of the roll by .the following vote4.
r� Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully - and Willisms,=4.
' On motion the.Board adjourned upon call of .the roll by 4 3ess.,"
` is ,Ai'P Y� n � •'
h `p
Y i JUIE 27th. 1921. +
rf At a Called Meeting. of the Board of Commisoionore, held in L1ie Commiseionore'
r, >
Chamber ih the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 27th, 1921, et 11'0'0 sok A. M.
IIpon.oal.l of the the following:answered to their names Oommiseionersrdaton,Eakar { f
tr I
Tully and Williamo,-4. Mayor: Pro Tem W. V. Eaton preoidinR...
l,. Mayor Pro Tom.. Ent on stated reasons for.call, to -wit: For.'the purpose of reoeiv S
i ,r 1 .
; ing and filing bids .on construction work on South Eighth Streo and Bernheim Avenue'. 4i f
and such other busineas that might-co'
mo before the Board.
.1 Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion- I move that the bide for the
tl construction of concreteside:val-ks, curbo and gutters, and all neoeesarq manholes, In-
takes, drivoways,..eowora'ond oatch basins on both sides of Bernheim Avenue, from the
West aide of Ikorth Twelfth Streot to the East eide of .Thirteenth. Street at the inter- >>e.
R section of Burnett Street, including all interseotione., in the City of Padnoah# Kentaoiy
77 7t
ik:�;m',.i..c, a>,>xW,'.a,' ;v,;., s... ,. x `-•- .a cw...:r.:.a .,. t.c,- t l':..,. - ^ -