HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 675, June 18, 1921��R. t. ids"-k'�t '- v 1f�, �(ii r{ �;r r.'k,.. a •-o _ `t•1 •
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Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192-21
° $36.38.20 to The Wadsworth Improvement Company. Pan4V.,nnd euoh other business as might come
;. before the Board.
k` Oommissionor Tully offered the following motion;The Wadworth Improvement '
having executed a deed to the City of Paauooh for the property known 'as Forest Park
and the 'sum of $2600.00 wtth interest from the E4th day of February, 1913, amounting to
$3538.20 allowed ' $1038.20 making a total of.$3538.20 being due and unpai d, I move that the ewe of
Wadworth Improve -
ment Compary fir $3538.20 be allowed Wadworth Improvement Co. and the money appropriated from the'0enor-
' doled to Forest
.Far k. al Fund to pay same and the Commissioner of Public Finanoe be instructed, to. issue 'n
check in payment and charge same to the Fork A000unt. Adopted upon call of.the roil
by the following vote: Yeas,Eaton. Tully and 17illiama,-3. .
`• Commissioner Tully offered the follo•ving motion; The October half for the year
' 1920 of tna,bill T2397 assessed to .Mary Q. Palmer & Sister. forproperty on Clark Street
;. Maryy. O..Paliner
$' Sister Ootob"or betwoon 10th and 11th Stroeto, amounting to $90.81 originally, being Peet due and uri='.
half ]920
f .for'
Tar. Bill 2397 paid and..paymont of this Dill having boon refused by Urs. Palmer, I move that said Dill...',':
reforr8A o Citty P
Solicitor to take pDo.placed in the hands of the City Solicitor with instructions to take such action as
neoessary etopb "
to collect same. is necessary for the collection of same. Adopted, upon call of the roll by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas. Eaton. !Tully and 171lliame,-3...
r On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas..
Ad A
JURE 16th, 1921.
At 'a Called Meeting of the Board, of Commissioners. held in. the Oo•mnissionera'
Obamber in the City liall, Paducah. Kentucky, on June 15th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M.
Upon call of the roll "the following answered to their names: Commissioners. Eaton,.•
pNNNp� Tully and Cilliame,-3. Mayor Fro Tem I.T. V. Eaton Presiding,
LpL iayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reaeono for call, to -wit: To W. A. Berry, Special
a Pj Counsel for the City of Paducah in the ease of Paducah Railway Company apainat the.
Oity of Paducah, $500.00, to be credited upon account of hie services.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:- I move that the oommunioation
from Y1. A. Berry, Special Counsel for the City of Paducah, in the case of Paduoah
9.A.Berry, speoialq Railway Co. against the City of Faduoah .be received and filed; and that there be'.:,•j
counsel, paid on
. .-T.., account for sor- allowed and paid to said 1Y. A. Barry the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to be.,oidAlted
'•} vices In action
of Faduoah Rail- upon account of hit servicoo in said action now ponding in the District Court of the
Co. City,
f .
nay va
,. $500.00. United States for the Jeatern Dictrict of Kontnoky, said allowance to be charged to ..
Account of Costa and Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa,
i.. Eaton, Tully and '9illiama,-3.
"i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3. yeas.
JUDE 18th. 1921. ., '\
At a Called fleeting of the Board of Commi act oners, hold in the Commisatonere'
Chamber in the City Aa 11, Faduoah, Kentucky, on Juno 18th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M.
Upon call of the roll the following anewerod to their names: Commissioners Eaton,
Tully and 1.71113ama,-3. Mayor Fro Tem Yl. V. Eaton prosiding.
i• Mayor.Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for call,. to -wit: For tho:•purpose ofcallowing
pay-ro]le and such other bualneso that might come beforo the Board. r'1..
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r No.,l[1�
Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move -that the accounts for `ic•''.
?. Roport Oom'r. the fir at half of the month of June, amounting to $8063.90„ as per the report of the
L of Finance of ;
a000tmte for Commissioner of Public, Finance filed herewith, be allowod and ordered aid and the mono 7
first half of P
June 1921. appropriated from..the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the..
following.vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and-Villiams,-3. js
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that,the Pay -rolls for ..'i.-,.
the week ending Jime 18th,. for the following do artments---
r ti'
Weekly n ,
{'. Y P Y -. Department of Public Property Z,etc
rolls, River-' Riverside He ital........:
sidohos ital CP ..$ 93. E6.. r,
K and Street '' Department of Public Works aY
Dept. Repairs to Bithulitic Streets 30.00, a total of '
0193.26.,,be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund 40 4?r-
Pay same.' Adopted upon call of'the roll by the following veto: Yeas. Fat)n, TullYand :,'•. " ;
.. .Commissioner Williams offered.the following motion: I move that the amendment• 1
Amended glens to the plane and gpeoifioatione.for the construction of an addition to Riverside Eoepit-
'>;,and speoifiCLI, which has-been prepared by W; E. Gore; Architect, be rooeived, filed; ailoptod and
actions; In re
Riverside Hou -
made a partof the original plans,and:opeo'ifioationa for naid addition to Hospital
ill'*pital Add:.tion� o saooP
Propnrod by and that a.copy of saId..plane, speoifioations,- drawings and blue print be filed. and
W.'E.Cor.e. 7,
made a part of the records of the Proceedings of the Board of Oommisoionor.s. Adopted r
upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yons; Eaton; Tully and pilliams.,-3.
! Oommiseioner Williams offered the followingmotion; I move that the.M
4 instructed to immediatoly advertiso,for bide for the oonstruotion and completion of the yX.
$ addition to Riverside. Hospital, in accordance rrith plano,.epooifioattons and drawings !>.
,'llnyor to ad heretofore adopted -by the Board of.Oommi'eaionere; and,that.bido:be called for a000rd } i
} vortlee for
k'• ; bide on addi=ti
ing to the original pinne,.drawinge and speolfioaons and separate bide accord to-
tion to River-
aide Hoopital,
tho plana and opooifiontiona, oa amondod by the amended plans this dny adopted, and that
on plane and
speoificationa each and every biddoi be roquirod,to submit w,ith.his bide a,'oertifted cheek in s sum ).
aZ 2 as amondod,.and
no. original.. equal to five, (6%i) per Gent of hi a bid on, the amandod lane and
p specifications, and..
Where the bid'ic submitted on the original .plane and epaoif.iodtiono,only', the certified41 �-
shook shall bo,in a sum equal•to Five (6%) por.00nt of said bid.. Adopted aeon call
.the roll by the. following vote; Yoas,-Eaton,. Tully and Williams,=3..
S �. On motion the Board adjourned epee call of the roll by 3 yoaev
1r z�il A
t V
} riir
JUNE 20th. 1921:
At a Regular VeetinI3 of the. Board of Oomidiosionere, held -in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall,'Faduoah, Kontuoky. 'on June20th, 1921. Upon call of the .roll r •..
c, the following ansnored to,"their names:.Comminolonoro.Eaton, Fakor, Tully and Qilliams,4.� t
Mayor, Pro Tom, A. V. Eaton. presiding.
l On motion of Commissioner Tully.tho minutec.of :the previous meetings,wore adopted;
so road upon call of the:rolV by the following. vote: Yoas; Eaton, Eaker, Tully and:..
,� , ` Williams, -4. aiti
r ' Commissioner Eaton offered' the following motion: I move.that the proposal ofRk
Eakcr:& 9torrie., Contractors. ,'for the construction 'of a oulvert at the interseotion.ot i t
Raker k Storrio'' '
to oonaSoventh and Husbands' Stroete;:in•a000rdanoe'with plane and.epecifleations submitted by. �y
culvertvert at
Street o. .th k HueDands� theCity Engineer, at the prioe of 0104.00 .complete, be received, -filed and accepted.
...S _
and that said Contractors be' authors ed -to proceed immediately to constructing said:
culvert Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully
and 'Williams, 4