HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 674, June 14, 1921'j Sts. and the bid of Reynolds Bros.. Se the lowest and beet Did for said -work. I move. that the ''•'
C• bid of"Reynolde_.Broe: for the construction of said pork,.as per plane and specifications
accompanying 6 1 bid, and providing that crushed rook.shall be used "in the oonore'te
4•" ,,•
curbs, be approved and eooepted, and that the Mayor be instructed to enter into a.con-
"' traot,with Said contractors in ell reg oote as required by ordinanoe.and according to
law. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully t
I and Williams, -4. !
Comoiiosioner Eaton offered the following motion: I.move that the certified
i". Certified checks
checks of Eaker & Storrie. G. W. Katterjohn & son. and Yanoy Johnson, enclosed with
r. 'returned to
aneuooe, ful
bidrlere, Ecker &
their bide for the construction of eidewal'ke oirbe and ttero the bei the unsuooee
gutters,. y ng
Storrie, G.W.fi..
!• Kattorjobn & Son
ful bidders, be returned to them. Adopted upon oall,of the roll by thefollowing votes
2, Yanoy & Johnson.
Commissioner Tull offered the following �` g
y ng motion: The aum of 60.00 havin been
Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah _ 192__°
Oommisetonor Eaton offered ire following motion: It appearing from he bide. e
to Will in
Lot #66. is : '
day received for the construction of. concrete, sidewalks, guttere and ourbe, and all neo-
Hlook $4.•"..
eseary manholso, Intakes,patch baeins,.sewers and driveways"therefor on Do.th'ei(lag of
gutter line of Husbands Street to the North
South",Ninth Street from the Southproperty
Acceptance of `
line of. Elizabeth -Street, If - extended, and on the ,South side of Husbands Street, from
+'Report City
bi1 of Reynolds
Bros. for aide-
the West Property line of Seventh Street to. -the Eget property. line. of Uinth Street, in
Solicitor in re*'
4 Oaeea of Otie
wniko, etc. on
9th St.; from
City of Paducah Kentuoky be oonetruoted with concrete; and. it further.aPPear. ing.S. '
;'• Rosch and Rudy '
'i. Moore vs. City.
:.�Huebande to
that.it is more desirable that the curbs shall be constructed, in all respects, ae.pro-
" ra
on Husbanae St.
from 7th to 9th
vided in the-speoifioatiope calling for and requiring crushed rook in the construction
'j Sts. and the bid of Reynolds Bros.. Se the lowest and beet Did for said -work. I move. that the ''•'
C• bid of"Reynolde_.Broe: for the construction of said pork,.as per plane and specifications
accompanying 6 1 bid, and providing that crushed rook.shall be used "in the oonore'te
4•" ,,•
curbs, be approved and eooepted, and that the Mayor be instructed to enter into a.con-
"' traot,with Said contractors in ell reg oote as required by ordinanoe.and according to
law. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully t
I and Williams, -4. !
Comoiiosioner Eaton offered the following motion: I.move that the certified
i". Certified checks
checks of Eaker & Storrie. G. W. Katterjohn & son. and Yanoy Johnson, enclosed with
r. 'returned to
aneuooe, ful
bidrlere, Ecker &
their bide for the construction of eidewal'ke oirbe and ttero the bei the unsuooee
gutters,. y ng
Storrie, G.W.fi..
!• Kattorjobn & Son
ful bidders, be returned to them. Adopted upon oall,of the roll by thefollowing votes
2, Yanoy & Johnson.
Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williams, -4.
Commissioner Tull offered the following �` g
y ng motion: The aum of 60.00 havin been
Cemetery DoeQ :
paid into the Treasury, ae evidenced by the reoeipt fIIsd'herewith, I move that deed be
to Will in
Lot #66. is : '
exeouted to Will Barber for`I:ot #66 in Blook.14'•on the Borth side of Hank Street be-
Hlook $4.•"..
tween Ford & Haman Streets,. in Oak Grove Cemetery. adopted upon oalI of the roll by '.
the vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williams, -4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following -motions I. move that the report ot.the
+'Report City
City Solicitor recommending a eottlemont,ot the case Otis Roach and:Rudy Moore vs
I, j-``
Solicitor in re*'
4 Oaeea of Otie
City of.Paduoah, Ky.:, now pending in the MoCraoken.Cirouit Court, for -the sum: 826.00
;'• Rosch and Rudy '
'i. Moore vs. City.
'in each ecce, be received and filed. Adopted upon osll.of the roll bq the following.
•' M1•
. j
vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tully and'i7illiame,-4:
Commissioner Eaton.offered the following motion: 1 move that the,caeee of Otis
Roach and Rudy Ltoore ve the City of Paducah, now.pending,in the l:oCracken,Circuit Court.
i. C.naoe: of Otis
be settled for the sum of 26.00.in each case; and the City Solicitor is hereby in
Roach and Rudy'-
Moore ve City
otructod to draw. the proper reloase; and upon presentation of same '.to the Commiesioner.
+ -
l of Pndnonh,.
f Public Finance; properly. signed and exeouted.'he Sehoreby authorised.. and directed
N ,.
'to..pay Frank N.''Burns,.Attorney 'for Rosoh'and Moore, said"'awns, and charge to A000unt
of Coate and Suite. Adopted upon can of'the roll by the following. vote: Yoae. Eaton.P
wn t
Baker. Tully and Williams; -4.. '
4 fi 1,
On mo tion.thq Board adjourned upon call of. the roll by.4 yen s.1S
JUNE Loth, 1921.
kr' ,
At.a. CslledMeeting.of the.Board of•.Oo.mieeloners; held in the Oommieeionere' .
}, t
Ohamher in ahe,0lty.Hall, Psduoah,;Kentuoky, on June -14th. 19El,.nt E o'olo.ok.P.
Upon.oall of:the r,911 the,.following answered -'- their Haines: Commieeionere.8aton.t:
Tully and Williams; -3.". Mayor Pro Tem:W,.7."Baton Presiding:
Mayor Pro.Tem Eaton stated ressons for call. to -wits For the purpose of allowing
�wui... t:.'iri'>.ii:✓' 1:,+., . . L �+. w..xti+.x n .ry.� .
n{ u;.e+.�•4 }i..rr� ."'c4.�.. �^Y,t l ��' f A;`7/ - e.'7r ..: y. <»'4.r7 ! Jif !-. _Sw k�t,T-E4,:�"� :.F. 2.i ' _ ..
.�' — w.-.,.. �..-L.. = •_•i' ti.:.:=•:-�•�.+a.�:.�''.:.4L+�_.��.4 S._?.... .? .:sty..,,. � 1
{ 67
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ` ' "192�'�
x $36.38. E0 to The Wadsworth Improvement Company. and euoh other Dueine,s a, might come -
before the Board. �',
n • r
Gomm lenlonor Tully offered the following motion;' The 17adworth Improvement Oo.:
having executed a deed to the City of Paducah for the property known 'as Poreat Park
and the cum of $2600.00 with interest from the E4th day of February, 1913, 'amounting to
$3538. E0 allowed $1038.20 making a total of.$3538.20 being due and unpaid. I move that the am of
9adworth Improve-
ment Compary fir $3538.20 be allowed 6adworth Improvement Co. and the money appropriated from the Goner
deed to Forest
Fork. al Fund to pay same and the Commissionor. of Public Finance be instruote'd, to isoue "n
check in payment and charge same to the Park Account. Adopted upon cell of.the'roll
-' by the following vote: Yeas,Eaton. Tully-and 171111ome,-3.
" .Commissioner Tully offered the follosing motion: The October half for the year
Y ..
' 1990 of tax .bill *2397 seasoned to.L'.ary G. Palmer & Sistsr.for property on Clark Street
Baryy. 0. Palmer &'
Sister October betwoon 10th and lltb Stroets, amounting to X90.81 originally, being past due and un.'.
half .for 7920
Tax Bill 2397puid and.payinont of this bill having boon refuoeA by Lire: Palmer, I move that'satd bill
`• referred o City
;• Solicitor to take Fbo.plaoad in the hands of the City Solicitor with instructions to take such notion as
necessary' stepb'
to collect same. is necessary for the collection of same. Adopted upon call of the roll b
.. c y the follow-
ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, :Tully and Williams,-3.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3-yeas.
f; Ad•. d
i .
JUHB lot . 1921.
At 'a Called Meeting of the Board. of Commissioners, held in the Ob,itmissioners'
OhaA.r in the City.Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 15th, 1921, at ll o'olook A. M.`
.' Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners. Eaton,..
" Tully and Hilliams,-3'. Mayor Pro Tem 1. V. Eaton Presiding.
L'8yor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasonb for call, to-wit: To 17. A. Berry, Speotal`
y Counsel'for the City of Paducah in the case of Paducah Railway Company against the
City of Paducah, $600.00, to be credited upon account of his services.
Commiesioner Eaton offered the following motion:I move that'the communication
;. frcm Yl. A. Berry, Special Counsel for the City of Paducah. In the case of' Paducah' .
77.A.Berry, epaalelA Railway Co. against the City of Faduoah.be received andfiled; and tYnt there De
counsel, paid on
account for nor- I allowed and paid to said 1Y. A. Berry the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to be•,oiadi•ted
?. viooc in action
of laduoah Ra Ll- upon.a000unt of hiu, servicoo in said action now ponding in the District Court of'the
i Co. City,
J .
way vs
$600.00. United States for the yeetern Dictrlot of Kentucky, said allowance to do oharged to ..
Account of Coots and Suite. Adopted upon call of the roll by the-followinR vote: Yea,,
.Eaton, Tully and Uilliams,-3.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeao.
Ad$via# l7
A,Yl1R, r
JUICE 18th. 1921. +.
At a Called Besting of the Board of Commi eni one ra, hold in the Commissioners'
Chamber In the City Hall, Iaduoah, Kentucky, on Juno" 18th, 1921, at 11 o'ol'ook A. 11.
•Upon call of theroll the following answered to their nameo•. Commisa onors Eaton,
Tully and 17illiams,-3. Mayor Fro Tem 17. V. Eaton prooiding.
�• Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for call, to-wit: For the•purpooe of,allowing
3. pay-rolle and such other buoineso that might come before the Board.
!A �