HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 671, June 13, 1921I`: Y,4,Ye af'y +e+t ..... '�1-r, .y^':i.. :vw" a}.F. rt:"•Y`t:th jr.'h t- sr=;.- w-y� i;! ti :r•. ..
No. .
Commissioners" Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192_ '
and 11th St. by a rueon of oonorete ourbe and gutters, and -all neoessary manholee,.intakee,
Reynolds Brosiand+
Baker & Storre were and oatoh baoins on Doth aides of ioeah Avenue, from the property line on, the
South Bide .of. North Tenth Streot to the gutter line on .That would be the, North aide
of Evonth Street. Then improved; also both aides of Eleventh Strnet, from the gutter �..`
line of the intorseotion of what would .be the !Test side of Leash Avenue, if improved:
to. the East gutter line on Burnett Street, inoluding the intersootion ori'eaid streote,
submitted by the following bidders:
Reynolds Bros.
Eaker & Storrie,
Jun 13th, 19 El.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommiisoioners, held in the Co mmieeionere'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, &entuoky, on June 13th, 1921, at 11 o'olook A. M. -
Upon. oanof the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiesionore Eaton,
Baker. Tully and Williams, -4. Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton presiding.
Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for sell towit:- For the purpose of opening
reoeived and filing bids for the oonstruotion of oonorete sidewalks on North Sixteenth
Street, and other atroote. and suoh other buoineee as might oome before the Board.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the bide for
the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters, and.all neoeeoary manholes,
Bide on 9ldewelke,�
intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on both aides of North Sixteenth Street, from the
ate. on B. 18th
' St. betn.Jeffer-
North gutter line of.Jefferson Street to the South gutter line of Trimble Street,:
.; .. eon and Trimble
Ste.. by G.W.
submitted by the followingbidders:
Satterjohn & Song
a Yanoy &Johnson
0. til. gatterjohn & Son
Baker & Storrie, .
Yanoy & Johnson
Reynaldo Bros.
Baker & Storrie
Reynolds Bros:,
be received and filed, and eotion on same deferred until the Regular Meeting at E
o'olook P. M. on ISonday June 13th, 19E1. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the follow-
Ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williams, -4.
Oommiasionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the bide for
Bide on sidewalks
oto on Clay St.
the oonstruotion of oonorete sidewalks ourbe and gutters, end e11 neoeeenr manholes,
gu , y
from 17th to 191h
Ste. by
intakes', sewers and oatoh basins on the South side of Olay Street, from the property".
Ra3rloldo Bros.
Baker & Storrie.
h line on the West side of Seventeenth Street .to the
tlp gutter line on the Ehet aide of ;
Nineteenth Street, submitted by the following bidders;
Reynolds Bros. -
�:: ,'
Ea'or & Storrie,
F be reoeivod and filed. and aotion on same deferred until the Regular Ile eting at 2.
i o'.olook P. M. on ttondey June 13th, 19E1. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the follow -
Ing vote: Yaao,Eaton, Baker. Tully and Williams, -4'.
Commissioner Eaton offered the foll.oning motion: I move that the bide for'
w Bide on eidewalks,p
the oonetruotion of .00norete>eidewalke ourbe and
. gutters, and all neoeeoary manholes,.,
oto. on S. 9th St.d'
from Husbands to
intakes, sewers and ostoh basins on. both aides of South Ninth Street, from the South
;;. Elizabeth. and Huai
:'bands to 7th at.
gutter line of Husbands Street to the Itorih proporty:line of Elisabeth Street, if
extended, and on the South aide of Husbands Street, from the ?lest property line of.,
Seventh Stroat.:to the East property line of I!inth Street, submitted by the. following.
Roynolde•Broe. .
Baker & Uorrie*
g be reoeived and filed, and'eotion on same deferrod until the Regular Westing et E
R o'olook P. M. on Monday June 13th, 1921. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follow-
'' `
Ing vote; Yeas;Eaton. Baker, Tally and Williamo,-4.
Commissioner Eaton offered the -following motion: I move that the.bide for
.,J Bide on Leeoh Ave
the on t ti
and 11th St. by a rueon of oonorete ourbe and gutters, and -all neoessary manholee,.intakee,
Reynolds Brosiand+
Baker & Storre were and oatoh baoins on Doth aides of ioeah Avenue, from the property line on, the
South Bide .of. North Tenth Streot to the gutter line on .That would be the, North aide
of Evonth Street. Then improved; also both aides of Eleventh Strnet, from the gutter �..`
line of the intorseotion of what would .be the !Test side of Leash Avenue, if improved:
to. the East gutter line on Burnett Street, inoluding the intersootion ori'eaid streote,
submitted by the following bidders:
Reynolds Bros.
Eaker & Storrie,
A � .+ •rw ..:.,.. w.�.J-: ai:. e;.'q:F• 'nrr.. .,,, :r.. ..,�e�; :qrr,.. � .yr.. a:�., t,� ,:2�5' `f a=L4 _
Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192=-
be received and filed, and action on same deferred until the Reg:lar Meeting at 2 Yom`
o!olook P. M. on Monday June 13th, 1921. Adopted upon cell oi.the roll by the follow-
ollow ink vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williems.' 4.
rl ..
a� •' On motion the Board adjourned upon 0611. of the roll by.4 yeas.
i� a t•: Adoptee
IT1, ' �•. stir e�.r ..fix A'{'", -. .
! June 13th. 1921. ,
At 'a Regular sleeting of the Board'of Commiesioners, held in.the Coirmiseloners'
J Chamber in the City Hal1,.Paduoah, Kentucky, on,June 13th, 1921. Upon call -of the roll
_ �kr
4r the following answered to. their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker,.Tnlly and Williams,-4�. r•' ;
- Mayor Pro Tem. W.Y.Eaton-Presiding. '
x on motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted;
ne read upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas. Eaton, Baker, Tully and
f Williams, -4..',
f�Commissioner Eaton offered the followingmotion:.I'move that the'i
Totition*reef- petition of reel-
dente on 5.8th, dents of the"diainity of.South 8th, South 9th and Baohn Streets: relative. to bridging,
3.9th and Bach- mar,..,,•
4I man ate. _rele creek near.8th and George Street, be received and -filed, and aotion_.theroon be deferred
tivo to .Bridge:'
'F1,'•.over crook near until same a be investtFate.d by the Board of Commiaoionors. Adopted upon call of the ;
8th 6 George St.�
roll by,tho following vote: Yeas,Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williams; -4'. ata1
Cemmissioner Eaton offered the following motion: The City.Engineer,having prepared
u. Report. City,
En inoor n bid ,'
g o .report on the bide of the vnrions.pereone bidding on the construction of oonorote.eide-
on N.16th',St.
both. Jeff o eon, 'Waj'ke, curbs and gutters. on 11orth Sixteenth Street, bot•aeen deffereon Street and Trimblei �!•
'+ and'Trimbl'g :St: • ' .
Street, I.'move,that his report on said:bids be received and filed. Adopted upon call of'Z-
the roll q y the follow lug vote:- Yeae Eaton Baker Tn11 orb Williams. -4. j.
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:. The City Engineer having proper -
SC! Report City ed report on the bide of the various persons bidding on'tho construction of concrete. "•
'. Engineer on sidewalks, ourbo and gutters on South Hinth Streot; between Husbands and Elizabeth
bide on S.9th
St. betn. Rue=:' :.
Streets. and on Husbands Street between 7th and 9th Street.. I move that.his report on
bonds h Elisa -
r .both;•an�l on said .bide be rooelved, and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voter I tir
Huobande both.. i -
7th do 9th Ste ,
Yoas, Eaton, Eaker..Tully and Williams, -4.
i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:. The City Engineer havirg prepared) a:
Report of Ott y
roport.on the bide of the various persons bidding on the construction of concrete onrpo' _ �'•{
Engineer on
_ {;;-a. •.
,.bids on Leech and guttore on beeah Avenue and Eleventh Street, I move that hie report on said bide be
Avenue and 11th
St... received and 'filed: Adopted.upon, call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao,'Eaton.
t;+ ' Eaker, Tully and Willlame.-4.
Commiseloner'Eaton'.offered the following motion: The City Engineer having prepared {T ,
Report of Ci
Engineer. on Y. report on the bids of the various persons bidding ori.the.00nstruotion of oonorete aide- ,� 1
1 , ,
y bide on Clay' S` walks -' curbs and
from 17th•ta. gutters on Clay Street. between 17th and 19th Street,.I move that his
19th Sts:' roport'on said bids be received and filed. Ado ted
p upon call of the roll bythe follow. '
i Ing 'vote-. Yeao, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williams, -4...
Report MaOraok- Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion I-move.that the report of the
.en Public .Hoaltlir;
UdCraaken'Public Health Hurain Service for the.month'of u 1921 be received and filed'
Huroing Service g. May r. :r
for Mau 19E1.,
Adopted. upon call of the,roll by the following vote':•Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully.end
Yijd1M,1.CiF:UJ G.-.iy11... -vy1.J .\I a J .F �r.u..e1_..' .:i>a.1.' ' ,rr C. ' MM.Y'L• � .�. ...
r,:yeAr���� t �srs «.et'M•�a •fr?a 'xM1'� f .J7'%'�$•7'f�, 'i }T•f" �a"43�i1 '" Miv 'M i""M1+y.+S' �1. ,�'.9� ° _
„a.(�-t:+.,.*, �;Y{t.'.'! n {,�/K4 -•N•fY wiry °/14 w ;t}—ra, t^;;�kh^y n a r x ,.� .s.�'._ _ ,r 4 tir ra
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
Commissioner Eaton offerod the following motion.. It appearing from the bids
t this day received for. the construction of concrete sidewalks and gutters; together
+: with oonoreto ourbing and all necessary manholes, intakee, catch basins, sewers and '
driveways therefor, on both sidoe of North Sixteenth Street, from the Borth gutter
Acceptance of bid
!. of Reynolds Bros, line of Jefferson Street to the .South gutter line of Trimble,Stroet, in the City of }
for sidewalks;. oto: .
on N. 1Gth 8t.. Paducah, Kentuo fir, be constructed with concrete; and it further appearing that it ie,,. .ar• `r'
from Jefferson to
y, Tiimble St. more deairable that the curb's shall be constructed. in all rospeote, as provided in
the specifications calling for and requiring oruehed'rook in the construction, and t
it the bid'of Reynolds Bros, is the lowest nnd.boot bid for said work, I move that the
e bid of Reynolds Bros., for the oonatruotion of said work, asper plane and'spooifida
tions acoompanying„oa1A Did,'nnd providim that orushod rook uhall be'uaed to the {
concrete ourbs, be approvod and accepted, and that the Mayor be instructed to enter :
Into a contract with said oontraotors, in all respects, as required by ordinance and
i, ..
y according to law.. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the,following vote:'Yeas, Eaton, .'.
Eaker, Tully and Williams. -4. r
s Oommiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing from the bids
this day r000ired for tho oonatruotion of concrete sidewalks and guttors, togother
with concrete curbing and all noaesoary manholes, intakes, ontoh basins, sewers and., _,f;;,'•.a
driveways therefor on. the South side of Clay street, from the property line on the.
Cleat aide of Sovontoenth Street to the gutter line on the East side of Ninetoanth !
;I Street, 1n. the pity of Induonh, Kentucky,
be oonetruotod withconcrete; and it fur' '
Aoceptanoe•of bid ther appearing that it is more desirable that' the ourbs shall be oonetruotod In all
of Reynolds Bros:
r.' for Sidewalks eta raspeots,`aa.providAd in -Oa specifications oal]ina_ for and requiring crushed rook in '
on play street from 1L
k 17th to 19th tats.. the oonstruotfon; and the bid of Reynolds Bros, is the lowest and beat Did for said ' {r.'••a
work, I movo that the bid of Reynolds Bros. for the construction of said work, as per
.. .,.p`r
plans and speoifioatione a000npanying said bid, and providing that orushed rook shall
be uaaAin the oonoreto ourbs., be approved and a000ptod,'and that the Mayor be in- }
struotod to enter into a contract with said oontraotors, In all reepeote; as required
by ordinance and according to law. Adopted upon call of the roll ,by the following. `.,;,•,.
'.' vote; Yoas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williams; -4.
i Commissionor Eaton offered the following motion; It appearing from the bids
thIa day received for the construction of concrete gutters and ourbs, togotho -with
r Ajo�gtance of bid all.neoesoary manholes, intakes, catch basins, sewora and driveways on both sides of
o H ynolds Bros. 1
for concrete curbs Leech Avenue. from the proporty line on the South aide, of Ilorth Tenth Street to the',
and 'gutters on
r Leech.,Avenue and gutter line on what would be the North side of Eleventh Street, whon improved: also
11th Strout.
J. both.aidee of Elevonth Street, from the Rutter line -of the intersection, on what would -`
t De the Vest aid
e.of Leech Avenue, if improved, to the East gutter lino on Burnett
Street, including the intersections on.caid streets, in the City.of.Paduoah, Kentucky,'`..
be constructed with concrete; and it further appearing that-lt;As more desirable that
the'ourbs'shall be oonstruoted, in all respects. ectsas •,{� p provided in the specifications. `
:j calling for and requiring crushed rook In the oonatruotion, and the bid of Reynolds
Bros. is the lowest and best bid for said .'cork, I move that the bid of Reynolde.Broe.
'for the construction of said work, as per plans and specifications accompanying paid
Did, and providing that crushed rook shall be usod in the concrete ourbs, be approved
+ and accepted. and that the ?:n,
p yor be instructed to enter into a oontraot.'fcith unid can -
tractors, in all reopooto, as required.by ordinance and according to law: Adopted.
upon'oall of the roll by the following vote: Yone,Eaton,Eaker,Tully and Williams, -4.
. _ � 'L ,sx' �... ,� S i.. ...'.t �§;i�*'.v.; � :,N `� ^Lti`'"�x^f(,i'L'%i15A •`ir' `!r ,
471 No
Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__,..:
Oommissionor Eaton offered the following mot on:. It appearing from the bids -this
'dayreceived for the construction of.00norete sidewalks, gutters and'curbe, and all ileo-
}: �aseary manholes, intakes,patch baeins,.eewers and driveways therefor on both aides of ]
South. Ninth Street, -from the South gutter line of Husbands Street to the Borth property
Aooeptanoe of line of.Elizabeth Street, if extended; and on the ,South side of Husbands Street. from
bit of Reynolds
the West ro ert line of Seventh Street to.Lhe East ;
r Brae. for aide- p p' y property. line• of Ninth Street, in
wa7ko, eta. on the Oity of Paducah, Kentuoky; be constructed with concrete; and. it further,a
:,S. 9th St.; fromHusbPPearing;
Eliza et to that .it to more desirable that the ourbe shall be constructed, In.all ecte ds. ro- "
Elizabeth, and . sP, • P • ti �' ;�'e
on Tth to .9th . 9t. vided in the epeoifioation9
fromm Husbands
tocalling for and requiring crushed rook In the construction
Sts. - and the bid of Reynolds Bros. ie'the lowest and best bid for acid' work, I move. that the S • •'.,
bid of Reynoldo-.Broe: for the construction of said pork., as per plane and specifications
a000mpanyffig'eaid bid, and providing that orushed rook. shall be used in the concrete y,
ourbe. be robed and does ted, and that the
t o' PP p Mayor be instructed Lo enter Into a,00n-
j tract, with said'ooniraotore, in'all respects.. on required by ordinance. and according to r
law. Adopted upon call of the roll by•the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Laker, Tully
and Williams, -4.
{ OomnAcoloner Eaton offered the following motion; I'.move that the 'certified
,. Oertified checks
returned to chocks of'Eaker & Storrie, G. W. Katterjohn & Son' Yanoy & Johneoa, enclosed withunauco
bidders, Lek their bide for the construction of sidewalks ourbe and �>
bidders. Esker & gutters,,thoy being the nneuooas - �. ;•,
Stoirie, G.W. �? .
Katterjobn & Son ful bidders, be returned to them. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the. following voter
Yanoy & Johnoon. YerX .
as; Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williams, -4.
Commissioner Tull offered the follows
.�'. y ng motion: The enm of X60.00 hhving been
paid into tho Treasury, ae evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed be
Cemetery Doed
to Will Barb ,
'q axeouted to Will Barber for`.Lot #66 in Block�.J4"on the North side of Hank Street be -
Lot 166. In . zn'i
Block #4. " . �L
tween Ford & Homan Streets,. in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall of the roll by
'.' .' �,..r;•• the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Laker, Tully and Williams, -4.;',':
+�. e•. Oommiselonor,Eaton offered the, following -motion: I move that the report ot.the
,!ReporL Oity Oity Solicitor recommending a settlement.of the case .of Otis Roach and:Rudq steers ve p; i
Solicitor in re:
Oaeeo'of Otis Oity of.Pnduaah Ky.., now pending -In the McCracken.Cirouit Court, for -the sum 'of 896.00
Roach and Rudy;t i
-Moore vs.'0ity, -in each case, be received and filed. Adopted.upon oall of the roll by the following. r
vote: Yeas, Eaton, Laker, Tully and Williame,.-4:
�z` + Oommiesioner Eaton.offered the following motion: I move that the oases of Otis
F Roach and Rudy lfoore ve the City of Paducah, now pending, in the l:oCraoken Circuit Court.
be Bottled for the eum of 96.00. in each case; -and the Cit Solicitor is hereby in- it
e�..Oseos of Otis $ y y -
f -Roach and Rudy
otruotod to dr the proper relosse;.and upon
Moore ve City'-_ P. P. P presentation same to the Commteoioner. 5 4;
se Padnoah. of Public Fi.nanoa ro erl
settled. P P y signed and exeouted,'he ii hereby authorised and directed
to..pay Frank N. 'Burne, ,Attorney for Roaoh'and 1Soore, said' some, and charge to A000unt rf'
e w',, of Costs and Suite. Adopted upon can of'the roll by the following vote Yoae, Eaton.'_
Id <
#' Laker, Tully and Williams; -4.'i
} * 1;. On motion.the Bocrd'adjourned upon on 11 of•the roll by.4 yeas.
c. �06Qtc�`
r F JUNE 14th. 1921.
sJ At.a Called Meeting of the_Board.of.0ommi,esionere;'held in the Oommiesioners'
w C
,v+ Chamber In'the.City_Hall, Paduoah,;Bentuoky,'on June 14th 1921 at E o`clock P. M.• r
Upon os 11 of;the rpll the.follosiing answered to their Naimoe: Qommiselonere.Eaton.'
y� Tully and Williams; -3.• Mayor Pro Tem W..v. Eatonrreeiding: �
! Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for call. to -wit: For the purpose of. Allowing
a AZVA3.Q:�A;