HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 668, June 6, 1921xiw\ '�Lt1;''4iG2.?�1':ti:^ 's`, H'.Krr+exn_rn}l'RtIL+^.4&7 �};'��r v.TYF"� :.+ tiN � A`"'.S`••("`.T:Y,2+ G4'�4`�^:.rte lir -.:3 .`.$i . '!a,"_14i I-•.a tally-.. � .r., i-. 5�'a t''•..1. y i. ,-,j SI, ., ;t._,:fi.r •._"firlyitCik "^•, a . b 'rop't t {'sC't. !r nt1 v .•Kr yrs• .` r i^.vtar- r h r Yr -yrvr.Fryi ^• T No Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ yt. J; JOBS 6th. 1921. --- -- - t h'„ At e.Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' i Chamber In the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on June 6th; 1991. "Upon call of the roll t:'. `:• .• the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton' 'Tully and Williams. { Mayor Pro Tem W-1. Eaton preeiding. j. rt +) On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted Beread on sill of the roll'b the following up q ng vote: Yeae, Enton;.Tully and Williame,a. 4l Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I'move that the report of the Report Chief Of <• " Fire Depart- Chief of the Fire Department for the month of.Mey 1921 be received and filed. Adopted, ment for .May. . �;I.19E1. upon oall of tho roll by the following 'roto: Yens, Eaton, Tully.and 17illiams,-3. ¢f Commissioner Eaton offered.the following motion: I move that the"report of the. Report Chief of s! Police for Chief of.Polioe,for. the month of May 1921 be received and filed. Adopted upon call of May 1921. the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully and Williame',-3. . +' Commissioner' Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of the 3 ( Report City :' City Engineer "of the work performed by Baker &.Storrie, Contractors, on Twelfth Street, " v Engineer- In re i 1f oonatruotion of. between Broadway and Jeffereon Street, be reoeived'and filed. Adopted up on':oall of'the tl,. 12th' 3L. by t, 1 roll b thefollowing y "Faker & Storri.e. ,y g vote: Yeas Eaton Tull and Williams 3. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner. of �• "Improvomont Publlo Finance be authorised and instructed to issue :aa Improvement Warrant to Eakei 8 ; + I< Warrant lamtoE ii Storrie Contractors, for work done-end. ar.formed on Twelfth Street,, between. Broadway to Baker & £:tor- p 1 ria, in re: leth�� St. Betti. Jeff. and Jeffer'eon Stroet, under. contrast dated tidy 10th; 1921, for the enm of $1794.98, -!. and B'waq. being 66% of the work, ad per the report'of:the City Engineer.filed of thio dete.' F•v � Adopted upon call.of the roll by the .following vote:Yeae,Eaton Tullyand Williams -3.' L Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: h mow that the report of she �? r Report City 4w Engineer:-In re City Engineer, of. the work performed by Eakor &.Storrie;..Contraotora;.on Sixteenth r r, oonstruatton of x: ff 16th St. by Street, beLwoon.Broadway and Jefferson Street, be received.and filed. Adopted.upon yell Enker & Storrie.," of the roll.by the .following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Williama,=3.- ; ' Commissioner. Eaton offered the followingmotion: I move that the Oammieeionor."of I ,�` r, Improvement rW Warrant Joeuod'' Public Finance be authorised and instructed to issue an ,Improvement Warrant to Eakor "to Baker.& I r `�• Storrse,.in ret.. & 9torrie, OonLraotore, for work dame and performed on Sixteenth.3treet between Broad lith St. beta. BLaay and, Jeff." way. and Jefferson.Street, under oontraot,dated May lOtb; 1921, for .the. Bum of $698:98, t being.66% of the work performed, ae per the. report of the City.Engineor,,filod of this j + L j date.. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton. "Tully end E � Willlame,r3, • . , k� ;i �ommiebionor Eaton offered the following motion:: It appearinst'that there has been,c, Fly Traps 'and '. no approprinLion mads to•,oaro for. the,expense of handling Fly Traps during the summer of;. Bennis Lofton ;!employed to,• i19E1 and it"further"appearing that .the public health':and"geineral wolfare:demnnd that thb �• oars for.. same. S Fly Traps heretofore distributed and oared for by the City during"the eummer months,"` � 2 t +P should be distributed and oared for during thio summer,- I move that Bennie''Lofton be 'x~ s a appointed as Fly Trap Inspector, and that .he be authorized to take 'chat ge of,.plAoe,, caro nnd.koo all, .01t 's F1 apo in' ro er oonditson' end' that he not under the P" y' y P P P. is �di rection "of the Chief of Police during"the"sum.of 1921 and until.further ordered; and that hie "pay ler. such services be set at the rale of 76.00 $ per:month, and payable as',.. other City Employees, and that same, together,. with the aipense"ot providing 'supplies for + rt R M` said Fly Trope, be charged to the. Ado ouni of Miscellaneous Charities, said."employment,to rrr n ilea S start ae,of June let. :Adopted upon oall:of'theroll-by•"the"following vote: Yeae; b , Eaton., Tully. and Williame,.3. " " � '• s...: t , / :vti+w'�:., i;.r.•,y.""-�'-,fir•:. r ..�+ - � � •=''r :az'sn• `54y':j�.�„x4„a•r.•,,��yi �"'�S�.r,'",'r:•fH"" e , k''6 i l r :. r ? '•a 4 - .1 �.f � a- y�M -.n t-' "_ y � �• Yc. t✓' r i*p r-•T,� iY�?n y �;q+,� . .-. r-- \ase«.:' 's•J" �..�.,i..rt:.._.s.i.:�L.•:�. .,+.�.r�L.a-•- �:.i�L.. 'r r:....� � �. - - ten.-..--,- - .__- __ ...�_..._� __.�.. � .. _ ~• � - "� �) Na GG9 Commissioners' 'Proceedings, City of Paducah S _ Commissioner Eaton offeredthe..follo•+ving motion: I move that the claim for dam- . ages to the fire truok #1 Station, caused by, its being driven into by n taxi -cab, owned Claim for dam= ogee to ¢1 Fire and"operated by the 174.Taxi-Oab Oom an be ..tor within. P Y. referred to the Ott Solicitor ti... Station Fire Truck against P y struotione to rooeed to enforce the City's olaim for damages: Adopted upon call of.' , Tali -Cab Co'. reeferred to City 'the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Tull and Williams -3. y ''.• Solicitor., , . Commissioner Tull offered the.f ollows Y ng.motlon;.I move that the report Report Com r: of of the Finanoe for Commieuioner of Public Fina me showing Oolleotions andDlebureomente-for the month of. May ,19 21. May be received and filed and,orderod published in the offioial newepcp or. Adopted upo I' :4 oall:of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully and 171111ams,-3. `, r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. I move that the aotion of the t pOommieaioner_of $6000.00 City of 9 Publio Finanoe, in purohaaing Y6000.00 Oity of Paducah Kentucky Donde Paducah Ky. 44* ' bonds 41 due due July let, 1926 at 94 and accrued interest for the purpose of retiring same, be �. July let, 1926, at 94 and aoorued; approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:, Yeae, Eaton, Tully interest.pur-" and Williams, -3. ,.. ohaeed by City of Paducah. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .The following parties having paid the Estimates against their property abutting on Fifth .Street for the•improvement U . Nfrom the South property line of Kontuoky Avenue to the North property line of. Clark ;r:•=. :(. i Estimates of Street by oonstruotion of oonorete driveway --- . A.E.Oole. Estimate No. E...A.E.Cole .....................$779.28 Trustees IOOF Jaa.:.3mlth; " " S...Truot000 I.O.O.F..... ........ 260.78 8--.Jae.1'.Smith. Trustee......... 779.28 Jas.P.Smith. 10...Jao.P.amith,Eaeoutor.....�.�. 734.26 " " 12...Joe.H.Roof �a Exeoutor and Joe.H.Roof, .............. 101.39 total of .............................................:...... E 7 paid and $27E4.9O I move that the Oommierioner of Public Finnnoe be instructed to pay.to Yanay b Johnson, .,..� Improvement 'Tar- Oontraotors, the.eum of $2724.90 to be credited against Improvement Warrantthis ' s on rants of Yanoy G Johnson; in re work heretofore issued to them and that a cheok be drawn against the Special Street. S. 8th St. Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton,•-•,.,', Tully and Williame,-3. r Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report. of Report Frad English. Sexton, .fl Fred English, Sexton, Oak Grove Cemetery, of interments for the month of May 1921, be Oak Grovo Come- tory for trooeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae Eaton, ' May 19211 Of Interments. lTully and Tlilliame,-3. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas.. ' �. „7 ,i • .. `Ado -- JUICE 11th. 1921. j. At a Called Cleating of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commiesionere'' ' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on June 11th, 1921, at ll.o'olook A. M., S, .., Upon'oall of the roll. the followinganswered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, 4 Faker, Tully and Williama,-4. Mayor Pro Tom W. V. P. a ton.Preeid•ing' Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for oall,to-wit: For the purpose of allow - Ing Pay Roll for the weak ending June 11th, 1921, and such other business that. might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered"the following motion: I move that the pay -rolls for Riverside Hospit- the week ending June 11th amounting to 1238.31 for the following departmenta-a- al. and New pen- Do artment of Public Affairs, etruotion pay P rolls. New Construction............$160.81 -,z Department of Public Property, .i. Riverside Hospital P 84.80, be allowed and �• ordered paid and the money.appropriated from the General Fund to pay same.' Adopted 1 upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully and Wlllieme,-4. i •``• I. 77777:- {