HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 664, May 28, 1921- -.. - .. .. ----. .,. - .r .. --. ... _..- -- •:3J.•,z4..v'S:i'��...^.y.ar,:.'�.yw,4'xis'H-1i v xtc, -�::L �s dlvr .. .c Fa �e+•a
Commissioners. Proceedings, City. of. Paducah 192
side of Trimble Street, and the Construction Bond for the performance of said wort.
executed and delivered oy Reynolds Brothers with the National Surety.Company, as Surety,
and the Power-of-Attorney ezeauted.to Albert M. Foreman and Ernest lacks be received
filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow.
' fag vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the;folloWing motion: I move that the Street Improve-
C meet Contract entered into by and.between the City of padnoah and Reynolds Brothers,
Strost Improve dated May 23rd, 1921, for the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters, y `
most Oontraot b }.
Jond, Power of and all noosesary manholes; intakes. sewers and oatahbasina on both sides of Fourth. a
' 'Attorney of
` Reynolde.Bros. ! Street from the North property line of Broad.Street to the South gette
In re: Fourth r. line 'of: Rlisa- ;
Ib j.
> Broad Streets, beth Street, and the Construction Bond for the performance of said wort executed and
Sidewalks. Ito. • fi
Accepted..delivered by Reynolds Brothers with the National Surety Company.. as 8nrety,,and the
Z' Power-of-Attorney executed to Albert M. Foreman and Ernest lackey, be.reoeived, filed, 4"
accepted. approved and recordnd. Adopted upon call of.the roll by the following vote:
Teae. Baton, Baker, Tully. Williams and tatter. john,-8.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call. of the. roll, by B:yeae.
�`,, � Aisel• /:'x .1�,�/ B. PFG �. °�.,' -
• as as ATOS_
{p' MAY BOTH, 1923.
+� At a Oalled Meeting of the Board, of-Commissioners, held in the 0ommisetoners' II ,y
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on May 28th. 19.21. at 10 o'clock A. M. r ;
{J; Upon call ofthe roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baton. Rakerj. Q•:5
Tul and Williams 4. Mayor Pro,Tem W. Y. Baton
1y .' Y .presiding.
Mayor Pro tem Raton stated reasons for call to-wit: To allowpay-roll for
the week.ending May 28th, 1921, as follows: New Construction. Work and Riverside Hospital. rJ,
Commissioner Tully offered the .following motion: That the payroll for the week
ending May 28th, amounting to $214.37,.as follows:
K, week ending ., New Construction ............. $187.20
h May 28,1921 i
+ New Construe-
tion, and Riverside Hoepital:.......... 87.17 .
Riverside Hoe��
. pita].' " rn .,
be allowed and ordered paid and the money: appropriated from the general.fund to pay
Y r x
same. Adopted upon call of !he roil by the follows
f ng vote: Yeas, Raton, Baker, Tully, r
r, and Williams,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by L yeas. 4, t
i. .. °r•
Ad.rtai 14 IgBLr ®PP V #� r
' �' �a''«io ss•w, ii a� 1�
k MAY SOTS, 1921..
f At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiesioners'
Chambor in the City Hall, Paducah; Kentuoky. on May 80th.. 1921. 'Upon as of the roll '
the following answered to their names: Commiseioners Baton, Baker and Williame.4: !.
Mayor Pro Lem W.7.Eaton presiding.
Commiesioner Williams offered the. following motions I more that the Regular
.r Meeting of .the Board of Commissioners adjourn 'till 10 O'olook A. M. on Tuesday May,
:�. Slat. 1921.: Adopted.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Tese. Eaton. Baker I
and Williams, S. AdeV194 . .� A !?PR,pV
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