HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 66, July 6, 1915• At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Oommiseionere, held in the Gounoil i Chamber of the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on July 6th, 1916, upon call of the roll the following answered their names : Burne, Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington On motion by Member Wnllaoe, that that part of the minutes of the meeting � � 2y[ii • of June 20th, pertaining to a street in Meohanioeburg between L'eyere and Teieer. "o be reconsidered, Ave./oarried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Teas, Burne, Hazellp. Ge Wallace and Washington - 4. Morton not voting. On motion by Member Burne, that the canal deration of a.etreet in �eS�A:rr�Lu�c-�i+• Meohankoeburg be postponed wne week, so as to give the .people time for .another . G✓ meting in order to decide where they waat.the.etreet, carried upon call of the . roil by the following vote: Yase;.Burns. Hazelip, Wallace and Washington - 4.- `,'. i Morton not voting: On motion by the above the minutes were adopted after reconsideration,. �i as above stated, on .call of the roll by the following vote f Yeas, DUMB, Hazelip' Lir'/ O Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, that the over -assessment of Loewenthal & Son be reoommended to the Board of Supervisors for the year.1916, as this has not the 6r>✓✓Q�Gcs�e�•,f 'power to grant some,. carried upon call of.the.roll by the following voter Yeae. i' Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington -'6. On motion by.Member Burns, A RESOLUTION DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING UM. ItAYOR OF THE CITY. OF PADUCAH TO EXECUTE 1107ES OF THE.CITY OF PADUO.U1 FOR THE SUit''.i '. OFONE HUNDRED THOUSAND'DOLLARS, AND PLEDGING ANTICIPATED REVENUE OF TIRE CITY FOR THE .LAST HALF OF 1916 TO PAY SAME, was given its passage upon call of the roll ,p r. ;by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, that the communication of L. D. Potter in.regard( to the purohaee of the City Farm, the matter was deferred for one weak for con- sideration, upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeae. Burne, Hazelip. i. " Barton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, the City Solioitor was inetruoted.to bring in I an ordinance so as to locate people who move from one part of the City t6 another,) carried upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Burns, Bazelip, I . Marton,. Wallace and. Washington - 6. 0,61 On motion by the above, a requeet from J. R. Robinson, colored, for a S refund.of license money was received and filed, upon call of the rollby the •• following vote: Yeae, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington.- 6.' [vim z•++�.."c a On motion by Member Wallace, an Ordinance. regulating the sale of Eggs. { /-A 4 and providing a penalty for any violation thereof was given its passage, upon call of the roll,by the following votet Yang, Burne; Haselip, Morton, Wallace and; f Washington,- 6. On motion by Member Wallace, that deed be granted to Ure. J. i.,Friant '. P. McCarty to lot 13 block 47 Oak G Cemetery.. " . . and a in in rove carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeae. Burne, Hazelip, Marton,. Wallace. and } Washington - 6. i.. On motion by.Member Wallace, the doctors' Dill of Noah English, bho wag inoured,in an accident at 11th and Tonnesgee.atreet,.on reoonmendation of Oommiesioner of Safety, that some be paid by said English in case judgment woe 5' rendered so that the Gity would be reimbureed for the amount reoordodLee a judgment �. •^:4J!:..F.:;j. �.e.:l;,d.,C,�:ga r• .a.. , -. :.�u'..1:._f»'.'Sn ��.• :,�f;a.e6.�t T. W ;'.'.' r`r`. !. ^,. :'Y� 1 r.i r'h' �' • i ' �%'N .. .. . ��� , �t^ -' ,,,1'-•` ' •,tip -'3 Commissioner's Proceedings, Na 6 i J ofPaddoah - July 6th 6 continued t against the Paducah Traction Co.- therefore I move that Oapt. English be In. F. atruoted to a peas before this Board at the next regular meet p gn lag and show cause why he has not reimbureed the City for the amount so paid, carried upon gull of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Huzellp, Wnllaoe,ond Washington - 3. ' 1 Buys,, Burne and Morton - 8• On motion by Momber Morton, that the notion of the Oomalesionor of 8lnunce ` in regard to paying the Doctors' bill of Noah English be ratified, and that same be made.a record of this meeting - bill was paid Dr. Bhemwell for services fI `{ u rendered, the amount being 460.00, - also that the Oo=ieoionor of 8inunoe be. instructed to pay $26.00 to Dre. Burnett and Stewart for services rendered said English, carried upon call of the roll.by the following vote:- Yana, Durne,. . Warton, Wallace and Washington - 4. Mayor Hazelip not voting. '.,• '�,''.�. On motion by Member Wallace, that tha vote sntifging the notion 4n pgying 0 --- �, Doctors bill of Noah English, and instructing Com. of Finance to pay other bills� ..,5;•' " t be reconsidered - come lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yene, Hazelip and Wallace - 2. Nays, Burne. Morton and Washington - 3. ; On motion by ;`ember Washington, 6H.ORDIUZOE ORAUTIUO THE ILL1110I3 CENTRAL.. ' � (s - RAILROAD OOITi�I;Y THE RIGHT TO COUSTRUCT A SPUR TR OK ACROSS'TE11NESSEE STRrET'IU THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ISIITUOKY, was given its passage upon call of the roll by a d.•,;i' " u the following votes Yana, Burne, Hazelip, I:arton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by the Obove, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE ILLINOIS CEIUTRAL RAILROAD - : /af COLTAUY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A SPUR TRACK ACROSS WOlUROE STREET BETWEEN FIR,9T AND ' SECOND STILI?ET9 IU THE CITY OF PADUOiX, XEIITUOKY, was" given its paeange upon call of the roll by the.following votes Yeae, Burne, Hnaelip, Morton, Wallace and •�" Washington - 6. On motion by the above, that the request of nKuttoriohn to be allowed. � •4; .8. to extend Bower 103 West on Monroe, street be granted and Mayor instructed to sign contract for eame, carried upon call of the roll by the following votes. Yeae,' U Burne. Hazelip, Marton, Wullaoe and Washington - 6. r. •,-, 4•::. : V On motion by the above., that the motion of Mr. Burne etude in a Oommittoe meeting of the whole relative to having the City Solicitor bring in.00ndemnation~ prodeedings to open a street between Moyers and Yeieer avenue, be deferred until next meeting, eo.that the Committee In Meohonloeburg can make another report,.. carried upon call of the roll by the followiag votet. Yeas, Burns..Haaelip, Marton, Callaos'and Washington On motion by the above, that the notion bf this Board be rescinded in , • regard to Otte Overstreet, dodioatink to the City of Paducah on alley.runningA. ! parallel on Thirtoonth street with Tenneseoo Streot, as Mr. Ovorstroet has de - 44: . olined to make this dedication, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yana, Burne; Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoo and Washington 6, On motion by the above, the pay rolls of the Street Dept, for the weak ending) } 46 But, July 3d, not covered by ordinance and paid by cash order., amounting to $136.46 - also payroll for men employed repairing tho bitulithio atroete for z the wook onding Sat. July 3d, paid by cash order, amounting to 02,715, some wove received and filed upon call of the roll by the*,following vote; Yens, Burns, i[ Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Waahington 6• On motion by Mayor Huzellp, the oompluint made by J. E. Hart in regard to . his discharge at the Eleotrio Light Plant woo referrod to.the Comieeioner of . Public Uorlm for.lnvoatigation, upon call of the roll by the following vote"; Ye", �^ •.�i••iew�ti�:�..1'i—r...-. .-moi ..—..• �-�L .:�.�. �...-s:....v..--,..+w... .... a..vrw,. ..� �..,..--..-.--.._.-�...- � --...-.. ..........�. "�]'!it ��i''-'"' Si„ r:�/....�.a�N^. J•��,j7r,, ,: ^!:3'a"J' -n., ;` 1 .:..+� { -t : � v �'6-ff �•.� �- ...i.Ta �{�f n•^r•_.�•si.�•. +ti , 11+ T • ' Commissioner's Proceedings, Ci of Paducah July 6th 6 continued. ' City 191_ s Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. � On motion by Llember.11arton, the report of the oolleotions and disbursements for the month of . Jane .191b was rod oeivod and filed upon sell of the roll by n ��- ;< the following vote: Yeas, Burns,.Hnzelip, Marton, Wallaoe and Washington - b." On motion by the above, that 4168,683.76 be allowed from the General Fund.. and the amount of 41,689.18 from the.Speoial Street Fund and 5200.00 from the -• c:. Speolal Sewer Fund, Came was allowed upon sell of the -roll by the following.. vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Uashington On motion by the above, the ouditora report, of Apportionment and Expenses �! J 1Y.. for the first half of the year 1916, was reoelved and filed upon.oall of the i roll by the following vote:, Yens, Burne, Hazelip, 1,'arton, 6allooe and yY. i. Washington 6. On motion by the above, the report of the Inspeotor.of weights and Measures' ; • was reooived and filed upon'oall of the roll by the following vote: .Yeao, Burne, Hazelip, Marton C'allaoo and Lashi taxi _ 5. 1., 'F � On motion by Member Wnllnoe;.thn0 the matter of lunch stands, popcorn wagons, oto., standing upon the street oornoro, was referred to the Coaunissionei ' of Safety with,powor to not, upon.oell of Iho roll by the following vote: Yens;: � '•'' Burne, Hazelip, Murton, Wallace and uashington - 6. On motion -by Mayor Hazellp, a oomnunisation from the Eureka Goal Co. in regard to Inspeotor of Weights and Ueneuree.etopping their wagons, some was . reooived and filed, upon oull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne,.. /9 u Hazelip, Ltarton, Wallaso and Washington - 6. On motion by the above, a oommunieation from the Mieeieeippi Volley ^►orminnl :;,League, eame was r000ivod and filed upon oall of the roll by the following jtKj, vote: .Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Vallaoe-and Gaehington - 6, On motion by Member Burne, that'all saloon lioenses be road and whero there!' n is not any romonetranoos against oamo-, then they are to be voted on separately r E and oolleotively, and those that have romonstranoes against them be laid aside ; ; � /- and taken up separately, ourried upon sell of the roll.by the following Tote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallaoo and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Burns, the following saloon lic_ie' granted, 3•'' '" eeparatoly and.00lleotively d IlAL1E ADDRE38 BOIID 4:. Y; .• 1 J. J. Lally .1601 So. 4 Iiational. Buret Co c3 Olen Fransioli 212 Ky. ^ " y . ' q, Palmor Hotol Co.G Bvray v ' f< ^ e _• A. T. Bohannon111 So. 3 " ^. t OCoar Donkor • 432 II. 12 L. L. itoleon 407 So. 3, Fidelity Deposit Co. Chao. Graham 136 S. 9 <." W. m. Mitchell 908 Boyd d E. H. Pell 737 N. 0 r Bon M. Allen 100 if. 1 J. B. Sohulto it, . ry - 701 S. 7. " "`• yyla: 1 J. B. Rothrook W. 141 S. 2 a L. Oates 126 S. 2 t ( F. S.'Burton P. S. Johnston 310 Ky. 1034 . 10 '"'7 > Claude Portor l06 S.'.3 y c .. John Dyo 1729 S. 9 Theo Peters 1046 Ky. 6 L. B. Ragan115 S. 4 _ „ „" e Sf. L:. Mitohell to B.A.Turner 1000 N. 10 Jae. Bolden 704 Adams. Goo. Schulte 7 & Jaokeon • Frank Pinkard 117 S. 3 St. -Elmor Smith 115 II.- 4 R.L. Poaohe .& Co. 2 4 DwaySam Smith120 S. 2 » J. H. Potter & Co. 116 S. 2 f Hotel Lagmarsino . 2 ✓b Bwa E4nitable.Surety Co. `r J. T.(Bud) Quarles Union Station W. 13. Ham & Son . 936 H. 10 » » � .tet w+rw:a c;�5.4,a,atF/a:f..;:.•',}. .i�i:.k'.�1�+ �,.:....w• t.+wa:.� i .., r .c}..rr.,.a....-... �.. <..:. •r:y :h::_, • .. \Rr ., N �`71 FT11M ). rA'4(Ft .rs7l'.%t`.vtV �7(.Sk �+'-M..�'I,y •16,Y Li V.1� C -t t'�'•1"( ��:l i. �'\ �'i. .( 1 {, �.rrn�[..i r 1'• FF -'tel{ '. J �1 .,'1\� � >:.LI )7 , /.:-t•..�- �,�� 1 ..:.. •+.J +•i:i�.b:::_r.w: ..1.�• Ne:�•...t ._.:.+.''r.wl.l�d.:`i t�- T A ,I No. Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah July 6th 10 continued w 4 P NAME FLDDRESa BOIID . tBoot% Ferguson 701 Trimble Equa�Surety, Co. ,. Geo. Deaker 901 Washington f i. Rehkopf Diet. Co. 103 b 105 S: 2 .' It H. 3ohmidt G Boa 11 to Caldwell )L W. 0. Stanford 129 S. 2 Tuok Lone 025 Washington t G. A. Chandler 125 S. E Dan Galvin 933 S..S S. D. Gott 119 N. 4 J J. J. 11oAughun 1134 Jones ' Sloan Bros. 12 k Monroe • a ° Alfred Strauss 114 Kentuoky ;- M. D. Oumpboll 100 Broadway :1: • t• Loa. Hite 111 S. 2 n p p '' Y.'.,' ;• H. T. Billingely 633 Caldwell 0. L. Bryant 434 Norton J: H. Clendenon 1.13 S. 2 h John Ward 132 Kentucky J. W. Ivotts 119 Broadway Ir H. L. Cause 7 & Adams (432 S. 7) M. H. Gallagher 029 Trimble r Steinhauer & Burger E00.Ken'tuoky Ave. I' Poto Bolgor 1617 Meyers z 4 Holland k Manning 107 S. 4 _ :5 0.. E. Culler 1167 11. 12. � 0. E. !.filler 301 9, 7 : S. A. Vloinble 107 N. 4 _ • /. I .1 �. B. A. Turner (by.Dlok Callasi) 922 Finley " " " H. S. Kioley 1039 Kontu0lty .•`at ( J. L. Potter 900 !1. 0 A. O: 1,11toltell 900 Vuohington R. E. Lioaholl 109 N. 4 .1 G. Loehlee 402 I1. lE 4 Harry L'odughan 1132 S. 10 „ ,Y G A. MarooPPolcy 132 S. 2 T. J. Elrod 110 S. 2 >' r G. B. Willow 127 S. 2 ,•\i;: n .. n" a �;tiy Erneot Yarbro 116 Kontuoky Upon oall of the roll by the following voto: Yeue, BurnsHazelip, Marton, Wallaoo .c xj if and Wuohington �' H. Z. Clause' ,. 7Y !"° On motion by Member Burne, a trunofor woe granted from 482:9. Seventh street to 704 Adams otreet of o saloon lioense, upon oull of the roll by the following votet ~ Yeae. Burne, HaZellp.L Marton, Wallaoe and Washington 5. On motion the Board adjourned upon oull of the roll by the following voterIf 4 Yeas, Burns, Hazelip, Marton. '7allaoe and Washington - 6. .. .�. ;. APP 4�7D �. . ' �•;•�. . AI�OPT�� i' e14_ ' h ity or E: 44 »'. Al r �• * ' •.\ , try i � \ • ... ' t _1 *rY . l iii \ ty t F p 1 .•. k t,\ r I, T 1 �,J. � >t1�1 1Ji _'t. ktta'� )t.i' _- _ ..- v'. •. .. e.ir tt; 1-,. „�. 1 /1{. J , v _ .. •wt; i , t)$!i R 5 -`1J(�r•) �I. +.`ej 4t -it�. r' h_ j. tt ' ._•--.---... _'_-..._'+�.- ,. v � 7777 tit.,