HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 659, May 23, 1921• Y .'�icJ:l;•r. ^x •rte='1 --=e}..ip+rc�a+Trdsxlr-`•:���r.1-;'T'::-h•TTtJV7r t, t! �'ti+ q✓c�'+�`�;�i'"+it+kp9�i'�. �I a .. � • �. -•,R+�4iif i�'"��"'$ g Cr '.'j'" .t+H+c•Wm!•k•w.a ,. .Y 'w �r,�, a.n. ;tv � .r.+.0 r .+r vr.I t "�.- "M',',+'F:, i r Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192_ following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williams, -4. �• f Commissioner Tully offered the following motiont I move that the Oommisetoner f of Public Works be authorized and instruoted to order.a tank of oil for immediate Oom'r. Publio delivery, for the purpose of oiling streets, from the Stvs..^rd.011 Oompany at the works to order Street oil. price quoted of 6} cents per gallon, same to be available for property owners and others who pay for same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas,'. Eaton, Baker. Tully and Williams, -4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. F t ;'J • . Aieftc a :�:1.�1-�ROV137D .'+f .. Ckr CW. ! MAY 218T. 1941. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oot>miseloneree Chamber in the Otty Hall. Paducah, Kentucl7, on May Blot. 1981, at 11'01olook-A. M.. . Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiesionere Eaton. r Tully. Williams and Mayor Yatterjohn,-4. _} Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow Pay -Bolls for week .' _b ending May Blot. 1921, .of Riverside Hospital and New Construction Work. `• 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -Rolls for `1. weak ending May 21st. amounting to $260.69 for the followingdepartments-.. �i DEPARTMENT.OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS 1 Pay -Rolls for week + ending May.2let. New Construction ........... 0".06 ` 'i new Construction a` and Riverside DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY F Hospital. Riverside Hospital.......... 96.64 be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the 0eneral Punct to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote. Yeas, Eaton, Tully,. Williams and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That. the City Engineer be �: °`•'','• w City Ragineor inetruoted to order a minimum capacity of 8000 gallon oar of Tervis B 011 for use in p', "'T ' Instructed to ^; ardor 8000 gal. finishing the Union Statioa,Bouta, and balance to be hold -subject to further orders car of Tarvia B 011 for use on of the,Board of Commissioners. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votet Union Station ` Routs. Yees. Baton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. Ow mation the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. , A; �, •, alar I'1ec!� MAY 28rd, 1921. 'A At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissionere.held in the Oommissionors, i Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 28rd, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. V. .. Upon oall of the roll the following answered totheir names: Oommiestonore Raton,. Baker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. ;! Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call. to -wit: To open. receive and file . bide for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and 0utters on Fourth and Broad Street. - Bids on 4th i Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the bide for the Broad Street sidewalks, ete.kes, construction of concrete curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes, into sow - ` ;V ors and catch basins on the West side of .Broad Street. from the intersection of Fourth >,r J and Broad Street. including the intersection at Fourth and Broad Street, to the livid-. 1 Lug line betryaen the property of 0harlotte Ruff and the property of Barbara Potter; an d • ri T. • .. _ ., .�. n � _.x ...r !R.T.+•►.AaC7�S••�7^9?t�iL'i "S7f:•S+�(?K-.wc. - ,!:Y�i�s'7!vd •,YY1:7fi7FiF{=.+:F;4t'•'y, vAA''SiSi'SL,Tv�',�r� n. �.ys<iM`57T%�"2yr•��$_7"'+i` 7�/:'�'K�il+asl! n 'F'c'Li'us'R rr ;as .tY""cit- 5 t T.� r '{/ - f.. �• `r'i' ,i,J'' �, �ti-•yc ^a" :.f MLh1 ti' ��v._f��"✓_x3 ,i �.....afl�iA{. %ir V 'YS�- K .Ji ' ( 8. .• n ' ra- I h•�, t ., a'1P•T Jt' 1tlya.F��rY Mr • f �_-_..:._.moi �:��..t....�_,..... ._..:..t-..v:_o � - i...w.�_..-Jw��..,.-..t' 1 ., Com 19 missioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 2-- ` ,;::-• also .for the construction of ooncroteletdewalke,. ourbe.and gutters. and all necessary ' manholes, intakes, sewers and catch beat Bide of.no on the East aids of Broad Street. from the i Reynolds Bros, intersection of Fourth and Broad Street to the Horth.oarb line of Bridge Street. ex- r' ° d.W.L'atter'ohn Son, and oepting'all concrete sidewalks. ourbe and gutters now eonetraotefl thereon, submitted by Eaker & Storrie for sidewalks,°'the following bidders. to -wit: M' etc: on Broad Street, west. Reynolds Bros. F aide irom 4th O.W.Katterjohn & Son & Broad to Baker b Storrie Potter propert , ! gnat aide from be received and filed, and nation on same deferred 4th & Broad to antic Lhe,Regalar Meeting at E o'oloet' y ' Bridge Oto P.Y. on Monday Yay.23rd,. 1921. Adopted upon sell -of the -roll by the. following vote: Teas. Baton. Faker. Tally. Williams and Katterjohn.-6.' On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. i1 . 1, WAY. 23rd. 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of.Oommieeionere., held in the Commissioners" u.;. .0hamber.In the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on May 23rd, 1921. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommleslonare.Eaton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. ,t{ On motion of Oommlesloner Tully the minutes of tike previous meetings were ` adopted as read apes call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Saton, Baker. Tully., �7 ' Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ! , .':5 '• l ley Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the petition of I try t' Petition of pro- property.owners on Kentucky Avenue. between 23rd and'26tb Streets. relative to the oon i .party owners on Ky.Ave., straotion of gutter®. ourbing and re -grading of.same, be received and filed and referred i between 23rd,:,. N 26th Ste. to 0e.0ity Engineer for report. -Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton. Baker. Tally. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. `•';; • Oommlesionsr Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition of the k$e' oillaene..and property owners protesting H<n p ng against the improvement of aidewalke on South e 6.eth at:,.beta. • Husbands and Eighth Street, between Husbands and Bookman Streets, be received and filed. Adopted Bookman Ste. Petition of upon call of the rollbthe follow 1 " Y ing vote: Yeae,,Eaton, Baker, Williams and Katter- property ownere: Jchn,4; Oommiesioner Tully not voting, being called out of Oommiaeionere' Chamber. r & `:• Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery Trane from T. J. Oundiff and Elate Oundiff to Cynthia A. Williams to bot /28..in Block H�Der� for T. J.. and 81-1 k' .f sie Oundiff to Section E. Oak 0rove Cemetery. be ratified., Adopted upon call o Oynt Ma A.f the, roll by the follow- . d Aillieme. Ing vote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker. Tully. Williams and Katterjohn,-6. �- Reports,-Finan Oommieeloner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the following ' ~' Oial Statement and Patients' reports from Riverside Hospital be received and filed, vis: Financial Statement for the{ Riverside Foe- ° pital for April month of April, 1921; Patients Report for the month of Aril 1921. Adopted p P. p upon Dail of V, ; 1921. the roll by.the following vote: Yeae. Baton, Baker. Tully. Williams and Kstter'ohn,-6:. Mayor Katteljohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of life . MoOraoken Co. `'. Public Health 1(o0raoken County Publio Health Hureing Service for the.montb of April 1921 be received Nursing Service Report for and ftied. ..Adopted ttpon call of the'roll by. the following vote: Yeas. Baton, Baker. April 1921.. %� •• i Tully. Williams and Katterjohn.-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Y� Report City �.. Engineer of work Oity•BngineeW of the work performed by Yanoy dt Johnson on Broadway; from April 18th to performed by May Elet y Yanoy & Johnson 7. inolaeive De received and flied. Adopted upon Dail of the.roii h the fol- on Broadway, April 18th to lowing votet Teas, Baton, Baker, Tully. Williams*6" matter�ohn.-6. May slat, 1911. r A.- s.- .�. r' .. •r- v -»it!v3••�n '.t •w..,•+�r f�Cs �y4 fwnSS.y A-•ff> .sT�a ,.•fNe '13 j'Y'M1�C;2 �• t is t'S "'?' f" a.•F i ✓ } >•' r � } �i `7�t' s 1 1 - � "s 'E v) t )��S - •. '�,,.. i' � ':1' h" t 7 Na_. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Improvement Wear - ant issued to Ye.noy b Johnson. P$4978.96 work on Broadway from . lYth'.St to 25th. Report City Regi- neer on aide for sidewalks, eta. on -Fourth St and a., Broad' St. too :x Bridge Street. f . i i Acceptance of Bid of Reynolds "• Bros. for side- walks, eta. on Fourth a Broad St. to Bridge . Street. .:c Certified checks returned to i. O.W.Katter'ohn b Son and Baker b f; Storrie in re bid on Fourth m Brodd St.. . w Oontraot between Wadsworth Improve { meat Co. d Board of Park oommis- sionera. dated S " Feb. 24. 1918. i } i Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move'thet the Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorized and instructed to ;seas an Improvement Warrant to Yaacy i Johnson, Contractors, for,work done and performed on Broadway. under contract dated Mnrah let. 1921, for the num of $4978.96, being 65% of the work.se per the report of " the Engineer filed of this date, as follows; 66% of $2802.00 being $1496.50 and 65% of $8880.28, being $3477.66. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote -.. .'',''h`, ' Yens, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-8.. .. J Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; The City Engineer having prepared : .. .report on the bide of °the various persons bidding on the construction of concrete o�Dz' and gutters, and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins, on the West '• aide of Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Street, including the 5. intersection at Fourth. and Broad Street; to the dividing line between the property of. Charlotte Ruff and Barbara Patter; and also for the construction of concrete sidewalks curbs and gutters, on the East side of Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and Broad to the Porth curb line of Bridge Street, as shown by his report'. I move that r hie report on said bide be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote: Yeae,Eaton.Eaker.Tully.tfilliame and Katterjohn.-8. Mayor Katterjohn offered the follows Y � following motion; Et appearing from the bide thio .day received for the oonatruotion of concrete curbs and gutters, and all necessary man. holes, intakes, sewers and catch basins, on the West.eide of Broad Street, from the interseotioa of Fourth and Broad Street, including the intersection at Fourth and `! Broad Street, to the dividing line between the property of Charlotte Ruff and Barbara Patter; and also for the construction of oonorete sidewalke, ourbn and gutters, and' all necessary manholes. Intakes, sewers and catch basins on the East aide of Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Street to the Borth curb line of . Bridge Street, excepting all concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters now constructed ' thereon, in the Oity.of Paducah, Kentucky, be oonetruoted with concrete; and it further , appearing that it is more desirable that the curbs shall be oonetruoted, in all re- { speots, as provided in the specifications calling for and requiring crushed rook in f such construction, and that the Did of Reynolds Brothers Is the lowest and beat bid `'4 for said work,- I now move that the bid of Reynolds Brothers for the construction of ,;t;•' said street, as per plane and specifications a000mpanying said bid, and providing that � crushed rook shall be used in the concrete ourbe, be approved and accepted, and that. the Uayor be instructed to enter into a oontract with said contractors, in till 're- " ,'`'•' ' opeota, no required by ordinance and aodording to law. Adopted upon oall of the roll . by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,78. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I mo vo that the certified cheeks of Baker b Storrie and 0. W. Katterjohn d Son, enclosed with the bide for the eon- .:x ,.. . struation of concrete curbs and gutters on the West side of Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Street,•inoluding the intersection at Fourth and �`:•.;.' Broad Street, to the dividing line between the property of Charlotte Ruff and Barbara Patter; and also for the construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs and gutters. eta..,. on the East side of Broad Street, from the intersection of Fourth and Broad Street to the Borth curb line of Bridge Street, be returned. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Eaton,Eaker.Tully,Williams and Katterjohn.-5. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oontraot, dated February 24th. 1913. made and entered into between the Wadsworth Improvement Company .; and the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. whereby the Wadsworth Improvement Company egress to convey to the Board of Perk Commiseionere the;,' } ground known as Parent Park; be received, filed and recorded.. Adopted upon call of °` .' r: �,«,ri.xs..-ftrrane.�.� io-•rw:•.�w•s+.,•.y..p:+,.�ii5�`1n?.`4�'tid'.��iti?'bS�'+T'd:: nr �5�Y'!�•nlv.,r.•i '�- N - _ r nT.,� - No.-'.>.• - i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . 192 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton,Baker,Tnlly,W1111ame and Katterjohn.-6..: Vic` y j g° maps. sketahes. > Mayor latterjohn offered the followia motion: I move that the ma Map 6.sketohe8, et0.'!n Re. detailed drawings and speoifications. as,prepared tnd designed Dy the��• Amerioan.Park Forest Perk. ..�,. •. ,.':, 1. Builders Landscape Architect of Chicago. Illinois,'. for' the construction of Forest Park. be reoelved and filed:.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.: Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Satterjohm.-6. Mayor Satterjohn offered the following' +1: . ng�motion: .I move that the deeds from Lhe Wadsworth Improvement'Oompany to the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of.Paduoah 'c sDeeds from Wadsworth Im- lontuoky, conveying certain lots. in Forest Park. and which deeds are dated: July 24th ! provement Oo.. ' 1 Lo Board of. 1920; July 23rd.. . 1919• JuU 2nd.. . 1918• July End, 1917. • . July 12th 1916; Jul,End,'1916= Z . ' /�9r1 i° Park Commis -s< ` slonere, in re: 'Yaroh 12th. 1916; August 28th. 1914; June 10th, 1918, be received and filed. Adopted ' . Forest Park. ; '.s:•:. f+r,! ` upon call of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Eaton.'Bakei, Tally, Williams and t 4. Setter.john,-6.: ` Commissioner Tal offered the follows 11 I Tully ag.motioa: I move that.ianoy & Johnson be allowed the eum.of.$269.76. being Estimate Humber 15; pi by F. W. b Lissie Satter- _ i L F.W. b Lis:le john for the construction of concrete'driveway in•front of their property on South Fifth y' RRA Katterjohn, {• 1 Estimate ¢l6. Street and the Oommi'ssionor of Public Finance be instructed to draw a check on the R t259.76 allowed ' (r Ynnoq &.Johnson Special Street Fund to pay samei. and, same to be credited against and deducted from Lhe ia.re Fifth St.; from Improvement Warrant heretofore ieanefl for said work. Adopted iC7• - ' 4 p upon call .of .the roll by Aven..to Clart: the follows vote: Yeas Eaton Bakor Tully Willieme and Katter ohn -6. Oommieelonor Baton offered the.following motion: I move that;the City Solicitor s ts:+ j be'inetruoted to file an.aotion at'onoe In the Circuit Court for and on behalf of the �4r City Solicitor ` inetruoted.to'. City of Paducah to proaure a judioial construction of an ordinance providing for the file notion. 'i in re- re-oonstruotion of West Jefferson Street, so as to.determine.Whether said ordinance is. Oonetruotion �,�• of West Jeffer- valid and enforceable and to prosecute said oase:on appeal to the Court of Appeals '., eon Street. ��+t:•:. and that W: V. Eaton, Commissioner of Public Safety be authorised to appear with and asolet the City Solicitor in handling said litigation. Adopted upon Dell of the ,roll tr by the following vote: Yoae.Eaton,Eaker,Tully.Williame and Katterjohn.-6. tt Fr `•t'. Commissioner Williams offered the following motions, It. appearing that all the : is bids submitted for the ooaetruation'of an addition to -Riverside Hospital are largely ` in exoe8e of.the amount of mons a y appropriated and available' for said improvement and t. Addition River- �.?; :.91Qe Hoepital,.11that the City would not De authorized to accept eny of said bide on said account,- f':• '. Bide rejooted, 'I!� I Jf' , and dertified pI now move that all bide for the construction of an addition to Riverside Hospital here- oheoke.return !� ed ,to !tofore presented by W. U. Karnes & Sons. Jack Oole. One Lookwood, O.W.Ketter ohn & Son �. " :'• W.M.Karnos & BOAj. • ..� Jack 0019, and W.F.Owen, be rejected, and that the certified checks deposited. by said bidders re- i Gus Lockwood " ' O.W.Katterjohn]opeotively be returned to them. Adopted upon call of tbe,roll by the following votes ' C 7' & Son and d .;,,,: . W. F. Owen. Yeae. Baton; Baker, Tully,* -Williams and Katterjohn,-6.. " Commissioner Williams offered the follow!` ng.motion: Bide for the aonetraotion ofd y an addition to Riverside. Hospital 1n.e000rdance with plane, specifications and drawings (prepared by Architect, W.B.Oore, having heretofore been submitted and found to be large-.:.' ,..: 'Addition Rivor- iy in excess of .the amount avellable for such oonstr.uotion; and it further appearing that " side Hospital linyor and Oom1r,the erection of extensions and improvemonte to the Hospital are.nreently demanded, by I c Property to' kk 1' go over the fresson.of the congested condition of the Hospital,.- I move that the Mayor and Oommission4 plane, eto., anb } readver.tiee,tor'ler of Public Property be instructed to go over the plans, specifications and drawings ' r - bids.+ N, for said extensionand addition to Riverside Hospital and,eliminsts therefrom each parts� ithereof as thereof as can De properly dams; for.ths purpose of enabling the City to re-.{, .'� advertise for- bide for the construction of each addition to said Hospital at, a prise ' within the amount appropriated for.scah purpose. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the } following votes Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tally. Williams and Satter john; -6. . ffwip:5• 1N iR( y;I' }-.j.7-+h1i �V•4 .7fr ... if••.f � .Yw- I�Wn Y+HM •:r... a ' J J .R :i � .:l+.i r'.- , . 1 No. '44 C? _. i'. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Commissioner Eaker offered the following motion: That the report of the Street Street Dept. Re- port for April pa Department for the month of April Adopted ril 19¢1 be received and filed. AD upon sell of p 1921, the roll by the following voter Iene, Baton, Baker. Tully, Williams and Katter conn, -6. Mayor Katterlohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled,) "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH Booth Nthat. St., f!o from HusNtb EIGHTH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF HUSBANDS STREET TO THE NORTH CURB Backman St. Ordinance adopt- LINE OF BAOHSIN STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING - ad. PROPERTY OIYNINS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE PAID FOR UPON TNI; TEN YEAR PA)OMNT PLAN," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,Eston, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katter John, -6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance amending Paducah 6 Illinois An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE PADUCAH AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD OOM- Railroad Company dinanance grant- Ordinance PARY, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS OR LESSEES, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND L'AINTAIN RAILROAD ing right-of-way. etc, TRACKS, OF STANDARD GAUGE, IS THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND OPERATE OARS, TRAINS AND LOCOMOTIVES THEREOVER, FROM THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH STREET ON OR WITH NORTON STREET EASTERLY TO THE EAST SIVE OF THIRD STREET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TRACKS NOW OPERATED BY THE NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY; THENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION AND BETWEEN SECOND STREET, IF EXTENDED, AND THIRD STREET, CROSSING TENNESSEE, OHIO, JACKSON, ADAMS, CLARK, WASHINGTON, KENTUCKY, BROADWAY, JEFFERSON, MOMOE, MADISON, I HARRISON AND CLAY STREETS, BET721YU SECOND AND THIRD STREETS; THENCE ACROSS THIRD AND d THIMBLE STREETS, AT OR NEAR THE INTERSECTION THEREOF; THENCE IN A WESTERLY DIRECTION ACROSS FOURTH STREET, IF EXTENDED, THROUGH THE BLOCK EAST OF TRIITBLE STREET; THENCE I '. ACROSS FIFTH STREET, IF EXTENDED, TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE INDUSTRIAL TRACK OF TO CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD COMPANY, OPERATED BY THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY; THENCE AO -038 CAMPBELL STREET IN THE BLOCK NORTH OF SIXTH STREET; � THERON AOR033 THE ALLEY IN THE BLOCK NORTH OF SIXTH STREET An WEST OF CAI.TBELL STREET, AND OR SIXTH STREET BETWEEN THE ALLEY IN THE BLACK BETWEEN CAMPBELL AND HARRIS _ S :,MEETS AND TO THE EXTREIZ NORTHWEST LIMIT OF SIXTH STREET AT THE CORPORATE LINE," ' WHICH WAS ADOPTED BY TER BOARD OF CCUM133IONERS ON MAY 29tb, 1916, BY AMENDING, RE- VISING AND RE -ORDAINING SECTIONS E AND 11, AND REPEALING SECTIONS N and 16 'THEREOF, be adopted. Adopted upon *all of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that an Ordinance sntltlsi 'AlfORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, Born"AH lm Avon". from rom 11.1¢th to ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF BERN - 13th d Burnett, Sidewalks, ate. HEIM AVENUE, FROM THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH ST'EET TO THE EAST SIDE OF THIN. Ordinance intro- duoed. TEENTH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF BURNETT STREET, INCIUD12IG ALL INTERSECTIONS. IE THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEINTUCKY, AT 'AUS COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PRO- VIDING THAT SAYE MAY BE P.,ID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAIMENT PL.B," be Introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Forton, Raker, Tully, Williams and Katter john, -6. Mayor Katter]ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve - Street Improve- most Contract entered Into by and between the City of Paducah and Reynolds Brothers, meat Contract of Reynolds Bro e. dated May Dyad, 1921, for the construction of concrete eldewalke, ourbe and gutter a, in e: H. 9th Street, from and all neoassarY manholes, lntal:ea, sewers and catch basins on both sides of North Trim- Madison to Trim- ble Street, Ninth Street, from the pro. gutter line on the Horth aide of Media= Street to the , accepted. perty line on the South side of Clay Street; and aloo on the Wool aide of North Ninth Street, fr ou the Nothh prop arty line of Olay Street to the gutter line on the South Commissioners.' Proceedings, City' of. Padiicah , 192-_ r aids of Trimble Street, and the Construction Bond for the performance of said work, executed and delivered by Reynolds Brothers with the National Suret C y' ompany, 69 B:asLy,' •;: �'jr ' and the Power-of=Attorney executed to Albert M. Foreman and Erna! Lackey, be reoeired, a filed, accepted, approved and recorded. Adopted upon can of the roll by the follow- . f• Ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tally, Williams and Katterjohn.-5. " Mayor Katterjohn offered tbe.following motion: I move that Lhe Street Improve- ment Contrast entered Into by and.bstween the City of,Peduoeh and Reynolds Brothers," Street Io@rove dated ltd 23rd 19B1 Yor the construction of concrete at curbs and ` moat ContraoL m y ' ' • guttate, Bond, Power of and sll'nooessary manholes, intakes. sewers and catohbasine on both sides of Fourth. ,!Attorney of21 . t1Reynolds. Bros. Street from ,the North property line of Brood Street to the South gatter. lins`of°Slifa- ' in res Fourth a road Streets, beth Street, and the Construction Bond for the performanos of said wori, executed and . Sidewalks, etc.+; Accepted.,., delivered by Reynolds Brothers with the National Surety Oompapy, as Surety,.+� nnd the Power -of -Attorney executed to Albert M. Foreman and Ernest Laokey, be.reoeived. filed,`' r;r,.'ry' accepted, approved and reoordod. Adopted a p upon call of the roll by lhe,followiag vote: .(.�, • lose, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-3. r On motion the Board adjourned upon cali.oi the,roll.by S:,yeas. a ' u rc. W as MAY 28TH. 1921. At a Oalled.Meeting of the Board. of Commissioners. held in the Oommiesioners' I �' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on May 28th, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M. i ;' 4 .,,. Upon call of.the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Raton, BaksrJ �F Tully and Williame.-4. Mayor Pro. Tem W. V. Raton, presiding. � - 1 Mayor Pro tem Baton stated reasons for oall to=wit: To allow pay -roll for i the wesk.ending May 28th, 19£1, as follows: Now Oonstruotion.Work and Riverside Hospital. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the pay roll far the week- ending May 28th, amounting to $214.37,.as follows: tt; Payrolls for DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. k• may week 28ndin1921 New Oonetruotion.............$187.20 ' 5, .'NeOonoLrno- .� DRPARTMERT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY }, g tion, and Riverside Hospital.......... 87.17 Riverel4e Hoe- _ t I'. bs allowed and ordered aid and the mono a ro risted from the I' "• } 'II p y Pp P general.fnnd to pay Hsame. Adopted upon call of :he.roll by the following vote: Yeas. Baton. Baker, Ially, y* and Williams, -4. x R�' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.4 *see. aF A4sNte4 �" 19$fr� APP V, !�„ cc ,{_ tt MAY BOTH, 1921. c}i'ti At a Regular Meeting of the Board. of Commissioners, held 1n the Commissioners' 1:•.:. Ohaabor in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky. on May 30th, 192L Upon can of the roll! 1 r the following answered to their names: CommlBeioners Baton. Raker and W111isme,.-4: �k Mayor Pro tem W.V.Baton presiding. i ? commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I more that the Regular a Meeting of .the Bo lr, and of 0ommieetoners adjourn 'till 10 O'olook A. M. on Tuesday May. ri f T Slot. 1921.: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: lose. Eaton, Baker i �r and Williams, -3. ; . AieRlei �Cs:.11� ., AL.Ez"