HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 658, May 20, 1921�v� 1y_4�M )r:'�-.r.-�„ca._rui:t_%lE[�I.1. '?�'r•.T+u'� tir.`�:. ;:n •1, .S_-�., �M1r4i �:,fX-.tc '!lrll';L+r Y a"a 'i moi? j'.,� y,j�; .i.i �•�'a 'k:Jl�:tw:.. :i'f�'�t^ !w!. :,+. �, r j
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Comtaissioners' Proceedings; City. of `Paducah . 192__.. '
r 1991,.as.a subetituto for an'ordinanoe.bearIng 'the"same .title, whioh'wae,introdvoed :on' til+a•
%- lioy End, 1921, .be now adopted: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:..
Yeas; Eaton; Faker, Tully;' Williams and 'Ratter john,=6:'
Fj • • . � t .. ,., Oommi ooloner Eaton offered the. following.motion: I mode that checks deposit. ' '�� ?'� _ �:_r, •
Checks returned
ad with Dido on South 4th and Horth 9th street work D the unsuccessful bidders be re-
t., to unouooees- Y
ful bidders on
9.4th St. and turned to them.Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:,Yeas, Enton.Eaker,
H. 9th St: work. Tully; Williams'and KatterJohn ,=6:
c- On motion the Board adjourned upon call of .the-roll by 6 yeas. ,a '
APP ' iM1f'I
r' MAY 17TH. 1921. d..
At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere, held in the 'Commiesion-
are' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah', Kentuoky, on May 17th, 1921, at 10 o'olook A.M. Ott'
Upon call of the roll the following answered totheir names: Commieeionere Eaton, Tnl]y
Williams and Mayor Katterjohn =4.
Miyor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wiL: For the purpose of re-
calving and filing bide on proposed Now Addition to Riverside Hospital, and any other
busineee that may come before the Board.
L, Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the following'"r'•
bide for construction of Riverside Hospital Addition be received and filed, to-wits
Riverside. Hoe
W. M. Karnes m Son ..:.............p26,600.00 pine $400.00
ppital Addition 17: F. Owen.................... ... E&.601.00 q;!
t BIds, to-wits Jack Oole......:.................'.:27,711.00 plus $416.00
W.M.Wnes b Son Gus Lockwood.....:.................26,463.00 " 381.00
W.P. Owen. G. W. Katterjohn k Son .............24 999.00
Jack Oole
One La'
O. W.Kattertterjoha ,and that action on said bide be deferred till the next ly1`
u reguar meeting of the Board of
L . .
6 Bon.. Oommiseionere on May 23rd, 1921. Adopted upon gall of the roll by. the following vote: sir
d) i
Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. ys`t
On motion the Board adjourned.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.`
+ Aieplcdl�3't� 19 g1. bh'r'L�Uv_rD
MAY EOTH. 1921.
At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
ChamDor in the Gity Hall, Paduaah; Kentuoky, on lloy E0Lh,,19E1,'nt 30 O'olook.A: M.
Upon call of the roll .the following answered to their names: Oommiselonere Eaton.'
Baker, Tully and Williams,-4. t''•
;. ter.
Magor-Pro tem, W. V. Eaton Presiding:
Mayor Pro Ten, Ea ton,stated.reasons for'oall, to-wit: To allow payroll for the
first half of May 1921, and any other bneineso that might come before the Board. r"
Gommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: That W. B. Gore, Arohiteot,W.�?
ad 0260. allow be allowed the oum of $EBO:OO ander hie contract and credit on account, and the Oom`r. .
ed $260.00 undo r i•,
hie contract of Publla,Finnnoe be instructed to pay Game and charge to the account of Addition to y?.:
in re:Addition
Riverside Hoe- Riverside iioe ttal. Adopted
P op upon 0811 of the roll Dy. the .following vote: seas, Eaton,,
pltal.'. .. '
Baker, Tully and Williams,-4.
Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for the
Report Oom r. g
Finance of
.pay firet'Ralf of the month.of May. amounts to 8180.28 as roll first half y. ng $ . per the report of the.00mmie-.l
Lay 1921. .:.;•, sioner of Public Finnnoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered. paid and the monoy. 'n -
. p
rr. proprinted from_the General Fund to pay Game. •Adopted upon can of the roll
by-the 11 Y)
C d'• rt t ,t, i ,
' +�ia,ti�'.:.,+5•:,1 JS,Ky t.1n. • twn w G...y-..W.+tI•
'�'M'`��•�49Mtrn+� _ _ _-- ' YSML 1 t 7'p'�. Ti•t .�. t'f a.� -:� t�.,i t.ut�tif nJ"'e�'Aq
!X'hlRfl@h¢a.r,wliil cW xfit''`•it � ♦ -i Tl 1 � n \'$`t t t C � ry ��.
y. tuff, t w � ''".t" "G4 .yr `, vy1, a tR { �+i. ar � ,rt ,.t,K;• T -'-"�t
d �
i ,.�..;..•f fi Na Gs
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 182
following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully and Williams,-4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Oommieetonor
of Public Works be authorised and instruoted'to order.a tank of oil for immediate
Oom'r. Public
delivery. for the purpose of oiling atreete. from the Sta...,.rd.0il Company at the
works to order
Street oil.
price quoted of e1 cents per gallon, same to be available for property owners and'
others who pay for same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Peso,.'
Eaton. Baker, Tully and Williams,-4.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by ` yeas.
`354 19 LL
-- MAVUR.r
MAY 91ST, 1981.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Oommiesioners'
Chamber in.the City Hall. Paducah. Koutuoky, on May 81st, 1981, at li o'clock A. M.
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,
Tally. Williame and Mayor Batterjohn,-4.
Mayor Satterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow Pay-Rolls far leek
ending May Blot. 1981, .of Riverside Hospital and New Construction Work.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-Rolls for
week ending May Blot. amounting to $860.69 for the following departments---
.i, Pay-Rolle for week
• g May. Blot
.i Now Construction
New Constrnotion........ ...0164.05
` and Riverside
,•. %'
Riverside Hospital.......... 96.64
be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to
same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote. Yeae, Eaton, Tully,.
Williams and SntterjohA, d.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That. the City Engineer be
City Engineer
instructed to order a mini== capacity of 6000 gallon oar of Tarvis B Oil for use in
t:4 t1
instructed to
`. order 8000 gal.
finishing the Dnion Statiou,Boute, and balance to be held subject to further orders
oar of Tarvia B
011 for use on
of the,Board of Commissioners. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes
Union station
,. Route.
Yeas, Raton, Tully. Williams and gatterjohn,-4.
On'motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.19
o o✓ AL •1
11'r C1.4
MAY Bard. 1983
a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere,held in the Commissioners'Ail
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 23rd. 1981, at 11 o'clock A. M.
l' -
Upon call of the roll the following answered totheir names: Commissioners Eaton,,
=•'�� '
Baker. Tully, Williams and Mayor 8atterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to-wit: To open. receive and file
bids for the construction of sidewalks, curbs and Gutters on Fourth and Broad Street.
4: Bids on 4th i
Mayor 8atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the bids for the
Brad d street
sideweIke. ate.
construction of oonorets curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes,' Intakes, sow-
W are and catch basins on the West side of Street, from the
.Broad intersection of Fourth
and Brand Stroot. including the intersection at Fourtb.and Broad Street, to the divid-AI t,.
Ing line bet�+een the property of Charlotte Ruff and the property of Barbara Potter; and
.f j
_70=7- _ ..,..,._r-