HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 658, May 17, 1921' ( .. I'd.+4C lf. - Y-1T•'1'� : 3 - - 1Y - •M Hu ,
' Comihissioners' Proceedings, City. of` Paducah . 192
t 1921,.ae.a subetituto Tor an ordiranoe.Dearing the"same .title, which was,introduoed :on
' " > Sia End 1921; .be % • Y' . •
now adop
tad. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:: `
' • ::. . j,Z�:
•Yeae;,Eaton. Eakor, Tully;. Williams and Katterjohn,-6:'
Commissioner -Eaton offered the following motion:I move that oheoke deposit-
eposit I `>,
If ..
Cheoke returned od with bido on South 4th and Horth 9th Street work b the unsuooessful btddere be re- `,.,.. ^,
C . to unouooees- Y S..
t�'ful bidders on turned to them. Adopted upon call of the roll b Lhe following vote: Yeas Exton Ee1er }
9:4th St. and' Y,' 8 ,
9th St
H. : work. r.,
Tu11y,Willinms'nnd Katterjohn;=6: •
i' On motion the Board adjourned upon.oall of the -roll by 6 yens.
Aiepied%%% RtI 191i_1 }s'
177H. 1921.s:r
At a Galled Meeting of the Board of,0ommissioners, field in the Commission-'
are' Chamber in the 0ity Hall, Paducah', Kentucky, on May 17th, 1921, at to o'olook A.M...'
bpoa call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tally
Williams and Mayor Kat r•"' Y Ler john;=4. � �.4'. '. ,,., , •
i$ M►yor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of re- 2
q� oelving and filing bide on proposed Now Addition to Riverside Hospital, and any other !•�,
business that may come before the Board.
Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the follow1
- bide. for oonstruotion of Riverside Hospital Addition be received and filed, to -wit': >yx
• ... 26 600.00 In
Riverside. Hoe- " W. M. Karnes A Son .. ....... ..
• plus $400.00 i,
fiter Addition W. F. Owen ........................ 28`.601.00
1• Bide to -wits
• Jack Cole........... 27,711:00 plus $416.00
W.N.Katnes 6 Son Gus Lockwood:::::::,*."".** ..:..........'.26,463.00 " 881.00
W. F.Owea. 0. W: Katterjohn k Son .............E4 999.00 -Y .
Jack Cole
G.W LockwoodKatterjo ;end that action on said bids be deferred till the next regular meeting of the Board of
G: W.Katterjohn .•
A BOn.. Commissioners on May 23rd, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote:
a Yeas, Eaton; Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4.
s. On motion the Board adjourned, upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. •'c `±.
r Adepled l?f•2374, 196L, g.�'�'1LUV:EL17
NAY BOTH. 1921.
..•� .
At,e Called Meeting of the Board of Gommiesioners, held in the Oommieelonere' �• �:- •
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoly, on Mny EOth,.19E1,'ot 10 O'olook.A. N.
Upon call of the roll.the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,'
' Baker, Tully and Williame,-4.
Mayor-Pio tem,.W.
V. Eaton Presiding. t`
Mayor Pro Ten, Eaton, stated reasons •for' call, to -wit: To allow payroll for the. -
first half of May 1921, and any other bneinaso that might come before the Board.
Oommieeloner Williams offered the following motion: That W. E. Fiore, Architect, +�
W.E:Gore, allow,
$260be allowed the bum of $260:00 under hie oontraoL
.00 undor and credit on e000unt, and the Oom'.r.
his contract of Public Finnnoe be
1n re:Addie:Addition instructed to pay same and charge to the account of Addition to''..
• i
riverside Hoe- Rivereide.Hospital. Adopted upon can of the roll by.the.foilowing vote: Yeas, Eaton,,
Baker, Tully and Williame,-4. ,r;=
Report Oom'r. Commiaeioner Tully offered the foil J. I move that the accounts for the ya.,
Finance of a
P y' first half of the month.of May, amounting to $8180.28 as
roll first halt ; per the report of the 0ommis
1[:1y 1921. .:. sloner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered. paid and the money.ap-.
pr from. the General Fund to pay esme. Adopted upon can of the roll
by the
• _ _ r ...