HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 655, May 16, 1921"'Mvw!'`lr7t �r. *v«N•+n�'T•�'-.,�•� f w,•a •C1�t�q �XZiI"Y'4.•fL'�.?: rf7' ,., . a+",_,`.. aA s,�','{•:.r :_i `Y`- � �; ti ::,�`.. .. 4 NO. 41514 Commissioners' Proceedings, Xity. of Paducah'.. 192_ ' MAY 10th, 1921. At h Called Meeting of, the Board of OCmmiesionere�'eld in the Commissioners' Chamber In the City Hall, Faduoah, Yontuoky, on May 10th, 1921; at 11 O'olook A. V. Upon oall of the the following anew' to their names:.Copunioe,tonera Eaton, ` Faker, Tully, 7111iams and•, 1:ayor Katterjohn,-6. ..'. 1, Mayor Yatterjohn stated reasons for oall,•to-wit: For the pnrpone of opening,' r Reoelving and filing of bide on Fourth Street and Ninth Street improvement, and enoh.' other business as mirtht oome before the Board. i Mayor Yattorjohn offered the following motion; I move that the bide for the oonetruotion of oogorete sidewalks, ourDa and•gnttora, on both aides of Fourth Street i Bide on Fourth Street sidewalk from the North property line of Broad Street'•fr the South" -gutter line of Elizabeth i '. improvement, from c Broad St. to Street, submitted by the following bidders, towit: ?X Elizabeth St., to-•.rit: Eaker & Stori•te i .. �. Eakor & Storrie G.J.Yattorjohn &,Son G.J.Yatterjohn & Reynolds Bros. .. Son and Reynolds. Bros. be reoelved and filed and notion on name deferred until the Regular -Meeting at 2 '. 7 .j o'olook P. !S. on Londay. Lag 10th, 19P.1. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follow- e ing vote. Yeae. Eaton,2aker,Tully,711111ame and Yatterjohn,-6. " i Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the , : oonstruotion'of oonorete sidewalks, aiwbs and puttero on both aides of north Ninth "_•' Bide on H. 9th Street, from the.guttor lino on the North aide of LaAts on Strout to. the property line { ' St. sidewalks from from Madison to on the South aide of Clay Street, and also on the West aide of North Ili' Olay and from 01nq to Trimble St. from the North property line of Olay Street to the Putter line on,the South aide of to•sitr . Baker & Storrte ' Trimble Street, oubmittod,by the following blddern, to -wit; G.J.Lattorjohn & Son and Baker &Storrie Noynoldo Bros. 0. !7. I:attorjohn & Son Reynolds Brothore J { 1 be reoetved and filed and notion on same doforrod until the Regular Meeting at 2 ' o'olook F—M. on Monday. Lay 1Gth, 1921. Adopted upon oall of the ro11.Dy the follow. ing'vote: Yeas; Eaton, Eal:or, Tully, Williams and Y.attorjohn,-6. , Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas On motion the .; Adepl j:19T- PROV•$!D . CA!rc) Ft. 7. MAY 16TH. 1921. At a Regmlnr Meeting of Lho.Doard of 00mmiesionere held in the Oommleeionera' 1' Chamber in the Oity Holl, Faduoah, Kontuoky; on May.lGth' 1921. Upon oall of the roll i' • the followin6 answered to their nomoe; Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully, .Yilllame and Mayor Katterjohn b.' On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minuted of ,the prevtoiis meetinae were 1 i adopted, as road .upon onll, of the roll by .the folloang •vote: Yena, Eyton, Eaker,Tnlly.,: _ Williams, and'Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Kutterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the Street Improve•. ., aoeptanoe of ment Contraot entered into. b y and between the 01tq of I'aAuoah and Reynolds Bros., Reynolds Bros..' 'Streot.Improve- dated May ll.th', 1921, for the. oonstruotion.of aonorete ourbe and gutters on Tenth, ., .' mont Contract r A Cdnotruotion �.Thfrteonth and Fourteenth Street, and the Construotion Bond for the.performanoe of . Bond: In re; 10th13th & aeid,wbrk, exeouted and'delivered Dy Reynolds Bros. with the National Sure tq Company, , " loth Ste. from' Broad'••iay to , . as surety, and the Fower-of-Attorney exeouted to Geo. D. Heaton, .be reoeived; filed,'.' Jefferson St. kaooepted,'epproved and reoorded. Adopted.upon oall of the roll`by the following vote: } Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Tully, 7111isme and Katterjohn,-8. A. a t , . - rr ui Y1a Nh.'.. i•It+(•"'v_ r:i!,i�WfN9`)A,ti� �T.RS fl:J� Y. . �.r—:W-+._'-..�'r.�...�a,.�.. _ '.y�V-:...war.. ___•. .' 'i Na d";w ' Cohiolissioners Proceedings' City 'of Paducah 192-_ aa, Magor Katterjohn offered.the.followiag moLioa:.The Oity Engineer. having pre-- •-' �-, ;:;;:.;; ,.pared:.reporte on the bids of the, varloue parsons bidAirg on the oonetruotion.of oon- Roporto of City orote,aidewalke, aurDa and gutters, and all neoeoaary manholes, Intakes; sewers and + _ " Lnginoor• In re Bido on �th at. .oatoh 'basins on both aides of Fourth .Street. from the North property line:of Brand from Broad to- o' ElStreet to the South �lizaboth; and F gutter' line of Elizabeth Street; and also on both sides of North - '.' ..also H. �Jth i ''Ninth Street from the Horth aide of Madieon Street.to the property:line'on the South St.: from L;odi.. :. • Don St. to T'Trimble.St., '- aide of Olay Street; and*aloo.on the; West. aide of North Ninth Street from .the Horth,:. �,. property line.of:Olay Street to. the. gutter' line on the.South'aide of Trimble Street, 3� ;,,.-,!;•,• ;,�. I move'that his reporto on said bide be reoeived end filed,' Adopted .upon call of the ` ;roll by the following vote: Yana; Baton,Eaker.Tully,Williams and Katterjohn.-6., t, Mayor Katterjohn offered the .following motion: It appearing.from the bide ' r „'• this day reoeived for the.00netruotion.of oonorete sidewalks,, ourbo and gutters,.nnd }( ,•',. all nooeocary manholeo,,tntakso, cowers and oatoh;baoine on ;both older of Fourth Street ;t' from the Horth property line of Broad atroet to.the South nutter. line of.Tlizabeth + Aeoeptanoe' of '+ bid of.Reynolde •Street; in the Oity.of Enduoah;.Kentuoky, be oonotruatod with oonorete; and it further Bro.e..4th St., from Broad to,. appearing that itis more dooirable_ that the ourbo shall be oonotruoted,'in all re- c' H11znDeth Ste a vote as provided in the q. P P epeo_ifioationo oolling for and ro uirinrt orushed rook.in 1 ouoh oonstruation,•ond that the bid,of Reynolde Brothers for the coact;nation of,00n- . t_ orate eidewa3ke;,ourbe and gutters, and al.l ne000sary manholoo',.intakes; oewero and. !' ootch baolne on'both sidoo of Fourth Street from, the pro art line of Broad P P Y i Street .to the South gutter line. of Elizabeth Street; ae`per:plane and speoifioatione. a000mpanying said bid, and providing that orushed rook:ahall be used in .the oonorate , ourbe,.be approved and aooepted, and'tha't-the Ila yor be ineLruoted to enter. into a oon �+ troot with said oontrnotore, In all respeoto,•ao required by ordinance nn0 recording toIle : law. Adopted upon cell of she roll by the following vote:.Yeas. Eaton, Esker, Tully, + Williams and Katterjohn,-6, t r Mayor Katter oh ,,,-* , ,•; .,.; ,, �.. .. Y John offeredfollowing' motion:. It appearing from the Dide "a .t.14 thio day reoolved for the'oonetiuotion of oonorete sidewalke,:ourbs and auttore, and al neoeesary manholes, Intakes, ae•aore and oatoh basins on both sides of Itorth Ninth Aooeptanoe of Stroot from the gutter line,on the Horth aide of Lad ison Street to the property line bid of.Reynolls t ,�•' ' Broo.'N. Bth on the South .aide of Olay Stroot; and eloo on the ''.'Is aide of North Ninth Street iroci 'from 8t. kadi- ,nor. St.to the Horth property line of Clay Street to. the rnttter line on. the South side of Trimble•..! "Trimble . St...,.` Btreot, in the 01ty of PoAuoah. Kentuaky. be'oonstruoted •.Tith.00noreta; and it further '+ a eorina that it is more desirable that the ourbe shall bo conotrutiLeA, in all -re-: opoote as provided in the speaifioations calling for and requiring orushed rook in evohl" s` aonstruation, and that the bid of Reynolde Brothore for the aonotruotion of oonorete ' +' •: oldativalke; ourbannd guttate, and all neceaoary manholes', intakes. Deward and oatoh ' basins on both eldoo of North Ninth Street,.from the Rutter line. on the Borth ` side of i ; > ..• Madleon.Stroot to the property line on the South aide of Clay Street. and oleo on the ` ` fZt • 7cot side of.liorth 'Hinth Street from the.itorth property ltne of Olay Street to the gut- i'•, ter. line on'tho South aide of Trimble Stroot as per 1nn8 and P p' opooifioa.tiona a000ff;_ J .•t' - •;�; panyina oald bid, and providing that. oruohed rook ohall be wood in -the concrete ourbo, } bo approved and aaoopto,d, and* that the Mayor be instructed to'ontor into'' -a contract 4 ' with said oontractors,'in all reopooib..ao required by ordinanoe and according to law. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following'voto: Yeaa, Eaton,' Esker.-Tully,`t llil]]ome and Y,ntter john;.B. { ' . *:", +•.. Oommissioner.Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the oorreepondence.. Corrospondenoe t,botwoon Olty bo.tween the•Oity Engineer, bearinv data' of Lay. 12th' and W. A. Gardner, by his attorneys Znginear " and tY.A.OnrdneA In Hendrick &Burne, bonrinR date of 13ay'13th, rogarding privnto driveways on Leeoh Avenue, tli: p ,re: Leeoh Avenue { nA be rooet'rod and filed. - AdoptoA upon Dail of the'.roll by the follo:Tinrr sato: r + 3ATOH BAKER, ?LILLY ■ILLIAil3 A j) KATTIIZiiOBB Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of - the ConmiOSIOner of Iublio Fierce, showing the apportionment, expenditurea and balanoe Report Com'r.Iab- lie Finance of to the credit of the various accounts under the different departments at the close of. apportionment, r expenditures and the month of April, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol. balances of differ.: slit depts. at close, lowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, William and Latter John, -8. of :pr 11,]921. 1 Oonmleeiorer Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of Report Oon'r.lub. the Oonmlentoner of Public Firanae, with reference to the deposit of interest to the Its Finance in re deposit of interest' credit of the 31rkina Fund, be reoelveA and filed. Adopted upon bell of the roll by to credit Sinking Fund. the the following vote: Yana, Forton, Baker, Tully. Williams and latterjohn.-B. Commissioner Tully offered the folloalnm motion: The sur of t50.0o having 3 been )aid Into the Trenoury, an evil -need by the receipt filed herewith, I move that Ce"atery Deed f4 loots Hudson. y` dead be executed to Lasts P.udoon for Lot J72 in Block 14 on the South side of Obagblla - E Street, betioon Ford and Hannan Ste, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the 6i! roll by the follo.wlnr vote: Yuba, Eaton, Baker, Tully, 7111inme and Latter John,, -B.. Oommissior,er Tully offered the following motion$ That the Oompr. of Publio Ftrenoe be Ihotruoted to doltver to cortroator Rlahard Bell the Improvement BonAs Ieprovement Bonds dsltverod to issued for the Improvement of Cedar Street and l.lnooln Avenue, an follows; $Iohard Bell, in re Cedar Street Bond 1 Series D. 4IY9.72 due July 1, 1921. and :lnoo'r. . Ave. 2 D. 129.9E " • 1, 1922 3 " D. 129.72 " 1. 1923 " 4 • D. 129.72 • 1, 1924 - • 5 • D. 129.72 " • 1, 1925 " A • D. 129.7E" • -1, 1998 " 7 • D. 129.72 " 1, 1927 B " D. 129.72 " 1, 1928 " 9 " D. 129.72 " 1, 1929 ! 30 " D. 129,72 " 1, 1930 Adopted upon =11 of the ro11 by the following vots; Yoas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, . 'Jilllame slid Patter John, -5. Payor Katter John. offered the following nation; I move that an ordinance en- - titled, "AU OP.DI,.A9CB SRU'fIDIUG FOR TM! COL'STRWOTION OF OOVORBTB SIDSOAL:B, OIIHBS ALD GUTTICIU. AUD Ail V:1'OL3.x?Y L'sUIIU:.:i:i, IL'TGLY9, :lNIZ34 AUD CATCH B1,9I118 ON BOTH 9IDF.� OF JOUTH LI11TH. S'TREST, FEW THE JOUTH GUTTER LIVE OF 0113BLUDS 3TRE'ET TO THE NORTH IRO- N. 9tb Street eldewalke from rIUTY LINE OF ELIZAB:-= STH:;ET, IF EKTBVD.ID. AND OU WE 3OUTV -IDE OF HUSBANDS STREET,� Husbands it. to Elizabeth Strostl FROU TRE ';.'BST IR0i13TY LINE OF S;'V&'TFI S7REE'T TO TIB$'FAST PR01,V.NTY LUX OF NIIITH and Jline of 7th Si.tto E. STREET. IN THE CITY OF IADUOAH, LI^UCKY. AT THE 00�'T OF TINE ABUT'R VG IH0PB9TY O'7NBRS. line of 9th St. .Ordinance adopted. AUD I.IOYIDIVG THAT SIS_ PAY BE PAID FOR U11ON TVR TEII YEA.? IAY=T ILAN," be adopted, t,t - 4 ,Aopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Enkar, Tully, 71111ama and YAtteTJohn,-S. 1 ` Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motion; I move that an ordinanoe entitled, "AV OHDIL'AL'OB PROYIDI30 FOR T.1E COINSTRUOTIOH OF OOVCHETE SIXT.ULEB, OInBS AIID GUTTERS. AND ALL NKOZ33ABY 1'AUIIOLL'S, I11T.XES, B.:3_4S AND CATCH B13IVS ON BOTu S. Nth Street, SIDES OF SOUTH EIGHTH STR:':ET, FROU T!H: SOUTH PROPERTY LI1rS OF HUJBAL'DS 2-THE.4T TO THE from S. line of Husbands St. to NORTH CURB LII3' OF a.mmUw JTRXET, IV TIL" CITY OF PADL'OAH, JMTUOKY, AT TIO: 10-T OF N. curb 11re of Bachman Street. THE allTTIM PR0=17Y O'.7I78RS, AND 1ROYIDILG THAT SlJZ L':.Y BE PAID FOR UPON TIH: TEU OrdinRnoe intro. duced. YEAR PAY12.IT II.A.P," be Introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eater, Tully, Williams and Katter John, -B, - Ooumieeioner Futon offered the following motion; I move that an oratnenos Jefferson Street, entitled, "AN ORDINAIICL•' PROVIDING FOR THE ODUJTRUOTIOL AND RBCOVSTRUOTION OF THE from 37th St. to a lserty-fifth St. DRIY'.7AY ON JEFFERS-1 ST22T, FROU THE 7EST PROPERTY LINE OF 0EVEIM LITH STR.---T, OR Ordinance adopted, !i . FOUVTA3L A7FL'UB, TO THE iT'ST LI1L" OF T7E11TY-HIFTH 9TIL`:ET, BEIVO APPROEIlS;.TB IY 3710 ITUBw.R FEET IN ':1'~ CITY OF PADUOAH. KBUTUGLY. AT VM COdr OF TI^ ABUTTING IROH':RTY 0J11:23, AND IROYIDING THAT 9ALI2 VAT BE OOLJTRUCTBD OWN -.9- TEV Yv.AR PAYNBNT IIAN," which was Introduced at its Regular meeting of the Board of Cormiseloners on May 9th, f (. �7J.:+.M.Ye'!.e '"YIi :Y4•°Yn- - .IC�:.f". � Comit»ssionere' Proceedings' City. of `Paducah 192`' � f4 r " : 1921. ..so. a oubstituto for an ordinanoe bearing the same title.' which.wae,introduoed on k i �t Ilay•End, 1921, .be now ad ted:. Ado tod ar ` i `• oP p pon call of the roll by the following vote:..rjZ,k ' r.: Yeas, Eaton; Eakor, Tully, Williams and KatterJohn,4. �J ::c.•, Oommissioner•Eaton offered tho. following motion: I'move that checks d `L . epoeit Oheoks returned {e: 'C .f to unouooees- od with bido on South 4th and Horth 9th Street work by the unsuccessful biddere be re-.'' iul'bidders on turned 'to them. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Enton,Baker. ' S.4th.St. and gg'H. 9th St:work. ' Tully, Williamo and Katter john,=8: 1 t L r r rrr r " On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the, roll by 6 yeas. y. t ^r}`•,.a "+ Aiepled�!/iS_"* 19� elf...... A �ROVT1b� MAY 17TH. 1921. wk At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommieelonere, field in the. Commission- - ere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on May 17th; 1991. at 10 o'olook A.M. ;•s Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton p F' .Williams and Ma • Tul Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Mtyor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of re- I ng and filing bids on proposed Now Addition to Riverside Hospital, and any other .. i4l.. before the Board. business that may come Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the following.`r• bide for construction of Riverside Hospital Addition be received and filed, to -wit: �r Riverside. Hoe W. M. Karnes b Xh ' Son ..:.............$8,600.00 pine $400.00 BSLal Addition W. F. Owen ........................ 28`.601.00Ids, ' to-wltt Jack Cole........................'.:27,711.00 pina $416.00 W.M.Karnes 8 Son Gus Lockwood.......................26,463.00 ^ 881.00 W.F. Owen. ; 0. W. Katterjohn A Son.............24 999.00 Jack Cole Guslit G.W LockwoodKatterjo ;and that sotlon on said bide be deferred till the next regular meeting of the Board of 41 O. W.Katterjoha % 6 SOn.. Commleeioneis on May 23rd. 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll b" the followin votes t.. Y' g' `f ' _{ ',- �! .' •• Ysae, Baton; Tully, Williams and Kotler john, -4. ; e On motion the Board adjourned.upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. y ;• 'Adopted &2' _03.1 19Q1., b�r'lLUV am" WAY MAY 20TH. 1921. x At ,a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere, held in the Commieeionere' t ChamDor in the City Hall, Paducah ; Kentuoipr. on M41'20th..1921.'At 10 O'olook.A. M. !:• Upon call of the'roll.the following answered to their names: OoFmnleetonere Eaton. fi. Baker, Tully and Williams, -4. •t,_.; �- Mayor Pro tem, W. V. Eaton Presiding: Mayor Pro Tem• Ea.ton,stated reasons for oall. to-rit: To allow payroll for the _ first half of May 1991, and any other Dueineeo that might come before the Board.'p. Commissioner 'Willlnais-offered the following motion: That W. B. Clore. ArohlteoL. W.B:Oore, allow; be allowed the eum of $880.00 under his contract and credit on account. and the Oom'.r. ed $260.00 undo! hie contract d of Publlo Flnanoe be instructed to pay same. and charge to the a000nnt of Addition to In re -Addition n Riverside Hos- Riverside Hospital. Add ted upon call of the roll Dy.the,following vote: Yeas. Eaton.. ± pilaf. Eaker, Tully and Williams 4. r QV.", Report Oom'r. . Oommisetoner Tully offered the following.motions I move that the e000nnte for the T a' Finance of,pay -fir at'heIf of the month. of May. amounting to $8180.98 roll first half i . Be per the reportof the Commis-. IAt, May 1921. ;., eioner of Public Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid end the money,ap propriatsd from the General Fund to pay eame.a Adopted upon can of the roll by the '.,"• t.-i�'+r5'aip!w/s li,e.' w, „^ � .-•...w•:.rx .t:=o•%.r_:sh.: fR•.,:s.ti.•.r..: - '