HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 645, May 2, 1921It ��. �.:..5� s . Z.� s'-� .'�''�-(,�"'1'' �R' ". t ''f�, W �; w*}+w h.�-,�y�a!}'-. '•;ti�. 'f _1 No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192_' Amount broughtforward. - ..................... .To iverside�Hospital ...............Il92.09 'eIr�7 TOTAL Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa. Eaton. -Tully. William0 and On motion Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yens. Qthed a. 19 11L )ft•r 1 Tin-`' .. t\i.11OIf MAY En -d_1991. �. At a Called Hosting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiselonera' ~s ,,•e3 :; Obamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on May'End, 1981, at 11 o'clock A. M. p �Opon call of the roll the following answered to their namee; Oommlealonere Eaton, " S GBaker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -,wit; For the purpose of,opening, w Irsoaiviog and aooepting bids on street Improvement and sidewalk Improvemont, as adver-1I y.`�, •' - •- I.tieee and a n➢ other Duelneae that '" ' r ..T y _ may oaoe before the Board. • •r: � . ', r : •.� v q Mayor Katterjohn offered the foliowingmotion: I move that the tilde for the „ f r t .. t loonatruotion of concrete ourD8 and gutters on both aides of Tenth, Thirteenth and �.. .. a < nFourteenth Streets, submitted by the following bidders, to -wit: i Bids of O.W.Katter- .'•t John & Boa G. W. Katterjohn &.9on Yanoy & Johnson ,a Yanoy & Johnson Reynolds Bros. Reynolds Bros. i L. A. Washington L. A. Vachington E. 0. Eaker on construction of E• O• Baker , e ;• curbs and gutters on;be.reoeived and filed, and aoticn on same deferred until the Regular Meeting at B Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Ste. No'olook P. M. on Uonday, May End, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following received and filed. p F � vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams. and Katterjohn,-B. c i,• Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the con- struotion and reconstruction of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Bids of O.W.Katter- !Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streete, submitted by the following bidders, to -wits John & Son, t . L.A.Washington & Soni G. W. Katterjohn & Son B.C.Eaker.IJohnson on Yaaoq & JoL. A. t7aehington. & Son = � B. 0. Baker driveway. on Tenth, n Yanoy & Johnson • � Eleventh, Twelfth, � Thirteenth, be received and filed, and action on same be deferred until the Regular Meeting at e Fourteenth and v Sixteenth Streets,o'clock P. M. on Monday, Stay End, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow - received and filed. ' :.`• Ing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. xx .fyy.., On motion the Board upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. 3 ' padjourned "r i Adopted ^I if tl '' GPeF'_EZC�Vli7D •�� • : f --0.4 ' 7 CII! GIwY � f 4 -• �rnvnrt ;•� p MAY END. 1921. ' 't Y. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommissionere held in the Oommleeionere'' Chamber in the Oit Hall Paducah Kentucky. y , . Y , ky, on May Ens 1981 at E o oiook P. M. ,t Upon call of the roll the following, enewered to their names; Oommieeioners Eaton,. ..Baker, Tully, Williams and Stayer Katterjohn,-5. :, ,: + < ,..�•.� On motion of Commieaioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adoptedr,•• as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, s •t X '! s .71111ame and Katterjohn,-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniontion from Oommunloation of I Paducah Water Co. the raduoah Water Company," dated April 17th, be received and filed. Adopted upon oaII t . - in rei Dire Plugs .• 19thySboinand76th iof the roll by the following vote; Yen., Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katter- 1rS at. beth B'way &, john, -6. Jefferson.. 1 w �..r�4'.1;��? "�(."5a�r:,:-d`•..,-•*+.mss! r 11 ' No 44 , . ...y � f .. ,;,P^' 7'"; . , , .;;}, •. t=�,t.�'ri, ►s�Y,.ti!id'}'. '�:i!xJ,,rt`i• "Y'�"�.,J±fi,. , ^ � r •„r.: H, . ' . f, ' ' ."` n 7 z J';r l 1.. ._r. r.. r�,y. ,;Y. :` . ��: �•ry:i rrR"t•, z`l1 ra+,'G ry:c�•� ' ., Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192=_ y. Mayirr Katterjohn offered, the following motion:'The Oity Engineer having prepared ' r.•,. . reports on the bids of the various persons bidding on_the construction of curbs and gutters, together with all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on Doth aides of Tenth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, from the Horth property line of N+a� Report of Oity Broadway to the South property line.of Jefferson Street; and also on the Improvement of �Enginoor on bide {rooeived for Iry' the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth. Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets, . work on 10th Nfrom 11th, 12th 13th the North .property line of Broadway to the South Property ouy line of .Jefferson Street . i'. 14th and lathrc Ste* so, shown by his reports, I move that his r.eporte on said bide be received and filed. „. �•,. };as:i Adopted npon.osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams 4y' ' and Ratter john, -B. Mayor $atterjohn offered the -following 'motion:•It appearing from the bide this day rooeived for the construction and reconstruction of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventb, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets, from the Horth property line of l"tC ♦ooeptanoe of bid of Baker b Broadway to the South.property line of Jefferson'Street. that the bid of Baker .m Storris v. ,j ' I Storrie to 'con-�.;+ eLruoL drive-'� to construct said streets and driveways, in oonorete,,is the beet and lowest bid for '. ways on 10th 11th, 12th iv street work; and iL.nppenring that .the ooastrnoLion,' in concrete, ie the cheaper... 14th and lith Ste. with con- . and more desirable.,- I now move. that the bid of Storrie for the e construction "'•'` orates and reconstruction of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth'; Fourteenth, t, sSiY:'''J. and Sixteenth,9treoto, from the Borth property line of Broadun .. P p Y y . to the South property st• q .... ' • line of Jefferson Street, to be constructed w0th oonoreto;. ao per lane and P P opeoifiaaLio�s accompanying. said bid, be approved and accepted, and that the Mayor be instructed to ;,•��,; enter Into:° contract with said contractors, in all respects, as, required by ordinnnoe = and .a000rding'to,'law. Adopted.upon.oall- of the roll by ,the follovinr, vote: Yeas, Eaton, p lJ LAI II rEakor, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,.-6. I :,'•' i t,' . ,i�; Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motion; It appearing. from the bide this day received for the construction of concrete curbs and gattere, and all necessary manholes, 17 intnkoo, oowore and catch bnc;ins on both aides of Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Acceptance of 9treote, from the Horth property line of Broadway to the South property line of 7effer- ' p bid of Regqnnold� Brothers o conatruot ourbe, con Streets,ln.the Oity of Paducah. Kentucky' , be constructed with concrete*-, and it - , and gutteron 4 s . further appearing that it is more dooirable that. the curbs shall be aonetruoted.in all 10th, 18th and 14th Ste. .l:.•,'. reopecto, do provided in the specifications calling for, and requlring-..or' rook in . such oonstraotion,and that the bid of Reyno]da Brathoro id the to{:cot 'arid bout bid for rk,-.I now move that the bid of'Roynoldo Drothere for the oonetruotion of non- �oall ,."ourbo and gutters, and all neoosoary:manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins ron both otdoo.'of Tenth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, from the North 'props rty.line ri. �oi Broadway to the South property line of Jefferson Stroet,,.as per plane and specifics-*, tions a000mpanying said bid, and providing that'orushed rook ohall be used in the oon- ��.. . !orate ourba,.be approved and aooepted;:.and that the Mayor..be instructed to -enter into a C s Ncontract with said contractors, in all.'reepeote. no required by ordirinnoe and a000rding it law.• Adopted'.npon call of the roll by the fol2wring vote; Yeas, Eaton',* Raker.. Tully, williame and Katterjohn,-6: jl' Report Fred 0omm�issioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report of Fred' English,. Sexton Oak Grove 'fi nglieh,. Sexton; of intermonte in Oak Grove.Oemetery for the, month of'April.•1921..be ' •. 4..a tory fo+.• April 1921. IIt teoeived and filed. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. '. .. Raker Tull W y, Willi and Katterjohn.-B. ra, i ;Oomnisoioner.Williame offered the.following motion: I.move that the transfer from Ura: Oemetery transfer from Mrs.Loretta �Iroretta.Hooke to Bernard Hioe..; transfering S -S6/100 ft..- by 7-77} ft. of the northwest Hooke to Bernard. Bi8°• corner of lot ¢17, Blook 42, 0ak.Orove.0emetory,•be ratified. Adopted. vpdn call the `%.::. ,of' roll by the following vote: Yea°. Eaton. Baker,;Tnljy, Williams and Katterj6hn,•6: - NYS ...Cl47ti`AIM.ICf .4:'.;5+} . , tli+�%•iri.'_...:W ..�N.:- I:r..✓ .. �:f .. - /. ` • � I .. I ., ' F _ A. .v . � ..r t r;°•`•b 1�4 f " G• YC�tt s~ r,rF T��i. � v I • y+. J ty,P 4}. k� 9FaLW �f !" ' �. %.... �r �.. r d, ,. ;car. .. , 1 .r . Commissioners' Proceedings; .City o4 Paducah r' ` " -192-? Payor to ndver. advertise for bide for the erection and oo lotion of the extenaion and addition to mp Oommiesloner Williams offered the following motion; I mow that the transfer. r Cemetery. franc- from Bernard Hiss to Mrs. Loretta Hooke of lot #17 Block #4E Oak Grove Cemeter et• ,• ; y, y far from Bernard N Riverside Hospital, as per.plans, specifications, drawings and working drewinme, pre• Hiss to Mrs. oept B feet by 9 feet off of the northwest corner of said lot, De ratified, Adopted completion of ; Loretta Rooke,, 4G Addition to pared by architect W. E. .Gore. .Such bids to be sealed bide, submitted on or before , upon call of the roll by the following votes Yang, Eaton' Raker., Tully, Williame and. Riverside Hospital KatterJohn,-6. i o'clock A. it., Tuesday, May 17th, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll'by.the fol. " k Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motions I move that the plans and lowing vote; Yang, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williams and KatterJohn,-60 specifications for the erection and completion of an extension and addition to Rivera side Hospital be accepted and adopted, subject to the.followtng exoeptione. to -wit; r let. That the word "b_RCHITEOT", wherever same appears therein, be eliminated from Water Rentals, given to the Board hie'opinion. in writing, that the City is liable for the increase Adoption of the specifications, as prepared by W. E. Gore, Arohiteot, and the.word "OTHER" sub. of $300.00 allow - plane and speoi. fications pre- atituted in its place end stead. r ad ed Paduoah Water. taro*by End. ;, yp J• Gore for erection" That Articles 20 and El on page 4 of the printed plane -and opeoifioatioae, i;;;,•'i..t' ?. and completion. of Addition to p1 as prepared by said Arohiteot, be eliminated entirely, and said plane and specifics. •, :;I i Rlberulde Y_os- pital. done, so modified, are hereby accepted, adopted and approved. Adopted.upon oall.of 1.. the roll by the following vote; Yeas., Eaton, -Raker, Tully, Williams and ratter John, -6. • a } Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motions I move that the certified 1 Certified shooks Q checks of 0. W. YatterJohun & Son, Yanoy & Johnson, L. A. Washington and E. 0. Raker, Water Company and arrived at a,00mpromiee of said increase. by which.eaid increased ; of G.W.Katter- John & Son,, 6 enclosed with bids for. construction of concrete curbs and gutters on both sides of 6NN ;- Yanoy &.Johnson L.A.7lachington ' u 10th, 13th and 14th Streets, be returned. And the certified checks of 0, W. ratter- y` " 2.O.Baker enclose with bids on J John & Son, L. A. Washington & Son and Yanoy b Johnoon, enclosed with bide for son - ' 10 -11-12-13-14 & 16th Ste, returnJ struction of driveways on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th Streets, be returned, ad. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yong, Eaton, Raker, Tully;. Williams and KatterJohn,-6. Oo=iosioner Tully offered'the following motion: The sum of $37.60 having been v t Cemetery Deed paid into the Treasury, no evidenced by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed. f to hire. J.W.Ford Lot #62 In block be executed to Mre. J. W. Ford for Lot $62 in Block $2 on the north side of Beker a '; $2.. ti Street. between Ford.& Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Eaton, Eaker.. Tully, Williams and KatterJohn-6..' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The aum of $66.67 having been Malt or Cereal paid into the Treasury. as evidenced by the rooei t filed herewith, together with Beverage licence granted to the PP application for license to sell malt or cereal bevorages or any admixtures thereof. ; . Standard Grocery Co., 1301 Clay properly signed as required by.ordinance. I move that a license to sell malt or cereal ; 9t. r r beverages or an admixtures thereof be g Y granted to the Standard Orovery Co., inoorpo- } rated, at 1301 Olay Street from the.2nd day of May to the 31st day of December in. -; olusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton,'Eaker,* ;,=,i:;, Tully, Williams and PatterJohn,.S. 1,ry;•;, = Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that the Mayor Payor to ndver. advertise for bide for the erection and oo lotion of the extenaion and addition to mp @•ia;,�, ties for bide y for erection and Riverside Hospital, as per.plans, specifications, drawings and working drewinme, pre• completion of Addition to pared by architect W. E. .Gore. .Such bids to be sealed bide, submitted on or before , Riverside Hospital *10. i o'clock A. it., Tuesday, May 17th, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll'by.the fol. " k lowing vote; Yang, Eaton, Raker, Tully, Williams and KatterJohn,-60 Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; The City Solicitor having Water Rentals, given to the Board hie'opinion. in writing, that the City is liable for the increase of $300.00 allow - ad ed Paduoah Water. in water ran tale to the Paducah ,Water Company for the year 1921, in accordance with ` 000 ?. the notice heretofore served upon the City by the Paducah Water Company on February "�` • 16th, and the Board of Commie31oners having considered the matter with the Paducah } Water Company and arrived at a,00mpromiee of said increase. by which.eaid increased ; rentals are to continue throughout.the balance of thie.yvar, from the 16th day -of ' ' February, 1921, and the Paducah inter Company having rendered statement for the in t '.n., `• •�; =J''��t; :q _7w9"Y:��y,�i'" r1 itis Vit`' Water R !1 entnle ! allowed ladu- I now move', .that in compromise of enid,alairo, that the Paducah Water Company be ,v Sr.��2� v. Paid the sum -of t3OO.00 in settlement of its water rentals from and Including February ..�., ,L .16th. .1921,.to April let, 1921, and that same be charged to the apportionment for Water ' .Rentals. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Enton,'Eaker, '*.. }� f- rrn c �•,•. va+<.., �.: {r^/. N C rJt Oe�Cn'y .:key Tally, Williams and.Katterjohn,-6. _ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a.resolution an "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKa, CURBS AND GUTTERS. E� AND ALL NEOESSARY NANHOLES,'INTAL'ES, SEWERS AND CATCH BAB INS BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH Adoption of "!Resolution for `r`leidewalk EIGHTH STREET, FROii THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF HUSBANDS'BTREET TO THE NORTH CURB LIKE improve) Pjment on S. -8th OF BAOHIIAN-STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AT THE OF -THE ABUTTING PRO- • 18t, from HusbandsF St.'to Bachman r' PERTY OWIIERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME LAY BE PAID.FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYLr?1IT PLAIT,".L;.'. `:•' ',..,. tate YxA��f Na Tn11y, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. •�^.,, l r; + titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING: FOR THE OQISTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS Al 3, y Sidewalk improve on Bornholm GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES INTAKES SE;'r;RS.A.16 CATCH BASINS ON 'BOTH SIDES.OF Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah +IBurnett at: TEENTH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF'BURNETT STREET, INCLUDING ALL INTERSEOTIONS; IN February, 1921, and the Paducah inter Company having rendered statement for the in oroaoe.of water rentale,- Water R !1 entnle ! allowed ladu- I now move', .that in compromise of enid,alairo, that the Paducah Water Company be .. ,. oah.Water Co. Paid the sum -of t3OO.00 in settlement of its water rentals from and Including February •,. " " r.'r• .16th. .1921,.to April let, 1921, and that same be charged to the apportionment for Water !' , .Rentals. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Enton,'Eaker, " ! Tally, Williams and.Katterjohn,-6. _ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a.resolution an "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKa, CURBS AND GUTTERS. E� AND ALL NEOESSARY NANHOLES,'INTAL'ES, SEWERS AND CATCH BAB INS BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH Adoption of "!Resolution for `r`leidewalk EIGHTH STREET, FROii THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF HUSBANDS'BTREET TO THE NORTH CURB LIKE improve) Pjment on S. -8th OF BAOHIIAN-STREET. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AT THE OF -THE ABUTTING PRO- 18t, from HusbandsF St.'to Bachman r' PERTY OWIIERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME LAY BE PAID.FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYLr?1IT PLAIT,".L;.'. `:•' ',..,. tate be adopted.. Adopted upon call pt.the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton Baker Tn11y, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. •�^.,, l Oommissionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that a resol'tion en-,.,;; + titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING: FOR THE OQISTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS Al 3, y Sidewalk improve on Bornholm GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES INTAKES SE;'r;RS.A.16 CATCH BASINS ON 'BOTH SIDES.OF 'Ave.; from N. �Iwant l2th St.' to • • BERMMIL AVENUE, FROM THE 'WEST SIDE OF NORTH.Tt±F.I.FTH.STREET TO THE 'EAST SIDE OF.THIR- +IBurnett at: TEENTH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF'BURNETT STREET, INCLUDING ALL INTERSEOTIONS; IN - THE OITY` OF PADUCAH, M, ITUCKY, AT THE COST OF -THE -'ABUTTING PROPERTY O RIr'ic 9, AIM PROVID- ING THAT SALE MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE T:Rf YEAR PAY1.fENT PLAIt," be introducedand lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Eaton,Eaker, Tully, - it .Williams and Katterjohn,-6. � Yayor.Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance en- titled, All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF .CONCRETE SIDE7ALY.S, 'CURBS AlID Sidewalks im-! L. provement. on GUTTERS, AIID'ALL lIEOESSARY Md1IHOLES, INTAXXS, SEMERS '.ilfD -CATCH BASINS ON THE .SOUTH -' . ' ' 3 a., side Olayy St.' l 'from 17th at.'. -to .. SIDE OF CI �IY.STREET.'FROMTAE PROPERTY LINE ON THE TEST SIDE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET TO ( r„',,.: F. 19Th "8t• s+. THE GUTTER LINE ON THE' EAST .SIDF. OF NINETEENTH STREET, -IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KEIITUCKY;� 4' AT THE'006T OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OMTERS, AND IROVIDING THAT SAIM MAY BE PAID. FOR UPON..:v THE TEN 'YEAR PAYMENT PLAN..”. be 'introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully; Williams and Katterlohn,=8. _ �'- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- titled., "AN ORDiNAI10E FOR .THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWAi,Y,S, CURBS AHD GUTTT3S L 5 81Aowdlk Im- roverient..on N. ''utD ALL NECESSARY LIAIIHOLES, .IN AKES, SEZERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH'.SIDES op. NORTH , s ;. 16th 8t., from Jefferson Jefferson to SIXTEr1ITH STREET, FROLI THE NORTH GUTTER. LINE OF .JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH GUTTER ^' Trimble at. I' LIHE'OF TR DABLG STREET, IN THE CITY O8 , PADUOAHKENTUCKY', AT THE COST.OF THE ABUTTING' • ' PROPERTY 01,7VERS, AND PROVIDING THAT BALM IJAY BE .PAID:F.OR.UPON THE TEN .YEAR PAYLMNT.PLAH,A be introduced and ley.ov6r. Adopted upon call of:the roll b the vote': Yene�''I` ' ,following Eaton,Eaker,,Tully, Williams and KatterJohn,-8.' Oommieeioner Eaton offered the following motion::2 more that an ordinance en-'' titled; "AN ORDINAVOE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUOTION OF THE DRIVEWAY Driveway on Jefferson Ste.STREET, ` •'r,• ON JEFFERSON FROM THE''WEST PROPERTY LINE OF SEViNT2EIITH.STREET,'.OR FOUNTAINfy t;>; om 17th at. to' 26tb St. a,4 AVE IIUE.. TO THE WEST LIIIE OF 77S17TY-FIFTH STRUT BEIItIS APPROEILL:TELY 3110 LILEAR. FEET,'''. 1 IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH,.KEIITUOKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERB, AND PRO ' rVIDING THAT .SALO; MAY BE CONSTRUCTED ,UPON THE, TEN -YEAR" PAYMBUT.PLAN,",'be introduced and lay over.,,Adopted upon call.of,the roll.by the following,v'otes Yeas,, -Eaton; Esker, ,,`••ITu11q, Williams, and Ketterjohn,=a _ ' ^.c i. i of �, � 7,a'x n _•�};,.' s>t� �a.r+'� .�.x';.cr. .'":.r,+ , •,n+, 1` hI. � jeer., s? Y� - ' 7 i 1 • + r.r c,tt:Y}wYm�KaW- fda:'ri„\•�fnb:?ra4,:yT .w`: r ,a ......'.. ,,,.y:,a..;.,.-. a. , �:d , r : tr-a•-,•,S..r���, %a'ti. t�„c..�^ y r..au•-•z °y Z• a. r� a -s•u � } ,.[•-?i. 3 .r•�, ,n+' t .. i t r•. Jam' '•1 t r-h:h. .—tea. 1 4' No. m Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah.. _192-'2 Oonmlesioner Willlama offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance r entitled, "AN.ORD nwak PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE OURBS AND GUTTERS'; j AND ALL NECESSARY D'ANHOLES,.INTAY•ES, SEM. RS AND CATCH BASINS, AS. FOLLOWS:. ON BOTH SIDES OF LEECH AVENUE, FROM T1 PROPERTY LINE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF NORTH TENTH STREET TO THE GUTT R LINE ON 'MT WOULD BE THE NO.RTH 311 OF FLEVSNTHTR } 9 EET, WHEN IMPROVED; ALSO from H. 10th at. BOTH SIDES OF ELETEUTH 379=-T, FROM THE GUTTER LINE.OF THE INTERSECTION ON WHET WOULD s to N. 11th St. and from H. llih BE TIM 3%ST SIDE OF L1_2CH AVENUE, IF IMPROVED, TO THE EAST GUTTER LINE ON BURNETT St. to Burnett r, St. STREET. IiICLUDIIIG THE INTERSECTIONS ON SAID STREETS, Ili THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUOKY, 1 AT TH4 COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'9NE3S, AND PROVIDING THAT 3411F MAY BE PAID FOR `'4 11 1"' ' r UPON nix TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:Yeae, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and Kntterjohn;-6. ?' 1 it 1 �¢ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: The new concrete driveway on North Second Street, frim the North property line of Jefferson Street to the South { Property line of Monroe Street, in the Oity of Paducah, Kentucky, having been oomplatell Acceptance of and finished by C. W. Y.attnrjohn & Jon, Oontraotore, according to the terms and'oond'i" driveway on N. End St., from tions of their contract and an ordinance passed relative to this improvement, 4 and no Jefferson St. to k Monroe St., con- Prot set having been made by, any of the property owners; I now move that same be. struoted by G.W. Katterjohn & Son accepted, and that the Engineer's estimate of the oast of said construction be con as per estimates _ of City Engineer. .firmed, and that acid estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Finance for collection and that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare an ordinance assessing .� y s said property. as shown by the Engineer's estimate. Adopted upon call of the roll- by the.following vote: Yeae, Eaton,Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. 4 .. Magor Katter John offered the following motion; I move that the contract be tween The Paduoah'Eleotrio Co., Incorporated, and the City of I'aduoah,'Kentuoky, "..: Contract for i lighting White ° dated April 30th, 1981, for lighting of the White Way, be received, filed. accepted, :1 Way, between l .O;'; ` Paduoah Electric ' approved and recorded. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yene + Co. and City of • 4. Paducah. Eaton, Esker, Tully,. Williams and Katterjohn.-5. i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.5 yeas. i i, Adopted�L�2 191. AJ?i1��jR.O/VA77 MAY 6th. 1921. yAt.a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommmiesioners, held in the.Oommieeioners' 1 Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 4th, 1981, at 10 o'clock A. M. m.. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, q`•'•:' g Baker.. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. :a fl Mayor Katterjohn stated reaoona for call to -wit: To'oonsider the Issuance of License to Carnival.: u?. Comnieeioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Oommieeioner yt of Tublio Finance be instructed to not issue any license or to aooept any license fee' Carnivals on. Broadwsy.pro from any Oarnival to exhibit on any property abutting upon or adjacent to Broadway. ` hiblted. t Street in the City of Paducah. Kentucky. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the follow - Ing vote: Yeae, Eaton.' Williams and Katterjohn,-S; Nays, Esker and Tully, -l. +G On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. A/i�fed �i9 Z1.. # ntwyolf