HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 640, April 23, 1921r �
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' Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah 192--
On motion the Board adjourned on call of the roll b 4
I° upon Y yens.
;. dv 0.6 AYOR. Eras
t APRIL 83rd. 1921.
At a.0alled Meeting of the Board of Oommleaionere; held !n the Oommiseloners'
Chamber in the 0ity Hall. Paducah. Kentucky►,. on April 23rd. 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M. ?'Ft;:'(
Upon call of the 'roll the following.answered 'to. their names: Commiesionere Eaton Baker
' Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn,-8.
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the
purpose of inveeti
gating the chargee against patrolman Mike Dowell; and suoh other businses as might
[come before .the Board.
commissioner Eaton offered the following motions' I move.that the Board ofk.
Inveetiaation oi
chargee preferred0ommiseioners proceed with the investigation of the chargee relating to patrolman Mike . z•.tr • >',,t"'.
against patrol-
roan Mike Dowell Dowell, Adopted upon call of. the roll by..the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Eaker, Tally, rtZ'" ar
y Grand Jury.,
Williams and Katterjohn..-5. - -�•'��"' • ,�
Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:. It appearing to the Board. of.a:!!'`
" Commissioners from all the evidence of witnesses heard.on the investigation of charges.! ,<
'r.• tL t t rY
p against Patrolman Mike Dowell that there Is absolutely no evidence to sustain any"?^:`
Patrolman Mike y ;
Dowell eshonarats� char of an mieoonduot against said Dowell and no evidence that he was everguilty.
of. any Improper or immoral relations with Ethel Lear.or anyone 'also.- 'I move that '4
said Patrolman Mike Dowell be euhonorsted from a and all said cher r '
. any gee. and .that it . � ' ;;� i s� .
Is the opinion of. the �oard:of Commissioners t?inL'the indictment against him, which . " ' ',• Y�.
was returned by the Grand Jury at its present term we maliciously p
} y Proo:a ed. .Ado ted ca
nt 7J ' �• tti} :'
upon nail of the"roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Ecker, Tally, Williams and
`,lute Katterjoh»,-8. y�
i , Mt
mmieeloner.Tully offered the following motion: That the payrolls for the
E Payrolls of "'� week ending April"23rd, amounting to 4383.97 for the following depairtmentsi
low Construction
nd Riverside Department of.Publio Affairs. -Hew Construction .... $278.75 4 .`
Hosppital for ._:t,C7 , Department of Public ProperRivereids Hospital.. 108.22
week ending
April 23,1981- TAL........,........ y
se allowed. "and ordered aid and the money a
P y ppropriated from the General Pend to pay
F esus; Adopted upon call of the roll by"the following vote Teas. Baton. Baker,'Tully.
Williams and Katterjohn,-8.
Hr„ f Lt. rr On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the:roll by B yeas.
t � ;• A 1:U_` I V ED
' 9 , APRIL 28th, 1921.
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commlesioners. held in the Commissioners'
Chamber In the -City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 26th,. .1921; at 11 o'clock A. Y. .;
"Upon call of the. roll the following snswered to ,their nams8:00mmiesionere Baton.* Baker, 1`
.•Tully..*llliame and Mayor latter john, -8."
Mayor, Kntterjo:m etated,reasons for•aail.-to-witi For the purpose of receiving
1.a ,bide, on street. oonstruotion..se'advertieed; and such .other "busineas that might aome
before the Board.
"t Mayor Katterjohn offered the.following motion: I ®ors thst''ths bids"for the. eon-
-struotion and reconstruction of the driveways *itbin the. Inner -Fire Limits;"saLteltteA
:Dy the...following,bidderei:to-wits, r.
Y 'r