HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 632, April 11, 1921Mob W .- . •.+�.!'i'f`''l'''8' -aZ.;, t . 1 ?iw^s.. 'e... .. Imo, '` ��L, •�: '4 . t'' ,•1 . •. rc.. d 7 t _ r'r.. �+1w�w •. 'r) •e•.a"errs !?`h.,Y•Ny s. e r n_h+�-+.��ytiy _ c tteri fivm:., .. 71 �e� .. F �•'a.�,^•,Cil^,M^q�r3�,+pK�Mrr^fii'Yz�M' Na Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah Commissioner Williama offered the following motion: I move that. tho report Report Frod of Frod Lnelish, Sexton Cak Grove Cemetery, of intormonta for the month of arch.1221 English- '•. . Oak Grove be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo:ving vote: Yeas, Comotor.y,.. Eaton; Eakor, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6: ; Cornmisi;ionor Williams offered t]1e following.motion: I move that the trannfor {:. Oometory from Mrs. Catharine Roberts' to lot J17 Block Y on Beat aide of Magnolia Avenue, botwoan transfer 11r a. Catherine "� Iiyrtlo, Street and'.R000 Street, Oak Grove'Cemotery; to A. P. Evans be ratifi0d. Adopts Roberto to A.F.Evane. upon.oall of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, %sten, Laker ; Tully, Williams and j Eatterjohn.-6. ; On union the Board adjournod upon .call .of the roll by b yeas. - t 174 "..c'. Ai•}N APP OV$I17 02 APRIL 9th. 1921: MAYOR.. 114 ti At a Called ltoeting,of the Board of Commioaion6rs, hold in the Commieaionern` ' Chamber in .the'Cit,y I[a]1,-Paducah, Gontuoky; on April 9th; 1921, at 11 O'olook A. Upon call of the roll the following anew0ro(I to thou names: Commissionora Caton, Tully a� and Williams,-3. Mayor Pro tem °8. V. Eaton ,.prociding. H... Mayor'Pro 'tom W. V. Eaton stated reasons for call, to-:vit:. To allow Pay Roll, 'for the New Oonotruotion work for,th,6 wook onding April 8th; 1921. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:.I move that Pay Roll for the . Now Oonstruo-'', New Construction ^rork.,for the week ending Apr 11 0th, amounting to 6335.15 be allowed. tion 'Rork Pnyy Roll for '•nook and ordered paid;' and the monoy appropriatod frau the General Fund to pay samo. : a n d I h g April 8. 1921... Adopted upon call of the roll%by. the follolving.voto:,..Yoaa, Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. On.mo.tion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll. by 3 yeas. Ado plad 1 19�L "`. �.� ,�� rrccU v mil ah ; • lsi[A'fOR• rl AiiiIL 11th.. 1921. At o Regular Meeting' of, the board of'Connioaionora, hold. in the Co=aaaionore' 0hamber in the City Iiall, Paducah, Kontuoly; on Apr1l.11th,.3921. Upon call of:.tho roll the following an.-worod.to.their nameo; bommisalonora Eaton., Esker.', Tully, illiomo and Mayor'7.attor John, -5 On.rnotion of 0.ovriootomr .Eaton themilnitosof the previous meetings were. adoptod ac rood upon :oa31 of the roll by,the folloliinr votoi Yons;,Estes; ak.or,Tully,,1 ' WilllamD and F:attorjohn,-6. ! lay.Stroot Vro= Mayor Kattorjohn offorod.t.ho.following ::notion:. I move that`th0 petition"f ' arty oyniera rotndtinrr rx In_ Property orinaru.'on Olay Stroot bo, r000i'vad ash !rn.od; nnd.a oo)fy bf. oaid,Itiotltian be . signboard of Ut Utterbaol 4ldvor- sent to Uttorbnok Advortioiri Oom a Ado ted u on call .of tho'.roll by the follonlrg G P nY• P P . tia111g 00. vuto:'Yoaa; Eaton,. Laker, Tully, Williamo' and I:attorjolln,-6:. Mayor Kattorjchn offored,tho following motion. I movo that the noport of the ' R'0port MoCraok. 1160rookon County Publlo Hoalth Service b0 received and filod .Adopted .up on aa3.1 o.f the ' ' on .0o. Public Iloalth eorvi0o roll by Cho fo7.].or:in> veto:. Yoou, iaton,.Tsr_kor.,.Tully. , 71Ili amc and Eat torjohn,-6.'. Oommi'o3i0nor Tully offered the following motion: "he atrl of $E5.00 hawing boas.• paid' into the Treasury, ns evidonood -by the reocipt filed horowith tb?st}ior with . . BOclitod ardiicona° R•rntod }fardin & .application for malt or ooroal.bovora o lioonoo'dlil signed ac roquirod be ordinanoo, G Y ,! a a107. 11 4t 1}. 4th St: I move' liconoo, to sell. malt or.00roal.bovorarroe or .n , , ny admixtur0s thoroof, be granted to ilal�din W Quarlos at lie. 107 Itorth 4th Street... from April.:lot to June 30th; ;. .' • •. 1921: Adopted'upon call of the roll by'tha fol tow frig vote: Yono, E ton, Eakor,Tul1.7, .. ; .. .. '0•stir=M7',!?.`;A`�IaL`.Y.Y:,k:.: ,r S.r lvu � a i ' .� v .p nr -q .0 •cK. jF' "�"�'/�'Z' '+tir+"'"'l^ "!psi' *�.�4 �'^2 X' i v+•la.'!nc .r+ -`t 1 •r 1 'r �r M > +i i ':I � '+�..L.dc._i,.•r-+�.....+�.:+"t _w�4�.o..� l.._.e. �,.'iv..3..t'.� S � _-1•.:_. r.�+-.-. ' No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192_'_ Williem.s and 1:atterJohn. -5. Commissioner 19111iamo offered the follociing motion:I move .t?,zt the transfer Cemeteryt a from 0leudo Lace to the rear f'. r safer 1G foot by 15 tent of the mouth half. o. lot ¢8 In 9ootion. Claude'laoe to I.B.Alexandor. ,1, to L. B. Alexander, be ratified. Adopted upon call. of the roll by the f.allowing vote: Yoas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-5. Commissioner %a::er offered the following motion: That ,the report of the ; Report St. Dept. Stroot Department for tho.month of March 1921 be received anti filed. Adopted upon ; for Yarch 1921. call of the roll by the following. veto:. Yoas, Eaton, Eal:ar,,Tully, Williams. and' JCattorjohn,-5. l.:nyor fattorjohn offered the following motion: I movo'that.a resolution on - titled, "A RES^LUTI0J PROVID:I:G P0:i i' r' CO'ISTRUCTIOL' OF OOIICRETE CURBS AIID CUTTERS. South 9th St.. AI:D :ilL L'L•'CESSARY 5: 1CHOL {S, IIITAI ES, S' 3:!NS lillD CATCH -PA3IL'S .01: BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH from Hu --bands to Eliaaboth St. 11111711 STRi::T, FRlfTES -LOUTH CUTTER LIl:E OP HUSBANDS STRE::T TO ME'11ORTH.PROPERTY LIME Curbs & Guttorn. OF ELIZABETH ii:?t�T, I? _i1:T:iIIDED, III T'. LT: CITY OP.r-ADU0AH, 1'TINTUCYY, at the coat of the 4BUTTII!G PROTM—LY C'M" , IIID P!?OVIbI!!G T!!AT SALIE "AY BE PAID YOR LT01I ML Tial Y:11? ' PAY_:ENT PIC01," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yona, %aton,,Eal:or, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-5.lo Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution on- ;1 titled, "A RESOLUTION, 1':?OVIDIIIG POR THE 0011,192RUCTIOII OF 00NOR ET3 3I 11 UA1Y_S, 0URB9 Olay St. south :1!D GUTT:2S, ;XD ALL 11ECE5SARY L'UVI HOI—"S, I11TA2,-ES, SZ7 RS AP,D CATCH BASIL'S OIl THE SOUTH. i aide from 'W.side of.17th St. to. SID:-: OF CLAY STRE':'T, 1,901:1 THE PROPERTY 1.1I:E CH THE 1L•'::T SID': OF'SEYaTLEHTH STREET TO . S10o of 19th St. Sidova'l;;u P,r, GUM -2 MV_: 01: TM^ :.AST SIDIs OF IIIIIET:-'XIITH STREET III THE CITY OF PADUCAII, Y'311- Yattorjohn,-5, ourbn and ?uttoraf j TUC1Y, AT 'F:! COST OF THE ABUTTING P1?OP::i TY m'i1J15i3S, AND 1?307IDUIC THAT SAffi2 MAY BE F4M i'Ol? LTOII T!Hi.T*,Il Y::, 2 P3Y:;I:IIT rL1,11," be introduood mid lay over; Adopted upon .'., entitled, "A RE30I:UTION PROVIDING POR T!IE C011S1 .VCTI31I 0:' 0OVC:? TE CURBS 'AND GUT1'ry?S, call of the roll by tho following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Willi ame and Kat tor john, - G, . .. ; Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion; I move that a rosolutton 1 �T IDS 71 :v^I,'A'/::1:L q. C..i l N . _ ..0_._ TY MIN -1. 0:1 ,..:: :iOUTH SIDE „ ..ORT!' TI'N'Tli :ill 'T "A ' i to 11th a entitled,, RESOLUTI011 1`110VIh.lim FOR Tifr C011STSIDA:S,'CURBS?CI Tri llthhto; Burrott TO TIC: OUTT r, �? I1 _ 01. '.*,IIAT :!OULD.Ds.' T1u: I'O'?T!' SIIL:. OF L" m'':; Y' r,.'' II.T- { V. 10th St.; from ;JID GUTT1"33 AIID ALL'NEO:iSSARY itl�llll0L1•:S, INTA34iS, S1"r'lb:RS AND OATCIf BAS'HI l OId DOTH Joffur:ion 3t, to ALSO BOTH SIDES OF �L:{VEiMI ST,•?:' T, I'?OI .ME' GUTTER LII!'::. OF TH. IP'i:: sECTICL" oil "(!!7T ' I. I Trimble 5't. �IILJ. OF I!ORTH SIYT-L"Q7 l! :1,IM':1:T, bIRO:;I TVP.' 1I0:?T'I GUTTI»? LI1": OF JI{FF ?IS011 'BTIF:PT. 'I0 TItE j a SOUTH CUT -M.1?, 111:E 01' TRI?.131.11. ;ST_'R_1cT, _2H TIL: CITY 01+ PADUCAI!, Y.I;I'TUC1Y, AT -THE COST OH. ;•t,' ' THE ABCTTr.!G PROPERTY O'••IVEMS, AMID PROVIDING THAT SA!?? YAY BE, 'PAID FOR UPOII' TNI'!: TFII T' YiJ,!1 PAYI._,!'T PIAN,". be introduced and lay over, Adopted upon oal l'of the roll by'the., following voto; Yoau; Eaton, I:aker, Tully,Williams and Y_attor john, -G.. _ . J. i, Commissioner Eaton offered the following, motion; h move that'.a-roeolution ; providing for tho construction of the driveway on Jefferson Street, from the l9oot +' i property lino of ;ovantoonth'Stroot, or Fountain Avonno, to the Vast property line of N l � E V.nonty-fifth Street, being approrimatoly 3110 Linoar 'Poet, in tho.0lty of Paduoah i Joffornon St. PP IAIIPPIR�wIlI�■ from 17th .to 0th l:ontuol:y, at the cost of the nbutting property ornora_, and providing that eamo may be., ref: A sonstruotod upon the Ton.Yoar Paymont Plan. be Sntrodunod and lay over, ' Adop.tedupon ,' j., call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas; Eaton, Baker, Tully,.",illiame and �'. Yattorjohn,-5, '. f bommissloror.Williams afforo(I the following motion: I move that a reoolutLon '. entitled, "A RE30I:UTION PROVIDING POR T!IE C011S1 .VCTI31I 0:' 0OVC:? TE CURBS 'AND GUT1'ry?S, a :iliJ Ii t lIICc:S°rl?Y. ''?:!f0_:S, INTA;:ES, SE:.17RSAEID CATCH BA: II!3,' AS P01.1 v/3: 011,DOT1[ L000h Avenue', from �T IDS 71 :v^I,'A'/::1:L q. C..i l N . _ ..0_._ TY MIN -1. 0:1 ,..:: :iOUTH SIDE „ ..ORT!' TI'N'Tli :ill 'T { ' to 11th a Tri llthhto; Burrott TO TIC: OUTT r, �? I1 _ 01. '.*,IIAT :!OULD.Ds.' T1u: I'O'?T!' SIIL:. OF L" m'':; Y' r,.'' II.T- { ALSO BOTH SIDES OF �L:{VEiMI ST,•?:' T, I'?OI .ME' GUTTER LII!'::. OF TH. IP'i:: sECTICL" oil "(!!7T ' I. Y MOULD BE MIL ?ZEST 3 E 01' LECII AV.SNUL, IF I1.T30P;D, TO THE 1,',3T "UTP_:? 1.I!!L 01! a BLC•31�''�TT. "T�?="T II'CT j+�r "+ ' 0 `1"S _UDING T..� Ili _.S r,_D ST.... OAK, I TI 0� * ��'' T.� I11 Ttr CITY OF PAllU ,. l � .. ��.l�lb��1}��Ilw!! IAIIPPIR�wIlI�■ II�1lAl�rillAllwl..rerl r.+�.'t. �k-J~1/¢ . �.''KT^'.q'!'7it"31',p4, •.,.'"•"7.^'I:R. .�I n��.�, 7F:;;r,'?;a"!t; 11 �( R'-"NN'.�.yF y�yavyR'�p,•Kv"Y"i".Yr'�"^a�ST'a'fd•�'J'.'i1.'i7'<p h 1 ' J'J. �. T- J. ii{1 / 4 _ S Y 14 A j k} t(',y T1,�R ,. '•j, .h? Y.wTn,-S. t y • - .��a ".. '` r"""",.,.RA'';,:k "i 'Y:`+a-,ra .ne-w"_;•H.','Si �'h?�:r+ a... .x.�• .+.��._.•t y..,r;..u� Njo-x an: .a••at-..�'e. ;�F '�•hj�!w"e�. . ..-+mow-.�-.- ....l...w..r:.:.. ...::i 54.�ru,.u.• .�,�s.:..+.-s_..4•.�... _ _._. a.. �'st•' 't . 't' Commissioners Proceedings,. City of Paducah 192.E j Yi:1PiUCiY, AT T11t: COST OF iH ABUTTIIiO P iOPI;3TY OC1IMS, AND PROVIDEIG. THAT SAL:.ISUY Ijµ . I11I1) Poll UPOif THE 7.1I YW PAYLu IITPLAIi," bo 'adoptod.. Adopted upon..oall of the roll liy tho.follorring veto.: Yoao,Eaton,Ea',:or;Tully;71111ama and Yattorjohn,-5. °t Mayor'Y.attorjohn offered the .follonina motion: I move that an_ordinnnoe on.- titled; "AH. ORDIIfA1ICF'PROVIDING FOR THE COiISTRUCTIOII OF 001102-ET'r: SIL'f.3, CURBS AITD H'orth'9th' OUTTi:39', A1ID A11IIBOBSSA'qY JaIMOLES,.IIITAY;iS, 3E"lFRS AND OATC}F BASIl?3 iiIl BOTH SID'S OF. Tadioon .fro " t Clay., rind. alae ; Olgq to Trlmbl IIOSIH IiIIiTII ST'.iEET,.FftCL Tlli. CUTT� 7.I1ic OH THP7;ORT?i SID? Or i'ADIS?;I STiWT TO Tdb' �• PHOIERTY L111B Oil T'iIF; SOUTi'-3IDL OF CLAY STRZLT, AiID AIZO - �1L. OF iITI0.31H : I IIIHTH STREET,_ FROM THE BORTH PROPERTY LIME OF .CLAY STR's;T TO TIIi GUTTER LII,E.:Oii 1ItL SOUTII SIDEOF TItILSi].Ji STREET, - Ill Tlic CITY OF PADUCiui, IG iITUCiCY, AT THE COST, OF THE ° 1 r1BUTTIIiO P:;OFEi2TY 0771fiii9, AI1D PiIOVIDiliG Ti1AT. SALiE LAY BE PAID FOR OIi TY ' TEII YI':A2 PAY- I,111IT PLAN," be introduoa8 and lny'over. AdOFtod-upon call of the roil by the follow- ; i. ing voto: Yean,'EatOn, Eakor, Tully, 7lilliamb and Y.attorjohn',-5., t l% Cort:mioulorer Tully offorod tho following motion: I move that:an ordinanco.. ) 'entitled, "All. OZDIILaICE PROVIDi11G I'M Til- COI iSTR-CTI01i.OFCQiICa%T^E CJ?iBS...11D'CVTMil 3, :0D LALL '11;,C1•:` Ura Y I-'d-1'H0IXS, IL TAI:4, SEXERS. MID CATCH. ON °CTa ID3S OF 1t hiH 10th, 13th THIRTis;il:Tli ST1172T AIM. POU-,'rhi1'PH 14tSTilI':i:TFiiQ T:iE iiQiTI PROPERTY LI is OF I h Stu. fr Om Droad:rcy. t0 ,2 Dii0AI77AY TO TIM' -SOUTH I'Mr-111TY 1I1IE' OF OII STRrr,T;' III TICE, CITY `OF PADUOAIi, Iicli- Jafforoon at. TUOXY IT TEE COST. OF ,THE ADU.TTIIiG PitOIm ow, IL, 3, t':1ID PROVIJ).L:C THAT SrUIi;. L'e1Y B. ; Ourhn and � . ' Guttora. PA II) FOR Oil THE T1II Yl -,AR I-A7:MITT PIAII,".Uo adoptod. AdoPtod upon call of tho ro]]. by the following:vote: Yoao;'Eaton,,Eai_or, Tully, Will in, ms 'an d Xattcrjohn;-5. 1. Commissionor Tully offorod the -following motion: I move that an.ordtnanoo, ontif]od, "All ORDIlIAIbE PROVIDIIIO . FOR TI{E COITSTRUCTIO11 Oi•"P: DrI'L:'IAYS 01; T:`.1: TH ' t :aOth, 11th,' '. LIL -1IT41, T'I4dLPTH T11Ii1Ti,EIIT1I, FOURTi r,1ITH AND SIY,T.1:, 1:TI? &TaL:^WSFitOia iG IfOaTH PaO-' 12th', 13th 14th anA lt<ith 11M'PY 'Llli:: OP. D:20iD1';AY TO ME''OUTT? YROPcSTY LIMN 0 JEFF' x 011 ;11 Z ,iiT, III .Tim 0 Try OF StaMY Tran Dread ''FADUOAH X111TUOiZ. AT '?TI:'OOST OF. Ilii; ABUT .TIIIG 711 ERTY 0111..-tu, d11D I iOVIDIItG THAT MY 'to ,Jofforno DrlvoRuys. :ALIS 1L1Y DTy PAID 3''OH.Ur011 THE MIT. YEAR PAYI.�:ilr PLAIT -be adoptod.'. Adopted, upon call . r4 JA l( of ,the roll by the fo].lo«inc veto: Yeas,-Baton,Eakor',Tully, 71].lYamo and xntterjohn,-5 l Oommi- pionor Eaton offored, the' following motion:' I more that an ordinance 1 er,titlod; "AITORDIIfi1ICs P1;OVIDIIIG r'OR THE RF.-PLACIi'G- AM- SUBSTITUTI;IG' OF OAS ARD WATER Oati i7tstor 'and PIP.; CO1r1C Ci IOL1S ilIT11 If `1 MATERIAL. .i.I?D PROVIDI110'F^2 SAI?ITARY HOUSE SET,iAGc COIIITv'OT " ; orrorape oon- naotiona'ro= 10I13 TO Pil 1.,;D6 OE ALL ST:IEi:TS .11ID D1ZIVErVAYS'-III-THE CITY' OF PAD'uOAH, iiltitiClOC,:7711LCH ' pinood or'nub--' : Otltutod Ord. it 13r.Il'1G 001IST11lCTiD, OB 1711ICII LAY IIMEAFT,111 BE CoirSTRCCT$D 1FITH I1Ti2OVF:D PA'lIIIG OR ° :i'idi.:T,BUIiDIiIG 1;ATi:3L1L, rlliD F?OVIDDIG PrE LTM; :04'q.TOL.TiOii iilsiiOc," be adopted. Adopted upon .call of the ro]].'by the following veto:. yoa0,'' F.nton w41:7; Tully,'..illiama - IC: ..I ,f and Y.attorjohn,=5. t Commissioner Eal:er offered the followi.r, motion: I mono that an Ordinance on- ! ' . tit]od, "Ali. O!zDj11,'XCi: Ju0. vunY d FOR T1H; COIISTRUCTION OF' 001 C -:ETF: 3ID"'74;;:S, CURBL' 4th St.',' from OUTTEliS, .AHD All li,M-2M ;;