HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 631, April 7, 1921s N•'�" }.•Y.+ '� }'. "dyF F)w-„r-i -gra � � •?. � r 7 `�F+ � _ ^, ;• t �'frE ti r v"-"4 ' +.t`f •-. J` P• �• <. 7.� - ' Na �3 i Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192, FI -FTE Si':?::BT, Li:D 011 THIRD ST.R:_:T FROM 7I11': 1102TH LIM, OF JEPP.'VSOIl.'.;TREPT TO THIS ---- - t SOUT?! LIrl.- Qi` moirlOE >:TR :RT, Al{D !`i{ FOUItTII STREET FROM THI•: Y111TH 1:I11:OF JEFF RSOH S7IliET TO. T!!:: SOUTH OF MOIT-10F STREET. AND 01! FIFTH `179!':ET. FROM TI!E 1!ORTH Lllr- .OF Inner -Fire Limits.. JSF123SOII, STREBT ' 0 TFH SOUTH LIIIE Or. 1. PROE :3TR.:BT, III THE CITY OF PADUCAII, • ',TJITUCYY, Improvomont: AT TIM, CC:j OF, Tur..';,13GTTIP.O PROP':RTY 0:7I?'83, AND PROVIDIIIG THAT SAIT Ik Y`9E_,COVST3UCT- ED :1I:D REC3,11STRUCTED U21011 TIE 7::11 YEAR PAY1.s:AT PLAIT," be adopted. ,Adopted upon call* v of the roll by the following vote: Yoao,Eaton. Tully, 17illi4mo.and Kattorjohn,-4; Heye Comnicoioner. Tully offered the folloiiing motion: I move that an ordinance en- titlod, "All ORDI1!.'.1.'CE PROVIDr1G 11 Li? TIL? 00VFTRUCT 1011 OF CO11CRPT:,CURBS AND GUTTI:IS, IIi0:aS6!IY IIA111101.�:5. 'Il{TA1:BS� SE7r-:RS All!) CATCP BASIII,,' (1I{ BOTH SIMS OF TEYTH. . 10-13 and 14th ST'cI::ET," T91IRTEi'21TH TR::i;T ,11D PMRTI'I'.rH 37MEET, r^?OM THE VORTI!''ROPIiRTY LINE OF Sts., Broadway to Jefforoon Ourbo and BROAM.'lY'r0. 7I', SOUTH PROPERTY 1.I11E OF Jr�F!,'I$O11 3TIIl:ET, Ill TP:- CITY: OF.PADUOAP.,'KEII- Gut tors. TUCKY, Al:D PiOVIDING TIL',T 312" 1.11*Y BE Pd ID OR UPON THE TI:11 Y�I'OR PA)MIIT.Pl.All," be introduced and IV' ovor. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follwainr dote;,Yoeo,' Eaton; Ea'ccr, Tully, WilliamU and. Kattor'john,-5. Comtiientoner.Tully offorod the foll.owin; motion: I mobo•that an ordinance entitled, "Ali3ORDl).'1XCE 1ROVIDI'NG FOR T!P_: CO:ISTRUCT1011 OI' T'1:: DRIVEWAYS O1! VAITH., Deivorrays on'10th- 11th-12t1i-13th-14th E=.VBIITH, 77IELFTII, TEIIIT :1?Tli, POURT_.1•91TI7 .PD SL` IE 'IMI Si S' T i, FROM Til:;' 110RTII PRO and 16th from B'way to Jefforuon. P:,ITY LI:R.9P. B?O:,D'fG.Y TO' TILE SOUTII P:?'OPI IiY MIM09,T:FF ISN1'STR^::T,' III. TEE CITY. OF ` .011CAH' YF11TU'CKY, AT 591x: COST OF .TEi ABUTTIN PROF;-ITTY 031I23, AND PROViDII1G"TNAT '.1:e,.Y n!i Co?STRUC'ri•!D lf'OI! TH' T•:i1.YE R'FAYIJ:�I!T PL411,!', be introduced and lay over.�., . 9 .._.. ' sir ' Adopted. upon oul.l of the'roll',by the following vote: Yoaa.Eaton, Eakor,. Tully,; :. 171111ame.and Kntterjohn,-5. s' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of.tho roll by b yeas.. 14 Al':lIL.7th, 1921. s At a Called'Vooting of the Board of Coruniecionors, hold In the Commie3lonoro' _ Chamber an the City ]loll, 1'aduoah, Kontuoly; on April 7th, 19P.1, at 3 o'clock P,'I:!. Upon call of the roll. the 1'oll.owin;, an:morod to their namoa: Co:nmia310nors'!inton, ' { u Bakor, Tully, :'lilliams and Mayor Kattorjohn,-b.. ' ' Mayor Kattorjohn atntod roaoonn for. an 11. to -frit; 'To or.0outa Dood to A. M. pp Odorl:irk frr lot to Oak. Grove Comotory, and any other buoineo3 thnt might oorno".b'oforo t the Board. Cor:miscionor Tully offorod the following motion; Tho 3run of "' ,40.00' hnvin,r,� boon �;,,t• • - .� 4+ ..�: Camotory Dood 'pnld,Into the Troa3ury as ovidoncod.by the receipt filed horewl.th,.I movo that florid b'e� 1 A.Iz.Odorkirk. ppexecuted to A. 11.'Odor.:irk for Lot j103. Blook- 2 or, tho north olds of Pord Stroot,.. �S 9 botrroon Bakor I. 111J.1:or Strootr in Or.l: Gr ovo Cemotory. . Adoptod upon call of tho roll by a... the follo.iing voto: Yens, Eaton, F.akor, Tully, Willi nms and I:attorjohn,=b, Commioulonor-Tully- offorod tho following motion -,Tho Uum.of..Y25.00•hacinr'•boon paid into, the Troebury e, ovidorood by the roo01l't'.f11ed horowlth,.togo'thor'with-appll- Malt or Coroal. action for I:dlt or Coroal Bovornro Moonne proporly Dignod, I move that llooneo to t BovoraQo Lioonno'grantod sell malt or ooroel'bovorat-ou orany admixtiro3 thoi•hoi' be ncantoA to j. -A. 9oru!P,3 at to J. A.Sorugas; X1301 South 10th Stroot, from April lot to Juno 30th, .Adopted upon on7.1 of the roll h. 7 by the fol]o:rin•r, veto; Yono, linter., :n;:or', Tu]ly, l'lS111:rmU and lnttor john,=5.. r. +HA\�61•: i', J ` �„� 7 ,.'Tti?K;q, t �Tj ,1',=^••;•�i}""r/eK',:LYF+x>Tt;?•.,i�'`''��27'"ar •1,��.• t ?r^.n' .1.,'' Y' U r( .y • +M (-Vtl^u-.4�.^�ff 'R��7Yr.7q'77.wa. Ty. �.w'•Ji �a..�=.i�It1!.—a....w..... t e .. Na 3-� t Commissioners' Proceedings,. City. of Paducah Commissioner Williams offorod the following motion: I move thatthe report { Report Fred of F.rod Ent*lish, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery, of intormonta for the month of Iuarch .1921 Enr;lich- Oak Grove bo r000ivod and fi'lod. Adopted'upon call of'the roll by the follo:iina veto; Yeaa,' Oomotory. Eaton'. Eakor, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6: Cormnishioner Williams offorod the follOrring.motion: I movo.that the trannfor; Cometory from Mr a.. Catharine R'oborte to lot J17-Bldok Y on East aide of Magnolia Avenue, botaoon transfer lora. t ' Cathorino '"� ISy7tlo. Strout and .11oa0 Street, Oak 'Grove Cemotery; to A. F. Evans be ratified. Adopted Roberto Lo .A.F.Evans. upon.oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Ea'rar; Tully, iliums and Katterjohn,-6. 11. On motion tho Board adjourned upon -call .of the roll by 6 yeas. ' ' i�r4 .U1i.. i j. i• . .�'., Ai�Tit� APP OVh3]� oz an a.... APRIL 9th, 1921: MATOM At a Called lloeting.of the Board of Commisaionors, hold in the Comnissionere` Chamber in the Cit;/ I1n7.1, •Paduonh, Kentucky ; on April 9th; 192T, at 11• o' clock A. Li.' j :•: ' ' Upon 0071 of'the roll the following anoworod to their names: Commiocionors Eaton, Tully and i71111amg,-3. Mayor Pro tom i7.'V. Eaton, presiding. . Mayor `Fro tom W. V. Eaton stated reasons for call, to -wit: To allow Pay Roll• t for the New Oonctrnotion work for, V16 vrook ending April 8th: 1921. Oommisslonor Tully offorod the following rrotion:.I movo.that 1;ay Roll for the . i How Oonetruo:' Hew Oonstruotion :pork,for the week onding April 8th; amounting to t355.15 be allowed.' tion Work Pay .Roll for nook and ordored paid;' and the money appropriator] frau the,Gonoral Fund to pay samo. onding April 8, Adopted upon cell of tho roll. by.tho following. vot6:.,Yana, Eaton, Tully and Iilliams,-3. On.mo.tion the Board'adjourned upon on 11 of the roll. by 3 yeas. , , V Al19'1 T.'. IL 11th.. At a Regular 11,0oting; of the board of Oorrmioaianors',' hold. in tho .Cor::tic6lonore' Chamber in the -City Hall, Paducah. Kontuol:y; on April.11th,.7921. Upon call of:,tho. roll the following anaworod.to.thoir namoo:'Commioolonors Eat.on., Eal:ar.; Tully,%71111'nmo 5 and Mayor ::g for John, .5 On..mo,tion of. Co_Nniooionor'.I:aton the minutos.of the previous mootings were ddoptod ag road neon ;call of th6 roll by the toIiowin' vote: Yoau, ,Eaton; ak.or,Tully.'.. l W1111ainro and lnttorjolm,-5. ayy Street.�,r0 Mayor Kattorjohn offorod.tho. folloving motion:. I movo that 'the potition ,of urty ovna a pro ort ovinars on Olay Strout bo rocoivad aria fil:od dnd.n o 1 rotndtlna nanln_ ]. b 9. op7 of.caid.iotltign bo of ar11aokard of cont to Uttorbaok Advurtioin Company. Ado t6d'v on call of. by tho following :UttnrUaok'Advor- . B P nY• P P . ' tieing Oo. vutoo'Yoag;'Eaton,.Eakor, Tully, 171111amo and ;:attorjoTn,-6.. Liayor Kottor'j'ohn offered the f.olloning motion. I move that the R.oport of the, Report 1(oCraok_ 1160raohon County BubTio 8oa7th Sorvido bo rocoived and fi lodi ,Adoptod .upon call of tho ` on,0o. bor io roll by tho foll.owln� voto:.•-Yoau Eaton ,nker.,.Tall rilliamc anclFattor chn b.'.' IIoalth :;orvioo • ' -, y. j .-. . Oommipaionor Tully offorod the follonina motion: Tho oir7 of $E5.00 having": . boon, paid' into the Treasury, 'ns ovidonood rby tho r000lpt filed ho-•onith to^othor with 'Brwitodo ardinoo ,application for malt or ooropl bovorn e'liooneo 'dlil signorl an roquired b , ';;rrntoA'ilar9ln & G Y y ordinanoo ' Cuar]og 4107. I movo'tho lioonao, to sell. malt or .00ron7.bovoratroc or .n admixtures thereof be IJ. 4th St:..' ,any �7 grantod to i'.ardin 4. Quarloo at 1110. 107 Horth 4th Strout;. from April..lat to June 30th;' r• 1921: Adopted'upon onll' of'thc roll by the fo.11owing voto: Yoas,. Eaton, Eaker.Tully,, W.ayJ.J:!T.:S1: -:k'� Uf.'wi:: / Y ,. r. 'N•. .Vw 1. 5I..'•: . }�L..:sLs,!.' . 717,.