HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 628, April 4, 1921�, .�t u.., c• t r, t Yui; v �.rt i.Irk, . Yfl" tY < <V . x :v a ..l .. '.5' 11� .G 1 vf. ` �N„ •1%e•"•'.,;•," .t'r 1. K 'i; i k "S ,+spx ••C.r1W' s).r.-vyf :l'+ :a•..":rpt _ ,�`^'Y�ei^ y 1 �t - , I ; ''7 �. l rt 14 Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192-`­ Commissioner 92-Commissioner Eaton offered the.following motion:.I novo that the resignation Rosignntilvi' of L. .1 Vallontine, a Patrolmna on tho.Fadiicah Foltoo force, be received, filed ail of eaooalloacooptod; and I furthoi move that the Surety in the official bond. of said. Patrolman tiro a000ptod. , and 7iatiompa l,. g, Vallontine, to -crit: Thq Rational Suroty Company,, bo.rolaasod frcet ali fiu•ther... ' F,tu•oty Company .. reloasod on hie liabijit official bond.' Y.' ao alioh.otuoty, iron and.aftor this.date. Adopted upon.oull of .the roll by, : .. ;' ,.y:.;.;•, the•Poiiowirig voto:.Yous. Eaton,'.Eakor, Tully.,' Rilliame and Kattorjohn,-6.... .'On -motion the Board ad journe.i' upon. oa'lof the ' ro'l'l liy 5 yeas. yr ` AdeY lea 4 . I 19 IL' l ,s APRILAth..1921:_ At,a Regular .Ueeting.of the Board. of Oorrmissioners, held in the Commieeionore i; 'Ohambor in tho Cit Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 4th, 1921. Hpon call of the roll v. the follj.owing aneworod to their names: Commiseionora Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Mayor-Xattorjohn,-6. On.motion of Commlesionor.Eaton the minutes of the provions moetings dere I: + ndoptod do road upon call of.tho-roll . by the following vote: Ycaa;'Eaton, Eaker, Tully, 17illiamo and Yaattorjohn;-6. Mayor Y,atierjohn offorod.the following motion: .I move .that the communication ImmannnT Bap- from the Innanual Baptist Church, dated LArch 30th,, 1921, be' reoeived and -.filed. tiat Churoh Oommurtioation.• .Adop.ted.upun call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, niton, EnY.or, Tully ,;71111ams :;: .. ; ,. .• . and'Y.attor john, -6'. Mayor•,Katterjohn offorod the following'motion: I move that ,the petition from Petitio.1) 04 ;''., property •6%17nora .,on Broadway, .requesting the Padiioah Water Company to oxtond its mains''oL proportTortrnera n'oking for. Broadway from `Joventoonth Strout to Iiinotoonth Stroot• be received and filed. Adopted' Water, mpCnc.f0 '.upon ax 11 of the roll by. -the following veto; Yana, Baton, Ea}:or,.Tully;.71111ame and + `: be ohtonged-on . Broaftny;:from Kattorjohn,=6, !> ' 17th'''to 19th. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the followinrt motion:: The Faduoah "later Company ;c• i' r. P 1. aduoah;, 7otor. having tondorad a btntomont for X37,26.00, which it claims io dto ohnigoo for water . Oon:pany str.to- . ' i ontalu ogninat the City for 600 .hydrants for the first' gnarter of •1921. I. move that mont for :. . $3726.00 for. X3126.00 be allowed and paid to tho Paducah ;later Company on said water'rontals; and Wator Rontalo: on Yira-hydrants-that.tho balance of said claim be, hold up ponding investigation by..tho,City Solicitor. asto iho legality thereof. Adopted upon call.of the roll by the following vote: Yeo.s, Haton,: Faker, Tul.ly.;-',7illiams.and Lattorjohn,-6. Mayor Kattorj.ohn offerod the foll0Wing motion: I move that the otatamort of {{ Faduoah Uator ' the Paduoah.aator•Oomnany'of ito oharp_,o.o.againot tiro City for $5726.00 for curter rantald ;Yater Rontala , first giiartor for the first quartor of 1921, be rocoivod and-filed.and reforrod to the City Solicitor ' 1921. For opinion, in' crriting, on the question as to.whother the City is liable for the �.. oxoosa over and abovo tho rate that. has boon paid to tha-Tator Company during.tho poet N, year, .and cfiother the 7lator Company hao the right, of its own motion, to restore its I rates aa claimed 4n 1tn otatomont. Adapted upon•oall of the roll .by the following veto: Yoan; ',•:atop, Eaker.',Tul'ly, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6.; Oommitisionor Tullyaoffored the following:motion: I'movo that the Mayor and'. city 'to;. Borrow Loney, 1' the.Commissionor of Publia'Pinnnao be authoritofl to borrow for the iieo add benefit of City Ilationa1 1. Bank the City of 1'nduoah; the sum of $25,000.00 from'. the City National Bank, payable July'6th, ' G 1921, plod ing as security the .good faith and orodit.oi'..tho Oity of Faduoah and the w. taxes to be oollootod Bluing the,month of Juno. Ad ted Y ap upon.call of the roll by. the i'olloning vote: Yoou; Eaton, Be] :or;'Tully, ;7illiamo:and Katterjohn,-6. �letsa-L'•a.' „t a:,' .14:11' a r. ' Vii,.,.. �_'+:.. :. 0777r_= . . 'r..a. + ,j _ �� ;,yrs rid`;'I✓nts:rr-Yr"i".i".£�n'^'S4+Flc^•ci'�rr•.`rsm RC`i ttenl's92lra'++F2A+ls r 7` C 7'a�: 1 - r. •1' 1: g }' `r ' 1 `_ + � r f, ::' f + ; t^i...} � '.r7 ji. --.,.'151 .Iv' y }.rcs w 1„y' + --1 -r..{ �,i n+ t: 1 •' - - - a e N. Cit 'ofPadCommissioners' Proeeedin�� 192Y c, f Commissionor Tull offered the fol16-:11n ,• f Tully. motion: The .cum o_ „37:50 having 1 •i; }4 :been paid into' the i''rca:;ury as 'evidenced by tho•r000ipt filed hore::ith, I move trot - { deed be executed to Sylvia 1:'cOlure for of 4G in Block ho 4 on a}:o }forth. aide of Hank - ',,.Cemetery Dead' t Sylvia LcCl'-ae: Fyy,treat bet:rcon Ford & Hannan Strootc in Oak Grove Cemetery_- .Adolitod upon call of. tha Ij p,y { droll by tho. follo:•iinn vote: Yoau, Eaton,i?aker, Tully, Williams and I:atterJohn, -5. ' } A !� Carimiaoianor Tully offered the following motion: I'movo that .the',accounto-for i } the last half of the month of 1.Iaroh, amount int, to "^ ^ ; Ro} ort Com':. 'of P q 127 .41 a;7 per the report of the Flnanoo of a000untaCormisuionor of Public Fintlnoo filod horonith ho al].orroil and .ordora'd pnid.ns}d the mon. for laot half of t 1Zarol,1921. ey appropriated from the Gonornl:_und to pay Dann, Adopted upon o^]l. of the roll by , +F h tho'followir,g .veto; Yoas,. Eaton, 'Eahor, Tully, Villiamo .and` P-5.-5. _ t r i l Commisalonor Tilly offered the follo':rir-r, motion: I move .that the'rcport of the Commissioner of Public Finanoe for the month of :Ltaroh• bo r000ivc�i' nnd''fi led and ,N �. RgporL �om'*, of_ ordered publ'Ssho4 in the official newcnn er. -Ad ted u on'odll o£:the roll by the ' Finance for month. p oP p all March 1921. follo`aing veto:.Yoas, Eaton, Eak-er, Tully, 7i1'liams and Katterjohn,,-u.. `• Commicsionor Tully offered the follo•ain- motion: I move that the'raflort of , the CoL,misciorcr of Public Finnnoe of the spocinl ctrooi.fund account for the quarter Ro,aort Com''r..of .' ,r Sinnnoo of Special year ondir� I -A 31st be received and filed,` Adopted upon cell of, -the roll by the, a Street ;and follorrirg vote: Yea's, 'Eaton on; �a}:or; Tull+i, ilSl.liame and 1;atlor ohm 6, + 3 S Aaaaiults for � ; euu„tor ending i Ls uh 31, 1921.Commissioner Tully offered the follo.ring motion: 'I move that'the report of ' the Commissioner of Public Finanoo ahonir,g tl:o nn},ortiotvmant and amount' of a 1)nnditure 110 ?rt Curp'r of an Finance 1io'aing a the br:7:anco to the credit of the different accounts. under the different depart - G aero rtionmont a venta, be received arfl,filed. Adopted upon call or the roll b the'follo--in•, vote:.F• �.ond t.aoo of eP I y. f” ca all dent. p r Yoaa, Eaton,haker, Tully, ililliama mrd 1:att6rjohn,-5. Corunissioaor Eaton offered the fa 11waina. Motion:'I move that the Quarterly` ' Rcnort of the Electrical I eotor £ n I Report lootrid-1 n^p or the lrof quarter of 17 1 be received and filed I i Tncpret�r. :,doptod upon call of the roll'by the foll.owirr veto, Yoas,''%aton, Enl=or, Tully, i; Williams and I:attorjoltn,'-5. 4 Oommisoioncr Eaton offered the following' -mot ion: I' move".that the -report of J' }'nrort Chief Of '. the Chief of the Fire Department for the month oY Larch 1921 -be reootved''and filed. ire Dolt. -for Burch 19:1: ,adopted upon.acil of. the roll by the following vote: Yoas, "aton, Eal:er, Tully, . . a Uilliamr and I:atterjohn,-5. : � Commissioner Faton'olforo.d the motion: I move that the report of `the ?o}}ort Cluef,of. Chief of Police for the month of Larch 1921 be received, and „filed Adopted upon call Ialioe for' March 192 L' �of the roll.by the following' vote: Yoao,.:Eat.om. Eaior,,Tul]tiv;.Williams and Katterjohn,5 Commieaionor Tully offerod the following motion: I.movc that the Cia,l 3oliol :x for be 'instructed to bran ,in a i?osol'ution for' the• improvbmont of I!orth' Sixteenth Stroo °. II. 1Gth St. , from: from mho Ilorth property P Y Jofr rnon to 4 P- y line'of Jofforson Street' to tho.South pro ert,Iine of Trimble Trimble St,,- treat, with .conoretc sidowalks,' curbs and f;uttoro to other' frith all neeeecary man= r ly s oidn •alka; oto.; .K 1 holoa, 'intakes.senors and catch bnsino. Ldopted upon pall o!' theroll Dy' the follonr�,ii; !ng vote: Yeao, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and -Y,attor john, -ii. ; �I' i rrc t, Commissioner'Eaker offered the following motion: That the notion of the CO, Ford Truck,for Dept,'of ubli'e missioner of Public Works in'buying a Ford truck'at an:oxponso of %,W6.0o be: approved.' 77orka' Adopted ul:an call 'of tho. roll by the folloving,Aoto. Yana, Paton, Poker,, Tully, t i. Wi lliame. ark _}_atter j ohm, , e ` ;Y�� .^nt.+'hµ j 4 _ ' • 11a,.:G e+.r ri'h. sr s..pj rA'.Ivf+ki.•n r'i+��1tn,„=,ir: r�"�'":.� - ..'+. • . , .... ,.. !^�-x'f'nT�.,'•`rp'r ,. t!'T;•?'t-'�1.,3,,'T'4P.�..; , .,tlt`G�+' ��., ui, � �r .. J=`r `*•x1 t�g t}:..y®, t -pa r Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. April 4th:.' 192-1• {' Mayor Katterjohn offered the,folloving motion: I move that a resolution en titled; "A .RESOLU�1011 PROVIDING FOR TIIL C011STRUCTIOIi OF COACT^ E 3 CURBS: AND.GUTTER$,;'A11D ' t. 1 r ALL I1ECr.SSAtiY 1 A11rOLES, INTAi ES, SL7ERS' AND CATCH BASINS ONBOTH BOTH.SIDES OF SOUTH' 11IITTH d .S.9th St. from s Husbands St to ; STREi:T, PR01 arra. :OUTH GUTTE?i LII C OF HUSBJUIDS STREET TO THE I1ORTH PROP 'TY LINE OF r Elizaboth St ELIZABETH. STREET. IF E,tT.:NIED, IN THE CITY OF' PADUCAH, "-T-LUCKY, AT THY COST OF'IIE ' 7OUTT.IPG P:,OP ITY 011Z1S, AllD PROVIDING THAT SIIN MAY BE PAID. FOR UPON THETEIT TEAR `` PAYI.U•11T. PlAlk," be introduced, and lay over.. Adopted itpon oall of. the roll, by' the follow- I; 1 rt' : ing vote: Yoata, Eaton, Eakor,-Tully,' Williams and i:attorjohn,-6. r Ilayor Kattorjohn offored iho following' motion: I move that a resolution on ?; r'.M. f tit Jed, "A RESOLUTIOIT REQUIRING THE PADUCAH i7AT1:R OC TANY TO EXI IIID ITS WATER YAIITS Oil 1 s-Pnduoah Zator t' "C9i'pany to B:iOAD+iY FROEi IEVillTi;iIlni STREFT'TO NINETENNTH STREET. A DISTANCE OF APPRORII.iATELY 600 N f' y A 0 and arta' ' r mains on B'Wdy „ FLET,; be adopted.' Adopted upon oall ,of, the. roll b the following vote:.Yeas; Eaton.. c s'.from 17th to ' 19th Sts Eakor.; Tully, Williams and KatterJohn, =6.' r t!r Commissioner Williams offered the following motion I move that a resolution r ; entitled "A RESOLUTION tROVIDII'G,FOR TIE CONSTRUCTIOIT OF COIT R , CURBS AND GUTT?33, 4t, Broad St.,AIID,ALL.IIBCESSILRY-LUUTIiOLES, IIITAKF:S, SL;it12S AIiD CATCH BA SINS 011 HE I'BST SI F, OF BROAD j from. 4th A .. r 4 Broad .to ret tor STRELT.. FROLI TIN:. INTERS-ECTIOI: Oar 'FOURTH AND BtOAD STREET, INTL UDING THE II1i iHSECTT0I1 > .proportyj: also '-Broad from, 4th. AT FOURTH 'AND BROAD •STRi:ET, TO THE DIVIDING LINE BEEEN '.PJI KU PROPY OF CHARLOTTE RUFF : to,Bridge T';It t .11D LITE FROPERTY OF BARBARA. 1'1 TTE21; AlTD ALSO YROVIDiITG FOR TIP^. COASTRUCTIOIV OF C013CRtT ; r SIDE".lAIXS, •CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MA1111OIXS, IIITA;,RS.' SE7.`ZRS AND. CATCH k .-D1IIT:i OL P�iE .'.ST 31 TV. OF BROAD STRI _EET. ZROU THE INTERSECTIOU.OF -F'OUIRTH AIID BROAD ;. ST 1. ,1 TO TTi NO Tr; CU,B LI1�� Or BRIDGE STREr.'T.LXCE TING ALL C01,1CRETE SID :AIKS,-CUz2B3 at, t rT` U1D CUTTe$S IIOXCONST'iTUCT;D THERi:OIl, IN TTl'r: CITY -OF PADUCAH, K3ITUCFY, AT T1it COiT.OP r 'THE 0L'17ING P'iOPE�RTY.0''iI1IRS..AND PIIOVIDIIIG THAT. SAIZ I.UY BY PAID FOR UPOIT TIi, TEit i'1ti.'; ., F f AYi.Tr.i1T 11.131," be adopted.. Adopted upon oall-of the roll.' by the - following vote: Yen-_ nton,.l;uf:or, Tully:, 13illiame and Kattorjohn, i' Commissioner V1 offered the following motion: Imovo that a roso]ntion 1 r ? _ ontitlo, d. '.'A' Ri: 1 ,s r''°•#� �I��'•.ti R*n�.K`yyra tx %�x�.{�a,. ,g;i..r r�. � r �eK• (r4 ; -a ,1.�,-`. c a:. � ar':r,` 411 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Na F_TF1^E ST-R*,"!:T, 1I:D 011 T!.!IRD STR3:T MOM Tl!'•: NORTH 1II-2 OF J^IF:12S011. STREET TO TITS t „OU'i!! LII:E, qr' 'h!O1L10� STR:: T, MID'.`il 1'OU?'PI1 STR!iET FR01.i T}?!i 1l011TH 1:IIIE OF JEnF'Isoil 5T13 T T0. Tl!r: SOUTH OF'L'AIL20 STR?ET, AND 01: FIFT}i .`iTRS:ET.FROL[ ME 110RTH LIIiE.OF Inner -Fire Limits.. ,JErYERSO11, 5TRSET TO Tl!.-: SOUTH LINE OF. MMIROE STR::!:T, III Tlu,, CITY OF PADUCA}I, 1711TUCYY, ImprovomonL: AT''11I1F..CCaT OF. T!r : ABUTTI!!G PROP;_ITY 0:•!IILRS, IIID PROVIDTIIG THAT SAIn•1 1AY`13E,•CONSTRUCT- ._ ED AI:D ?E'C �11STRUCTED 11_'01! THE T.'11 YE,10 PAY!:s:NT PLAIi," be adopted. ,Adopted upon' oall ' of the roll by the following vote: Yoau,Eaton Tull 17i111 y, pms:and Ynttorjohn,-4; Hays, ; Eala r.=1.' . Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordlnan'oe on titled, "All ORDIITIIICL PROVIDTIIG FQI? Tir: 0OI!STRUCT'011 OF COIICRET:.CURBS AND GUTTh1.13, 1 AIM A_I 1TzCi:3SA2Y LL1!!1[Oi :3, I2?TA]':SAIID CATCH BASI1lS 011 BOT]! 3I11LS OF TF1'!T}I. 10-13 and 14th STR!:!:T, '71112.TE1•1TTH T4r:i;T A!TD FI^.URT: !1TH 37.111 -ET 11101! THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF Ste., Broadway to Jefferson Curbs and B301.D'"AY TO, il!: SOUTH PROPERTY 1.111:; OF :iTI3R!`.T, III TP.2 CITY: 0^.PADUOAP., 'YEN- Gutters. ' TUCYY, A1:D PXVIDIIIG TIL1T SLI:;: LVIY BE PAID i�OR UPO1T THE Till! Y10R PAYIENT.PIAI?," be introduood and lay over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follorrinr dote:.Yoao, Eatcnj Ea`or; Tully,' Williams and. Kattor'john �-5. Commissioner Tully otforod the followin.3 motion: I movo that an ordinaries entitled, 11A11,C'RDII:AI:C_': r-povj])ING FOR T}IIS CONSTRUCTION OF -TT:: DRIV"'•7AY9 0!1 T''1`TH., Driveways on 30th- Ilth-12th-13th-14th EL'c:V-:NTH, 777ELFTIi, THIRT3:1MI, POURT rTTH AIM SLR'1'E:iLTII SM! -_ TS, FROM TH!i !!ORT1I TRO - and 16th from B''nay to Jofforuon, P STY LI!....OF. Bi?OIJ'.'I.:.Y TO TILE SOUTIT F''OPr•RTY 1.11r? Or JLF=3rd' 'STR5::T,' IN. THE CITY. OF Pi.DliOAH; YI!WCY.Y, AT Tlli COST OF .TH!, ABUTTII!G FROPMTY 0:412.143, AND PRCVIDTNC'THAT } l:AY BI-,COIISTRUC'T;:.0 trVOI! T!: W-11..YEAl 'FAY-U;1!T PL4Ii,°. be introduoed and lay over.:.,, :F .. 1 Adopted upon Dull of the'roll,by the following vote: Yoaa.Paton, Laker,. Tully,: "5 " Williams. and Yattorjohn,-5, y' On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of,tho roll by 5 yone,. V W - .l ..,.7th, 19x.1. At Callod'T.tooting of the Boa --d of Corun lenionors, hold In the Commisnionorri'. q� n Boa --d' Chamber an the City Hall. 1'atluoah. Y-ontuoky; on April 7th, 1921, at'' 3 o'olook P. '1a, Upon oall of the roll.'tho following an::wored to their names; Co:amisulonors !Raton, d' x Eakor. Tully, i'lilllmnn and Layer Y.attorjohn,-5.. ' F -r Vayor l:attorjohn otntod roaoonn for. Drill. to-`.rit: 'To or.eouto Dood to A. •i1.- Odorl:irY_ fT, lot Ln Oak Crovo Cemetery. and any other buntn000 that mircht oorio'•beforo the Board. x ! Commissioner Tully ofYor.od the following motion: The sFan'of t n y ,•¢0.00' hnvin boom' v , j "Cemetery Dead paid, into the Troasury au.'ovidonood by the r000ipt file hnre,rith,_ I move that. tined b'e` � p A.!LOdorklrk... . exoouted to A. l.'. "Odorkirk for Lot x103, Bloo]: 2 un the north' nide of ford Street, .. h 4 between Baker L LilJ.]:or Strootr, In'Onk Grove Cemotor r y. Adopted upon oall of the roll by w.. the follo,.ring vote: Yoao, •raton. F.akor, Tully, Williams Gnd 1:nttorj6hn,-5. Conmilouionor'Tully. offored the foll.owinr, motio»: The oam.of,"25.00 •Iiarin�.honn paid Into, the Troaour;; er ovidorood by the rooelpt'.filnd horowlth,.to Ro'thor'with'app li Wt or Cordal, option for L'.alt or Coroal Bovorar•.o Moonro propnrly olgnod, I movo that lioonno to BovoraFo Lloonno'granted .sol l malt or ooror_l bovorarou or any admixtr>res thor6of be granted to J. A. Spru„ro at to J,A,Sorugge..� v13p1 South lOCh 5treot, from April 1st to Juno 30th. .Adopted uP-in oa7.1 of the roll F; ;,5•r. by the follo••nln,r, vote: Yoao, Eaton, al:or, Tully, "ailliumn anti Yattorjohn,4 i i t t J I