HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 626, April 2, 1921' n ♦s�.9 �, � 4• Wort r.� � �� '7731 r•Yk'r!w `Q. iN•F : s !w "I•...tu.•„� l.f� `il• - a^c kr.. ..�•+, � i y - - Commissioners' Proceedings, Cit of Paducah Maroh 28th 1921 p Coruniesionor Vlilliams offered the following motion; I move that the transfer Oematery T9N i ransfer frem-1.1. V. Cherry to the East portion of Lot "37 in Seotlon 0, Oak Grove Cemetery, to. It. V:Cherry to V.D. s Ilar. V. D. Ilor, be ratified. Adopted upon oall oY the roll by the following vote:*Yeas, Eaton, Elakor, Tully. {7111iamn and Yattorjohn,-6.. Commissioner Baker offprod the fol.'lowing motion: I move thrt n resolution entitled, "A RE13OLUTIO11 30VIt-1 IV, F'OR 'T!!F: CONWRUCT.IOII OF O 111CRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS SidenUalke ko.. AUD CUTTER3, AND ALL 0r:5:A!tY itAl:F?OLF.S, I11TAYM. SE,'H9 AIM CATCH BASI119 011 BOTIT'SIDES ' Fourth Street from t Ob' FOU.iTH 1:90M THE ]IORTH PROPERTY LI1:R 0? B!?OAD 9TRF:ET TO T!IT�' SOUTH GUTTr�? LIITE Broad to Elizabeth..,I ^ "t OF. ELI7,ADETH 51f? ET, Ill Tlr-OA . CITY. Oil PADUI!, Y.?NT CYY, AT THE CO'T OF TIM ABI7TTIIIG qyy PROPi"',TY 0".]II?3:i, Ahs PR07IDI1tG THATS!':7? L!AY BI PAID FOR UPOII. THr: T' 11 YEARPAY:`.'�IIT 3 " pILLB,bu adopted. Adopted pa P P upon oall of the roll: by the tolloninv, veto: Yono,.Eaton, Eakor, Tully, 171111ams and Katterjohn,-6.' S Hayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion; I move that an ,ordinanoe en- y titlod,."All OHDIIIAIICE PROVIDlltG b'0?? T'.;: C0I1'3V?UCT.TOII 111D RE00H3TRUCTIOH OF Tfii: DR'IVF.- Y WAYS 17IT11I11 VIE !hlf11-PIRE I.II.IITS, IACIUSIVE OF TY- S'!]R!1. T3 BORDERIUG T}Iia?F:OH. TO -{TIT: COUSTRUCTI011 OF ON TTA9IIIIIGTOII STRL?T.FRCV THE Ft?Y Irinor-?IRE limito T LINE OF THIRD wilt P,T 10 Tll? kA9T LIlIE OF FIFTH Drivonaya. ;:T.E T, AIIIi .1I_ FOURTH 9T:REFT FRQ.1 THE SOUTIJ LIIIE OF Y.F:GTUCY,Y AV1i1TUE TO THE HORTH'LINF. qOF TA°:IIP,IGT 'H SIM{ET, AILD 011 11011NOE c3TR':«''T .FROL1 THE %3T LIIt E OF 91-MOND 3T'.IEI%T TO TV? . WEST LT 171, OF FIFTH STREET, AUID ON TH STREET FROI.i THE 1110ItTH I.IIt OF 1F.b'b'I'x?'SON 3T tF::T i0. '1 HE SOUTH. LIII.E OF I:101,110E "T9 'T, AILD Oil FOURTH 3TRE!iT FROM VIE 1lORT1l. LIITE'OF f rn-,-:: .. r JJcuMol../i J" _N : Y'Rl:!:T TO TI... : OUTI? l.I!Ty OP OF: wT!?F T, AHD ON FIFTH 9TRF:ST FRIV TH? UORTII r Lll1E OF JEl'Fb"»^?SON V191 -:1:T 'ib 'THP 30UTH LIAE.OF 1.l0IIR0? STREET, Ill 171I? CITY. OF PA'DUOAIT, ' r: EEPTUCL'Y, AT THE COST OF VIE, ABUTTING PROPFLRTY 071111-3S, AIM P!IOVI')11!G THAT SAIVI, }SAY DE 1 003TRUCT AIID !IEOO1lSTHL,`OT!:D UTON TH" TFI: YEAR PAY13�31T PLAY;" be introduood and 'lay. over. Adopted upon oall. of.tho roll. by tho following vote: Yens, Eaton, Tully,?11111nme 3 and Kattorjohn,-4;.Ilaya; Esker, -1.. " i Lnyor Katterjohn offered the following motion;,I move that an ordinnnoe - entitled, "A1T ORDIli..1;Ci FHOVIllMG FOR TTTF. COIIbT?UCTI011 OF 00110RETE 811)&IALY.S, OURB9 r 3 91de:�nL':a, &o. on JIM GUTTIMS, AND AIL I?FOi359ARY 1:1LIHOLFS; INTlhG9, 3ElFi?S A13) CATCH BASINS OF MOTH BIDES Seventh St. , . 1Y om OF SEP:NTH 3TREF;T, P!?0Li 'PHF: 30UTI1 CURB 1.111BOP JAC _:30II STR: ;:T TO TI?F: 7;OR'Ili OURH LINE r Jaolcaon to Jonoo. . OF JONF3 $1'?!i1iT, Ill Tom: CITY OF PADUOAII, n_ Y, Al1D,P!?OVI'!)fIlO VAT SN.:E tAY BE PAID'. 7 .. FO!? UI'OU TH!: Ta:1I YEAR PIXIH11 PLAII," be introduood and lay over. Adopted upon oall'df C .' the.,roll. by the foll.ov:!ng vote; Yoae, Eaton,. Eakor, Tully, Nilliame and Katterjohn,-6:.. • On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll. by 6 yeas. Adapted �_l!�„ : T ra�'14.!AY5_ft` ;S APRIL 2nd. 1921.. . At a oalled meoting.oY the Boars of Commisnionora, hold Sr. the Commis:aonors' �•y '1 Chamber 1r. the. City Nall, Faduoah, Yontuo1y, on April 2nd,.3.921;'at 30 O'olook A. 1.1, Upon oall of the -roll. the followina..answorod-to their namou: Commiocionoro Eaton,*. / ;.''N•; kn::er',, Tully. {Ti].liams ane? Lnyor Ynttorjohn,-6: Mayor Yatterjohn stated reacons for orll. to -wit: To allow bills and nuoh .i other buoinoos that might como.boi'oro the Board. Coi:uniosibnor Tilly offered the Tollo:iing motion;. I movy that tho.a000unte. '# Report.0om'.r. of C 'i Pinanoe of a000unte for haw anotruoilon work amounting to $1044.09, 'an per the report. of the Commi'aoioner for no *,7 coratruo , eo.rod end orderod.pnid,and the inonoy sppro- .a tion or k. of Publio Finanoofiled horwith be u].l , ..- J. printed from'the General Fund to pay name. Adoptod upon oall of tho ,roll by the :u ,..:; { follon!nr, vote: Yono, Eaton. Eakor, Tully, W7Iliamn and yattorjohn,-b,' i 1 _ . ��� / +R11. a�.-rvr'!'�'�°^r.•.,i"�.JIGD..•'A5�'.'llai^r3{',3'' i�iff^T.$7, .'13�. .:"+- .,1 . .af,.L'''s.',E;i���!t:.':a! L•�LT+''FL � ti:',"':d� ' 2i r' ,i'.,.iiM.h,n.�,�. .7.a.,^.-^n:ti"j,�11<��'+'�� ��, . ��-.-�-�:._-�s....a__._.-.,...a_a—r.....a.. :...✓..a .... �r.-a... .. _ +:=:..4L,.,:ls...r y �'� ! .. .. .. a��-f��f No. 00i Commissioners' Proceedings,' City.' of Paducah ...'" 192_y Oommlooioner I•;aton offered thefollowing motion:.I move that the resignation ' itosigrntitvi . of 1.. Z., Vallontino a Patrolmen on the. Paducah Folios force, be received, filed ad y ' of o a000pVallod. tiro a000ptod•.• adoopto4; and I'furthor move that the nurety in the off ioial bond.of said Iatrolmaa and 7latiom•'.any 6�soty Company 1.. E. Vall.ontine, to-cit: The l;ational• Suroty Com n ✓ P rtiy, bo roloaaod frcm all farther,.., reloasbd on hie official bond. liability, no, onoh.cu.roty, from and aftor this.date: 'Adopted'upon.oall of the roll by ..,..' the following veto: Yoao, Eat on;'.Eakor, Tully,' Rill.iame and LattorJohn, -6 ... ";':',;;'y :,;+,c } •; On motion the Board adjourned upon. oa'l. of the�roll:by 6 gens. W­ . 4 AIe/loi i—.19 bL• =moi- � 1-"..i' r'i; ' . �G�_ <~ MAYor a l s APRIh 6th,.1921.'_ ,u At a Regular.Meeting.of the Board, of Commiaoioners, held in the Commieeionore '' '• 'Ohambor in the City Ha 11, Paduoah, Kentucky, on April 4th, 1221. Hpon call of the roll the follorrinl; nnaworofl to their names: oommiseionore Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Mayor, Kat'torjohn,-6. " On.motion'of Commiscionor.Eaton the minutoa of the provious'meetings here adopted as road upon call of:trio roll. by the following vote :.Yeas; Eaton, Faker, Tully, . Williamo and Kattorjohn,-6. Mayor Y.attorjohn offered .the following motion: .1 move .that the eommunioation Immnnual'Bap. tlot Churoh : from the Inmianual Baptist Church, dated 1.;arch 30th '1921 be received ' F ,. .and•.filed. Oommur,icat,ion. Ado ted p. up on call of trio roll by the Yellowing vote:'Yana, Eaten, Eakor, TullyWill ams - and 'Y.attor john,` 6.. �••': Mayor •Katterjohn offered trio folloaing'motion: I move that ,the petition from Pett tion .of`:::., proporty.6wnprs..on'Broadway,requesting the Pad0oah }gator Company to extend its malno:ob ' •.proport,�!orinera asking ior. . , : Broadway, from Soventeonth Street to liinoteonth Stroot., be reocived and riled. Adopted' crater'malbo,.fo be.oXtontled•on .,upon oall of the roil b the folloninG vote; Yeas, Eaton Ea lilliame and p y . y;.• 7=•` ' Broadwny;'from 17th•to 19th. . Knttorjohn,=6. t " '. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the followinlc motion: The Iaducah ',later Company having tendered a 9tatomont for u37.26.00,' which it c laims io its 'ohargoa for crater Paduonh.Wator. . -'Oomonny otrto-. -rantalo againot tho City for 500 hydrants for the first quarter of1921, L mono that wont for 43725.00 for, x3126.00 be Dl.lo'•7od and paid to the Paducah Wator Company on said water-rontals; and Yator Rontnlo:' on fire hydrants-that.tho balance of paid claim be hold up ponding invootination by..tho,City Solioitor'.. as to the legality thereof. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by tho followin.R vote: Yeaa, Eaton,.Fal:or, Tully. Williams. and Kattorjohn,-6 Mayor Eattoij:ohn offered the folloving motion: I move that the stat.omort of I?aduoah dater ' the Paduoah.aator Company'of Ito o }nrgo.s.aralnst tl:o City for :3726.00 Gator Ron talo , for voter rental first giiartor. . for the i'ir=it quarter of 1921, be received and filed. and reforrod to the City Solicitor for opinion, in writing,' on the quoction no to,-ahother the City Sc liable for the wr0000 over and above the roto that. has boon paid to tho Mater Compan3 during.the pact Year, ,and whether the anter Company has the right, of Ito own motion, to rasters its' ratoo no clatinod in Atn statement. Adopted upon-oall of the roll the following .by iota: Yono' Eaton, Eaker,'.Tully, Williams. and l:attorjohn,-b*,; Citq to , Commissioner Tully•offerod the following motion: I'movo that the Mayor and Borrow tdoney tho.Commieaionor of Publia Finanoo be authorized to Darrow for the rise alld benefit of " City national' Bank .. the City of Yadnosh; the stun of 025,000.00 fro ri,the City national Bank, payable July `Sth ' :.. :C 1021,'plodging as noourity the .good faith and' credit. of,,the* City of Paduoah and tho. a a during the - tnxo'e to be oolloctod dmonth of Juno. Adopted upon. call of the roll b.-., the I +t:"'`.; `. 1'olloving vote: Yeas; Eaton, Bakor, Tully, Williams;and Katter J.lelii_;,+-:.:5!:,.ta%•+�•!'t�1' e�..,.».:•. �: .. .,..�:,.1.a,4 r c44s,...• -w wx. ti .ct,+:.: a, , ,y •ti. 1