HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 614, March 5, 1921Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ 'Mayor Kstterjohn offered the following motioat I move .that a Resolution entitled, $•.. P. 8 I.R.R.. ["RBSOLUTIOS EXTENDING THE TIME WITHIN WHICH THE PADUCAH'A ILLINOIS.RAILROAD COMPANY I8 . resolution ¢¢ extending. time. i TO BBGIN•, IN GOOD FAITH, .9'HB CONSTRUCTION OF CBRTAIH DBPOTB AND.OTHER IMPROVEMENTS IN r THE CITY CB PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be adopted.. Adopted upon -'call of the roll by Itis foie + '. 1: vote: - Yens, Eaton, Baker,, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn`-8.- 1.lowi.ng, Commissioner Tally,offared the following motion: That the petition from pro pertl 1 ; 1 Protest, from holders on Sixth Street between Kentucky Avenue and Was bingt m Street; protesting owners;' Iproperty on 6th St betn.: against the improvement of said street be received and filed.. Adopted upon call of thl ' Ky.Ave and Wash-,„ ' ington St. roil by the following* Tote*:. Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,:Tully, Williams and Mat tar jobn,-B, Commissioner Tully offered the following motions That the oommuniostion from ' ?' Communication the Irvin S. Cobb Cigar Co. -regarding exemption from taxation be received and filed and Irvin S.OobD '.Cigar CO. filed and referrsd to the City 801101tor; to.report'book at,the next regular meetins. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tally, '•f Williams''and Sstterjohn,-B.. � , t' Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I move that the communication : communication from Halteman. Cave m Reed be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll b7 7.'. Ralteman,Cave b r Reed. N. the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Matterjohn,-6. Oommiseloner Tully offered the following motion: That the sum of $16.00 be Refund of $15.m;refunded to Halteman, Cave A Reed, they having paid this -amount in error,oa license ` to Raltoman,. Cave b Reed on #1020 for the National Insurance Company. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow= - ' '.•' Lioenee .#1020.. ping Yeae, : vote= Baton,,Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn;-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following•motion: The sum of $27.80 having been Cemetery Dead F paid into the Treasury ad evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that lead bel• to Mre.Minnie. 'exeonted Ramage. to Mrs. -Minnie Ramage to.Lot 92. Block #8 on the south aide of Miller Strset �. between Ford and Hannan Street in Oak Grave Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by „ the following vote. Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Eatterjohn,-B.. - Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the reports of Reports for Prod English, Sextion Oak Grove. Cemetery, for .the months of Januar and February 1961 y y January an& Peb.,, • of Fred Bnglioh,': be received auie.filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Beaton Oak Grow cemetery. Saton,Baker. Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. Commissioner Faker offered the following motioni.That the Comm3seloner of Pabli }. E Works .be inetrnoted,to order one Adams .Road Patrol Scraper. Adopted upon call of .the '`. Adams Road Patrol.. l Boraper* roll by the following vote: .Yeae, Baker, 2424 and Williams. -E= Rays. Baton and Utter John. -8. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by .B yeas. - _.. c Adapted,. '- . -'19 MATOr- MARCH 6TH, 1921. . At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commission -ors', hold in the Cominiseiom re' l i,. Chamberin the City Hall. Pa4iioah, Kentucky 'on March bib, 1921•; at 10, o'oloak A. M. Upon call of.the roll' the following answered to their name®: Commieeionere Eaton. ,Tally, Williams. -and M&MKatterjohn;-4. f> rt Mayor.Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-mit: To allow payroll for last ha it ar of February; and ouoh other business _• y sinoee ae may come before the. Board. ' .4 v ' Commissioner-Tully'offer:ed the following motion:. I move that the Mayor and Com_ City to borrow $20,000.00 mi®atoner.of Finance be authorized to borrow from the CiYis®ns Savinge.Bani..for the ' fr'cm Oiti sone. ' ;. Savings Bank. nee and benefit of the City of PnduoaTi; the Gum of ,$EO.000.00 payable July .6th, 1921; y,. pledging.ae eeavrity the good will and credit of the City- 'tuxes + and the ,to bo collected during the month of June., Adopted � D upon call of.tho roll by the { Al .•. ,. ...dDs'i.y1.-.fi. fv:a�eu.t "'•11u r b. ,.. -; ,.a .0 .: .' ... ' '. a 7yzr��Lh t r «rw rs4 h r V ha o.5 Commissioner's No: 6 /S1 City of Paducah 191 following.vots: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. Report Chief of ;f { Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that.the a000unte for iii Report 0om1r.'of Finanoe, of a000unt ! for last.half of. February, 1921.. the Commissioner of Finanoe filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid.and,the Imoney. --Owl q .. Report Oom'r. of. Finanoe for the +, month of Feb. 1921. Commisoloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the: k Report Chief of Commiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that .the report of the Cormnissioner of Finanoe for the month of February be reoeived anA filed and ordered'.' i publiehed,in the offiolal newspaper. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following . vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully,.17illiams and Katterjohn,-4• r . On motion the Board . ad ourned j upon ball of the roll by 4:yeae. YAdopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaten, Faker, Tully.. ; Adopted Williams and Y_atter john, -6. J MARCH 7th, 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the .Board of Commissionere, held in .the Oommissionare'. f Rotioe to Ed. �. .Chamber in the City Rall, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on Uaroh 7th, 1921. Upon oall of .the i, - West in re: Li-„ y Ed West to.show oause why his lioense to sell Molt or Cereal Beverageo, or any admix-., roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully,Williame..,`-`.;:'• `t ; ir f ,, f' Oscar Danker Beverages, eta., ''i i% .. Yt revoking.1;and'aloo hie request that the hearing upon same be postponed, be now.reoeiVed and oommunioation & as read', upon.oall of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker., Tully, pormled on to: ta' on sewer 13th & r Trimblo Sts. No: 6 /S1 City of Paducah 191 following.vots: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. Report Chief of ;f " Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that.the a000unte for �. Polios. for Feb. Chief of Polioe for the month of February 1921 be reoeived and filed.. Adopted upon:.,,...,-;;.,�.;. y, �- the last half of the month of February, amounting to 018,985.59"' as per the report of the Commissioner of Finanoe filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid.and,the Imoney. --Owl rr Kr john, -b. appropriated frau .the general fund to pay same. Adopted upon sell of the roll by.the " following vote: Yoao,.Enton, Tully, Williamo anA.Katterjohn,-.4. Commisoloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the: k Report Chief of Commiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that .the report of the Cormnissioner of Finanoe for the month of February be reoeived anA filed and ordered'.' i publiehed,in the offiolal newspaper. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following . vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully,.17illiams and Katterjohn,-4• r . On motion the Board . ad ourned j upon ball of the roll by 4:yeae. YAdopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaten, Faker, Tully.. ; Adopted Williams and Y_atter john, -6. J MARCH 7th, 1921. At a Regular Meeting of the .Board of Commissionere, held in .the Oommissionare'. f Rotioe to Ed. �. .Chamber in the City Rall, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on Uaroh 7th, 1921. Upon oall of .the i, - West in re: Li-„ y Ed West to.show oause why his lioense to sell Molt or Cereal Beverageo, or any admix-., roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Baker, Tully,Williame..,`-`.;:'• ; and Mayor Katterjohn,-b. f' On motion of Oommissloner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted Beverages, eta., ''i i% .. Yt revoking.1;and'aloo hie request that the hearing upon same be postponed, be now.reoeiVed and as read', upon.oall of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker., Tully, Jhi ,filed, and that the trial of said notion and motion be eat for 2 o'olook P. M. on Williams and Katterjohn.-6. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioatton of Osoar Danker be reoeived and filed, and the request be granted and permit him to is Yens, Eaton, Baker. Tully,-Williams.and Y.atterjohn,-6.. oonnoot with sewer. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton, ;r jl ` Commissioner Williame offered the following motion:'I move that the City Engineer "r' R City Engineer to'f +'Baker, Tully, Williams and Y•atterjohn,-6. Report Chief of ;f " �. Polios. for Feb. Chief of Polioe for the month of February 1921 be reoeived and filed.. Adopted upon:.,,...,-;;.,�.;. ; �- •i 1921. of tfie roll by the following vote: Yeas,.'Eaton, Baker. Tully, Williams and --Owl rr Kr john, -b. k Report Chief of Commiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that .the report of the Fire Department r. for Feb. .1921. Chief of the Fire bepartmont for the month of February 1921 be reoeived and filed...- YAdopted upon ball of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaten, Faker, Tully.. Williams and Y_atter john, -6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:.I move that the Notion to require f Rotioe to Ed. �. West in re: Li-„ y Ed West to.show oause why his lioense to sell Molt or Cereal Beverageo, or any admix-., banes to sell Iitureo thereof at his lane of businono 125 South Seoond Street should not be revoked, f Malt or Cereal •;_. P , Beverages, eta., ''i i% .. Yt revoking.1;and'aloo hie request that the hearing upon same be postponed, be now.reoeiVed and Jhi ,filed, and that the trial of said notion and motion be eat for 2 o'olook P. M. on ;Wednesday, Uaroh 9th..1921. Adopted upon oall. of the roll by the following vote: is Yens, Eaton, Baker. Tully,-Williams.and Y.atterjohn,-6.. jl ` Commissioner Williame offered the following motion:'I move that the City Engineer "r' R City Engineer to'f asoertnin approxi: be instructed to asoertain, by aotual moasurements, the approximate amount of oruehed w, mate amount oruehe�tono`that will be n00000ar to nurf000. and r000nutruot the drivowar from tho Union stone nocouuary �, y J to surface drive-: ,1 way from Union i Station to 12th and Jonou Stroot along,0aldwoll. Avoiu:o, Oal.dwoll Street and South 12th -1 - Station to 12th & Jones; also Stroot..and to procure bide and prioeo on the quantitioe and gra(loo of oruohed atone :'•_ prooire bide on .i atone and oil. that will be neoesoary in said etroot oonatruotion work, and also obtain and prioes•:;.+ ;},• . .bids "y.. ;',.on the oil. and estimate the quantity thereof that'will-be n000ceary in so r000natruot- • ` j.ing said driveway, and to report eame to the Board of Oorrmisoionora no'soon 'no.poeei- ,- .,ble. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the, following vote: Yens, Eaton, F.nkor, Tully.