HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 612, February 28, 1921f I .. ;'r � a � - , �1 -rf - itq .n'n,.��.: 'N•;rr+� a.. s' � J�•M1 Y7-�+y .> ' .rte+c.c..-'^`"--^'-• }•--+ec' .�+._.3.u. :.Lt:a ..•.-.�.h-:... u...yu.t�..._.a..�..>_. - �.--• ,( n '.. I rc,^�• n'rsilr^tyP+nITre t: '• �'n7rv-^p..�a�^ ', .. .. im No. '( C®mmissioner.'s Proceedings, 'City of Paducah 191_ H FRBRUARY 86th: 1921. p 1t • CalledMeeting of the Boar® of Commiaelonere;.held ia.the Comwiesioners' 4 , .'Chamber in the City Hail, P•QIIoah, gentuoky. on February 86th, 1921. at 10 o'clock A.M. Upon following to thel'r Baton, lnliy 1 v. call of the roil the answered names; Commissioners .and Mayor Eatterjohn.-S: ; Mayor.Batterjohn stated reasons .for call to-wits To extend .the time of sitting e i.of the.Boerd of H4ualisation: r R Co9mai9asioner Tully offered the .following,motion:'I move that the time of. . Time of sitting of Board of sitting of the Board.of.Bgnalisation'be extended to and including March 7th, 1921. itnalisation .t ; extended., pidopted upon all of the roll by the following *otet. Yeas, Raton. Tully and Batterjohn-E. � . r On motion, the Board adjourned,upon call of the roll by the following vote,` J Yeas, Baton, Tully.aud ffitterjohn,-s. 1 19 9=l �j73 f. ... }6. BBBRUIRY 28tH. 1921. .- I At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'' ' !•' _ Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, gentmoky..on February 28th, 1921. at 11 o'clock A.M. r following to their names a' Commissioners Raten;Raker, upon call of the roll.the answered Tully, Williams and Mayor Otterjohn,-6. u Mayor Matterjohn stated reasons for call to-vitt For the purpose of reootoing ' tiling bide for the ooastrnotion and rsoonstrnotion of Broadway and South Fifti tMind ' wStreet, and say other.bmsineee that might come before .the Board. . Mayor 8atterjohn offered the following motion: :I move that the bide for the construction and re-oonstrmotion•of Broadway and. South Fifth Street,. submitted by'the �following bidders, to-Witt Bids of Yancey ' Yanoy b Johnson d. Johnson, 0. W. Batterjohn a son .' ' 0.w.yatterjohn ^ H. R. atone a: Company b Son L. A. Washington & Son and Pulliam Brothers, and H.B.Stone b Co. Pulliam 6 Washington L.A.Washington 6 Son, and be .received and filed, and action on same be-deferred until ,the Regular Maeting'at Pulliam Bros. Y•allism 6 " ?8 o'clock P: M. on Monday February 88th, 1921. Adopted upon. call of the roll by the Washington, for oonstruotion followitg vote, Yeas; Raton, Baker, Pully. Williams and. Vatterjohn,-6. 01 B!way and the bid G. W. 8. Fifth at. Mayor Ygtterjohn offered the following motiont I move that of received and filed.'�tterjohn A Son for B4OOO Cubic Yards of crushed atone be atoaived and tiled and faction on same be deferred until the Regular Meeting at 2 o'clock February 88th, 1981. Bid'of 0eo.W. Adopted upon. pall of the roll. by the following sotet Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully, Matter john tti eon to furnish ''williaas and Katterjohn,-6. Cruebed Rook ' recalled and• d 0n notion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.6 yea@•. filed. ' 19 I MCI 'r r MATO' r ; i t ,999 2 ? f� " 1 j',fed ekl,1�ret.�h9. r, ti �h-. St, r.p .. fr la} ,-t t °!- v. i. ! n ` •..d.-'iT"(i .l, ,� 1 ^ , 931,1aa.�.-�-...I-.iJ, .. a .. _ . , •✓: ...f.` - . } l., _ - . .. l _✓re r._ ,. t .-V . . .. � ... -, �.-Y � ,� �12.i'.'Spt,"`:.M1.iw.t. rr'.�.-+ , . ♦ ..•�.., .•, 44ri.>wrG:}L�Via. �lK•A:$a �.. �.�• '. rG` 1 k4 1 A a+..4✓' P ..,isAl4'.'°.lY�.'t':srd5.i+flC.el�kAi... •..1N�v4:ier.n.��.:. 1. :: .. Commissioner's of Paducah 191- ... ..,.4 r.... ,,�, ...;t;.M.s:.++-T�..�ys.+y`1"•J+d4%r.^Y a'.t .w+ .7, ., .. 733RULRY 88TH. 1981. , At a Rejular Meeting of the Hoard of Oommissioaers, hold in the Opmtiseiosera,' Chamber In the City Hall, Padneah, Kentucky, on Pebruary 2841h, 1921• at t o'clock P.,14 ! 3 _ Upon Gall of tae soil the following answered to their noses Oo®issionsrs Baton, .' j Raker, Tullyo Williams and Mayor Ektterjohm,-5. a On notion of Commissioner Raton the minutes of the previoms meetings were j adopted u read u on Gall of the roll D the follows D y ng rotes seas Eaton'• 1aker,Tul3W , Williams and Ketterjohn,-S. ! Mayor ELtterjohn offered the following motions I amove that the report of the t Report of Oltj j Engineer on bias City Engineer on the bids for the construction and reconstruction of west Broadway and j reosivel for son- struotion of H•way South Fifth Street be received and filed. Adopted upon -call of the roll by the folly - and S. 5th 8%. Ing vote= Yeas. Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams and Utterjohn'-5. Mayor Utterjohn offered the following motion; It appearing from the bids this day received for the construction and reconstruction of Broadway from 1716 Street j a to 85th Street, inclusive. and South Pifth Street, from the South side of Kentucky Avenue to the North Bile of Clark Street. that the bids of Yancey h Johnson are the lowest and best bids for said street work; and it further appearing that the construct Ion in concrete is much the cheaper and is more doeirablo,- j { uV of Those Johnson for t[ei I now move that the bids of Yancey si Johnson for the construction and reoon- construction of Broadway and struation of Broa/way from and including 17th Street to 85th Street, and South Fifth ! S. 5th St. adopted. Street, from the South side of Kentucky Avenue to the North side of Clark Street, to ' be oonstruetel with concrete. as per plans and specifications accompanying sail bids, be approved an& accepted• and that the Mayor be instruotel to enter into contract wit sell contractors, in all respests• as requirel by ordinances and s000rding to law. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas. Baton. Baker, Tally Williams and Ketterjohn.-5. Mayor Katterjohn offer*& the following motion= It appearing from the bid of Ono. w, Utterjohn b Son this day received and filed. that he will sell to the City at Rid o*O.W.h➢atter- 'aloha i Son to Padnoah crushed rook in accordance with the ordinance heretofore adopts&, providing for, furnish City of Paducah Crush*& the- purobase of 5,000 cubic yards of Crushed Rook, at the pries of $1.10 per ton f.o.b.' Rook rejeoted. Cedar Bluff, Kentuoky= and it, appearing also that said price is reasonable, and the lowest price obtasGable.- I now move that th* Mayos be instructs& to enter into a contract with Oso. 14 Katterjohn h Son for the purohase of not esoe*ding 50000 Cubic yards of Crushed Book, to be inraished to the City of Paducah during the year 1981 at such times as may be ordered by the Mayor, in accordance with sail bid. Lost upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton and KeLterjohn,-2; Nays, Baker, fully and Williams, -S.' Mayor Utterjohn offered the following motions I move that the certified Certified cheeks chocks tendered with the bids of the unsuocesaffi1 bidders on street work this as shocks, y• be tendered with street Iswove• returned to sail bidders. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following votes Yeas, meats bids return- ed to unsuooees• Eaton, Baker, Tully. Williams ant Ketterjohn,-&. j. iml bidders. Batterjohn Maypr offered the following motions I move that the oamunieation from Wheeler i aughes, Attorneys for the Paduosh i Illinois Railroad Company, request- cswanication Wheeler i Hughes,. isms an extension of tine for the oommenooment of the building of the depots, together Attys. P. h I. R.R. Co. relative with resolution providing for same, be resolved and filet, and action thereon deferral.; to extension of time. Adopted upon call of the soli b the follow votes Yens Baton Raker Tall wiliiams Y lab • . • y - and Katterjohn; 5. ... ..,.4 r.... ,,�, ...;t;.M.s:.++-T�..�ys.+y`1"•J+d4%r.^Y a'.t .w+ .7, ., .. i Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ r Mayor Dtterjobn offered the following action: I ease that a Resolution entitle, P. 6 I.R.R. resolution "R880LUTIO1,E1tTSNDIIG TSB TIMLS WITHINWHICH THD PADIIcIH i ILLINOIS AAILR0ID COMPANY IS extending time, TO B80IR•, I1 GOOD FAITH, THD CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DBP028 AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS I1 i THD CITY OF PADUCAH, KINTUOKY," be adopted. Adopted upon•call of the roll by the fol-` lowing rote= Yens, baton, Naker,'Tully, Williams and MgtterjobnM-S. Commissioner Tully.sffor*& the following motion: That the petition from property. 4, Protest from holders on Sixth Street between Kontafty Avenue and Washington Street, protesting property owners' on 6th St bets. against the improvement of aid street be reoeiTot and filed. Adopted upon nail of the Ky.Ave and Wash- ington Ste roil by the following Vote: Yens, Baton, Baker, Tully, Wiilias and Ratterjobn,-5. w Commissioner Tully offers& the following motion: That the oom:nnication from ;communisation the Irvin Be Cobb Cigar Co. regarding exemption from taxation be received and filed and Irvin S.Oobb Cigar 00. filed and referred to the City Solialtor, to report beak at the next regular meeting• Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote: Yens, Baton, Baker, Tully, ' - W11l1ams"and'Z;tterjobn,-5. I Commissioner Tally offered the following nation: I cove that the oomauniostioe 1Conmuniostion from Haltemen. Care 6 Reed be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by Raltesan,cave i '. Reel. the following rote: Yens, Baton, Baler, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-5. Oomilosioner Tully offered the following motion: got the tum of #iS.00 be �Rstani of #15.01 refunded to Haltemen, Care 6 Ree&, they having paid this amount in error on license to Ralteman, Can i Reel on #1080 for the National Insusanoe Company. Adopted upon call of the roil by the follow- License #1080. Ing rote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and MOetterjohn,-5. Commiseloner Tully offered .the following -notion : The tam of 081.50 having been Cemetery Dee pail into the Treasury am eridenoed by the receipt filed herewith, I neve that deed be to Mrs.Yinale Rasa". exeoutel to lrs.'Minnie Ramage to Lot ", Block #S on the south side of Miller Street between Ford and Hennas Street In Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and nLtterjohn,-5. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the reports of ". Reports for Fred Buglish, Se:tion Oak Grove Cemetery, for the months of January and February 1981,; January and Feb. of Fred English,' to reosiTel one. filed. Adopted upon sail at the roll by the following Tots: rias, Sexton Oak Grove; cemetery. Eaton,Baker, Tully, Williams and ERtterjohn,-5. Commissioner Baker offered the following motioni That the -commissioner of hblis Works be instructed to or&or one Adass.Road Patrol Scraper. Adopted upon can of tho Adan Real Pstrel seraper. Tell by the following vote: rias, 'cher, SAW and W12210m1,41 Bays, Eaton and y, Flatter John, -E. On motion the Board a&joarmel upon all of the roil by 5 yeas. .A6k'- � ui� car MAXOl'C" MARCH STH, 1921. r, fi At a Called Meeting of the Board of commissionbrs, held in the Commissioners' f chamber in the city Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on March 5t1h, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oomrriesioners Eaton. j 'Pully, Williams and Mayer Katteriohn,-4. Mayor KatterJohn stated reaoone for call to•.dt: To allow pay roil for last half '. of February, and such other business as may ochre before the Board. j f commissioner 'Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor and Oom- City to borrow•, $20,000.00 missioner of Finance be authorized to borrow from the Citisens Savings Bank. for the from Citizens. Sayings BAnk. use and benefit of the city of Paducah, the gum of $20.000.00 payable July 5th. 1921. pledging as security the good will and credit of the City of Psdmoeh and the taxes to be oolieoted during the month of Juno. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ' ` h'