HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 609, February 14, 1921r a- T' ova sj. ,J• -.S "�.`�••. uk'. .;'f $i D M1•K a\.''n T^ _ .. ' N S a--y"'t'.s Mia. ;� M �Y-,f r�� u a -�6b : y- � � r -•-u f�William No. •,ti, and I.iryour K.r.ttorJohn, -di. traduced and lay over. for one weak.:Adopted upon oall of theroll by the following' .. .Commissioner's Proceedings, City. of Paducah 191_ . Commiselon°s ng $100.00 having be*& I Tully offered the following notions The ettm of ., malt W Carnal paid into the Tresanry as ovIA=aod by the rooeipt tiled herewith, I move that.ilasneG ' Bever"* Lioenee t granted to Ernest to sell malt or oarael bevaregea or way admintares thereof; be anted to*Brueet Tarbro; gr sUrbro• at 886 Washington Street. Adopted upon call of the roil by:the foliowirg.votol Yeas r from 0. Avenue to R,.. ClarkBt., recon- - .i .py,RTY 'LINE OF CLARK STREET, •BEING APPROXIMATELY, 769 LISEAR FEET,: IN THE CITY OF PADU. •Baton, linker, Tilly, Williams and ratter john; -B. struation of drive•. way-Ordin"as First QAH, j=TUOKY, AT THE, COST OF THE ABUTTING, PROPERTY. OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID Commissioner Tilly offered the following motion: That the notion of the Commie- !.. ' Needing. Street henro>m Bonds #109 andtl8i •alonGr.of Public Finance la purchasing street improvement bonds #109 and �iBs at 93 ;. potohased at 93 sad H &owns& interest, and socrued interest be approved.. Adopted upon oall of the roll -by the•tollowing votes. .'N ;•: :,.Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tilly, Williams and Eatterjohn;-6.' r Tully, Williams and•mitterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tilly, offered the following motlont That the aotion of the commis- a Employment of lora. stoner of Finance le employing Mrs. Turner at a salary of $100.00 per month to assist _ Turner to "slat + In asking Tax Bills,' i *to. in making the Ta: Bills and•enoh other duties as may be assigned to her be npproveQ. i OP.STREET8 AND OTHER WAYS WITHIN THB CITY OF PADUCAH, AlKD'1'AOVIDING FOR THE SIGNING OF i stone.j CONT1tA0T !OR SAME AND PAYMENT THEREOF,- be int�oad.'aaI lay.. over for '.one week. �YYY!7 Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, Tully Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoga, Eaton, ,Baker, Tully.. Williams and ratterjohn,-8. Williams and, john, -6.. Maycr•Eatterjohn offered the following motion; I move that an ordicanoe sntitled,� On motion the Boardadjonrued upon oail'of .the roll by 6 y.4: Broadway, 1Tth to -AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF TIiB 1>FiIVSNAY 09 . 4..h . 86th -Construction + of Driveway i BROADWAY, FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OP SEVENTEENTH STREET (OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO.:. r Ordinanoo P;ret Reading. :' THE WEST 1'RO]'BRtY LINE; OF TWENTY-FIFTH STREET, BEING APPROXIMATKiLY'6810 LINEAR PEEL. 7 �i )'hTi?UrtT_?Y 14th, 1021. IN TO CITY OB PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND �� At a Rognlar Mooting of'.the Board;of Corminrionoro,'1old in, it n:Coinmisaion j PROVIDING THAT SAID IKIPROVBMEBT SHELL B8 MADE UPON • Chambor in tho City Hull, PA,4uoah, ontucky, on F�hrunr: 19th„ 19^1., Upon sell f�William THE TEN YEAR PAYI[hdT PLAN. M ln- . •,ti, and I.iryour K.r.ttorJohn, -di. traduced and lay over. for one weak.:Adopted upon oall of theroll by the following' t vote;.Yese. Eaton, Baku ;'Tully. Williams and ratterjohn,-6. .. Mayor Mktteriohn offered the following motions I move that an 0rdinanoo entitled,; .•• ..;1''' ' ;..-AB ORDISASCB PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON Bomb Flan Streat� SOUTH FIFTH STUBT,;PROM THE SLOTH PROPERTY LI HE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PRo• r from 0. Avenue to R,.. ClarkBt., recon- - .i .py,RTY 'LINE OF CLARK STREET, •BEING APPROXIMATELY, 769 LISEAR FEET,: IN THE CITY OF PADU. struation of drive•. way-Ordin"as First QAH, j=TUOKY, AT THE, COST OF THE ABUTTING, PROPERTY. OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ff ' Needing. IN[PROVEMENT SHALL BE MADB'UPON THE TEN "YEAR 'PAMENT PLAN.- be introduced and lay over uu for ono: week. Adopted. upon call of the roll by the following voter.Yess, Eaton, Baku t �}. r Tully, Williams and•mitterjohn,-6. � ,;•� Commissioner Beton-offered the following motions I move tbat au ordinance Gott- .fled, -AN ORDINANCE AUTHORISING THE -MAYOR 'TO.ADVERTISE•FOR BIDS, AND TO RECEIVE BIDS.. -•<- - OrdimnoG anthosia-6';,.FOR itg Mayor to &A- 6,000,OUBIO AM: -OF CRU8AED STORE TO B8 USED IN .THE•CONSTRUOTION AND RECONSTRUOTI01_ , .`.;' verties and reaelve p• bide for crushed i OP.STREET8 AND OTHER WAYS WITHIN THB CITY OF PADUCAH, AlKD'1'AOVIDING FOR THE SIGNING OF i stone.j CONT1tA0T !OR SAME AND PAYMENT THEREOF,- be int�oad.'aaI lay.. over for '.one week. �YYY!7 Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoga, Eaton, ,Baker, Tully.. Williams and, john, -6.. On motion the Boardadjonrued upon oail'of .the roll by 6 y.4: S Adosoleas. fh+iLtLi9 Z �i )'hTi?UrtT_?Y 14th, 1021. �� At a Rognlar Mooting of'.the Board;of Corminrionoro,'1old in, it n:Coinmisaion j :.jlere• Chambor in tho City Hull, PA,4uoah, ontucky, on F�hrunr: 19th„ 19^1., Upon sell Of the roll the folly:^Snr�`n.nerierbd to thoi2 nnmoe; Commisoionora intnn, Ial:or,' Trdl,y;' f�William and I.iryour K.r.ttorJohn, -di. ' y On,.motion ot'Commiaekonor Enton tho minuton of tho provionmootingn v:orw t 4adontod es. read anon oall of, th`o'.roll. L,/ the tollor�Ing voto;, Yon 'l,atnn, K:nkor,Ti:lly, uu , t �}. hl'lillinma and I:laN.or Y.attorjol:n, 6 � ,;•� .,��Yr h1F' l? t7'x i-'K'i'6• rJ4.��r' r. - .tle/,� �.:wr +A . q� 1`m�:tr..��C?'.""T`°"'rt`r,+t's, �..rr f.5w• ' tr 1�'" m- 4 1 �T .-:r..rrt. -far :"°",+>Z.7 y 4�•'.".rtt..:b.`l.:fli .'7a ,.!t n - .,.�:siry .:. Jv .. • rj _ T, i. s" 1� fey. -a :.,,• w+. 'C. ?1iF r<y - , •,l5 t:, ;Ill 'I 1:'r"�k�yr,i`�',.rr�.'�w71Fa+•r"'tTC>•.r.,e ., 4 .. r is Q f�• ( yam._ ._' •• - .. .- _ _ - '. r ...t - ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Comnissionor,Tully offered the following motion;.'Protest apainst� - That the petition from the 'improvement botn. omont of .7t.slq•operty,holdors.protesting against the improvement of 7th Street b6tvieen'Kentucky Ave-. 7th St'77j ' KY.Avo, and and ;Washington street be received and filed. Adopted upon call of roll by ilia V Washington St: a ( i` ;• following motion: Yeas, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams and,Kattorjohn,-6. Cortrdiseioner Tully, offered the following motion: That the potition,from .the Protect ngainotkproporty holders protestin improvomont of g against the improvement of Washington Street from 3rd'St. Washington St r•� to•7th St. be received and filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by tho•Yollowing vote; from 3rd St'..to ;7th Pt! yeas, Eaton, Ealcer, Tully, 5lilliams ond.Kattorjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the tolloning motions That the petition from the w" ?. , '`.Petition of pro porty holders on Harrison Street botaoon 19th and 22nd Sts. rogardio the condition' property hold - '?ore on_Harriaonlof the streets be reoeived and.filed and reforr St. betn.<-19.th .ed to the Commissioner of Public Works -A. 22nd Ste. for. attention. Adopted n on.oall of the roll b tho follovri vote: Yoae Eaton .kEakor, Tully, 711111amo and Kattorjohn,-6. Comnissionor F,akor offered the following motion: That, the report of tho Street De}tt. ...•. ;:report Dor Street Department for the month of, January be recoivod and filed. Adopted unon-call. Janusry.1921. of the roll by the following vote: Yea.e,,Eaton, Eakor,.Tullq, tNilliams and Knttorjohn-6� ,• - ; Mayor Knttorjohn offered the following.motion: I move that an ordinance on titlod, "AN OR-DINAHCE PROVIDING Poll THE COIISTRUCTION -AND iiECO[ISTRUCTIOH .OF THE DRIVE-. f,Ordinanos ter' ''!AY Oil BROA.Di'U�Y, FROM illi :rAST PROPi5dTY LIVE OF SEVhIITE 117H STREET, (0R FOUNTAIN AVE i ..improvement on YM). TO iVk Wn7T PROZERTY ,Lill';;' OF TWENTY-FIFTH STRvJ;T; BEING APPIROXIMATELY 3210 LINE:,R Broadway from. 17bh to ?,6th FEET, I$,VTB CITY OF PADUCAH, MITUCKY,•AT TH!, COST OF TBE ABUTTING PROPERTY O'r'lNERS, ,Sta. AdoPtod.. LAND PROVIDING TH¢T SAID I;.IP•i?(IVEMEIIT.SFALL PE I.(ADF, UPON THE TEN' YEAR PAnZNT PLAN," De (s adopted. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by. the following vote: Yeas, .Fton, Eakor, l' • Tully,. Williams and Kattorjohn,-6. Mayor Knttorjohn offered the following motion: I move that an. ordinance en- Or9lnnnae Dorl Ftitled; "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THS CONSTRUCTION AND RECOIISTRUCTIOi1 OF MO Improvement on, 1,,-jAY ON SOUTH FIFTH STREET; FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF nNTUCKY.AVENUE TO THE NOR.I'H� ;South Fifth Sts r from Ky. Ave. .. PROPcRTY LIVE OF CLARK STREET, BFI[1G AP1Ti?OXI1{ATi;LY 769 LINEAR Fr,r^,T,. IN THE CITY OF ' to Clark St. ' Adopted:' PADUCAH, KEIITUCYY', AT THE COST.OF.T} AnUTTII}G:Pit02ttT3 O'r1ld:tS,,AIID PROVIDING'THAI SAID > I1.iPROY:h1i;IIT SHALL PE 1.tADE UPON THE T-611 YaAZ PAY:itIIT PLkIi-,bo.ado»ted.. Ado,ptod anon 5 bell of the roll by the followin veto; Yean Eaton Laker. Tully 1 Williams and 4 lKatter john, -5. Commissioner Eaton bfforod the follovnn motion mono that an ordinance. n-) • E G ., I 0 0 ,.' titlod, "All ORDINA110B AUTHORIZIIIG'THP MAYOR TO ADVE.TIS: F0 l?IDS, AND TO RECEIV;;'BID9 Ordirr+noo anth-'FOR'6' 000 CUBIC YARDS OF C3 SHED•STOIIE TO BE USED IN 'i'HS CONSTRUCTIOII AIM. RECOIISTRUCTIOI ' oriaing Mayor t0 bids for • 'c OF STREETS AND OTHER "LAYS vavrIN ,Lm CITY OF .PADUCAH_ , ANO PROVIDING FOR .THE SIGIiI110 •OF {{ i. crushed atone.CONTRACT.POR.SA;:E, AND PAYI:aNT THL_IEOF;".be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll -by ','Adopted. .. . ,s the following vote: Yoas,.FRton; Baker, Tully,41illiamo and Knttorjohn,-5.. F' Commiselonor Eaton.offorod the follow; motion: I move that the Chicago ;e.Ro bonding .eh Bending:d, Insurance Co.', as surety in. the. Official..bonds 'of Mike llilliama, Commission - k Ins. Co : � : roleaaod an snot Public Propoity, and W. V. Enton, Commiealonor.of Biblio Safety, be reloas.ad from surety on o_ffi-t: oial.},ondn of furthor-liability,'said,.Commiselonors having executed new.bonds with the National Buret,. Mike NationWilliams. and onSu'Xompany of hw al Sur a on,.o.York, as surety in aaid.Officlal.Bonds. Adoptod upon call.of the roll bi i ety . 'Co: of.N.Y• 1. the..following veto': Yons,Eaton, Eakor,' Tully,.p(illiame rind Katter.john,-6. } •'having executed tt official bonds.•} On motion.tho Board adjourned.upon call'.of the roll by 6 yoas.• ) ' Adepled i { . 11iAYUR I. Y .. .. .�.7'::4R+:t,;S',,y-Ga4Y. ',+d'.s:1'ic:' '' . -1... :..,rs.• G+,f-i:,. t•.w•rt rs !-�.�,:it'Y`?•.-.;.t Y.+•r'A , r c. 1