HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 605, January 31, 1921. ,I .+ �, �� ($ M, rn � t ^ 1: "` ti ?�Ctrl1G"Y 'tiny,,•. � . ♦'c� .Vn t., r- ri .�c ti+T 7! ' 1 f �-,1Y-1�. � • . _ � ( tt._. l' J ... _.�:--•WLJ-� � err-.i•a �� u_..LL.:�'_ :Y r.�._"T'�'�•� .� w �, ' ' . ' .. .. _ � �. .. .'y_•,..tl_,'"'r�,7"^'�•c.+rv+SC`d•; ��fw•�� x :� ^ *r.'s-�s...n,�,, • s._ .y. . l I 1 1 Commissioner's .Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ 4 TAKEN OAHE OF BY SEWER DISTHIJ:^33 ONE AND TWO, AND ALSO IN SEWER DISTRICT NUMBER THREE, i A3 SEOWN OU THE PLAT FILED III THE OFFICE OF THE OOIXISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE Ordinance issuing ` Bonds for Sewer CITY OF PADUOAH, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYME11T OF.INTF.REST ON SAID BONDS AND.TO CREATEi purposes. A SINKING FUND FOR THE PJ;YtMXT OF SAID BONDS AT MATURITY," be.introduoed and lay over 1 r one week. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eatoh, Eater, M r, Tully. Williams and KatterJObn,=5.. Oommiesioner Tully offered:the following motion) That the City Solicitor be t 8tee>Iq boiler ;granted further time within .which to report on steam boiler ordinance. Adopted upon` 't Ordinance. 1, 'call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and t li On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. �, 1r APFROV IM ; Ad "p cd 19 E__1 Ip cth ct«r (1 JANUARY 29th, 1921 t; I Y . Ic At a Called'Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommieeionere� ; 0hamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky,.on January 29th, 1921, at 11 o'clock w A. A I M.. .Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:.Commieeionere 4r R Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and liayor Katterjohn,-5. r Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: the purpose of _adopting r :.. motion extending.the time of sitting of the Board of Equalization.'_ Oommiealoner'Tally offered the following motion:'I move that the titre of `. °t'. • Board of Squall- C sitting of tre cation extended Board oq .i Equalization be extended. for three weeks from this data. 1, three weeks. i;"Adopted upon call of the roll by the following motion: Yeas—Eaton, Eaker, Tully, I Williams and Katterjohn.-5, On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas.Adopi r a _o,92'a �331 AP rvOVz+i7� !o_ . `_...(-l../.LCl/. j Cn, Q: JANUARY 31st, 1921. f 11 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners, ` Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January ;let, 1921. Upon call of the ..roll the following an ewe red to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Eaker; Williams and.' Mayor Katterjohn,-4. r On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the , ! p.. previous meetings were adopted as read, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ehker;'"` 11.Williame'and Katterjohn,-4. :, r Oommiselonor Eaton offered the following motion:. I move that the oommunication i from the owners of the WHITE WAY on Broadway from Firat to Fifth Street, and on. Second,;^;';nom , WHITE WAY dedl- .. y y Third, Fourth and Fifth Streets b'etween'Kentuok Avenue and Jefferson Streets, whereb i(✓! ' oated to City -of y .k,,.. • t.,+•'; n+ Paduoeh.' they dedicate said WHITS WAY to the City of Pnduorih, be received; filed and concurred<<+:} in. and that the said 19HITE '19AY be accepted, errd that the 'City of Paducah henceforth..`= +I. i. f; operate same in accordance with .the proposition so suggested in said petition. Adopted' o :.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eaker, Will and Katter- t John. -4. .Oommissionor Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report. t �. Report OomIr. - Williams in re: pertaining to ir•'eurance policies; and the Ineuranoe 11- ' be received amount carried on City property re'P oleo of 01ty. and filed, Adopted upon onll.of the roll by the. following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, GWilliams and Katterjohn,-4. r..,�.w - _ --_ _ _,[•i-.4n^fn'u7hik�c"i1C:tti'.'.Si.,�slfl'PY-{'� li.?..Y";,..l.k.,,INy;,,,�;, -i:�ll+�c�'�r4�`•a. I_. .. {�'-.s'i`5ii s'-'N'�'`w•� '� 0. , I :.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ f Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I'mo ve that the salary of Yrs.''' 4. ure.Mattle Mottle Herndon, City Stenographer, be increased from $110.00 to $129.00 per month,. Herndon, 0ity Y Stenographer,G,effecti*va as of January let', 1921. Adopted .upon call of the roll by the following salary in- , s' creased.. ."y vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Williams and Kstterjohn,-4. ! ti Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: WHEREAS on the 25th,'day of ' October, 1920, the Oommissioner of Public Finanoe issued to D. Harry Jamieson cheok.of. 1 the Oity.of Paducah for $130:83; " ! AND WHEREAS said check was issued pursuant to Instruct fone of this Board; > directing the Oommiasioner of Finance to .pay .said Jamieson in .full for big services to ! date and whereas said Jamieson has an action pending in the Court,of Appeals of Ken- •; - tacky to .recover from the City of Paducah compensation claimed to be due under contract s for drawing plane for a nurses home; . D.Harry. A11D WHEREAS the above mentioned oheok is in payment of balance due under oon- Jamieson ;•. check, in Te: ,trnot for drawin g,plane .for said.'nurses home and. the, amount due under said contract is Nurses Home. ,ct in dispute, - r" I move that.said Jamieson may,aooept en4 cash said oheok without prejudice to ilany rights.he may have in the action .now pending in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. n <• Adopted upon call of the roll- by the following :vote.: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker..and'Katterjohn+ B3; Naye, Williams, -1. " r Mayor Katter.john offered the following motion: I cave that an. ordinanoe en- 'titled,"AN ORD,INAIICE.,I99UII;G BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND.MAIVTA21Il1;G ...' 9EWF.RS-IN .THAT PART OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH KNOWN AS MECHANICSBURG, BOUNDED BY ISLAND CHEEK'ON'THE NORTH, MILL STREET ON THF. SOUTH,' TENNESSEE RIVER ON i'HE'EAST, AND TEE CII'! ' Ordinance 6LLSIITB issuing bonds ON THE WEST' AND ALSO IN THAT PART OF THE CITY BOUNDED BY JOSES STREET ON THE for Bower liURiH, ISLAND OHM ON THE SOUTH, MINES= RIVER ON THE EAST. AND THE CITY LIMITS ON purposes: pp I3rd D1eLTiot.^NT E TEST, EXCEPTING OUT OF SAID TERRITORY THAT PONTICN SOUTH OF JONES STREET EMBRACED ;:. ,;'N AND NOW TAKEN OAIE OF. BY SEWER. DISTRICTS ONE AIID TWO, AND ALSO IN SEWER DISTRICT ;r• -• yNWHEx THREE AS SHOWN 011 THE PLhi' FILED I11 THE OFFICE OF THE CO10.1I3SIONERS' OF PIIBLIC >j ;'. tWOHKS OF THE 01711 OF PADUOAH; AILD TO PROVIDE FUH M PAYMENT. OPINTEREST 611 SAID 9OUD3. AND TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYiIF11T OF SAID BONDS AT MATURITY." be adopted. "t. "'Adopted upon. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, .Eaton, Baker. Williams and fic; y Katterjohn,-q. Commiseloner.Tully enters tho meeting. i. Gommiecioner Tully offered thefollowing motion: It appearing that an error wad made .tin the assessment of L: S. DuBois on tax bill .1890 for the. year 1920, he having been L.S.DuBoie Refunded on �erroneouely sesessed with one lot 160 x 360 Cairo Road at $869.00, and he having paid :• Tax Bill +890 Yl, $19 . 11. tax on. same, I move that the amount of j19.11 be refunded. Adopted upon.oall of the :roll by the following votet Yeae,.Eoton,.Eaker,,Tully. Williams and Ksttorjohn,►9• �. Gommissioner Tully,. offered the following motion: It appearing that a poll tax ffor the year 1920 was paid on tax bili Y291,on property of W. h.. Booker, deoeaeed, and ' Poll Taxr. ISaid W. E. Booker having been dead, several years, 1 move that the amount of 51.96 be . funded Lilian, Booker .on ,;• refunded to Lillian Booker, widow. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo wing Motet. i W.E.Bookor, .. Deopaeed• ;Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,,Tully, Williams and',Xatterjohn,-9. Oommiesioner.Tully offered the' -following motion: The sum of 537.90 having been l' Yi ' paid into the tressury,ne.evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I itwve that a deed ' W:O.Atterbury,be executed to W.'_G. Atterbury for.lot ',/28 Block 02 in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon. Cemetery Deed.. call of the role by tho following voter. Yeas. Eaton. Baker. Tully. Willie and' latter- •. 'john. -5• � � .. . . I ., I L,YiY.,,..:wia.;l { l:t.!;i,:1i�iL`'rS.1:i�, .A .-. az ai - ». ..V+, :i ...:�.-.r+a n.. dy„•.•1H. .. ... ,._ 1 !L �r'LPS_aLl'e'v CL'+_V6CA'tiJ'd�Y1L'}�Yvi'b':JSi'G���: _ _ _ .d�MV1R�'ik'>lhL Syr - - ':hit .Oi ill'.:• •\•: 5::1� y l•!L ]S.>'y• �. 7 _..�_. �.1=....r:J.�•..:c..t.::.;. �-a.....-t..�_.,....". �� i.�_.:._ is .'wt"FRi:S:."�Y•h'h,q�-•,�ry•.,I,�t3.i7;,,:v�k;�a,�'a..-^x;M..-,•q r Commissioner's Proceedings' City of Paducah Oommiselover,Tully offered the following motions ,The sum of t50.00 enoA having fbeen paid into the treasury, as evidenoed by the reooipte filed herewith,. I move. that' Malt or Oereal ( license to sell L'alt or Cereel Beverages or any admixture thereof, be granted to the a Beveragee,ho. granted to: followipg partiess F'ome SnPPly Co. i ... Auok Lowe Rome Supply HenryGauss Tuck Lowey Co.,' 701 9. 7th 91. , Tny 500 S. 7th St. Rod Rudolph,, Henryause, ; i rY 70b Adams 91. C....Diakereoa Boy Rudolph, 1301 Harrison St. Pete. Bolger C. L. Dickerson, 109 11. 4th St. 9.A.:1omb1 e. Peter Bolger, 1617 S. 4th St.. r S. A., Womble, 115 H. 4th St, j'Adopted upon oall of the roll qy the following vote: Yeae;.Eaton, Eaker, Tully, ` Williams and Katterjohn,-5.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. The sum of $100.00 Saab ? Malt or Cereal' !:having been paid into.the'treasury as evidenced by the reoelpte filed herewith, .I move Beveregee,ko. granted to: that lioenee to Bell Balt or Oreal Beveragee or any admixtures thereof be granted to— A.Mar.offsky Was U.Plowers. the following parties R A. Larooffsky, 901 P7ashington. i Was 0. 2lowore',. 134 3..2nd St. �pAdopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote:.Yeae, Eaton', Eaker, a^u]ly, 4 (i 'Williams and Katterjohn,-5. Uayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: 'I move?that the oommunioatioa Bricklayer-efrom Briaklayer!e.International Union be reoeived and filed. 'Adopted upon oall'of the International t Union Communioe+:.;':roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Eaker. ^Aully•;.Williams end Kattoijohn;-5.' r tion. Commissioner raton offered the following motion: I move that the oommuntoa-. tion fromi Roeooe Reed, City Solioitor, in regard to an ord inane provid ing for the *' Co®unioation t Fy' City Solloitor, yoperation of boilers and .steam engines, be received and filed, and referred to the ."I Rosooe :teed. In re: Ord inano4,Mayor. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,'Eaton. Eaker, Tully, : j( provid ing fo r i operation Boilers "ti'iilliame.and Kotterjohn,-5. and steam engines.; !, On motion the Board adjournedby 5 yeas. Gd�p�11—f --l9 a/ 1 i car cw.► h FMUARY M. 1981. * At a Called meeting at the Board of Commiseloners.,held in the Comadselonwo "bar. in the City Hall. Fadncah, Ientuoky. on February 6th. '1981, at 11150-A.. K. a Upon call of -the roil the following answered to their nmee= Commissioner@ Baton, . ;Tully, Williams am rstterjohn,-4. Payor Yatterlohn stated reasons for cell to -wit: To allow Marie@ end, r bait �9ycst Coes of 'a000unts for the L"t.. of January 1981, and any other business that may, tb ooms before e, nos o eo-. counts and sat- Board4 t rise last heli January, 1981. I Commissioner Tully, offered the following motions That the a000unts for the •- `{ 'Let halt of the month at January amounting to =19,498.08 an par the report if the •,.r�,,r commissioner of Finance filed herewith he allowed and ordered paid end the money � appropriated from the general fund to pay Same. adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-4. . On motion the Board adjourusd upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas. -" Adopted .� an a.n �.1�= .. n",TOM • ` e � Y teany�.