HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 60, June 7, 1915�,�.=yM�y 1'f :\ ,•.rel -�'r Y1't.A.. �:"i 7 r y.... �t�,; y l:h�d=�,.:fc,.�,:'ih <.., rrt, _ _ _ ir•►. - x ' ., `.',..—_._'_ .___�.,... .a...._.. , .._..+.....__,. ...-.._..,._.`-...._._..._.._.. . ___._......... __:./.x.. _.......02.x_ _,_ .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jane .7th 1916 At a regular meeting,ot'the Board of Commissioners, held is the Council June 7th, 1916 `Chamber of the City Hall, City ot•Paduoah. Kentacky./upon call of the.roll the ,h �. t following anewered.their names: _ Burne; Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and WasbingUn-b. On motion the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read, upon. oall.of the roll by the.following vote ;-Yeas, Burns, Hazelip,.Marton. Wallace and Jai .Washington - 6. �J` On motion by Member.Bnrne, the Ohio Valley Fire 6 Marine Ina. Co. was �' q•" t 'exempted exem ted from the payment of taxes on personal property for two years, upon call.' of the roll by the following voter. Yeas. Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and ' Washington - b. On motion by Member'Marton, that. the Board of Supervisors be oalled I ;` lgf . y -in session one day, Friday June llth, 1916, .to bear all complaints in regard to assessment, carried upon cull of the roll by the following vote: Yeae', 'Burne. L Hazelip. Marton, Walluoe and Washington - 6. j ; •j.. j "i�llue On :notion by Member Burns, Mise Boike was granted a two weeks ) a , Q, - ty vacation with pay, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Burne., Hazelip, Morton, Wullace and Washington - 6. r,• j:'• I v On motion by the above, that the City Solioitor prepare necessary. i nt.,•' / contract and documents to submit the value of the proposed street to be opened !f,•' >i ......�G.:t ' in Meohnnioeburg to arbitration, and that said matter be submitted to a Board of Arbitration consisting of one manto be'appointed by the Olty and one by the' 1^'... i Lumber Oompany, and in the event of failure to agree that the two so appointed' select a third to assist them in the 'matter - on motion by Mayor Hazelip that F y an amendment be offered. -to the above, as follows : that the City Solicitor be 1 w Instructed to prepare oondemnation proceedings for opening street thin Sherrillii ' • Russell LDr. Co'e yards, between Meyer at. and Yeieer Ave., in a000rdenoe with w the description to be furnished by the Commissioner of Public Works,'smie carried upon cell of the ,roll by the following vote: Yeas, Hazelip. Wallace � SAY and Washington 3. Hays: Burne, and Marton -.B. .. �- Viz.. On motion.b Member Burne that this suit be brought in the next term �u-�f ` � of the County Court, and tbat,eame be ruehed to trial at said next term. If �ty, possible, carried upon call of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Bu=ns.. ;':':. . Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. i• �. hip) •. , On motion by the above, the monthly report.ot the Chief of Police was. i,>r W - ► ,. received and filed upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Burne, 'r.5 / Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6., On motion by the above, that the transfer of a saloon license of Kennis Murray to St. Elmo Smith,at 113 Borth Fourth street, upon execution of a.new - a 4 �•+;�- saloon bond, carried upon pall of the roll by the following vote: 'Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6. On motion by Member Marton. the. report of the Commissioner of Finanom and Auditor with regard to Collections and Disbursements, was received and filed ' Upon oall:bf .the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 'Burns, Hazelip; Marton. Wallace and Wuehington , b. ! y Gey On motion by Member Wsllaoe,.the•Oity Clerk was instructed to burn 7y s-. 7-P Street Improvement Bonds issued August let, 1914, these bonds being purchased r„} V,' thra James 0. Wilson R Company of Louisville at 96}, numbering 66; 67; 68, 69, 70 71, 78, and 78, unpaid interest coupons attached, -.the above bonds were destroyed '• before .this Board..at this date, as instructed = the above motion oarry Ing upon .` call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Barna..Hnzslip, Marton. Wallsee and I Lii peel ,:wi..'..•-•�•:oo:kcr� .w5e�a 5...,1.�+L:e.id<:K��-s'N:i' -. , yr:,n.+::wJ ^�.. v.y..�.: v..s.. - •w+:r � ,c s. •a•,..�.:..•:...�._ • .•,Jr•..• � t.+•.�;::.c . -..r .. �'- , A , 'tM"3 ySw'.R'C7fy r�.}.• 'rr:+n'i 7�:R ,:,. ......,:. +u -t i�;• '; J" ':�:. .� :e;iR _'Ia; y... :. :4 --y.lt t "1JS 1 '•� - 1. .',�„. _ly' � y _ ' 'Commissioner's Proceedings, of Paducah_;e Y .City 191 continued ' .'�e7,� On motion by Member Marton, lire, Annie Orr was refunded $0.30 for over -- r assessment for an erroi made in the years 1913 and 1914. upon call of the by the following votes Yeas, Burne, Haselip, Marton; Wallace and Washington - b. �nOn motion by Member Burne. the City Clerk was Instructed to not iiq - •. the Maryland Casualty Co. that the office of City Treasurer was abolished upon thef adoption of Commission Form of Government and the eleotion.of Commissioner Don P. ' .! .rct �ti :f �%%tGcrrt L a Marton as Commissioner of Finan "a o and -as City Treasurer the Charter provides `�- ' •• ..yL � ` $20,000.00 bond, and upon the new Charter of Commission Form of Government the t p' .. Commissioner of Finance bond is $10,000.00 - also to notify the American Surety Cot - � { that the Title Guaranty & Surety Co. of Scranton, Pa. was released off of the bond! !' of Oscar Kahn. as Police and Fire Commissioner, Dec. 1. 1913, same carried upon I . call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Ha$elip, Barton. Wallace and Washington - b. i 't TyJ On motion by Member Marton, the Mayor was instructed to sign the contract ` O for telephone in office of Commissioner of Finance, with the Cumberland,Telephone 4 r /j�� Co., same carried -upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Burne., Hszelip, Marton. Wallace and Washington - b. On motion by the "ove.a communication in regard to statement of the <�Q r 7 expenses of the City of Paducah 1n the suit against the East Tenn. Telephone Co. t. 0 was received and filed, upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Burne, } s Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. On motion by Member Wallace, a deed was granted to Panlina.Sumner to lot X26, Block 1 in Oak Grove Cemetery. upon Doll of the roll by the following vote:. _ Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. On motion by Member Aashington, the pay roll of the Street Department for the week ending Saturday. June 5th. amounting to ;179.75, not covered by ordinance and paid by cash order. was received and-f1hod upon call of the roll by I j the following vote: Yeas. Burns, Hazelip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - b. On motion by Member Wallace, the Commissioner of.Publio Works' report • ,"-%:_ .. ' '..' '° and petition for opening Twenty-fourth street and vicinity in O'Brien's addition. ., .; ... was received and filed upon sell of the roll by the following voter Yeas. Barne, • .r Hazelip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. t• _ On motion D Ma or Hazels that the y •.' Y p, petition for opening Barnett street'.-�.> ,. p to Greer street be referred back to petitioners for dedication of alley, before i -..acting on same, carried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne. Hazelip, Marton. Wallace and Washington .. b. 1 On motion by Member Marton, that the Purchasing Committee be instructed J I. to advertise for bids in regard to keeping the City Hall clock in repair, carried ) . ;.. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burne, Hazelip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - b. On motion the Board adjourned upon 0811 of the roll by the following - tl vote: Yeae. Burns. Haselip, Darton. Wallace and Washington b. ' �11AVUJt r f Illy ii!®I� i