HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 592, December 14, 1920thhr+ `•`.J r '!;•i"•c,. ,,�t�_, (Y�ti�"S '�, 1 \'•' �4.P'lA ,•Hid .,y / , ..p ` . •A �+Y. 4 h F 1 5, r"�.:.s...::: r�«a:'e :�.,...,.nm No. , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19l DECl73BER 14th, 1920' n 11 9 At- a Called Meeting of. the Board of Cammiaeioners, held in the Commissionore' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December 14th, 197.0; at 10 o'clock A.M. 5 Upon call of the roll the follovdng answered to'their names: Commissioners Eaton. Baker, Tully, Williams and 'Mayor Katterjohn,-6.. Mayor Battorjohn stated reasons for,oall,. to -wit: To aooept the work on. ' s: Cedar Street add Linooln Avenue, and further for the pur,!nsa of -adopt ng assessmentd. ordinance. f� Mayoi Katterjohn offered the following motion: 'The now gravel street on. { ,.• • Cedar Street and Lincoln Avenue, from the East proporty lino'of the Mayfield Road to: � the East .property line of Lincoln Avenue on Cadar Street from the North Curb Line of Cedar Street to .the South property line of Coxeye.3treet,.bavinit been completed and Cedar BtC. and, Lincoln Ave. I finished by Richard Doll, contractor, according to the terms and oenditione-of his 000-• :- work a000pted.. . traot, and an.ordinanoo Passed relative to said imarovomont, end same havih, been in- . opootad by the Mayor and Commiesionore on the 7th day of December, 1920, I norr'move - that same be accepted, and_tho Engineer's estimate of the cost of said construction be d: - confirmed,, and that .said estimates be turned overto the Commicsionor of Finanae for colloction: ;.And that-tho City Solicitor .be instruoted.to nrenare an ordinance assess- " Ing said propor'oy as'shorm by. the Engineer's Estimate.. Adoptod.npon call of the roll b the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Laker, Tully, Williams. and KatterJohn, -6., Mayor Katterjohn offerod-the following motion;' I move that an ordinance :'':• entitled, ."AN .0HDIHAkli AS.USSING THE ABUTTIIIG PROkOTY ON. CEDAR STREET AI4D LINCOLN �'AV&1NE, PROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE 01' THE 11AY11IELD ROAD, TO THE EAST PRO1307Y LIirr: OF ' :. LIIICOLN AVENUE 014 CEDAR 9TREE'1 1'HOid THE IIORTH CURB LINE. OF 'CEDAR' STHEET:TO THTL SOUTH Aseossment Ordi�an�� :' YHOPLIITY LIVE OF OOXEYS STRL•'ET1;IN THE CITY 'OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKY, THE SUr.I OF $1.16 PER = Linooln Aver `r and Cedar 9t• ABIITTIIiG FOO'i' FOR.. THE C01ISNUCTION OF SAID STFEET BY GRADING AITD i 0LILIIIG; A11D PRO- . VIDING THAT THE COST OF COIISTRUCTION'OY SAID PROPa':4TY BE CHA1iGiv1'i3LE 'TO A14D ASSESSED AGAIIIST THE PROY:.FT7f Ii='siIVINO THE DENhFIT OF SA]nr , AS: SF101114' BY' THE 1;NGI11i:1013 ESTIMATE, . AND .ON FILE III His 01'FICE, AILD rRoviDING THAT SAID ASSt.SSI,t:iIT 'r.�\Y BE PAID I14 TEII EQUAL I INSTALLJ. MUS, MII1G OHI'. %hCl1 YEAR FOR A PEI4IOD OF TBH YEARS," be adopted. 'Adopted upon t call of. the roll bythe following votoi Yons, Eaton, Baker, Tally; Williams and.,Kattor-''.' > 'john, -6. On motioii the Board adjourned by 6.yeae. t y Ado'pJed 19 �„o w, cwrr MAYOR DECD]BER 20, 1920_ c :I At a Qalled Meeting of the Bonrd of Cocmissioners, held in the Commissionere' I Ghnmber In the City Hall, Pnduoah, Kentucky, on December 20th, 1920; at 10 o'b]ook I Upon c'ell.o.f the roll the following' answered to Commie8.ionere:.. r . Enton, Laker; Tully,.Williams and. Mnyoir Kntterjohn,65, `.•4� ',t Mayor. Katter john stated reasons -for call , to -wit: To. allow pay roll and such: v other 'husineso the may come before the 3oard.t , 1' .•Report Oom r. -Gommisaioner Tully.oifored'•tho following motion: That the accounts for the ' 1'Jnonoo of ;.s000.unts for r first halt of the mono of Deoemher 19 { 20,' nmount.ini! to $7,05o.8'J; ne par the report of +' . first' hNf Of ..the Commisuioner'ot Fir.nnoe, filed herewith, be.allowed and ordered paid; and the. j r Deoembor 1920. gpnropriated,from the General »�fioney r Fund to pay same:' Ado pte'd upon call of .the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yoae,, Baton, Baker, Tully, Willin1me and Y,atter,�ohn Corsaniesionor:?ally offered the following motion: ;hat the. QonmiseiOne r of I p � Finance be instructed to pay. over to Aanoy A Johnson, dontraotors,..the sum of Y u w ' rt;--• 4ss e � h -,y'� 4 4 � ..-} � { .`.'S . f � —^t � 1 W 1 1, 60, ,^` '�-`� •s l;:n4owD'w.:.µ ,;,it'1Cc:;4e;±'�..vtf.:;wi3«! - , w. .. .`Iiw..t :x •ri• au,.:.r.W✓+d:Y=%+a:,, ,r.: ;i�,:,., 771-77 F•?••