HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 590, December 8, 1920.1'• 4'iwW7l-c.y.. ,F•y:,, .: T. yam, $,'w�'�sti"eu �.�o,., •r �T'�r„f j4;.:. r ,RV'r �•i t:N '9` . - ' , 4 ., IT> r•.J•. ,, i^ x Y :•r,-.`ILrr r,`•. Aia� �-Y,•A`•;+L•.t•.7I. —1yr , r ' i ' : r"'�`"... - .. ...:++<.:..s_y...'�...� ,.i �.. - • 1., •.. e.-,.v,i.y_.':.:.L.�r' 8.a.i:.-.a.a 11' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah /91_ DECEIZER Sth, 1920. At a Called Looting of the Board of Commissioners, he in the Commissioners', i 1 .s �Chamb or. in the City. Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on December Sth,•1920 at 10 o'olook A. M. I. pUpon call of, the roll Cho.folloning answered to Choir names: Commieaionora Tully; f Williams and Mayor Kattor john, -3. Mayor. Kattorjohn stated reasons for call to, -wit:. Por the ,purpose of r000iving Viand -filing the report of the Commiesionor of Finance ss to the account with Yanoy Johnson for the construction of sideimlke on North Sixteenth Street,. between Broadway s Land Jefferson, and furthor to authorise the Commissioner. of Finance to turn over to ' kbe contractors the Bonds.. ' commissioner Tully offerod tho followingmotion: That the report of the Com'r' Report Com'r.oi Finance ae to 'of Finance as to the account with Yanoy & Johnson far the construction of sidewalke.on . the s000unt with Yanoy & John- )both ei4ee of 17orth,Sixteenth Street botwoen Broadcisy.and Jeftereon be received and son for side= walk construct - filed,'gnd.that .the Commiesionor of finance be.instruoted to turn over to the oontraot- ion N.16th St.' Bonds turned ors, Yanoy & Johnson, tho. bonds on the Ton Year. Plan for this; improvement as follower: over to Yanoy ” Johnson: Series A Ro. l .47.10 due Nov. 1. 1920. " A ." '2 47.10 n. Sept.1,'1921. %'L' },:.' .•• n A_ n. 347.10 n n 1, 1922. q... .. n A ii 4 147.10 "" 1, 1923. " A " 6 47.10 1924. n .A " '6 47.09 " " 1. 1926. . t " A' n .7 4.7.09' " " 1, 192G. A " 'S 47.09. " " .1,'1927. . " A " 9 47.07 " " 1 1925.. I . ',.A ."'10' '47.09 1; 1929.. . idopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tn11y, Williams and Kattor- ,john, -3. . On,motion the Board adjourned by 3 yeas. r _ Adoplad. '-„(-19&Q A'P Ckk x i DEOB1.1B R 13Th _ . 3920 �j At a Regular M6eting'of the Board.of Commissioners,. held in the Commissionore' ' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah,_ Kentucky,. on Deoember 13th, 1920. U.on call of. :the roll the followigq answered to their namost;•Commissioners.Eaton. Laker, Tully,'''lilliam� 4 h. and Mayor. Katter john, -6.' N- On motion of Commissioner Tully.the minutes of the previous, meetings wore:) adopted as read and corrected, upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, t• Eaton, Eekor, Tally, Williams and ]Mttox john, -6.: Report Com'r Commissioner Eaton offerod tho following motion: I.movo that'the.renort show- u Naton of oxpon- soe to 'ilaehing-;. ing my exponsos for my trip to Washington, D. C.,.as a delogato for. tho. City of ton as Aelogato ' 14at'1.1livors k' 'Padaoah .to 'attond.the llational Rivers and Harbors Congress, be.rooeived_and.reforred ' Harbors dongioed.'.;. to the Commioeionor of Public. Finance, to be attached to vouchor of expenses of. said trip. Adontod upon call, of the roll, by the following vote: Yoas, iiaton,. Bakor,.Tully, Williams and ICatter john, -6. dommiesionor Eaton offered.the following motion: The .Lee Tire Sales Comrany, . 0 Whose oar collided with the Fire Truck at 7th <:. Tenn. Streets, damaging the same, (e Lee Tire Salos Co. and Inter= '' having agreed to..pay in full of said damagoe.the sum of 0460.00, and the Intor-Stato State Casualty Co. settlement Casualty Company of Birmingham, Alabama, having, for the benefit of said Lee Tire l ' for damage to ,Fire Truck..' Sales Company, tonderod its .draft for' said sum of ,A60.00, -I move that the compromise �j settlement of ,'460.00 for 'the damages done to the Fire Truck aforesaid by the, sorvios l . +-•r oar of the Leo Tire Sales Compsny be.ratified, and that the draft of y460.00; tendered) by the Inter -State Casualty Company of .Birmingham; Alabama, in Settlement of said i•- ,Z,S �h •t•, ;� 1 e.r. <�.- of , .'r, `'. _ v -� Fti :t '2 '' i. "� a ijygS y d s u$ti la>�f. a r __.