HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 590, December 13, 1920;2. -s. .war t. :u" rr. '¢ ..L „R � t>. P••;-'
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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
DECEIZER 8th, 1920. '
At a Calla.& Idooting'of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' i
IChambor.in the City Hnll, Paducah, Kontuoky, on December 8th, 1920 at 10 o'clock A. H.
Qupon call of.tho roll tho,following aneworod to their names; Commiesionors Tully; !:
lWilliama and mayor Kattor john, -3.
Mayor_ Kattor john sta.tod reasons for call to -wit:. For' tho ptirnooe of receiving
S'; fond filing the report of the Commiesionor'of Finance ao to the account with Yanoy &. '
Johnson for the oonetruotlon of sidewalks on North sixteenth Street,, between Broadway
sand Jefferson, and fur thor to authorize the Commissioner. of Finance to turn over to
' the contractors the Bonds..
q Commissioner Tully offorod the following -motion: That the report of the Com!r
Report Com'r.of 6
Finance as to 'of Finance as to.the account with Yanoy & Johnson for the construction of BidewaIke. on
the a000itnt with '
'.:Yanoy &.John- }both ei4es of North Sixteenth streot botwoon Broadviay and Jefferson be received and '
eon for side=
walk construct filed, end. that. the Commieelonor of finance be. instructed to turn over to the-oontraot- !'
on N.ltth St.
j'. Bonds turned " ore, Yanoy & Johnson, 'tho. bonds on the Ton Year. Plan for this. improvemoni as follows:.,
over to Yanoy
;.'Johnson. 9ories.A No. .1 .4.7 10 due Nov. 1. 1920.
" A ." -2 47:10 "..Sept.l, 1921.
" A "' 3 47.10 1,'1922.
" A " 4 47.10 " " 1, 1923.
"" 47.10 n. l� 1924.
A 6
" A " 6 47.09 " " 1. 1926.
A' ." 7 4.7.09 1, 1926.
:a• "' A " .0 47.09. " " ..1, 1927.
" A " 9 ' 47.09 "- "'.. 1 1928..
-A " 10 47.09 " " 1; 1929.
r' Adopted upon. call of'tho roll by the following vote; Yens, Tally, V1 and Kattor-
On•motion the Board adjourned by 3 yeas.
r a .. Ad0 iCtl. Q3S, 3 f
DEOEIZO 13th..1920
At `a Regular I.iesting of the Board.of Commissionore,.hold in the Conmieeionore'
Ohambeii in the City Hall, Paduoah,,Kentuoky,, on December Lath, 1920. Upon call of. :the
roll the following answered to thoir namoef Commiselonere.Eaton, Baker, 'Tully, ;lilliamd
and -Mayor. Katter john, -6. N.
�r On motion of Commissioner Tullythe minutes of the Previous, meetings worel .
„• adopted as read and corrected, upon call of tho+oll by the following voto: Yeas,' '
a Eaton, Eakor, Tally, Williams and 103.ttoxjohn,-6'.
:Report Com'r Oommiesionor Eaton offerod tho following motion: I. move, that`tho.report show-
Haton of oxpon-
sos to Dashing-;, Ing my exponeoe for my trip to Washington, D: C.". as a delogato for the City of _ }
ton as .dolorcato.
lint '1.kivore &•� Padnooh to attend.the Rational Rivers and Harbors Congress, be received. and. referred
Harbore Congioed.'.
to tho Commiesionor of Publio.Finanoo, to be attached to voucher of oxponoea of. said
• r.
" trip. Adoptod upon call. of the roll. by the followin vote; Yana I•:aton.Baker Tull
Williams and I03tterJohn, -6.
-.Commissioner Eaton offered.the following motion: The.Lea Tire Solos Comrany, .
R� Whose oar collided with the Piro Truck at 7th 8, Tenn. Streets, damaging the same,,
Lee. -Tire Salon
Co. aneC Inter=.':t, having agreed to..pay in full of said damages the sum of '$460.00, and the Inter -Stats
State Casualty
Co. settlement Cgs its! 'ty Company of Birmingham, Alabama.�having, for the benefit of said Les Tire .•
for damage to4
'.Bire Truck. Sales Comrany,'tonderod ite.draft'for' said, euro of 0460.00,•I move that the compromise ,.
settlement of $460.00 for 'the'damagee done to the Fire Truck aforesaid by the service
our of tho Leo Tire Sales Company be .ratified, and that.the draft of 0460.06. tendoredl
s� .by the Intor-State Casualty'Company.of .Birmingham; Alabama, in eottl'omeni of said �. t
-..' .a�,f;._... �a� ,.. _.-., .. n ._..., - ., �.ti -• , .._.-. ... _.. ... q•Y. :I.. moi. .; •.. ',�
' .':ta;)1.t�:lLr'•.r'y. C tia+tt.,�,.� !•i'.. .. Ntq...+l G.0 ;y w � .. .i ,
' ..
l�!' ,h2��5�''.^•'4'��Mc+'tn !4 * , Vi k^.t+�'+ 4rA �, til: Y.;t y � t.. �Kth ,a. t. � _ j ,.t '- rza�. 1 ,. � �v , ;4, '
..r, _.�. ' �`M�Y �',a--..rJ1%L,.�li•. .-4. ij:�a... �w-�—_1i�1•":..L.• ' 'i�. i 't 1+.:.._....-, '..:♦�+.
.. l
.. .. ,. '. '. •• - ..y1::'F'.�t�;�`:"i$�rM1:('rsrv4'r�''i,�: \"."T"'iT:e�. M,. �.:1-�art„�t� F I
Commissioner's Proceedings,' City 'ofPaducah
oompromise be accepted, and that the Commissionor of Public Safety be authoriaod to
sign the propor release, roloasing said Company from any and all liability, and that ,
Ij said sum be oroditod to the Fire Dapartmont apd paid over to the Commieoionor 'of
{ �I Public Finance to be proporly oredlted". .Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow-
ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and lnttorjohn,-5,
owe Prof. John D.Smith Commissioner Tully offered the folloeting motion; That Prof. John D. Smith be
Duni. books of the ; employed to make an audit of the books of the Doppart�:tont of Finance for the year 19P♦O
Deft. of Finance for
1920' ata cost of 0100.00, onmo to be paid out of (undo not othorwiuo approjriate.d. Adopt-
ed upon call of tho roll by tho following veto; Yons, Isnton, Enlcor, tPull t, 'jfllliams
tt and khttor john,-G.
• s
+"• Oormiselonor 'fully offered the follovilnR motion; That the rohort of the Commis-
1 Ite,l+ort Com'r Fina roe: sionor of Vinanoo rogarding the ealo of tho dolinquont tax list of real ostato for the
regarding o^•le of
year 19,10 be r000ivod and filed. Adopted upon call of 'tho roll h the 'follovtln,; vote:
' 4 Delinquent Tax Lio,t ;', y Y .
of real estate for. ; Yoae Eaton Emkor, Tully Williams and Kattor ohn G.
}.. 1940. . . • , j ,'
Commiseionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
}' Oommiesioncr of Fi:uinoo rog ardi the purol,nso of six School im»3o.vom')n. R
Report Com'r Finaroo� ondo Iles.'
of a6 3chooh IoiJhaue 66=67-68-69-70 and 71 for tho purpose. of retirement, be rooeived.and filed and his, '
i, wont Bonds 11oo.,66-67.
68-69-70-71. action approved." Adoptod upon call of tho roll by tho follawin?, voto; Yoae, ilaton,
Eakori Tully, Williams and 1•:attorJohn, -6..
Ro,:,ort Com'r Finanoa; Commissioner Tully offerod.the following motion.; I move 'that the roport of the
=. rogardinF: purohauo i•
of Hoe.nital Bond ;�1, Coinissimtor of Finance regarding the puruhaeo of HospitalBond 11o..14and, Street:
and Stroot.Im-)rova-
men. Bond k89 Improvemont Bond llo. 89, for.the purpose of retiremant, be r000ivod and filed and his
i action approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoau, Baton,
&a.ker,, Tully, ,7lilliatns and :✓atter john,-5."
William offorod the following motion: I move that the reliort of ."
port Prod English
of intormon.s.in. Fred English of intormonts from Ootobor 1; 1920, to NOvombor 1, 1920 in Oalc Orove
rom Oot. 1 to Nov.' �y,.opupon cae roll y,ollo.nng vote-, Crovo Cemetery Cemotorbo r000ivod and filotl, Adtod ll of tho. f
..from �
1 1920.
• Yoas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, ',lilliamo and. 1'at'torJohn, -6.
Ooouaiesionor Williams offorod tho follovtirk; motion: I movo that 't•ho.Rivoruido He
. .. Rlvarside Hos:+ital F"
Pr_ ti onto' .:lenort pital Patients' Report for'Ilovomhor 192.0 bo r000ivod and filed. Adopted upon cell of
for llovombor "1920.
{ ; tho roll by tho follm'ting voto: Yons, Raton, 1';akor, Tully, 'fiill.lanu and 1:attor john,-5.
Coimnieuionor.Vlilliame offored the following motion: I movo that Me plat marked
Plat of Port Addition,
to Oak Grove Como-.I�'."Hew Addition to Oak Grove C;:metory, dated December lith, 1920 end signed h;j F. Yl. '
tory dated Doo. 13, lly' Yatter john, 'lrayor." be adopted as tho tontative plan:: for the Now Addition to Oak
1920,. inoluding
' host 1:y. 1'nus61oum Grove' Cemetery, .and.00nsisting of the proporty p::rohasod from the Plost ;'onsuol:y
', proporty and ;7m. ".
hydon property'pur-� 'Mausoleum Company and the lot for morly bolongin„ to '.illiam Lydon. 1'ho.pormanont.
chasod by Citi of
Paducah. plane and" plat"to .bo adopted at a l0.tor dnto'by s proper motion or rosol:t.ion., Adopts
upon call of the roll by the tolloiving voto: Yoao, Eatoh, Lalcor�. Tully, 'lillinms and
S Kattorjohn,-5.
I� On motion tho Board adjourned by 5 yoas.
Adcpfcd .AGcJ9 RO '.F..L) V