HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 59, May 31, 1915• j l.sca�yy � S i. t" 't+. - t -s: z .:.i. >e• � ; a n..+• �� .a a .•c•.r -
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:City of:Paducah • may Blot' 191
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oomoll
s i.. Chamber of the City Hall. city of Paduoah. Hy. on May Blot, 1818, upon call of the
roll the following answered their names: Burns, Haselip. Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6.
On motion the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read, upon
f !." *all of the roll by the following voter Yeas, Burne.,. Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
Washington - 6.
-;� c4a On motion by Member Burma.. the ocmmUniontlon from.Ohiei ot.Police. L. A..
Graham, in regard to city allowing #60.00 as expense money in trying to locate
t 4 or arrest two murderers, same was.reoeived and filed upon call of the roll by the
r following votes Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above, that nosslee and relief valves be purchased at a
Yirt'res cost of $196.00 for the Fire Department, carried upon call of the roll by the 1
following vote: Ysas, Burne, Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6. 1
On motion by the above, that an amendment to the Milk Ordinance - requiring
{ _: milk bottles to be *loaned before returning to dairymen by the consumer or dealer . .
oarrled Upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Burne. Haselip,
i Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Washington, that -Mr. Otle Overstreet be'permitted to.
lay sewer back of his house
e an Tenne9eee street as soon as he dedicates to the
City the tan foot alley as shown on plat. carried upon call of the roll by the
_ following votes Yeas, Barna. Haselip, Merton, Wallace and Washington - 5.
On motion by Member Marton. that the amount of 416.068.60 from the
����e for salaries; etc.
Ge ..General Fund. and 3E19.E5 from the Special Sewer Fund,( be allowed and checks issued
for some. carried Upon call of the roll by the following votes. Yeas, Burne,
Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington - 6.
On motion by the above; a list of the Cumberland Telephones placed in.the
city Hall. including complimentary phone. was received and filed upon call of the i
-5 roll by thefollowing vote: Yeas. Burne. Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington -6 I
On motion motion Dy Mayor Haselip, that the report of the Philanthropic Department
of the Woman 'e Clnb be received and filed, carried upon call of the roll by the-
' following vote: Yeae, ,Borne. Haselip. Marton, Wallace and Washington
On motion by the above. a communloatlon from the Board of Truatsee of the
Utilities Bureau, in regard to the Oity joining some. was received and filed Upon
:4. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Marton, Wallace and
r _ . Washington - 6.
On motion by Member Washington, the pay roll of the Street Dept. for the
iweeking ending May E9th, 1816, amounting to $16E.86,7ZI not covered by ordinance and
- paid by cash order, was reoelv*d and filed upon call of the roll by the following
votes Yeae. Burns. Haselip. Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.•
a; On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote
Teas. Barns. Haselip._ Marton. Wallace and Washington - 6.
. '•�... • City Clam &I7lYUlt.
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