HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 588, December 6, 1920�j�r• � "'l r.. .y','� !'�} , �'y'•4j 'fj `r i.`4 j y::'t 1C , f !�'t.Y'T � -•l' 4t. I!ff-< �H�. •. �, r Y .fj . 6 !'1• .riA, i~ • + raw.. .+....- P.fl l♦ tx,L1FCry J.!f�` i ' r.,.J I�. •iP°e"<'rfS�ryrC r�t�itf'F- �.+�.ww:p.�.. .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ entitled, "AN, ORDIDAIiCE FIXING A14D REGULATIIIG THE LICEIISE TAXES, MID MallNrr, AND FORM OF GRANTING AND ISSUING SAME OH THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, t, { .' TRADES AND.. CALLINGS IN THE CITY OF-PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND ,PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR'NON- A':' PAYMENT THEREOF AND FOR VIOLATION TBERPOF, AND IIAKIIIG IT M7LAVFUL TO ENGAGE IN ANY 'e License SUCH LIMBS OF BUSIIIESS, OCCUPATIONS,-ROFESSIONS, TRADES .AND. CALIJINGS WITHOUT FIRST C Ordinance. _.. PAYING THE LICENSE 'PAX AND PROCURING LICEIISES AS PROVIDED.HEREIN," be adopted, and that .• " :•�, adid'ordinanpe_be ordered published in beth the daily newspapere o2 the City in eight r< point type. Adopted upon-oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,Baton, Baker, -J .,,: �� ^,•' Tully, Williams and Kattor john, -6. :.; ; ,ti On motion the Board aljourned,.upon call of the roll by the following vote;.. - Yong ;'Bnton, Eakor, Tully, Will1ame and_Kattorjohn,-6. 19 Ai�(rlo APPROVED'' wt, cwr - A04 r DECEMBER 6th. 1920.' ' At a Regular -Meeting of the Board o4 Commiesionors, hold in the Commissioners'. Chpmbor in the City Hall on.D000mbor 6th, 1980. Upon call of, the roll the following ' answered to.thoir. namoo:.Commiisionern Eaton, Eakor, Williame.end Mnyor.Y.attorjohn,-4. ". On motion of Cortmissioner'Eaton the minuton of.tho provious meetings were adopted as road upon call of the roll.by the following veto: Yoea,.Eaton, Faker, Williamo and Kettorjohn,-4. ;c.. Mayor KAttor,john 6tfor6fl tho.f611owing motion: I' move that the lottor from ,Moufuot !, Borky ldoorluot do Berry, attorneys, be received end filad,'and that.the Commissionor of Pnblia tioommunivation • 'Jin ro: In,juno-' Finanoo be inotruotod to rev to V1. -A.- Dorry 6260.00, .to be used :for .oaponsos in making tion suit Pod- g'. .uoah Traot on i the trip from pndnonh,.Kentucky, to Boston, Mnss: for the Tnu•noso of taking depositions 'Co vs. City .ofr taduoah, the Baso of Paducah Railway Comrany vo. tho City Paditorh, In ro:t-in of Kentucky, nondina in �doroettione• Etho United Staton District Court. POfluogh I:ontuok , y-.:. Adopted unon,call of the roll H by the following veto:. Yoas,,'Yaton, Enkor, Williams end Yattorjohn,-4. „ i.' Mpq }dsyor 12ittorjohn offercd'the following motion; I move thnt the aoMunioation . Mrs'.H.O.Rey-' >' ;'da.ted .Dooember P,nd 19PO from Mrs ' nolde oommunion-i .•. H. G.. Reynolds,' Ohairmhn District Ona, for.the silo. • tion in ro Anlo �of ' of Tied Croos Rod,Crose Chrietnwe Honig, bo r000ivod.and filod, and that the Commlesionor'.of Pub-. . Chriut'ma0 yoals.,Vlio. Finance be instructed- to issue •ohook for. tho'sum of fr60.60, myable to }•ire. vi...A• - "! slho4i.,.treasurer of .said Organization,.for'tho purnose''of buying Pod Croce Christmas (,Seals for that amount, and charge soma to the fund not otherwiso.apnronriatod. AdonL'od . ` - i b'upon. cell of the roll by.-tho following .vote: Yong, Eaton,'Eakor, ;Yilliams' and YRttor= 'fJohn,". . + 1rt Oommiesioner En ton offered the following, motion: I movo-that..the roport of �tho I' go'lioo Chief Of Chief of Pollee for the month. of llovombor. 1920 be received nnfl' filed. ':Idoptod,unon Yolioo.for Nov. , .... on1l..of the roll by tho following voto: Yoas,,Eaton, Eakor, Williams and Y-attorlohn,-4. Commieeionor Eaton offorod'tho folloctinrt.motion: I.movo that t'ho ro»ort of'tho 'lorort Chief of Fire Dopt. for Chiaf of tho Piro Dopartmont for the month' -of Ilovombor, 1020 be recoivod andfilod. ` '. Ilov. 1920. doptod' upon 0011 of tho'roll by the folloctinC voto': Yeas; Eaton;' Eakor, ylilliams and Kat'torjohn,-4. +ai Commiesionor )sat on offor.od .the following motion:. I move that tho action of the �~ Lotbte Oak Cnmoter,V donatodp Y nated3Ozton'of Ook.Crovo Comotor in donating .the' cervices to bur:q tiho:,s{all=born child t for buria'1 of . ` R. P.Thoreton'e,'�of Patrolman R. 1'. Thornton in lot ,186 Seotion`#I2'in 'Oak Grove Cometory,be ratified I i f infant. u 1by the Board. 'Of COmnissionoi's. Aflootod upon call of the roll by tho following veto:.. ' Yone,..Ea-to n.,' Eakor, Williams andKattorjohn,-4: Illi tf i . •�U,/ -4.,"44Z t:NM.R"�.•V'•' C'cCjtir.{:� iSt 'I 6.�Jwii - • . .w ` L W. .. 1 '' I' • n 1 .f, S nr„! . n it"';�.:-'i.nZ-e•' ,y "}e r_.,s- rt'f-w ,,'?.'a k.•,. �r •c. i pti _ ,. .;^AMY' .. .. ~'•r .•.T.'}y�r,:?4:..rw.:Sa^. ^•pi/•a��f,;:K"•�p'i;!;^fT;Cc) r f rte": No.`tR9 ' Commissioner's Proceedirgs,'City of Paducah 191_ Commissionor Ulliams offerod tho fol.lov+ing motion: I move that the transfer • ' :.1U1. Cemotery Transfer j .' . .,..•.� ,ash: a:,......,...�..... _,. _ . �•,. Leiah Bros. to I from Leigh Brothors of Lot g16P, in Section 14, Ook Grove Comotory, to Tyler White, be 1 Tyler ,VThite., �. .: i ratified. Adonted upon call of .tho roll by tho. following vote: Yesa, Raton, Fslmr;. 'i .. "'�-tip!' � � I !'!Slliame and':7nttcrjohn,-4. ; 1 Commissioner ':lillicros offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery Transfer 9 04 J.R.Campboll, Jr, from J. R. Cgmnbell, Jr.. Bolo heir -at -lav! of J. R. 03mobell, Sr., of the roar 10 feet sole heir o2 J.R. `= Camnbol1, Sr„ to j}' by 16 foot of the South halt of Lot #8, Section 1, Oak Grove Cemetery, to Claude Paoe, Claude Paco.. .` be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yonn; .Eaton, Fnkor, , li Willinms and Kattorjohn,-4. RoportR- Sixth k Commissioner Fn%or offered the following. motion: That the ronort on the Sixth' i Stroot Bridge h, Street Dent. for Stroot Bridge and th'e monthly ronort of the Stroot Domrt. bo received and filed, llovombor 1920. ji land Adopted unon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao, Eaton, Eal,or, Williams -I Kattorjohn,-4. Resolution of S j Mayor Kattorjohn offered the follovling motion; I move that the r.oeolutioq of ? thanks to I.11. and Bernard I thanks to I. V•l. and Bernard Bornhoim be adontod. Adopted upon call of tho.roll by 1 Rornheim. i int the following vote: Yoas,.Eaton, Eaker, Williams and Knttorjohn,'-4. . L. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: 'I move that an ordinance ontitled, Malt and .Caroal "All ORDUAHCE REGULA.'PING THE RETAILING OF IJ:LT AND CEREV, BEVRRAGEB, PROViDh1G FOR A Beverages retail license ordinanoe.; LICENSE THLRF20-4, AND, P!iE,9CRI3iII4G PENALTY.FOR VIOLATIO14 THE'RE.01 ," be ndoptaA. Adonted II 'unon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Y!illiama and Yotterjohn,-4, Commiceioner Tully entered the mooting. . Commissioner Tully offered the following mot ion;.'Cho sum of ?17,60 having been Cemetery deed to !mid into the Treasury, ae•ovidenood by the receipt filed horowith, I move that deed o-Ethol.Smith Turnor lot #68, -be executed to Ethel Smith Turnor for Lot 11o. 68 Block Ho. 4 on the Fnot side of ' I. Block #4.. . j y. Chamblln.Stroot, betwoon Ford. and Hannan Stroeta in Oal, prove Cemetery. Ad.ontod upon y oall of tho roll by the following vote: YoRs, Eaton, Faker, Tully., Villiame and. : ! Katterjohn,-6. �? , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of ,$60.00 having been { paid into the Troaeury as evidonood by tho. reooint filod herewith', I move that deed Cemetery Deed to ' > Ernest Yarbro p be exeoutod to Ernost_Yarbro for lot #77 Block 43 on tho North aide of Ford Stroot Lot #77,block , > 'between Hank and Millor'Streete in OAk Grove Cemotery. AQontad upon oell of -the roll A ' ' by the following.voto: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tull.v, Williems and. Knttnrjohn,-6. Comniesionor Tully offorod the following motion: I:movo that the a000unte for 1 the last half. of the month'of•Novomber 1920, AmountinR-to Y"r18,;828.n6, eta Per the `. .Report Com, r.: :. Finance o2 acooun-',; report of the:Commisaioner o2 Finance filed horowith,,bo allowed nod ordered mid, to for last half ' Nov. 192.0. -and the money nnr. nonriatod from the General Fund to nay same. Adontod unon cell w of the roll by tho'following vote: Yens, Ynton, Eaker, Tully, Vlillisms and 1'attorjohn.,..8 Commissionor Tully offered the following motion: T' move that tha ronor t of the I ; Renort Com1r ..:. Finnnoe for Nov. '� Compiesionar of Finanoo for the month o2 November 19.^•0 bo resolved and filed, and. ; . ember 1920. ' I ordered nublishod' in the Offioiai nowamnor, 'A.dontod unon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully,.'31lliamn end 11attorjohn,-6. On .motion the ,Board adjourned by 6 yeas..' } Adepled :.1U1. .,..•.� ,ash: a:,......,...�..... _,. _ . �•,. 1 • 'i .. "'�-tip!' � � .. �i..A:. .J f.,... 1!