HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 587, December 4, 1920• •�kT=,�::ir__ w..�:.n._.. acs..: _ i�rttw•t ..+ �C. ::� vr„M^_„iK 3 ,q.,•L:.:t rj..�,r' h 'A'fi,;1.t S".'. -jam — _,i+'PF4o' - tc ita. .p:. A.;• 4P. :F.�- rr�. t�1 ..r.a....-•�(i:c'a., ' i}, i r `Y'J< 2 {. "" eru.-t9S^7tyr ,'c, —•P v x,: - - 7+-,�.trt-F�t..y.�y;. ,:. c.^, •.,yi ;rrn•r,,:p.- S.�N� F .' w No. .5 97 + Commissioner's.Proceedings, City of Paducah 1�1 Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery trans- .i{fxom W. M, Taylor of Lot no. 175 in Section 11, Oak Grove Cemetery, to Charles Q, C; for from W.M..' i'Leigh be ratified. Adopted upon call of .the roll by the following vote; 'Yeas, Beton, Taylor to Chao. Q.C.Leigh. Baker, Tully, Williams an&'Kat.terJohn, -6..' �'. �. 0ommisaioner Baker offered the following motion -I. I' move that a streetlight hs.' Street light ab. 10th d, Jackson ,� installed ab'lOth and Jeokeon Streets. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by:the follow. Ste.. 'I ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams is ad. KatterJohn ,-5. {, Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion I move. that $?10.00 be paid &.A.Petter paid ; i t $E10.00 for ad- H. A. Potter, for and on behalf of advertising through Ohio Va11ey,Improvement vertising through Ohio Valley Im- CAssociation, same to be paid out of any funds not otherwise appropriated;' Adopted upon�'- provement Aeeo. call. *of tho. roll by the following vote: Yoas, Baton,' Eakor,.Tully, Williams and I.. 7 u ti ggKattorjohn,-5. On motion theBoardadjourned by 5 yeas, ID APP-. NOVEMBER 29TH, 1920., Ata Re' lar Livetin ot•tha Board of Commissionors, hold in .the.Commiesioners' G. gu R Chamber. in the City Hall, Padnoah,-Y,ontuoky, on Novombor 29th, 1920. Ubon call of the; roll -the following aneworod to their names: Cominiseionors Eaton, Eaker, ;Tully, t Ylilliams. and Mayor Katter john, -6. T �F On motion of Commissioner Eaton .the minutes of the previous meeting ;wore adopted as. read, upon call of the roll by the following voter Yoas, Eaton,'Eaker, Tully, Williams and mayor Yatterjohn,-6:' i? 1' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion.: I move that Y!. V., Eaton be a' `Y.V.Reton to attending Nation appointed a delegate: to attend the: national River ?c Harbor Congress, to.be held.in al River .m Harbors Congress.. p Ylaehington,'D. C., December 8th, -9th and 10th, to.reprosent the City of Paduoah. ! } 4 Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:. Yons, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams and Katter john, -6. ;i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for Y Patrolman Auph 1, medical and.eurgioal sorvioe rendered to patrolman High Garrott on edoo:mt..of his• Carrett medical and surgical being shot and wounded in October 19E0,'whilo in tho performnnoe.:af:hie duties, be { bills allov,ed 1 and paid. + allowed and paid. and ohargod to tho Police Dopartmont. Said acoountn aro as follows: R..Goodloe, Pe".00; Dr. Vernon Blythe, $20.00;. Dr. E.. W. Jackson, $26.00.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Faker,. Tully, .1illiams and, Katterjohn,-6. 0j� motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. P Advylcd61 h0"VEID IIul, DEC1:MB0 4TH. 19P.0: S At a Called LleetinR of the Board of Oommisalonors, hold in the,0ononiasionerel PP! Chamber.in the City Hall, Paduonh, Kentucky on Saturday, Dooembor,.Ath, 1920 at 10 J'. Iololook.k. 24. Upon onll of the roll the following nnuwornd'Lo their nmmne.! Commie -e rr 9 sionere Eaton,' Eaker, Tully, williame and Lnyor Yattorjohd, Mayor Kattorjohn stated ,reasons for call, to -wit: To .adopt License Ordinp.noe, and. shy other business that may come before the Board. F� ,e, Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion: I movo.than an ordinance'. h V f. Ri"�' --_ `�'h"a. "'n.', �?«�. ' �,.::.? °n♦�'r•:+!r-.o:a- .r•we•rr,.�.+c,7♦�+w •p'+ ��,. .W p - I_l''eii'i'1.1'.'r•�.1'::� `�? e'•/;r19T•j.'�Yt�'i'ry�'rtR`t1;'Kt�s'�y'•'+i;h'h"nti'�`9S'C"4Y �f%it'{K•as`.."°v' p,� Z' r .. ,�j's •zLca .t�.'.��..la�n.'L+._.._�+a...t a..... _ ! � t �. i ..�.La•�-,Ls�.:.i:t. ., J..:.._..__•_.«._ an• ej _ -r^ r y r Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ •. entitled, "AN. ORDINANCE FI%IIIG AND REG'JLATIIIG THE LICENSE TAXES, AIID I[•1RIIER AND FORM T AA OF GRANTING Al1D I9SUIN0 SAME O14 THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, OCCUPATIOII3, PROFE3320N9�, t. TRADES AND CALLINGS I17 THE CITY OF','PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND ,PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR' NON- PAYiIEPT THEREOF AND FOR VIOLATION TOE40P . AND 11AKING IT m LAvFULTO ENGAGE IN ANY License SUCH LINES OF BUSIIIESS, OCCUPATIONS, -JROFFSSIONS, TRADES .&ND.CALLINGS WITHOUT FIRST - Ordinance. PAYING THE LICENSE TAX AND PROCURING LICENSES AS PROVIDED.HEREIN " be adopted and . that 'eeid ordinanpe._be ordered published in bath the daily pewspapers of the City in eight poinp type. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,Eaton, Baker' Tully,•Williams and Kettorjohn,-6. On motion the Board aljourned, .upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas;'Eaton., Baker, Tullq, WillIama and Katterjohn,-6. 19' O Pl��'c,OV yll� t CRY cjwk DECEMBER 6th, 1920. .? At a Regular Moeting o4 the Board of Commiesionore, `held in the Commissioners?.' r' Chamber in the City Hall on,])000mbor 6th, 1920. Upon call o4. the roll. the folwing answored to.thoir nameel.Commiesionern Eaton, Eakor, Williams end Nnyor.Kattorjohn,-4. On motion of Comnissioner'Eaton the minutes oY.tho Previous meati nge were '•8adopted as road upon call of the roll: by the following vote; Yoae,.Eaton., Raker, Williams and Kettorjohn,-4.' T Mayor Kattarjohn;offorod.the following motion; I move that the letter from .; '<Ltocquot < 8) porky 1.10(srluot 8o Berry, aLtornoys, be received and filod, and that.the' Commissioner of Public ;,communication'. in re: Injuno-' tion suit Pod- Finance be inotruotod to ray to W. A. i)orry $P60.00, .to be used for .oaponsoe in makipg'. :uoah Traction the trip from pndnaah,.Kontuoky,.to Boston, Maes: for the rnrrnosoof taking depositions `Oo pI vs.' City.of ,Paduoah, in rol in the oa8o of. Paducah Railway Comrany vo. tho dity of Paduorh, Kentucky, nondina in .Jdoposit'Sone. ' ;the United'Statoo District. Conrt. at Paducah, Kontnoky.,. Adontod unon,oall.of the roll �by tho following vote;. Yooe, Eaton, Eakor, Willinme end Yattorjohn,-4. . Mayor. Rhttorjohn offerod the following motion: I move that the oomMunioation Mre'.ILG.Rey- 1 tdatod..December End,, 1920 from Mrs. H.Reynolds,' . G. Re, r n Cha nolda communion -i' i m n District Ono, for .tho sole• tion' in ro solo Rod.Crose of Tied Croce ' lot Christmas Scale, be received .and tiled, and that trio Commiesionor'oi Pub- Chriet'^:a� Seale.• '^lie. Fin anoo be instructed to issuo'ohook for. the amn of 660.00,'payable, to tire. w. 'A• ..Calhoun., Treasurer. of .said Organization, _ Yor the Tnu nose `oY bu i y ryz'P. d Cross Christmas. `"•I,i'.,' „Seale for that amount, and ohargo'samo to the fund not otherwiso.approrristod. Adontocl .' G pen. Dell of the roll by, tho following .vote: Yoae, Lacon, Ealcor; ';lilliams and Ysttar= ohnr-4• ItC Oommieeionor Ea tan ofYerod the following, motion: I move thnt,the.'roport of..*o ,ort Chiof of fp r1j 2'olioe.for the Ciof of olico fo, the month. of Rovombor, ntodu upon ao t. 19P.0.. Oall oY the roll by •tlio Yallnerin9 veto; Yoas,',Eston, Iako'r, 1°lilliam3 and Y.attorjohn,r.4. c Commiesionor Eaton offerod`the follovrinR motion: I.movo thnt'the ro„ort of'the lorort ChioP oP Piro Dopt: for _ hiof Of t:ho FSro:Demrtmont for the month of Novombor,'1OPO be r000ivod and tiled: Ilov. 1920, Adopted upon call of the roll by the followin* vote':' Yeas; Eaton;'Baker, C{lllisms and Kattorjohn,-4. Conumiesiopor Feton'offorod.tho following motion; I move that the notion of the .�. t tot,,'inOak , CemotorV'donatedSoxton'of Onk.Grove domotorY in donating•''the orv'iooe to burry tho.still=bor,n child } r. for buried of �' L R.P.Thoraton'e•.rot Patrolman R. SS. Thornton in lot 9,•186 Seotion'i2'in'Oak Grove Cometary,be ratified infant: by the Board of Commieaionoi'a. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote::. r Yoas,_Eeton ;' Baker, Williams 'andKettorjohn,-4' !' r ' wfz. rw:. ♦tA-r.l. .. .... .. 1'. i ,.•J'. t 1. .. ♦ _... ..., ., .. _ .. 't _ .., t, ",♦ .'!'..• 1,. +�)I .. .. ' •:WK2.i8iM.`R:i•.`. h t'.ti.Q.i9`£.l~1.,'�leJ' �'MA� .. r . NG:` . .. '_l.a,i L.1 4.N -... ' -