HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 585, November 22, 1920. -� � •,s' :yr .s.w - ti rl ,-7,� a a, - - m. '.. ii�i:'!Ai"t � - .. T^ntEl9c:ftG1�.•!`�%n'� . . �:� `�i��'1'r�.n `�"I _ .(. I�t.�•- -;t:) � v � .r-. � r ,,as� +.. ' ..I aM'I'}t 'kt�E".7,;�. .ram r><, Nv (it + 7'+. •S'• �y.+r�,sa�,1. IZ,�'{6r,t.K, tiI7+'�'"Y! -r t• .r y,: + �^. t,. .. . _ _ •. Y�"`r�.l'PY+!hYYats�..;•-f••r,,.. .;t.r.�+?t.,�c;MC.�r. n�: y,+aer-:�•�'t-�.rrq:. t Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah }� j Commissioner Tully offered the. following motion; That the Oommioaioner of iPinanoe be instruoted -to pay over to Yanoy & Johnson the sum of $469.66,, being the !following collections on the sidewalk Improvement at Seventh & Huebands'Streetl. . Yanoy-& Johnson paid $469.66 I! Estimate No, a .W.J, & M.R.BoRe....... ,...y108.27, oolleotions on 3 H.L.Burton....... ......... 99.66 Improvements on l' " " 7' Its,& Untilda Willa..:...'. 132.14 3.7 & Husbands' ' ° ".34 V. G. Barry ..............:.. 129.49 . St, Adopted upon'oall of the roll by the following voter Yeas, ]sten, Faker, Tully, t: JWilliams and Katterjohn,-6. I ' i On -MO tion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. Adept�d �eD�?�19*.0 F V12 D NOVEMBER 22nd. 1920. q. .. I1 At. a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners., hold in the Commissionere�( iChamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Novembor 22nd, 19P.0. Upon call of the f' Ii roll the following answered to their names; Commnisaionore Eaton Baker Tull 1YI111ame $ ,. . y, E and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.. �. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were _•,+ li adopted as read. 'Upon. Gall of' the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Eaker, a •fully, -Williams and Katterjohn,-6. �! Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That the report of -the Public R6pt gublio HHas LLeague j; Health League Nursing Service for the' month of October 1920 be received_ and- file& Uursing Service ' {, "tor Oat. 1920. j'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,.Eaton, Baker, Tully, 1�',lilliame and Kattorjohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Mayor be Army Guns pro - 4 through procured through .the McCracken County �. '.. � authorised to'order the une which have'b�en ..McCracken County Post 14o.31 Amari. - .Poet 11o. 31 American Legion, shipped tc'the City, the freight. and other ezpens.a can Legion. Incident thereto to be defrayed by the City of Paducah. Adoptod.upon call of the roll (. ", lr by.the following vote: Yone, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Ylilliams and Kattorjohn,-6: $1 Mayor Yatter ohn offered the follows y. � y j ng motion: I move that the communication' r Communication from Paducah from the Paducah Electric Company by A. S. Nichols, Manager, asking for s'permit to , j I' i .. Electric Co. w�'insVll.iron pipee on North 2nd Stroot,.betwoon Jefforeon 9troot and 6tonroe Street, bel. �• asking for per- i ! mit to install ;'reoesvod and filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted upon call of the roll by the !(1 pipes on N. 2nd St., betn. Monroe following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eaker, Tully, Williams, and Katter.john,-6. '. and Jefferson. Said communication as follows; "Paducah, Ky,;'November 22nd, 19PO Hon. Mayor and Board of Commissioners, q i City of Paducah: Gentlemen:- ;q Yle hereby make, application for permission to install two 18 inch c iron etoam mains from. our Power.Rouse sorose North S000nd Street thence ; turning at right anglos.in a Northerly direction to Monroe Stroat in that I, d. section of Second Street 'botween Jefferson and Monroo Streets, which hoe not been concreted and has been left open by tho,00ntractor, G. Yl. Katterjohn & . i Son, until we can install these mains between this data and May let, 192.1. 1+ The space left open in the said street, which these mains are to traverse, se shown on plat of Second Street between Jefferson and i;onroe I », .., " !l Streets, vdtioh plat is approved by his Eonor, the M.nyor, end. is dated November' "�!k,t ! let; 1920, A cony of this plat 1s attaohod hereto and made apart heroof... The purpose of this request and the laying of the mains is as follows; Yle have lot a contract for the installation of one 1600 Kilo Watt Turbine Generator, which is to be operated condensing. In connection with 'this work, the stoam which is now exhausted in the atmoephore will be conducted through the mains hero referred to, to a spray pond to be constructed in the so-'; c. called gas yard of the Paducah Electric Company, whore it will be oondeneed and' ' returned to the boilers, and a'muoh more economical operation of the station made possible than is now possible will result. This work is absolutely essential to the now design and construction of our not•ier station now under .way. � The Company Company agroes,to fill the space left open and. maintain the same in a reasonably safe condition for public travel. It agrees to hold the City. ;.. .+'•"1 '' of Paducah and'the oontraotor; G.•17. Katterjohn & Son, hormloss from any accidents (. .-.5'i'•2'd:\Yt'1� c_c-..x ys,•:,,r r:.-=-^zvsrr,m�:,'!�'`'� �-e:11''.ax ,aJa•:t�•. +�u7t"..--"i �.:•L'i'.�-L r 2:71:: a••rr•7"t3 atWv+4IJ i3t."� i.a+. '.L",Jt t^ _'�' ++ ° F�(cL�2''�F•°�`Itb'�+.] 1`r - u 4 { T'i i s i+' if - .. h-' J -Y^•. rTt ^l "F'w' Ty,• ' �. J y, ' } 1 . •la..a �..-.rte, �+.... a�.�. 7. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ k 4 arising out of the fact that.thia portion of the street has not boen.00noretod.' It; agrees to do the filling to the level of the concrete surface, and the book -filling n following the excavation for the mains in a manner satisfactory to Hie Honor, the Mayor. :C ... The Company has made settlement with 0. W. Katterjohn & Bon, contractor, in } such an amount ae the said oontraotor agrees will indemnify him for loss. resulting from the dealq in finishing the work, and we agree' for our part that the concrete work ' to be oompleted'by'the'oontrabtor shall be under the supervision of the Mayor and soeeptablb:to him:'''' i , , ..... .. Yours truly, 2 PiRCAH-ELECTRIC CO.; Inc. l •Y:';'' q ABB By A. S. NICHOLS, 'MOR.^ s 1 r': p Mayor.Katterjohn.offerbd the following motion; I move that .the Paducah Elea t Y• ' Paducah Sleo trio Company be granted_a permit until May let, 1921, to install -iron pipes on 'North' -. trio -.Co-. Per- �. it tolnetally Second Street, between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street, and that the 6rayor..be ,.:.::''p2ndipeSt.s on; Nbeta. . authorised to grant said permit, a copy of said permit is attaohed.to this motion and' _ Monroe & Jei- made.& part of it, and that said permit be spread upon the records. Adopted upon call) of the,roll by'tho following vote: Yess, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and KatterJohn, `B. E gSaid permit is as follows: "Tho_Paduoah Electric Company is hereby granted a'permit f to install piooe on North Second Street botwegn Jefferson Street and ' ' `•t:.i,''r +:; Monroo, Street, according to the .plat hereto attached and made a part J.l hereof. Said Company will install said pipes in the space or opening left by contractor, G. t7. Katterjohn 1r Son. said Company is to install said nines in said street by the first.day.of Itay 1921, at which time this Hermit expires.. Said Company ic.to fill said space or.oroning left by the oontraotor, 0. W. Katterjohn k son; with cinders, and to maintain said .. space filled with cinders in a.reasonably safe condition for public travel, and is to keep same in a safe condition at all times, and agrees to hold .the City of Paducah and 0. W. Katterjohn & Son harmless from any and all aooi- ;` debts.arising therefrom. Said Company is to baok-fill said'exoavation so made by SL 'F^ '� .• in the installation of said pipes, and to -level and grade same in readiness. for concrete. All the work done and to be performed under this permit is to be under the direction and supervision of the Mayor ,of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and he has the sole right to rejeot or accept said wort, after same has been completed by. said Paducah Electric Company.; V Dated at Paducah, Kentucky, this .November. 2?.nd, 1920, thio permit, being executed in ,duplicate. F. W. KATTERJOHN, Mayor." Mayor. Katterjohn offered the following motion; I..move that the request of O.W. Communication •, G.W.Y.attorjohn' Kattorjohn & Son, asking.for an extension of time within 'whioh.to oomplote.tho'con-. & Son for ox- .tonsion of struction of North End Street, between Jefferson Street and Monroe Street, be received'`: ;':time' to oom= piste work on . f and filed. .Adopted: upon pall oY.the. r.oll by the following.vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eakor, N.2nd:St. Tully, Williams and'Kattorjohn,-6. . Mayor Kattorjohn offofed the. followdng.motion: I move -that G. W. Katterjohn d, G.V, atterjohn,1 Son, .contraotore;.who have the contract for tho construction of. North End: Street; &'.Son granted f extension of '. botwoon Jofforson Street and Monroo street by paving same with conorete; whose oon- time to•-ooli. � plate work on L. treat expiree-on December 8th, 1970, be granted an exteneion.of time until the.l6th N.End St.-' y. `day.oY May1921 for the completion of said work, in a000rdanoe with .their request. - Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: -Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tull'y, t �. ! Williams and•Katterjohn,-B., 'Apomm1e91oner Eaton offered the following.motion: John McGuire having left' the r ti John „MoOuire. bond with J e . employ of the City and having resigned from hie position and employment with the- City (J, national Sure- ure-tyCo.;raises- ty Co. raises- and no _longer beingin the position of Jailer,.I move that the National surety pony, as.surety for John McGuire as .City Jailer be. . now. finally and fully released from Qall further liability as such surety.in said bond of. the said. -John MoGuiie: 'Adopted :;.;. upon call of tho-roll by.the,fallowing vote;..Yeas, Eaton; Baker, Tully. Williame and'.. tx x ` . Katterjohn,-B. i -Report of �' Oommissionor Williams offered the following motion: That the, Riverside Hospital j Riverside Hoe- ,pital for Oct. Pat ients.Report be received and filed.:.Adopted upon call of the toll by the ,follow- .' 4 1920 -of patients .� , ing votej yens, Eaton, Baker, TtMly, Williams and Katterjohn,-w5.'..­',.. ' ;-,x� _?iii -- _-.a�..�...t'r4iG�•'rr•1Lw ttt r*.Y.r:t•.`Cp.�vr�ir*rt�!;zl'•'r"-:`;-:`j:'.St��: :Ey,, sal+i>�� .t"�@rjd�.q�.,S �.: .r_ . v x.t'ipl ni �'^•'::t . si. ^rufrv: ya �,. 'y-;; � "c•s(-,1^Fci',, ^;, ��. yRr,nr i z.e�,,yui �. P-, ..':iga. . .. ' 2177M 2 ,i^r,rl •Y.;1?p 'i:. F I No. s V7 , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah I91_ Commisaioner Williams offered the following motions I move that the transfer Cemetery trans i'from W. M. Taylor of Lot No. 176 in Seotion 11, Oak Grove Oemetery, to Charles Q, C; Teylorotow.M.., i'Leigh be ratified. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yene, Eaton, i Q.C.Leigh, "`Baker. Tully. Williams and 'Kat.terjohn,-b..' Ii Commissioner Baker offered tho following motion•: I•move that a street lighb be.` = Street light at. 10th & Jaokson ,i. installed' at 'loth and Jaokeon Streets. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by: the follow Ste.. ' lIng vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and. Katter John. -6. ". Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move.that $210.00 be paid ` H-.A.Petter raid i o plc .00 for ad- H. A. Potter, for and on behalf of advertising through Ohio Valley,improvemopt vertleing through Ohio Valley Im- �Assooiation. same to be neid out of any funds not othorwise snpropriated:- Adopted upon - provement Asso. i'oall.of tho roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tully, Williams and t P �.. hKattorjohn,-5. ' On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas, .ABs- HOVEIMER 29TH, 19P.0. G. At a Regular Mooting oi'the Board of Commieelonore, hold in .the (:ommissionerst Chamber.in tho City Hell, Paduoah. Y,ontuoky, on November 29th, 1920. Upon pall of the; roll the following anev,orod to their namoo: Commiseionors Eaton,. Esker Tully, "iilliams, and ?Aayor Katter john. -6. On motion of Commissioner Eaton .the minutes of the provious mooting;'viore adopted as read, upon.oall of the roll by the 'following votet Yoas. Eston','Esker, 1 Tully, Williams and -Mayor YBtterjohn,-6:' q Mayor Ketterjohn offorod the following motion.:•I move that W. V. Eaton be a W.V.Beton to attending Nation -:'4 appointed a delegate.to attend the'National River P< Harbor Congress, to ,be held .in i al River '& Harbor Congress,. N Ylaehington,'D. C., December Stb,'9th and 10th, to.rern•osent tho City of PAduoah. _! • .a W Adopted upon dell of Lho roll by the Yellowing vote:. Yoas, Eaton-, Eakor, Tully, Vlllliams and Katterjohn,-6. Oommiesionor Eaton offored the following motion: I move that the n000unts for r.' yPatrolman Hugh medioal and.eurgioal sorvioe renderod to patrolman Hugh Garrott on a000nnt..ot'hia, J Garrett medioal pp' 1 ' and eurgioel p boiru shot and wounded in Ootober 1920."whilo in tho performnnoe;:oZ`hie duties, be • bills ellov,ed ! ' ' ir• �, and paid. allowed end nnid.and ohargod to the Polido Do+nrtmont. Sold n000unto aro as follows t''.• .. R..Goodloe, $55.00; Dr. Vernon Blythe, $20.00;, Dr. E.. W. Jaokeon, $26.00.'' i ._ Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yana., F.aton, Baker,. Tully. i, Williams and Katter john, -6. . i• 0 motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. AdaFIedNZ316-19 9L0Y. ['. �'.E'h 0 V IL } DFC121TW 4TH 1920: At a Called 2leetinR Of the Board of nommiaolonors, hold in tha.06nminsionare t I Chamber.in the Oity Hall, Pnduosh, Kontuoky on Saturday, Dnoemhor,dth,'1920 at 10 Y; otolook.A. M. Upon oall of tho roll tho following anowornd to their nn,mns.; Commte 3' eionere Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and 6nyor Kattorjohn,-B. :. Mnyor Kattorjohn stated ,reasons for oall, to -wit: To.adopt License Ordinnnoe,_.:t.,•r,:•:`,„ and. shy other businoss that may oome before the Board. " .n Commissioner,Tully.offored the following motion I movo.than an ordinance Y ' 1 I - - 'M , Lam`• ' 1 1 f 1 -