HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 584, November 20, 1920;�+�G;t ;,-
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No.'v .. n
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah k
t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;. I.move that the Gum of $24.80
Michael:Dohorty'be.refunded to Miohael.Doherty on account oi.double assessment on property at 1130.x:.
rofiinded $24.80
on Tax Bill 'Trimble Street, assessed at $1136.00 on Tax. Bill #810,.the tax on this property having
;. �•
been paid by the owner R. C. Jenkins on Tax Bill #3676. Adopted upon call of the
roll by the following vot6t,,Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B.
commissionor Tully offered the following motion- That the Commissioner.o!
Yancey. k John-!'inanoe be inetrnoted to Pay over to Yanoey.b Johnson tho'eum.of $1,669.92,"being ,Lhe
eon paid ,
$1,669.9E,bein& smount of oollootiona on the sidewalk improvement on Seventh and Husbands Street by the
amount of ool-
leotione.on pidePollowing parties:.-
i walks on 7Lh'••.r"t " F. Hannay, Engineer's Estimate $18.
,` ..$179.24
b Husband• Ste •1, ry. Hook " ^ 12•, .142.76
Mary I. Murray " " E2, 237.13
Russell Moes " " E3 47.07
Runeell Armbreoht " " 32 143.64
4 A.`Metoalfe " " 3s 123.28
Ed Ivorlett ^ ^ 20 162.90
p Joel Darnell ". " 28 302.47,
Aris James " ^ El 124.91
Sarah B. Hoover " ": 6, 106.63
:Adopted upon call of the.roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,,Tully, 'Willie>fla
and.Katterjohn,-6. .: .
Commiesioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the Commie toner
Com'r..of of Public Finance be authorised to'go before the State Tax Commission at Frankfort for
' '' finance to go' the purpoee.o! adjusting the tax question regarding the P de I Railroad and certain
before State
Tax I.
in ree::CommissionPP.4franchise assessments. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae,
P. k I. � :.
tax gneetion..�Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams.and Katter.john,-6.
Coounissionor Baker offered the following:motion: I move that B. B. Gray, who.
was employed by tho.City, bo allowed the sum of $24.00 in full settlement.tor injury
allowed 24.00,.:
' in lull eettlo `to hie foot while working on the Sixth Street Bridge in the City of Paducah, Kentucky,
mend for injury
to his.foot �on.or about the 23rd day of October 1920, said eum to be in full settlement of all
sustained while,'
;:.working on claims, and that,tho.City Solicitor be instructed to draw the proper release and as
';6th St.Bridge:
to-be charged to the Sixth Street Bridge account. Adopted upon call.of the roll.by,the
following votet.Yeas, Eaton,. ERker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. .
ti On motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas.
Ada fe4_161-- 194--o
City G..i
ROVE)ABER 20th, 1920.
. i.'ti.; `:•,: .,4:.. At a.Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners • .
chamber in. the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on NovemberEOth, 1920, at 10 O'clock A.MI
Upon-call of the roll tho•following'snewered to their names;, Commissioners Eaton,
} Baker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Itatterjohn,-6.
i;•' Report Com''it; Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wits To allow pay roll for first
of Finance
. accounts fire: half of November 1920, and any other business thatmight come before the Board.
hal! Nov
1920:,« Commissioner .Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for
the.first half of the month of November 1920, amounting to $9,067.69; as per the report
,of the Com'r. of.Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and,ordored paid, and the money
ar•=;=iA appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall-of the roll by the
following votoi Yoae,'Eaton, .Baker, Tully, Williams and Sattorjohn,
Comm-the report o! the commie-
issioner Tully offered the following motions Thet
;`Liberty Bonds
semi-annualsioner•of Finance regarding the-deposit nu
to the Sinking Fund of the eemi-anal interest
deposited to on the $26,000.00 in Liberty Bonds be reoelved:and filed. .Adopted upon call of the
s ; Sigking Funds
r +;v}'°':.,;., roll by the following votes Yeae;.Eston,,Eaker,;Tully,.Williams and Matterjohn,-6.
_ •
.ra".i:>!�•a];:o.sa• .,;:�•r,..:,,,6•f0 ti:` . - .. ,:u x:..,w.�.:�: - rt.;•. .Sit ni-,;4.'r<�.�xv,.� ,
.. :_ u
.1.... .?i C.r _�"=� 4SJ '+ •e -0. _ _ - fro. r^,Sw�.YSGGt"'e 3irc$ -,: r•,Ti'• .. W;^, *'4 �•. t�+1'1 k li,,r,', � ir'�MbiXXit.',:
'• „' ,.,�„. yt'�� re'r 1 4"�7ti n<,�.-one. +cM _,:� '5" �`!r. "'tiy i�!jd r� ;�.�! � w.: r .. �. µr n -' � f> ..
� .. •Yi'-°�i+7Y4rgY•u7r,_Tryt!f:r+'.:;•n•,�.gy..+.,�,gn,t :er. xtr-.:r•e:`rn�� ` ,
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah
j Oommieelonor Tully offered the, following motion: That the Oommioeioner of I
iFinanoe be instructed to pay over to Yanoy'& Johneon the sum Of W9.66,, being the I
` jfolloving oollootione on the sidewalk improvement at Seventh & Husbande Street:
Yanoy & Johnson
paid $469.66 Eetimato No. E W.J..&. M.F.Boas....... ....;y'108.E7.
a collections ont 3 H.L.Burton.............,... 99.66
Improvements on j ^ " 7Ira & Matilda Wills..'....'. 13P..14
3.7 & Husbands" ^.34 V.G.Berry..............:.. 1P,9.49 '
IAdoptad upon bell o! the roll by the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully,
'williame and Katterjohn,-6.
On .motion the Board adjourned by 6 yeas. +S
!;. Ad.oplpp�''d ���IA��
I y<,'
NOVEMBER P.End, 1920.
j At. a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiseloneree hold in the Commissioners'(,;"
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Novembor 22nd, 19P.0. Upon ball of the '
roll the following answered to their names: Commissionore Eaton, Raker, Tully, William
and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
I. On motion of.Commiseioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were
adopted as read,•upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker,.,
'n Tully,•Williame and Katterjohn,-6.. '
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That the report of the Public
Rep Public If
ea eague ;I Health League Nursing Service for the month of October 1920 be received,and-filed.'
NureIng Service
..;for oat. 192,0. R
�i Adopted upon.call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas,.Eaton, Eaker, Tully, '
'dilliame and Katterjohn,-6.
Comiesionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor be
;." Army Guns pro- 1
ourad through i
jl authorized to order the gone which have been procured through .the McCracken County
:y McCracken County
Peat No.31 Ameri-,..poet No. 31 Amerioan Legion, shipped tc the City, the freight. and other expense
can Legion. .p
3 r Ii incident thereto to be defrayed by the City of Paducah. Adoptod.upon call of the roll
by this following vote- Yons, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Kattorjohn,-6'.
Mayor Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication'
communication it from the Paduoah Eleotrio Company by A. S. Niohole, Manager, asking for s'permit to
from Paducah
t Electric Co. . 'inet�ll.iron pipes -on North 2nd Stroet,.betwdon Jeftoreon Street and Monroe Street, be�
asking for per- _ .
emit to install - call and filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted upon ball o! the roll by the '
.!' Pipes on N. 2nd �.'
a St., betn. Monroe, following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eaker, Tully, Williams, and Katter,john,-6.
and Jefferson. <,
Said oommunioation as follows: �:'" `•`'
"Paducah. Ky,;'November 2P,nd, 19PO.
{ i Hon. Mayor and Board of Commissioners,
�i City of Paducah.
4 Gentlemen:— e. ,
We hereby make. application for permission to Install two 18 inch
r iron etoam mains from. our Povrer,ilouse aoroea North Seoond Street thenoe f-
i. turning at right engles.in a Northerly direction to Monroe Stroot in that
j section of Second Street between Jefferson and Monroo Streets, which hae not
li been conoreted and has been left open by tho,00ntraotor. G. W. Katterjohn &
(I Bon, until we can install these mains between this date and May let, 1921
The space left open in the said street, which these mains are to
j� traverse, is shown on plat of Second Street between Jefferson and PSonroe
Streets, vnioh plat is approved by His Ponor, the 1,1-nyor, and is dated November'..
f' let; 1920. A copy of this plat is attached hereto and made apart heroof... ; - ''
Thelaying e mans s as
Y. purpose of this request and the In 1 o! the i�'t
(� follows:.
4!e have let a contract for the installation of one 1600 Kilo Watt
1 Turbine Generator, which is to be operated condensing. In conneotion with
i this work, the stoam which is now exhausted in the atmosphere will be conducted
through the mains hero referred to, to a spray pond to be bonstruoted to the so
called gas yard of the Paducah Electric Company, whore it will he condensed and
a. I returned to the boilers, and a'much more eoonomioal operation of the station
made possible than is now possible will result. This work is absolutely essential
to the now design and construction of our povier station now underway.
The Company agro'es.to fill the space left open and.nwintain the same w <'
in a reasonably safe condition for public travel. It agroee to hold the City.
I of Paducah and'the oontractor; G. -W. Katterjohn & Son, hprmloss from any eooidente
..j r.
- _ . .•... - f .. .. ec. "',,,,„- ..Y.'.�e.Z. "'TF.;S"'C.v-. .......•,.�: •'�'9"�"Za..... K^':f.