HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 581, November 5, 1920No. s
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_
Mayor Batter John offered the following motion, I move that the a mmunioatlom
from Paducah Traction Company and the Paducah Light 6 Power Company by its Assistant
Treasurer. be received and filed and spread on the minutes, Adopted upon cell of the
roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Katter John, -3.
Said oomaunl oat ion is as follows, to -wit:
"Paduoah Kentucky, October 2.7, 192.0.
Paducah Tractation of Hon, CiF. W. Bal, JOhn,
Paducah Traction Co. City Hall,
sad Paducah Light 6 City,
Power Co, in re; Dear Sir:
dissolution of said We were requested by Meeerse Hummel Bros,, to notify the
companies. City In writing that the Paducah Traction Company and the Paducah
Light 6 Power Company had ceased to exist and that the property had
been taken over by the Paducah Railway Co. and the Paducah Electric
Company respectively. Copies of this notice inadvertently left our
office yesterday not accompanied by letter of explanation. We trust
you will forward them thru the necessary channels so that the records
in the city office may be complete as to the dissolution of the two
named companies.
Yours very truly i
L. W,NidtY,
LWE/EC Assistant Treasurer. -
Mayor Katter)ohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication
from Hammel Bros., regarding release of bonds of Paducah Traction Company and the
Commnloatlon Paducah Light 6 Power Company, be received and filed, and referred to the Com'r of
Hummel Eros., in re.
release of bonds of Public Works for investigation. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes -
Paducah Traction Co.
and Paducah Light 6 Yens, Eaton, Williams and Ketterlohn,-3.
Power Co.
Commissioner Tully entered the meeting.
Communication John Mayor Katter John offered the following motion, That the oommunicatlon of John
Herzog. Hereog be received and filed and referred to the Commleeioner of Finance. Adopted upon
call of the roll by the following vote: Yass, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter John, -4.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner
Yancey 6 Johnson PS14L of }inane be authorised to pay over to Yancey 6 Johnson, contractors, the ewe of
$340.48 on setims tee
to date on improve- $7.40,46, being the collections to date on the estimates on the improvement on Husbands
went on Husbands b
S. 7th Ste. and South Seventh streets. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeee,
Eaton, Tully, Williams and. Katter John, -4.
on motion the Board adjourned by 4 yea*. -I
�e1 rJ./Y
NOVEMBER 6th. 1920.
At a Called Me461ag of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Commissions re'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 6th, 1980, at S o'olook Pe M.
Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton,
'-' Ecker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Ketterjohn,-6,
• Mayor Batter John stated reasons for call to -wit: To allow salaries and accounts
for the month of October 1930, and any other bucinese that may tomo before the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition from
Hulsanos exlet- residents in Llttlev111e regarding nuisance existing there, be received and flled,ayd
ing in Little-
, Ville. referred to the Board of Health. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votat
Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Patter John, -B.
c i
I.x..+.;.K;^`;S.-e tett... - .r-.. �s `�,w•� __
Proceedings, City of Paducah 191__ ''t=
i! Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: I move that the"action of the ( 3`
Extra ClarkCommissioner of Finance in"employing.an.extra Clerk to assist in the Tax Collection
aseisit, in e
Tax Collection during.the month of .October, at the expense of $76.00, be approved., Adopted upon.oall
the roll by the tailoring dotes Yeae, Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and SatLerjohn,6l
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .Thatthe accounts for the last
Report Com'r• half of the month of October 1920, amounting to $63,612.10, so. per the report of the
Finance of „
accounts for. loommissioner of Finanoe filed herewith' be allowed and ordered paid, and the money
last half Oot•�
appropriated from the General Fund to pay same: Adopted neon sell of the roll by the
� following' votes "Yeae, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and )totter john, -6..'
Ootssstsieeloner Tully offered the :following motion; That the report of 'the Commis -
Report Com'r.", eloner of Finance for -the month of. October 1920,be reoeived.and filed, and ,ordered e
Finance for.
month of Oct.` published in the Official Newspaper.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the follows
ng. .
' 1920.
votes Yeas, Eaton, Baker,' Tully, Williams and.Katterjohn,-6.
` Commissioner Faker ,offered the. following'motions.I move that the Commissioner of '
','•Broad Street Publio. Works be instructed to repair the .Broad Street $ridge over Cross Creek as same
Bridge over
i Cross Creek...,' is in .need of repairs and same can be repaired for approximately $1260. for, new lumber
and.$260. for labor= cost of repairing same to be charged to account of streets.
Adopted upor,•oali•,of the roll by Ehe following, vo to Yeae, Eaton, Balder, Tully.". ,
Williams and Bhtterjohn,-6..' 1
Oommiesioner Eaton offered the. following motiont I move that the report of the `
Report Binet.. 'Chief of Police for the month.of October be received and >filad. Adopted .upon oah of 2i•.
of Police for
October 19P.0:.'' the roll by..the.following votes Yeas; .Baton; Baker, Tally, Williams and Kat.LerJohn, -6..�
` :• i
Commissioner Eaton offered the following-motiont I move that the report of }t
Report Oh
ief Of the Chief of the Fire Department: for. the month"of 'October be received and filed.
Piro Dept. for.
October 1920.'"
,Adopted upon osli.of•the'roll by the following voter Yeae, Eaton. -Baker. Tully;.
Williams and Katterjohn,-i:
r On motion of Commissioner Tally the Board adjourned upon call"of. the roll by .
the following votes" Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and )%tterjohn,-6. fI
,e {
i s
November 8th, 1920. t`r
At a'Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held In the Comniseionere!.'
'j.-Ohamber in the "City Hall, Paducah. gentuoky, on November'8th, 1920. ,Upon.'oall of the. I F
r.' kroll the following answered.to their -names: Commissioners Baker, Tully, Williams and
Mayor Katterjohn,-4. t "
:'•�s On motion of mayor Katterjohn the minutes of. the previous meetings were. e
''adopted as read upon call of the roll by -the following vote:.Yess, Baker. Tully,`
Williams' and, Katter john, -4:' f
i ill
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motions I,move that the employment of F
Connell L. Oonnell L. Dabney, as. Inspector on the Second Street Work at $6.00 per day, be ratified 7
Dabney, -In- �..
speotor 2nd' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votet Yeas, Faker, Tully,.Williame and • '
St. work.
kKabtor John m4. . ?r
Oommiselonor Williams offered the following motion: That the communicationh�
Park Board
:_.allowed of the Park.Board be 'received and filed and the Commissioner of Finanoe be instruoted " �'•
Ito pay over the sum of $300.00 an. requeeted. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the t
yyfolloaing,vote.s Yeas, Baker., Tully; Williame'and'Katterjohn.-4.
tr4iJurs:.e::.G ii ,115ckt�aAj:WAyC+S::(;,y' [.u:.S. • _, �.., w ,. , .:w r. _ter, i;,...,,, r .
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