HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 15, Page 579, October 25, 19201 1 1 y�i��iY,i�' e�!.?.�7�tAy1fi4:vrrri:'Jrr:!:W��w^�9�.r��;.5".Yr�w ,n-..w...�.,•a,�,,.,a� c 5 .M`r •^ts�u�rl+^'ht Rr rwr�c�•p.+r -^ •, .��2y jr•<�C�•�'"%-tuV tw-. p.t.�.a 4 af.i'M' �.l•'G ` 1;��:d•?�^ .-....y-u...3 !' '' �_ �.%`��a+-'.��..-+� t{ •� t z�JL'-u-r.u..�::b4ur ��=4 •.'.r ,� 77 ,f NO_A2Q. J Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191 a— Commissioner tally offered the following motion, B. 0. Evano and Mrs. Lula Austin having signed bonds for 10 year payment plan for the sidewalk improvement on 16th 8% B. 0. Bvane and Mrs.Lula Austin between Broadway and Jefferson Streets, I move that the City Solicitor be instructed 10 year payment plan Bonds for Ito prepare Bonds to be issued by the City of Paducah for the amount of said estimates sidewalk improve ' ment on 18th St. $410.96. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following'votst Yens Beton Tally, both. B'wny and 11 Jefferson St. ;Williams and Katterjohn,-4. III On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yens. (j ddop ed 6 19'x° :.er �tLC->V"LJ:O . 'At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioner's II� Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Wednesday Obtober 20th. 1980 at 10 l o'clock A. Y. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commia- II eioners Baker. Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-8. j! Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call, to -wit: To allow pay roll for the first half of Ootober 1980, and any other businee a'that might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts ;a1t 0o o�'r of I� for the first half of the month of October, amounting to $17.067.70, as per the no• accounts s for fit half of I October, 1980. I.report of the Oom'r of Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid, and the I, . money appropriated from tbo General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll . II by the following votes Yeae, Baker, Tully and Katterjohn,-3. �On motion�tpe Board adjourned by S yeas. II OCTOMM 25TH, 1920. II At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' 1 Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on. Ootober 26th, 1920. Upon call of the soil. the following answered to their namest Commissioners Baton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katterjohn.-8. On motion of Commissioner Baton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ss read upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Baton, Baker, Tully Williams and Katterjoha,-6. �II Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that D. Harry Jamie90n D.Harr>: Jamieson h be paid the sum of $130.88, balance due him on contract dated June 18th, 1920, for $180.88 balance complete plans and drawl due him on oon- age for Nurses' Home of Riverside Hospital, said amount being tract dated Jane 16th, 1920, Hurees'in full payment to date, same to be charged to the Contingent Fund, and the Commis - Home' "• eioner of Finance is hereby authorised to pay said amount. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6.' i Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the history of History of Pada- i Paducah se embraood in the "Ste oah by Fred G. "Story of Paducah" by Prod G. Bauman. be endorsed by the. Neaman. �� Board.of Commissioners as the official history of the City of Paduoah,.and that the I; Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to purchase from the author ten copies. �j of said book, to be need in the different departments of the City, said expenditure to be appropriated. from and paid out of the General Expenditure Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Raker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. I No. __IYo C of Paducah-191— Commissioner aducah !9/_ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the statement Statement Com'r of Finance showing the comparative net cost of the operation of the City of Paducah for the last shoeing oom- parative net five years under the Old Form of Government, and the five years under the Commission cost of opera- tion of City Form be received and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: of Pnduoah un- der Old and Yens, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams and Ratter Sohn, -B. Cc mmieeios Gov. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that Theme Cballenor, Thoe.Challenor, Sr. Refunded Sr., be refunded 921.88 for rent for the months of October. November and December 921.88 for rent for Oct. 1920, paid by him on Stall Be. 20 }, which stall nee given up to the City for the par - Nov. 6 Dec. 1920 for stall pose of making improvements. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Beton, Esker, Tully, w1111nme nod Katt er ]abn,-S. On motion the Board ad,journei by 5 yeas. IL �_ � esnzoR NOYFZ03ER 1. 1920. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Comalanioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November let, 1920. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Beton, Williams and Mayor Ratter Sohn, -3. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Williams end KetterSohn,-3. Mayor Katter Sohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication from the Paducah Railway Company be received and filed and spread on the minutes. COMYU111CATION Adopted upon call of the roll b;: the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Williams and Katter- Paducah Rail- way Company 4ohn.-3. in re:-diesalu- tion of Paduoeh Said communication being as follows, to -wit: Traction Co. _ Honorable Mayor and Commieeionors of the City of Paducah, Paducah, Ky., Gentlemen: This will advise that the corporation known as the Pnduoah Traction Company has been dissolved and oeaeed to do buelnese as of September 30th, 1919. Its property ase acquired by the Paducah Railway Company, Incorpo- rated, under the lane of Kentucky. PADIICAH RAI1'i1AY COl.!P,:NY, Inc. LWE/EC By L. V. EMERY, ASSISTANT TREASURER. - Mayor Katter John offered the following motion: I move that the communion - tion from the Paduoeh Electric Company be received and filed, and spread on the minutes. Communication Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Williams and Ketter- Paducah Else - trio Co. in re dissolution of Said communication being as follows, to -wit: Paducah Light NPower Co. -Paducah, Ky., October 28, 1920. Honorable itsycr and Commissioners, of the City of Paduoeh, Paducah, Ky. Gentlemov: Thin will ndvle• that the corporation known as the Paducah Light b Power Company has been dissolved and canned to do business an of September 30th, 1919. Ito property nee acquired by the Paducah Electric Company, Incorporated, under the laws of Kentucky. PADUCAH KLKCTRIC COMPANY, Inc. LWE/EO. BY L. W. EMERY, ASSISTANT TREASURER. - CLO1